8:17pm Aug 4 2011
Posts: 348
≡╟ Celaeno L. Muninn ╢≡ ║ Life is just a stage. ║ ║ So, let's put on the best show, and let everyone know. ║ She put her lighter back into her pants pocket, and sighed. Being here reminded her of a worse time, but Celaeno bounced back in her mind. This is why she is here, to change worse times into great times. Remaining mysterious, Celaeno comments on her drum playing rather than answering her question. "Drums? I've always wanted to try those," she said with a pause and laughed, "And no, I don't have any problem with lizards." Celaeno fiddled with the zipper on her leather jacket. Maybe it was time to go in and see what this school is like. Celaeno started to get amped to take this new experience head on. Her mind raced with all the passion in her heart. This could finally be what she needed.
║ Life is just a dream. ║ ║ Which of us is dreaming, and who will wake up screaming? ║
8:22pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 306
Adrian walked into the school, utterly exausted, with Alexander right behind. "Wow. This is awesome!" She thought aloud. "But then, where do we go? Do you think we should ask someone? Wow. I still can't believe it. The people here...have.... powers, just like... us. We'll be accepted. It's so amazing. What is your power, anyway?" She gazed around at the wonderful building with wide eyes. She would finally be accepted, just the way she was, not for what people thought she was. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alex sneered. He spoke in a low, scolding voice. "One: How the heck am I supposed to know what to do? Two: Start believing it, and stop looking around all monkey-faced. You look like a moron. And three: MY powers are NONE of YOUR business. So shut up about it. Just stop asking. Gosh." So what if people here were just like him? He would never be accepted. He was too different. And he preferred it that way. His life sucked, either way." Just, ask if you want to. Don't bother me with stupid questions."
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
8:28pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 8:29pm Aug 4 2011)
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Posts: 3,809
[[LOL I love alex's pessimism. I'm gonna make a CRASH with him. BEEP-BEEP! note- I have devoured a lot of chocolate today. So jusst ignore my hyper-ness.]] As the ground levelled out beneath her, Ariatka felt the air. A building was nearby, so she headed in that direction, pushing the door open, taking the air field down. This whole thing was really draining her, all the testing, and she wondered if it was dangerous, or if- her train of thought suddenly stopped as she walked into someone and sprawled backwards. ~ Marissa breathed a sigh of relief, then followed her new 'friend'. She didn't want to come off as all independant, but it was glad to know someone, so she asked her something. ''How old are you, by the way?'' She really hoped the girl didn't think she was a stalker. ~ Malyx looked at her and laughed. ''That is some neat trick.'' He said, grinning, wondering if the fish just went to her or was called. Either way, he couldn't do anything like it. It was pretty cool.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:50pm Aug 4 2011
Posts: 348
≡╟ Celaeno L. Muninn ╢≡ ║ Life is just a stage. ║ ║ So, let's put on the best show, and let everyone know. ║ They came in behind all the others already inside. The way Celaeno presented herself was very cool and serious. The air around her as she stepped through that door began to sink in a mysterious way. She was a natural at making an entrance, and soaked in every moment. The fire in her chest fueled with the disire to take the bull by the horns. This was nothing like Celaeno would have ever expected. Getting too caught up in herself, she snaps out of it after being asked something by her new acquaintance. "Oh, um. I'm 17," Celaeno replied with her smoldering voice. Some silcence came by again, and she persisted, "Well, are you going to tell me your age?" She said teasingly. ║ Life is just a dream. ║ ║ Which of us is dreaming, and who will wake up screaming? ║
8:58pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 3,809
Marissa smiled. ''I'm fourteen. My names Marissa. What's yours? I can't call you GuitarWoman the whole time, now can I?'' Marissa decided she liked this fun, if teasing, woman. She liked the trick he made as she entered the room, too.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:24pm Aug 4 2011
Posts: 348
≡╟ Celaeno L. Muninn ╢≡ ║ Life is just a stage. ║ ║ So, let's put on the best show, and let everyone know. ║ "I'm Celaeno," she said modestly and smiled back. Diverting her attention elsewhere, she looked around for the first thing that was to be done. Everything looked professional and organized. Then, she saw a board posted with directions. "I think there's something over there," she said as she started walking over to the board. "Looks like a class list." Celaeno ran her finger down the piece of paper trying to figure it out. Soon it came to the one she was meant for. "Fire, Air, Earth, Water, Animalistic, Darkness, Light? Each to be learned over the course of a month and a half..." She was puzzled, "Well, I guess I'll find out soon." ║ Life is just a dream. ║ ║ Which of us is dreaming, and who will wake up screaming? ║
9:25pm Aug 4 2011
Posts: 348
[[Taking a break for a bit.]]
9:25pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((I don't know what to do....))
 <-- Click me
9:28pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[Ok, I gottsta poof soon... Feyth- Dunno. She could ask if Malyx would like to see her drawings./shot]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:30pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 6,948
"Would you like to see my drawings?" She bit her lip as she talked to the boy in front of her. "They're not that good, but the only way I get better is if I have constructive critiscism..." She trailed off...
 <-- Click me
9:33pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 9:39pm Aug 4 2011)
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Posts: 306
" FIne. Whatever, Alex. You keep being negative, and I'll enjoy the atomsphere. Ahhh. I really don't see how you can't love this already. One of the few things I hate is being clueless." Adrian took in a deep breath, then released it, twice as slow. Then she added, calmly" I feel.... almost flawless here." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Yes, I will continue being negative. And I don't like this place already because I hate so many things." Alex snapped. Plus, how can you feel almost flawless? He thought to himself. I feel over rated already, not knowing what to do or where to go. I stink. You and your happiness stink, too. My life stinks. The whole world stinks. Everything stinks. And everyone. How could you feel so joyful in a world where everyone and everything stinks? Ugh... Alex looked around to see if he could find any way to figure out what he was supposed to do. He was distracted fron this when someone crashed into him. He barley budged, but he was suddenly outraged. " Hey! You wanna mind watchin' where you walk?"Alex then turned to Adrian and said, "See? This place isn't wonderful. It's just yet another place filled with losers." Turning back to the stranger, he glared at her, his eyes burning with fury.
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
9:38pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[Alex-Sure. Sure, Alex. Just ignore the crash and walk away. LOL. I should prolly sleep.]] ''Sure.'' Malyx replied. He was curious to see them. They'd be better than his. His drawing of a dog often looked rather like an elaphant.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:40pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 306
(Sorry, actually, I forgot that bit. I just added it in. It's on there now.)
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
9:41pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 6,948
She slid down and sat down against the wall they were near. She opened her sketchbook to the first few pages where her good drawings were kept. Some of them slipped out of the cover and fell to the floor, drifting across the wood. One of them was a self portrait that was so detailed it looked like it was a photograph, but she still didn't like it...
 <-- Click me
9:44pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 9:45pm Aug 4 2011)
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Posts: 3,809
[[LOL it's ok.]] Ariatka cursed herself. She should've kept the air bubble up. She thought of getting up and rnning away, but, knowing her luck, she would probable crash into a wall. ''I...uh... Sorry... I would watch where I was going, but... I can't.'' She tried to get to her feet, but kept slipping on the wet tiles. Eventually, though, she managed it. She wished she remembered which way his voice came from so she was looking at him. Right now, though, she was probably looking at a wall. EDIT- Malyx picked up the drawing, and thought he'd try a pick-up line. ''It's beautiful.'' He said. ''And not just because its so amazingly detailed, either.''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:53pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 6,948
Avalia giggled and picked up her drawings. "here let me have a go at you." She took out a pencil and began to sketch him without even looking. By the time she was done, it looked like him, minus color that is.
 <-- Click me
9:55pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 3,809
Malyx nearly jumped, startled at how real it looked. ''Wow, listen, you're really, really, super good.'' He wasn't joking, either. He hoped some cooler people turned up, but for now, she was good company.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:57pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 9:58pm Aug 4 2011)
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Posts: 306
Alex muttered, " Stupid." He began to walk away. However, Adrian pulled him back by his elbow. " WHAT!?" He roared in her face. ~~~~~~~~~~~ " Quiet down." She ordered him. " You'll attract the attention of the entire school. And the WHAT is that you should have at least offered to help her up. She had to stumble on the floor just to stand. Learn some manners." She turned her back to the girl and said with a friendly smile on her face, " Hi. I'm Adrian." Then she loudly whispered, " I apologize for..him." She giggled. ~~~~~~~~~~ Alex grunted. "The least I could do is offer her some advice about walking. Which I did. And I don't care about manners. She ran into me. " Then he heard what Adrian said about him. " I don't need you apologizing for me. If I wanted to apologize, I would do it myself." She didn't answer him, just giggled to the idiot girl who couldn't even find words to say. Probably because she doesn't have a brain to find them from. Alex growled in his head.
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
10:03pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 3,809
That did it. Ariatka had been made fun of because of who she was her whole life. She was done. She wished she was braver, and could yell like he had done, but settled for simply imagining it. He might not realize she was blind. Though, exactly how, she didn't know. Upon hearing the voices, she realized she was facing the wrong way, and turned to face them. Her eyes stared blankly into space. ''It's ok, it's not your fault you're stook with him.'' Quietly, she added, ''And I know how to run. Pretty fast. I'm just blind.'' She said it nonchalently. She'd grown adjusted to it.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:19pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 306
"Wait." Adrian didn't want to bother the stranger, but she needed directions. "So sorry to bother you, but, we just walked in, so. Do you know where we're supposed to go? You could say I'm blind, too!" She was trying to make a little bit of conversation, but then she instantly regreted it, because she had never been good at that kind of thing. Of course, she had no idea the girl was serious about being blind. "Oh, and by the way, I didn't quite catch your name." Adrian tried not to sound too overexcited. But I'm sure I failed, she thought.
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.