6:02pm Jul 3 2010
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6:08pm Jul 3 2010
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Inferno nodded again, setting his head on his paws as his visible green eye focused on the female, his tail twitching. Both Psyche and Flashfire nodded, their ears pricked. They felt so huge, towering over these other Eeveelutions the way they did.
6:08pm Jul 3 2010
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Daniel looked around seeing all the other eeveelutions and paniced before running into the sun showing everything about him from his black fur to his blue markings to the twin horns on his head as he ran and hid behind May as she stood up protecting him "hello" she said to them tilting her head letting a soft heat go over her brother to try and calm him down abit. Ami ran over giggleing as Yuki, Sasha and Zues came over as well all standing infront of Daniel May in the very front.
6:10pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((They are ding that because of Flashfire and Psyche, yes?))
6:10pm Jul 3 2010
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"Can you talk?" Kiri asked "So wow you two are big... cool!" Moon smiled

6:11pm Jul 3 2010
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((well and the others as well lol if it was only Flashfire and Psyche then they wouldnt but because there are so many they try to stay together just incase))
6:24pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 177
((Sorry I vanished for so long.XD Im at someones house,but I took the netbook with me.lol.Now Im the one whos lost.lol.)) Kai nodded,grinning."Pretty much.It was boring till you showed up." "Oh.I see.Yeah,that sounds like Kai.Im sorry they left you all alone." Ryu told her. Luna smiled,and looked down,looking pretty shy now.
6:26pm Jul 3 2010
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Storm blushed looking down "im not that good im surprised your not bored right now" she said to him. Flare smiled "i think this is better for my sister it makes her happy" she said smiling. Yue looked at luna and laughed "awww are you turning shy on me?" he asked her smiling.
6:29pm Jul 3 2010
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Inferno nodded again, tilted his head. Yes, he could talk, but he didn't want to. Flashfire tilted his head, curious. Since when was it cool to be freakishly large...? Then he looked towards the family of Eeveelutions and lay down, Psyche doing the same. "We mean no harm to you. We simply came out of curiousity," he said, ears twitching.
6:30pm Jul 3 2010
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May walked over to him nodding "what is fine aslong as you mean no harm to any of my siblings Daniel the most" she said when she said his name Daniel crawled out still hiding next to his sister May.
6:31pm Jul 3 2010
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"Please speak to me. Whats your name?" Kiri asked. "So what are your names?" Moon asked as sea walked away

6:32pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 177
"You arnt boring.Plus,theres not any other jolteons around.If I hadent wanted to be around you,I wouldnt have jumped out of the tree in the first place." He smiled and nuzzled her cheek again. "Yeah,but then you arnt happy." Ryu complained. Luna blushed and growled."Of cource not.What could give you that idea?" She glared,but she struggled to keep from smiling.
6:34pm Jul 3 2010
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Storm smiled and nuzzled him back happily. Flare smiled at him "im happy if she is" she said to him smiling. Yue laughed and nuzzled her "its ok if you are everyone get shy every now and then" he said smiling.
6:36pm Jul 3 2010
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Spirit sat down. "Whats all the fuss guys?" she asked

6:36pm Jul 3 2010
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"Inferno," he said, but nothing more. A few more embers sparked from his fur, his ears twitching. "We do not wish to harm anyone, though our appearances may say otherwise," Flashfire said, looking at his taller twin, watching his antenna-like growth twitch. "And we would not want to harm another like us. Though he may not be quite as big, or as fierce-looking, we still consider him a kindred spirit." Then the twins looked over at the Umbreon. "Flashfire," said the Flareon. "And I'm his twin, Psyche," introduced the Espeon.
6:39pm Jul 3 2010
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"Hello inferno im kiri." Kiri smiled "Hi im moon." Moon smiled and sat down." So whats up?" She asked

6:41pm Jul 3 2010
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May nodded "good then we wont harm you then i am May the oldest next is Yuki " she said as a Glaceon moved next to her "then Sasha" she said as a Vaporeon moved next to Yuki "then there is Zues" she said as a Jolteon jumped next to Sasha "then the twins Ami and Daniel" she said as Daniel poked his head out and a Leafeon Pounced everywhere before ending up next to May and Daniel. "You are welcom to join our family as long as you dont try to harm anyone or i will harm you" she said the last bit with a glare.
6:42pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 177
Kai chuckled."Im glad that youre happy." He said. Ryu looked up from his paws."But you deserve to be happy too." He looked back down at his paws."I could keep you company if you want." He said quietly. Luna smiled,and relaxed."Not me." She said."If I wanna be the toughest umbreon in the area,then I cant afford to be shy." She sighed.
6:44pm Jul 3 2010
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"I have an idea how about we make one big family." Star smiled

6:44pm Jul 3 2010
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Storm smiled "im very happy with you" she said smiling. Flare tilted her head and smiled more "i would love for you to keep me company" she said smiling more. Yue looked at her "but to be the toughest you need friends to be there with you as well" he said smiling at her.