2:35pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 3:00pm Aug 3 2011)
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Leya was no ordinary child. She was born with abilities, abilities others could only dream of having... or have nightmares about. As a child, she was the first of her kind. The first Elemental Absorber. The first born... born with an incredible ability. She first discovered it when she was seven. She fell into the pool in the backyard, and would have drowned in the water... but for the fact she became the water. Her body was still human shaped, just it was clear water. When she panicked she tried to swim. The water was still her, just in a different form, so it obeyed. When she broke to the surface, she changed back into a human. She told her parents about it. They asked for proof, thinking it was a game. They dumped her on the streets after that. When she grew up, she amassed a rather hefty some of money by marrying highly ranked mobsters and having them be killed off. Hence her nickname, the Black Widow. With this money, she made a school. A school for people like her. A school for element absorbers. Unlike the name suggests, Element Absorbers can absorb more than just elements. The elements are just the most natural. The first change is one that is pre-built into students brains; after that, they must learn the rest of the changs themselves. You'll learn more soon. You've been invited to attend the Elemental Absorbers School For Gifted Teens. Please read the rules. Rules- Don't worry, there aren't many and they're fair. ^_^ 1. All the absorbers are born with equal levels of power. If you want them to advance beyond that, they'll have to train harder and miss out on things occasionally. 2. No gender ratios. ^-^ Just, try not to hoard. Thanks. 3. Any gender liking, e.g., gay, lesbian, straight or bi, is allowed. Not happy? Leave. Don't start a fight. 4. Minimum of one charrie, max. of five. 5. Please put- 'Black Widow' and-'eat/ate' in there to show you've read the rules. Why? Because I find it exceptionally amusing. 6. Just use common sense, ok? See, not so bad, now was it? Bio skeleton coming right up! Bio Skelly~ (Note- Fields with *next to them aren't optional. Fields with # are. ^-^) *Name- (Don't give it a dumb name, or you'll have to live with it. Ask any child of celbrities.) *Age-(Preferably between 12 and 19. Any older, and I'd like an r-mail first.) *Gender-(please don't put unknown; We aren't all robots like CH and Lola.) *First Absorb-(Remember, has to be an element, Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Chocolate is not an element... Oh how I wish.) #Personality-( Please put it in, even if you don't write anthing, just say rp it out or something.) *History-(Throw us a bone, won't you? At least a few sentances...) *Appearance-(Either a pic or deion is fine.) *Gender Liking-(Just so I don't get my gal crushing on a gay boy. Not that there's anything wrong, but that could be... AWKWARD.) #Other-(Please delete all the brackets. This is just for their fave food, colour, hairstyle, pets, etc, etc.) Fill that in and we'll get along fine. ^-^
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:40pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 4:02pm Aug 3 2011)
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Posts: 6,948
((I ate a black widow when I found out my powers were water.)) *Name- Avalia Orikani *Age-15 *Gender-Female *First Absorb- Water #Personality- Despite the fact that she is rich, filthy rich, she is actually a kind person. She simply loves to help others out in times of need, but she is also careful with her money and does not give it out to random people she meets unless they have a viable reason for needing it. Unfortunately, everybody has flaws and hers are major. For one, she is a huge klutz, always tripping over things and breaking stuff. Also, she loves to buy all the newest gadgets and is a closet nerd, have bought every single adventure video game known to man and all the consoles. Despite this, she is still popular, if only for the fact that she has a huge amount of money, not to mention the wad of cash she keeps in her wallet for emergencies. She is quite smart and a fairly average artist, but, when she was 7, she had a seizure and now, as a result, her hands shake with little tremors. Usually, though, this only is a problem when she is writing or drawing. Never mind her growing popularity, all Avalia really wants is a friend who would stick with her even if she was dirt poor, but so far, she has had no luck finding one. *History- Unfortunately, Avalia's history is unknown, due to the fact that she was adopted from an orphanage as a baby. The only reason they know the date of birth and the whereabouts she was born is because the warden was her mother, but she died during childbirth, leading to Avalia being raised in the orphanage. Not much is known about the first 5 years of her life, being that, at the orphanage, she kept to herself and her drawings. Luckily, the orphanage that she was raised in wasn't like the ones you hear about in storybooks. It had decent food and wonderful lodging, of course this may have been because she was the warden's daughter, but only her helpers know for sure. When she was 12, she discovered that she could breathe underwater and it was a strange feeling. She discovered she had gills and has been expirimenting with water ever since. *Looks- In her normal form, she is a small 18 year old girl with large blue irises, dotted with silver flecks. Her hair is shoulder-length looks like it was spun from gold, which is good because it distracts people from her acne covered face. Of course, she does use makeup, but it only seems to make her break out more. Her nose is petite and tiny, like that of a cats because of the more prominent upside down triangle that it seems to make. Her lips are dry and crack, most of the time, but when they aren't it means that she hasn't been to the pool in a while, a most unusual thing, being that she tries to go everyday. As for her body, she is not too curvy, strange for being 18, but this is most likely because of all the excursive she does, she never has extra fat, meaning that she doesn't have a large chest, which is useful in swimming. Her second and third toe on each foot are webbed together, not all the way, but enough so that she can't wear the toe socks her mother got her on her 5th christmas. She can usually be seen wearing a pair of denim jeans with some rips and a sky blue T-shirt. Avalia normally likes to adorn her outfit with various bracelets and pony tail holders that just happen to sit, collecting dust, on her dresser. On her shoulder, her left one, is a birthmark in an unnatural shape. If you look from far away when she is clothed in her bathing suit, it looks like a blob, but closer up, really close, it resembles more of a cat like blob with disformed wings and a mermaid tail. She likes to pretend it is a tatoo. *Gender Liking-Straight #Other-She carries around a bag with a first aid kit, her car keys, her house keys, cat food, a laptop, her sketchbook, pencils, colored pencils, and some other small devices that may or may not be illegal. She has a cat named Angela *Name- Aaron Kale *Age-12 *Gender-Male *First Absorb-Earth #Personality-Rp out *History- He was born in a small town to a failraverage family. When he hit 11, he found that plants grew alot faster when he was around and he could move rocks and grow plants just by thinking. *Appearance- 
*Gender Liking-Bisexual #Other- His favorite color is orange. He has a pet wolf named Beluga
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2:43pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 8:26pm Aug 3 2011)
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Bio Name-Marissa Jenkins Age-14 Gender-Female *First Absorb-Fire #Personality-Fiery. (lol I'll rp it out.) History-Born and raised in NYC, she first changed when she was eight and her mum left her alone downstairs with the fire lit. She fell into the fire, and would've burnt to death if she hadn't changed. She screamed and ran out of the fire place, but when her mother came down, she had already changed back. She began experimenting with fire a lot when she turned 13, and got kicked out when her mum saw her one day. So she left in search of this supposed 'school'. Appearance-Long black hair down to her waist, with a single white streak in her fringe(often referred to as 'bangs'. I'm not American, sorry.) Green eyes. Pale face and umblemished skin. Always wears the same scruffy jeans and torn shirt (till she joins the school, that is.) Gender Liking-Straight Other- Has a pet bearded dragon. (NOTE- I am nuts about these. Don't diss the beardy, yo.) Name-Ariatka Age-12 Gender-Female First Absorb-Air Personality- Ariatka is a pretty rough kid. Having seen a lot, she nevr makes the mistake some people do, believing that someone is too nie to do something cruel. She has learnt a lot from experience. Because of this, she tends to stick to herself, talking to others only when she feels it is necessary. She can be a bit anti-social, but only when people make fun of her eyes. She likes to fly, but tends to make a bubble of air around herself that tells her when somethings in front of her so she doesn't hit it. History- Born and raised in a loving family, she left home to come to this school, not because of her family, but because she was constantly made fun of in her old school, both because of her eyes and because one child found out what she could do, when she accidentally levitated during a conversation she was having with her and didn't realise it. The fact this girl was her best friend didn't help the trust issues. Appearance- Shoulder length platinum blonde hair down to her shoulders, and silver eyes (she's blind.). A clear enough complexion, because she doesn't wear make-up, and if she does break out, she might be the only one who doesn't notice it. She tends to wear slightly mixed-up colours occasionaly, (for instance, once she went out wearing a black shirt with a dragon on it and a pink girly skirt,) and would appreciate it if you would point out her blunders to her, so she can go get changed. More often than not, thought, she goes to get changed and comes straight back, forgetting why she went. Gender Liking- Straight Other- N/A Name- Malyx Age-16 Gender-Male First Absorb-Water Personality-Quite a headstrong kid, Malyx tends to wrry about others before himself. He loves company, and is usually the center of attention. He tends to be quite obnoxious, though, even though he does his best to be kind to everyone. He's used to being pretty popular, and sometimes even picking on the more unpopular kids, even the nice one he would've liked if they were popular. History-Went to a regular highschool before this one, but was kicked out when he got mad and accidentally burst every pipe in the school. Everyone could tell it was him, because his eyes were glowing. It was the first time he found his powers, and his parents kicked him out. Although he got his powers a little late, he's determined to be the best. Appearance- Spikey blonde hair, cropped to about shoulder height. Light blue eyes, long lashes and tanned skin. Usually wears tank tops and tight-fitting jeans. Gender Liking-Straight Other-N/A Name-Sonny Age-14 Gender-Male First Absorb-Earth Personality-Sonny is incredibly shy and socially awkward, to the extent where he avoids social contact wherever posibble. Because of this, he often draws more attention to himself, and is usually the subject of a high degree of bullying. He tends to stuter when he's nervous, especially around people he likes, worried he'll mess up and they won't like him back. History-Sonny was raised in a strict Christian family, in which anything but a straight, church-going choir boy is seen as wrong, which could be why he's pretty shy about letting on that he's gay, and so far, his family doesn't know. He left home telling his parents that he'd been accepted to a boarding school in the north, possibly the most daring thing he's ever done. Appearance- He tends to go roud dressed in a school uniform style, as he was raised. Grey pants, white stiff-collared polo shirts, and sweaters are his typical attire, even though he'd rather dress in a more fun way. He has a childish look about himself, and often wears a confused ex pression. He has violet-blue eyes and pale skin, and blonde hair that is so light it looks white from a distance. He has a pretty small frame, probably another reason he's picked on. Gender Liking-In-the-closet-gay Other-N/A.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:43pm Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[Hehe, post your bio, faith. ^-^]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:44pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 2:57pm Aug 3 2011)
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((Call me Feyth please XD Hope my Charrie isn't too mary-sueish. Yes she is rich, but she doesn't like it. Where are the looks?))
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2:58pm Aug 3 2011
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[[O.o Thank you. Lol I knew I forgot something. -edits-]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:21pm Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// Omg I'm a robot? D: Since when? Lol, I might have to join. The little black widow that I just ate told me I should. /shot. But I'm not gonna be on as much for the next five days, so I'll have to see~
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
3:21pm Aug 3 2011
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[[No problem. And yes, you are. lol.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:44pm Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((I am going to make another character and some minor ones if that s okay, but are things like Darkness and electricity counted as elements?))
 <-- Click me
3:45pm Aug 3 2011
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[[Nope, sorry, just the first four. The others are capable of being learned after, at a rate of about one a month for a very high scoring student.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:47pm Aug 3 2011
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((Ok, cause I want Avalia to eventually learn Darkness.))
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3:49pm Aug 3 2011
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[[Don't worry. If she keeps her grades up, she might learn it soon. ^-^ Each kid belongs to a specific order of learning powers, which I'll put up soon and they can pick once they join. ^-^]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:50pm Aug 3 2011
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((like the avatar order that goes Earth fire water air or something like that?))
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3:51pm Aug 3 2011
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[[Yeah, kindof. Except, long enough to last a year. Thats a good comparison, by the way.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:52pm Aug 3 2011
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((Thanks. Anyway, are minor characters okay? You know, ones to just fill up NPC spaces?))
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3:53pm Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[Of course. But they still count as one of your five, because we'll be randomly slotting in NPC charries anywhos.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:56pm Aug 3 2011
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4:01pm Aug 3 2011
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[[Feyth, the girl is in, but the fella shouldn't be able to talk to animals. Earth is just plants. Animalistic is animals.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:02pm Aug 3 2011
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((Oh, alright, I was thinking earth and such, maybe he'll be animalistic someday. -is thoughtful-))
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4:12pm Aug 3 2011
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[[Maybe. ^-^]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥