10:01am Feb 24 2011
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The Elemental heroes have to save us all. Rules: 1) No powerplaying, each RP'er get's their own character(s), and they control them. 2) No taking single control of the RP archs, we will discuss and decide mutually where the RP shall head if we get to a crossroads. 3) No God-modding. This means that if there is any fights between characters being Rp'd out, there are no automatic hits, your character has to swing and it's for the other RP'er to decide whether it htis or not. This works both ways, you cannot dodge all attacks, 1 out of 3 should come into contact. and no immortallity. Bio Skelly: Name: Age: Appearance(Image or Detailed Deion): Personallity: History: Other Details(If necessary):
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10:09am Feb 24 2011 (last edited on 10:59am Feb 28 2011)
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Posts: 204
( The intro. Just so everyone gets a gist of the thingy) There always has been a balance on Earth. The elements- Air, Water, Fire, and Earth- co-existed in harmony, regardless they liked it or not. They even sired children, very fancily called ‘Elementors’, to distribute their power, and also, if anything happened, they had their children to blame. How sincere of them, right? The unfortunate kids, however, have to control their powers. If they don’t, they’re disintegrated by the other godly children. Simple as that. That’s why; they study at Rodencrest Academy, where they learn how to do so. After all, we can’t go killing mortals now, can we? We can’t have that. The Fire kids though…they just had to intervene, didn’t they? They don’t like balance, those Fire folk. Chaos excites them. That is why, pandemonium broke out. Not only at Rodencrest Academy, but throughout the world. Forest fires, innumerable floods, disastrous earthquakes, life-taking tornadoes. However, there has to be someone who has the bravado to go against their own kind to, as they put it, ‘save the world’ and arise as triumphant heroes. Well, that’s alright. A little spice is always appreciated. Let’s see if they can re-establish synchronization amongst the Elements. If they can, very well. Bravo. If they can’t, philosophers can write tragic allusions about the heroes. No worries. In the end, doesn’t everyone want to be famous? -x-x-x-x- Okay. That was the intro. I thought that we could have three Elementors from each Element, just to keep a balance. So, here are the respective slots taken and open! :D FIRE 1. Abadon Buer [Reubin] 2. Myra Altone Siln [ brokenxone] 3. Ariana [ Zae] WATER 1. Arden Matthews [Zae] 2. Sumnor Pegagnyx [Reubin] 3. Katie Deumos [Zae] AIR 1. Skye Hawkeye [ Larg] 2. Calyx Dracolynn [ zozane008 ] 3. [open slot] EARTH 1. Faber Reed [Larg] 2. Abigor Deumos [Reubin] 3. Lisbeth Goodwin [Koga]

10:14am Feb 24 2011
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Posts: 271
8D Joining.Obviously.
10:20am Feb 24 2011 (last edited on 5:37am Feb 25 2011)
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Posts: 204
Bio Skelly: Name: Arden Matthews Age: 17 Appearance(Image or Detailed Deion): Arden is a tall and lanky youth, with shaggy hair of an unusual hue of grey, with a natural blue-black streak running across it. He's got light azure eyes that are framed by thick-rimmed gl*censored*es, that almost always reflect his current mood. He has an alabaster complexion, and has got soft features that are almost feminine. Personallity: Arden is a cheerful, though shy, boy. He's usually amicable, but if anyone harms him, he strikes back like a scorpion. He's emotional, though bottles up his emotions. He's a loyal friend, though has the tendency to smother people excessively. History: Arden had a pretty normal family. A mother, a father, a brother...a large house in the suburbs...until he was declared an Elementor, of course. Other Details(If necessary): WATER ELEMENTOR. Is a part of the revolutionary legion.
10:24am Feb 24 2011
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Posts: 271
Arden. xD Okay.Dinner Time.Posting here later. |D
10:32am Feb 24 2011
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Name: Abadon Buer Age: 18 Appearance:  Personallity: Abadon is the ruthless type, not particularly caring who or what it is to get in his way, he'll burn it down without hesitation and leave regret for the next person. Since birth he ahs been able to control fire with unbelievable skill, for elementals of his level the school is normally the best option - or so it's considered - But he rebelled and joined the legion. History: He was brought up in an orphenage, living through his own personal hell from an early age, getting away from it all at 15, running, doing his best to carve out a life for himself. Other Details: None
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10:35am Feb 24 2011 (last edited on 10:35am Feb 24 2011)
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Posts: 204
Bio Skelly: Name: Ariana. Just Ariana. Age: 14 Appearance(Image or Detailed Deion): Ariana's tall with an athletic built. She's got an olive complexion, and big dark eyes framed by short, thick eyelashes. Her thick black hair is cropped short and uneven. She's got sharp features, and has abnormally long fingers. She tends to wear black and white clothes, with accents of red in them. Personallity: Ariana's feisty. She is known for her caustic tongue, and crosses the limits of being candid. She loves playing with fire, and is one of the best Fire-bending at the Academy. She over-analyzes everything, a rare trait of a Fire-bender. She's fiercely defensive, and has a vindictive streak. Although she doesn't like showing this side of hers, she can be a big softie, and cares a lot for her friends. She could fetch the stars from the sky if it were required to keep her loved ones safe. History: Ariana's parentage is unknown, even to herself. Rumor has it, the Academy found her deserted in a forest, and took up the responsibity to bring her up when she displayed her Fire-bearing skills at the tender age of 3 months. It's still a mystery how she survived during the first three months of her life, though. Other Details(If necessary): FIRE-BEARER. ONE OF THE FOUNDERS OF THE LEGION.

10:43am Feb 24 2011
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Posts: 12
((May I join? :D )) Name: Myra Altone Siln Age: 16 Appearance(Image or Detailed Deion): Personallity: Myra fits her element quite well-as she is very firey. Her irritable nature has gained her some enemies, as well as her stubborn disposition. She's not afraid to stand up for herself when needed, and when doing so, will fight dirty to win. Now, Myra seems loud and outspoken, but she really isn't. She's a loner, and she does what she wants in the quiet solitude of her mind. She's not necesarilly a bully, but she does pick on people occasionally. History: Myra's parents told her she was a Fire Elementor at the age of ten, and started training her for a couple of years until they sent her to the acadamy. She had a virtually uneventful life, save for the whole Elementor thing. Other Details(If necessary): Fire Elementor. Trying to save the world!
If I had it my way, I'd slit your throat with the knife you left in my back.
2:35am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 2,378
(Aye, the more the merrier. ^_^)
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4:50am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 204
(-nods head in agreement- Of course, brokenxone. :D Now I shall make an Air-Bearer and Earth-bearer, just to balance it out. Looks like Fire is in demand xD)
4:52am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 204
(Should I do so? )
5:50am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 271
Getting them both. o_o
5:55am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 204
(Lol. What, Larg? :D You're making 'em!? Awesome. xD :P)
6:07am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 271
Check your rmail in a few minutes Zaf. :D
6:57am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 271
Name:Skye Hawkeye Age:14 Appearance(Image or Detailed Deion):Skye has short auburn hair and bright blue eyes and dark eyebrows. Personallity:Skye used to be very hyper and very friendly before the death of her grand parents.However she's very protective of the few friends she has and is loyal.Her grandparents had always chided her for talking so much especially about family matters to other people. History:Skye was brought up by her grandparents.Her older brother had already been recognized to have the qualities of an earth elementor.Most people thought that she was going to be either an earth elementor or a normal human being.However,suprisingly she turned out to be an air elementor.Skye was sent to the Academy (if there is one) at a very young age following the death of her grandparents.Her parents had been murdered when she was very young.Her brother disappeared from the Academy to take revenge on the people who murdered most of his family. Other Details(If necessary): She is an air elementor.Obviously.
Name: Faber Reed Age:17 Appearance(Image or Detailed Deion):Short,spiky black hair,gray/green eyes.Tanned complexion.Tall,Lean and athletic. Personallity:Faber is known to be quite an odd young man. It's not that he's a loner or anything, because he's quite amicable. He just comes of as unresponsive at times, that's all. He's a stoic chap, and sometimes is frank without knowing it. He's got a dry sense of humor, which not surprisingly, is not usually intended to be taken in a humorous way. He's melancholy, and a deep thinker. He's got a deep p***ion for the environment, and is on the borderline of exasperating when he expresses his love for animals and plants. History: Gregory was a destined Earth-bearer. Everyone in his family's one, how could it be otherwise? Other Details(If necessary): Earth-bearer. (would he a be a part of the legion?)
7:12am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 1,789
((Awesome plot, you guys. ;D))
7:52am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 271
Thanks Kuro. xD Zae's idea. o3o Now join. 8D
9:04am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 204
Thanks, Kuro! :D I've got an idea. Why don't we have four Elementors representing each element. For example:- 4 Fire-bearers, 4 Earth-bearers...etc? You know, just so that it's in proportion? We'll wait for some slots to get filled up, and if they don't, we'll make 'em. What say? Just an idea. If you don't like it, we can do something else for the proportion thingy. =D
10:34am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 582
(koga might Join Loves)
I here voices and they always boss me around XD
10:34am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 271
I don't mind Zae.How abot 3 each instead of 4. :o We won't have to wait for long.Edit your post and put up the limit thing. :P Or we'll have people making too many fire elementors again. :D