8:17pm Aug 12 2011
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[-sigh-Ok. We'll move on, but not much, or they might drop out.]] Leya smiled to each student in turn, before spreading her arms wide. ''Now that that's all done... Welcome to your new home. If you'll care to follow me, I shall show you to your dorms. Boys and girls have different dorms respectively.'' The Black Widow left the room then, her long black dress sweeping the floor after her. ~ Ariatka headed in the direction of the womans voice, and followed the sound of her footsteps from there. [/fail/] ~ Malyx held his hand out to the girl. ''Mind if I escort you to your room?'' He said, puffing his chest out and doing what he thought to be the perfect impersonation of a gentleman. He was trying to make her laugh, and hoped he succeeded. ~ Sonny finally came within about a hundred feet of the base of the mountain, and glanced up to see a building at the very top. Seeing this renewed his energy, and he ran as fast as he could, eager to be at the top before he became any later. ~ Marissa called back to her new 'friend', shouting, ''Come on! We get to see our rooms!'' She thought she might have been acting a little too eager, but that was understandable, considering she might finally have a home. Plus, it would be nice to get out of these scruffy clothes.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:19pm Aug 12 2011
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Avalia let out a small giggle and took his hand. "Do you even know where it is?" she wondered, a smile flitting across her pale face. "Cause I am pretty sure you don't." She let her schedule fall a little from her hand and the room was right on it...
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8:24pm Aug 12 2011
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''Naw, haven't the foggiest.'' He laughed. ''I think the Spider over there is gonna show us where it is.'' He started walking after the principal, glad he'd made her laugh. He liked making people laugh; it made him feel good. [Feyth- The schedules are just a few out of a couple of choices, not made specificlly for the students, so it wouldn't have her room on it.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:26pm Aug 12 2011
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((Oh, nvm then.)) Avalia looked over at the principal. "Excuse me, where is my room please. My name is Avalia Orikani, Ma'am." she spoke with a bit of a british accent mixed with the american tone of voice. "Could you tell me where it is?" She asked politely, looking at the principal with large, innocent eyes...
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8:30pm Aug 12 2011
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Malyx listened intently while she said her name, deciding to remember it. Leya stopped walking and turned around when the young girl spoke. ''Child, I know perfectly well who you are. You will be shown your room along with everyone else.'' She turned back and carried on walking at a leisurely pace.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:32pm Aug 12 2011 (last edited on 8:51pm Aug 12 2011)
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Posts: 306
Adrian let out a short sigh of relief. Following Mrs. Widow and looking around, she saw a card on a billboard. Fire-Air-Earth-Water-Animalistic-Darkness-Life -each to be learned over the course of a month and a half. She scanned the other cards information, then returned her gaze to the first one."Awesome," she thought. "Life. This is gonna be fun!" (( I just did her thoughts like she was talking so that they wouldn't be confused with the card.)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Air-Earth-Water-Fire-Lightning-Ice-Darkness - each to be learned over the course of a month and a half.." Alex read to himself as he followed the old lady to... wherever she was going. He didn't bother reading the other cards. Darkness sounded... fun. "Darkness, huh? Well this oughta be in-ter-es-ting.." He laughed to himself as he looked away, glancing at his new fellow students with narrowed eyes and a huge smirk on his thoughtful face. (( Urk! Sorry, writer's block. EEEEEEEEEPPPPPP!. *Ouchies*))
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
8:44pm Aug 12 2011
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[[Tis good, Trance, just, like I said to valia, the schedules aren't mde for them, rather re out of list that all the students will be picking, so it wouldn't say Adrians name on the card.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:47pm Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 306
(( Oh, whoops. Kk. Let me edit that. Thanks! :D))
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
8:51pm Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 306
((Edited. *Smiles*))
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
8:53pm Aug 12 2011
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[[Ok, thankies. ^_^ LOL I just thought of making Ariatka share the same schedule as Alex. |D]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:01pm Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 306
(( OH, NO! Alex would soooo jump at that chance. Beware, though, NO mercy. Alex is practically heartless.))
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
9:04pm Aug 12 2011
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[Hehehe, this... shall be fun. XD We'll just act like she doesn't know he's in it with her. Also, people are gonna have to use a couple NPCs, becuase there should be more students...]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:10pm Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 306
((I've never uesed an NPC. Actually, truth be told, I don't even know what NPC stands for. *Thonks head* I'm stupdi when it comes to this stuff :D D:))
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
9:12pm Aug 12 2011
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[[LOL I don't know what it stnds for offiially, just tht it's a charrie everyone controls. Basically, you use them, but so do other people. They aren't just your charries. ^_^]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:19pm Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 306
(( Yeah, but I probably shouldn't even bother. I'm actually pretty new to RPing. My younger sister introduced me to it on a different website. But when I foung out there was a forum on it here, I went for it. Half of the time I spend on the computer is waiting for new posts on RPs. Even if I'm not in them. ( It's fun reading them. :D ) I'm pathetic. LOL :D))
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
1:08am Aug 13 2011
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((It stands for non player character))
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8:11am Aug 13 2011
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[[Thank you, faith. And, if anyone here is good at NPCs, feel free to use a few for the other students. Just don't accidentally start power-playing. And if it looks like someones haveing a detailed convo with an NPC, it might be a good idea to stay out of it.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:33am Aug 13 2011
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Posts: 306
(( This all confuses me. How excatly DO you use an npc? *Is stupid* :P ))
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
12:09pm Aug 13 2011
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Avalia back up a few paces, responding to the stern tone the lady seemed to have. "Alright, thank you ma'am." she gave a small tilt of the head and walked back next to Malyx. "Did I ever get your name?" She wondered, trying to remember...
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12:13pm Aug 13 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((You use an npc just by making up a random character for someone to talk to or it can e someone like a bully. Kinda like this.: Avalia wandered up to her favorite tree and slid down, sitting down to her her book. Suddenly, a rock was thrown in her direction and missed her by mere inches, causing her to jump up and look for the person who'd thrown it. A boy opposite her was spinning rocks without touching them and an evil grin was on his face. "Back off Gorgon." Avalia growled and the boy laughed. "You don't scare me." ))
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