12:50pm Jul 3 2010
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((okay, im as.suming all of you are still in the field.)) Saria was following Inu and Shay through the long gr*censored*... the rings on her pelt glowed calmly with the golden gr*censored*. Inu was farther ahead, looking for somebody...no doubt Star. Shay had backed to be next to her, "You okay?" he asked confused. Saria quickly nodded, "Just thinking." she stated. ((sorry lame post xD))
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12:58pm Jul 3 2010
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((Adding a vaporeon and an eevee.Both females.Vapreon is Rain and the eevee is Rika)) "Its someone else." She muttered.She layed down and rested her head on her paws,sighing. Kai smiled and layed down beside her,looking around the clearing. The umbreon in the tree smiled,watching Luna and the other umbreon. A vaporeon jumped out the stream and shook her pelt.She was soon greeted by an eevee,and the two started to argue."You have to be a vaporeon!Its so cool!" The vapreon insisted."But what if being one of the others is just as cool?I cant be sure till Ive talked to them all." The eevee argued.
1:01pm Jul 3 2010
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Kaze soon heard the arguing and walked out tilting his head "whats wrong with staying an eevee like me" he said wagging his tail. Storm looked up at him and smiled her tail wagging happily. Yue nodded "the other unbreon must really make you mad then" he said to her smiling.
1:02pm Jul 3 2010
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Saria was getting thirsty... she looked at Inu and Shay who seemed to have understood. Saria got into a crouch and launched herself through the brush, her surroundings a blur as she came to a quick stop at the bank of a small stream. Inu and Shay's steady footsteps echoed behind her. Inu sat on the bank and basked on a stone...the warm sun heated his orange pelt. Shay put his face in the water, lapping up the cool liquid to quench his thirst...Saria bending down and doing the same. Shay soon saw a goldeen threw the water, he smiled and jumped into the water, trying to catch the squriming fish. Saria rolled her eyes, and continued to drink the refreshing water
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1:06pm Jul 3 2010
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Flare decided to walk around for abit and so stood up "hey Strom ill be back soon im just going for a walk" she said smiling as Storm nodded. Flare soon started walking around and soon came across a river that had other eeveelutions laying down she basked in the sun not being too near then incase they wernt friendly.
1:07pm Jul 3 2010
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Rika turned her head to look at Kaze."Eevees are weak.I wanna be something stronger.Im just not sure what I wanna be yet." She told him. Rain rolled her eyes."Vapreons are better." She muttered. "Oh he does." Luna said."Even more so than that stupid Jolteon over there." She turned her head to glance at Kai,then looked away.
1:11pm Jul 3 2010
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Kaze growled "no there not those who want to change without even trying are weak" he said to her. Yue laughed "is there any male who dont make you mad?" he asked her smiling. Storm looked up at Kai and tilted her head "i wont be a burden will i?" she asked him with a small whimper.
1:14pm Jul 3 2010
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Saria was listening to the conversation between the vaporeon and eevee... she growled lowly, her rings glowing with annoyance. Inu caught her agitation. He stolled over and rolled his eyes, "Such ashame when they think so highly of themselves." he joked, Shay chuckling in agreement. Shay wasnt really sure what he wanted to be...a strong umbreon like Saria, or a fast jolteon, or maybe a firey flareon...an icy glaceon? He couldnt decide, but he knew Saria would know.
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1:17pm Jul 3 2010
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Flare raised her head watching the others they all looked close well the umbreon the flareon and the eevee did the others looked like they like to fight just to have something to say.
1:25pm Jul 3 2010
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Rika sighed patienly."I have tried.Im tired of being an eevee.Is it really so wrong that I want to change?" She asked him. "None so far.Theyre all scared of my temper." She smirked."As they should be.Its kinda funny how they all go running." But as she lay there,watching the others,a small part of her wished that atleast one of them hadent. Kai leaned over and nuzzled he cheek."Of cource not." He rolled his eyes."Trust me.You'll know if you ever become a burden on me.But Im not expecting that for a long time."He smiled.
1:29pm Jul 3 2010
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Storm smiled and nuzzled him back happily. Yue laughed "well im not one to be scared oh a temper" he said with a wink as he laughed. Kaze looked at her calming down "but if you evolve then youll have a bigger weekness then if you stay an eevee" he said whimpering.
1:40pm Jul 3 2010
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Saria rolled her eyes, she was growing tired of evolutions that thought so highly of themselves, she wasnt afraid of any of them... and wanted so badly to put them in their place...she rose to her feet, a threatening glare in her eyes, she took a step foward and Shay jumped in front of her, "Dont waste your time, Saria. Their not worth it." he sighed impatiently, his umbreon friend always resorted to violence... and was pretty good at it to. He looked at his brother who still basked on the stone... he was little help. He looked at Saria, pleading with her to stay at ease. Saria sighed and layed down on the sandy bank... he smiled contently and jumped up to see his brother. "Inu! Want to play a game?" he asked excitedly... Inu cracked an eye, "no." he stated before closing it once more. Shay groaned and hopped down, to find Saria resting in the gras.s's shade. When you evolve, do you always become boring? he thought.
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1:40pm Jul 3 2010
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Kai chuckled."Now lets just hope your flareon friend can find someone." He said. Ryu grew bored,and got up to walk around the clearing,looking for someone to talk to.He cautiously walked towards Flare,and sat down a few feet away.He hadent noticed there was another flareon here. Luna rolled her eyes."You might change your mind after hanging around me for a while." She said.
1:44pm Jul 3 2010
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Storm nodded "i hope so too" she said to him. Flare opened her eyes seeing another Flareon tilting her head she wondered who he was "hello" she said to him sitting up curling her tail around herself. Yue laughed "still dont think i will. Like Kaze has a temper my parent both had bad tempers but they where both Flareons so they where hot headed" he said laughing.
1:48pm Jul 3 2010
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Shay finally relaxed, and layed his head in between his paws. the trickling water soon put him to sleep. Saria soon awokened, and decided to explore her new home. The gr*censored* was higher then she was but she hardly minded... she hopped on the stones across the stream and started to stroll up the oposite side of the bank
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1:56pm Jul 3 2010
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"Im sure she will.Theres plenty of other pokemon in the forest." He smiled. "Hi." Ryu said."Im Ryu.Who are you?" He asked,both curious,and kinda shy. Luna laughed quietly."Yes,but Flareons are nothing compaired to the crowd I run with.I run with mightyena and houndooms." She grinned. Lunar took that moment to leap down and sit beside them."Even now,you still run with those losers,Luna?I thought you were p*censored*ed that." He smirked."Guess some things never change." Luna growled and sat up."Back off,Lunar.Im tired of your mouth.Go play with your human friends,and stop tormenting me." She snapped.
1:59pm Jul 3 2010
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Inu heard about the mightyena...he couldnt help a chuckle. What self respecting eeveelution would as.sociate themselves with a bunch of mutts? He looked at Saria who seemed to be thinking the same. She must be off, getting some fresh air to cool herself down.
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2:00pm Jul 3 2010
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Strom smiled at him and licked his cheek making a spark. Flare smiled at him tilting her head "im Flare" she said smiling. Yue sat up and glared at Lunar "its clear she doesnt like you so why dont you leave now" he said with a growl his blue rings glowing with his anger.
2:16pm Jul 3 2010
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Kai chuckled and made a small electric current surround just the two of them.He smiled happily. "Nice to meet you,Flare." Ryu said.He looked down at his paws."So what being you here?" He asked,looking pretty shy. Lunar rolled his eyes and smirked."Luna and I go way back.Im just staying till I know shes happy." "I was untill you showed up." She spat."I dont need you hanging around here anymore.Go be human or something.Im sure it wont be hard to get enough help to chase you off." Lunar rolled his eyes."You couldent beat me if you tried.I was an umbreon too,you know." "You wouldent last against two of us." Luna snarled.
2:24pm Jul 3 2010
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Yue nodded still glaring at Lunar standing near Luna growling at him. Storm smiled giggleing doing the same to him before nuzzleing him again. Flare smiled at him "i am here with my sister but she likes this male so i left her with him while i came for a walk i think his name was Kai" she said before smiling at him.