6:36pm Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 5
(shweet. Yus, I join. Hmm...any info or format u want for me to post my character info in? or do u just want it revealed throughout rp?)
6:39pm Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[ilike- If you click on the first page, the rules (don't worry, only like 5) and bio skelly are there. <3]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:04pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 7:04pm Aug 3 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 5
(A Black Widow ate my mom. Score! >:D) Name- Eileen Ashlynn McConnell Age-16 Gender- male First Absorb- Fire Personality- Eileen is a happy-go-lucky kind of gal. She is very friendly and polite, but has a hot-temper and once she is angered...watch out. She's not quick to trust, but once you gain her trust, she'll be your friend for life and whatever's beyond that. Eileen tends to find attraction only to people who have particular talent, or stand out from everyone else. Otherwise, you're just another number to her. (figuratively speaking, of course) History-Eileen Ashlynn McConnell is the great, great granddaughter of Oisin Connor McConnell, the founder of the McConnell family's power and gang reputation. She comes from a long line of powerful mafia and gang members ranging from her home of Ireland to France, and even America. Eileen came to E.A.S.F.G.T. when her cousin, Louis McConnell was murdered after transferring to a school in Chicago. Eileen had been best friends with Louis since they were toddlers and had followed him to the U.S.A. against her parents orders. There in Chicago, Louis climbed the ranks of a gang called The Chicago Cheschires and was eventually murdered by a fellow gangmember, who stepped in her way. She witness Louis' murderer perform his deed, and killed him out of revenge. That was when she discovered her powers. Her family had shunned her for disrespecting her elders and blamed her for Louis' death. With no where to go, she overheard a conversation about the school from a couple girls. A few days later she had enrolled and began her life at E.A.S.F.G.T. Appearance- http://www.ipodwallpaper.net/assets/wallpaper/Green-hair-girl-640x960.jpg #Other- an easy ice-breaker for her is cracking a joke, her favorite color is green hence her hair color, she loves cherry cordial ice cream, and she hates math. Eileen used to have a pet snake, but she had to give her up when she came to America.
7:05pm Aug 3 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,809
[[Looks good, from what I can see, but can you make the picture smaller or post a link to it instead? It's stretching the page...]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:11pm Aug 3 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5
(did so. shall we begin? im getting a snack. oh and i plan to reveal some info in more detail while rping btw)
7:19pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 7:19pm Aug 3 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,809
[[I think we'll wait for at least one more person to join before beginning. And thanks for fixing the stretch. ^_^ If no one comes by tomorrow, we'll start.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:19pm Aug 3 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5
(ok. i gotta go. summer work DX)
7:21pm Aug 3 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,809
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:58pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 8:00pm Aug 3 2011)
Posts: 348
Name- Celaeno L. Muninn Age- 17 Gender- Female First Absorb- Fire Personality- She is very outgoing and not afraid to voice her own opinion. Though, she will stay quiet, cool, and collected most of the time. Celaeno will stand to what she feels in her heart, even if no one else is on her side. History- She was raised by her strict grandmother after being abandoned by her mother who would tended to run off with men. Celaeno discovered her ability to absorb fire at a young age. Some believe it was mostly due to her lack of a loving parental figure in her life that she sparked the flames after setting fire to a field and coming out unscathed. Firefighters paniced to find her in the fire, but thought she was already lost to it. She emerged engulfed in flames walking normally as if nothing had happened. The crowd watching the field ablaze witnessed her burning body simmer and cool without the help of anyone. At the age of 17 she got kicked out of high school, and soon after her grandmother passed away. To this day she believes it was because of her that she died. Since then she has been on the street making a living off of her love of music. That was always her dream anyways. Being homeless opened many insights of the community, including those of ill intentions. She has branded as an outsider because of her ability and her family. Seeming to others that she is a threat. But, living like this exposed her to further types of cruelty by society. She has come to trust no one, and despises most people. Because of this she has a hard time determining the nature of her thoughts. And though she does not mix up right from wrong, it is hard for her to give in to the murderous ways of mad people. Trying to justify her hate, she focuses it on the music she writes, and protecting innocent people from harm with her ability. Blaming them for the cruelty of mankind. Appearance-  Gender Liking- Mainly heterosexual.

8:02pm Aug 3 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,809
[[Ok, you're in, but you're forgetting something small.. *pokes rule #5.* Anyone else is still free to join, but I'll post the beginning next post anyways...]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:05pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 8:06pm Aug 3 2011)
Posts: 348
[[Oh yeah, I totally read that! I just forgot.]] [[Crunch, crunch, crunch! A Black Widow ate my lunch! .. XD]]
8:29pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 7:05am Aug 11 2011)
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Posts: 3,809
[[LOL I knew saying black widow and ate in the same sentance would turn out interesting. XD]] Leya walked up o the front door, ready to open the school for the first time. First, though, she pinned up a few timetables on the door. Hopefully the kids would figure out that they were supposed to go with one that had their element as the first one, o train them further in it. #1. Earth-Water-Fire-Air-Animalistic-Light-Life-Each to be learned over the course of a month and a half. #2. Earth-Water-Fire-Air-Darkness-Animalistic-Lightning-Each to be learned over the course of a month and a half. #3. Water-Fire-Air-Earth-Ice-Darkness-Life-Each to be learned over the course of a month and a half. #4. Water-Fire-Air-Earth-Animalistic-Light-Ice-Each to be learned over the course of a month and a half. #5. Fire-Air-Earth-Water-Animalistic-Darkness-Life-Each to be learned over the course of a month and a half. #6- Fire-Air-Earth-Water-Light-Lightning-Ice-Each to be learned over the course of a month and a half. #7. Air-Earth-Water-Fire-Lightning-Ice-Darkness-Each to be learned over the course of a month and a half. #8. Air-Earth-Water-Fire-Animalistic-Light-Life-Each to be learned over the course of a month and a half. [[That took longer than I thought it would...]] With the dorms set up, time tables ready, and classrooms clean, she returned to her office, awating the first arrival. ~ Marissa walked the mountainous trail to the builduing carved out of the rock near the top, trying to shelter herself from the autumn rain by walking under the trees. She didn't like it here already, but what choice did she have? So she kept going, her lizard in her pocket to keep him warm. She was glad he was still warm. She would have considering starting a fire, if she had her lighter wit her. But she couldn't make fire from nothing. Grinning, she cahnged that thought to not yet, anyway. ~ Ariatka was lost. Hopelessly so. She had planned on running into someone she could ask to tell her where the building was. Her computer at home had read it out as being 'clearly visible when you arrive'. Well that helped. She was now cold, wet, and couldn't remember which direction she'd come from. The maker she'd left had been washed away when it started raining, so she sat under a tree in what she hoped was a prominent place. ~ Malyx ran up the trail, passing some dumb girl on the way. He loveed this kind of weather. As he ran past the girl, he skidded in a puddle, soaking her even more, and ran on, laughing. This was getting fun. The building in sight, he loped up the trail at a brisk pace. ~ Sonny was just heading out into the countryside today. He was going to be late, and he knew it. Great. It didn't help that his bag-and shoes-were getting soaked with the early autumn rain, and that his trousers were getting splattered with mud. He decided not to run-it was at least a mile away, and he wasn't exactly athletic-but instead to walk faster than he normally would, and hope they weren't mad at him for being late. [[Sorry for all the fails.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:58pm Aug 3 2011
Posts: 348
≡╟ Celaeno L. Muninn ╢≡ ║ Life is just a stage. ║ ║ So, let's put on the best show, and let everyone know. ║ Today was the first day of a new life. Celaeno had already hitchhiked to the nearby town, and scouted the area out. Several townsfolk have even come to remember her as a pretty talented traveling musician, and she recieved good pay for her playing on the sidewalk of a bar. Celaeno was experienced enough to know that people who have been drinking are more likely to give out tips to things like that. With only her guitar over her shoulder, Celaeno hung out under some rather poorly foilaged trees near the school, smoking a cigarrette. At least the trees were sheltering her lit coffin nail. Celaeno had already been waiting for the notable Leya to show up and open the place up for a couple of hours. She exhales and looks up as her soaked obsidian hair fall from the front of her face. Over the sound of rain, she hears someone running up the path. The first of many footsteps to be heard? One can only imagine. ║ Life is just a dream. ║ ║ Which of us is dreaming, and who will wake up screaming? ║

9:01pm Aug 3 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,809
[[Nice. ^-^ Let us wait for th others. *sits in corner*]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:02pm Aug 3 2011
Posts: 348
[[ o_o *waits excitedly* ]]
9:02pm Aug 3 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,809
[[I love your siggy, by the way. And I should probably stop spamming. >.>]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:04pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 9:06pm Aug 3 2011)
Posts: 348
[[Thanks! Are you sure anyone else is online joining us? :O Maybe we could just continue. ]]
9:15pm Aug 3 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,809
[[Hmn... Ok, but not too far, only to the gates. And poor Ariatkas kind of. Stuck. lol.]] Finally reaching the top, Malyx saw a girl under a tree, and slowed down to talk to her. She looked pretty cool, and a little pretty. She was somking, something he didn't like but would never admit too. Imagine what it would do to his reputation. So he walked up to her, and acted cool, even though he was ready to vomit being so near that smoke. ''So, you play guitar or something?'' He asked. He was, of course, real smooth with the ladies. ~ Sonny grumbled as the downpour became heavy. He walked over to the side of the trail. He was walking in the mud now, but at least the trees overhead offered some protection. He imagined what it would be like, living without his bible-bent family for almost a year. And how he'd adjust once he headed back. ~ Carrying further up the trail, Marissa cursed as the rain became heavier. ''Great, just great...'' she muttered. She really, really wished it wasn't raining. She could tell her bearded dragon was cold, and she wanted to warm him up soon, before he got pneumonia or something. ~ When the rain got heavier, Ariatka decided to risk trying to find her way around. Feeling her way forward with her bubble of air, she found an area where the ground rose slightly, and put her hand to the cliff face to guide herself along. A sheer drop was to her left. She kept walking, and was unaware that there was a patch of slippery mud and loose rocks just a few steps away fom both the wall and the drop.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:19pm Aug 3 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,809
[[OK, Gotta poof now. Byes!]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:33pm Aug 3 2011
Posts: 348
[[Aw, bye!]] ≡╟ Celaeno L. Muninn ╢≡ ║ Life is just a stage. ║ ║ So, let's put on the best show, and let everyone know. ║ Figuring it was inevitable that someone would come up to the only person outside the school gates, Celaeno looked to the boy. She could see the ambition in his eyes. It showed all over his face. As the rain thickened, she covered the draft of wind with her leather jacket to keep her cigarrette from going out. As the boy asked he something, she had already taken another drag and was slowly letting smoke come out of her nose rather than just exhaling it out. She was was a tough-love type of person. As long as someone can handle her serious personality, coldness and pessimism, they are able to get to know her better. Maybe even be friends. Right off the bat, Celaeno wasn't too pleased with being smoothtalked with such a naive question. "Huh, you're supposed play guitars? I thought they were just to make you look really cool," she stated sarcastically. ║ Life is just a dream. ║ ║ Which of us is dreaming, and who will wake up screaming? ║
