8:51am Feb 28 2011
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Posts: 582
(zoz make one then lol)
I here voices and they always boss me around XD
3:27am Mar 1 2011
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Posts: 204
( Guys, we're going to limit to only three people per Element. Let's not make anymore, otherwise there will be an imbalance. We're going to stick to the limit. Savvy? The Gender Ratio thing is alright. I'll continue from where Reu stopped. )
3:36am Mar 1 2011 (last edited on 3:37am Mar 1 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 204
Arden, Katie and Adriana were p*censored*ing their time by the brook, waiting for the others to return from their respective duties. Adriana watched as Arden and Katie practised their Elemental skills, and she screamed as Arden splashed some water on her. '' You moronic idiot!'' she yelled, and hastily dried herself by emitting some heat, ignoring Katie's giggles. '' It's just some water, Adriana,'' said Arden with a wink,'' What harm can some water do to you?'' Adriana got up, and narrowed her eyes at Arden. A flame flickered at her palm, growing in size until it became a fireball,'' This is just some fire, Arden. What harm can some fire do to you?'' ''Guys...'' warned Katie,'' Don't start of now,'' Arden shrugged, and good-heartedly patted Adriana on the shoulder,'' Sorry, missus. I won't do it again. Truce?'' ''You're such a sissy, Arden. Getting scared of a girl,'' said Adriana, but not without a smile. Arden grinned sheepishly, and said,'' I guess our friendship is more important to me that some lame squabble,'' ''Wow, you're so nice it's nauseating,'' groaned Adriana. '' Why aren't we on patrol?'' said Katie, peering into the distance. '' That's cuz we're awesome, Kates..'' said Adriana. '' And we made some good-for-nothing excuse,'' laughed Arden. ''Like always,'' said the three in unison. Just then, a familiar voice said,'' You guys are so lazy.''

4:57am Mar 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,792
(can I be friends with the person that said the last line? like, enter with them and such? Cause I'm lost as to where I should enter XD)
5:05am Mar 1 2011
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Posts: 2,378
(Should I go next or are we putting in a posting order?)
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5:44am Mar 1 2011
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Posts: 204
( I don't know. Anything's cool with me, Reu. :D Forget the sequence, I say. Shao- If you want to. ^.^ )
8:14am Mar 1 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Zozo's got a bad headache, so I'm sorry if this is fail. And its my dad's birthday today~! )) Calyx was sitting below a tall tree, rubbing her head feebily. A small bump again to form when she removed her hand, making the girl even more angry. She climbed up the tree, and just a few moment later, fell from it. "Why can't I fly?!" She wanted to scream, but came out a mere whisper. A mere angry whisper. She banged her head against the tree then started to beat it up with a stick that had fallen down with her the few first time she attempted to fly. "See?! Your own limb hates you!" She yelled. "I'm going to tear you limp from limb and beat you with them!" Exhausted, the girl slumped down against the tree. She crossed her arms and started to hiss. Then she let out a sigh. "No need in killing the tree, Calyx." She told herself. "Just try again." She let out a grunt, climbing back up. Half way up the tree, she paused to swipe out a furry bush that was in her way. Wait, furry? She covered her ears as an ear-splitting snarl shot through the air, as the 'furry branch' fell to the ground. Next came claws against bark. "Oh gawd...Its coming for meee!" The girl wailed, climbing faster up the tree. There she sat. On the tippy-top of the tree. She looked around frantically, trying to find a spot to land. 'I'm coming for you...!' the thing seemed to say as it poked its head out of the bushes. Calyx stared. Then giggled. A small squirrel sat perched on a branch before her. It looked kinda....cute. "D'aww....Whats your name~?" Calyx asked happily. The animal snarled in reply. Calyx withdrew. Thats when the branch gave away and the girl went tumbling down. "Ow! Ow! Ouch! Owwww!" She waield all the way down as branched grabbed at her with long thorny branches. She focused a ball of air infront of her, then angirly, put more and more until it exploded. not her, the tree. It stood there. Bare to the....bark. she giggled, then forgot her situation. She landed face-first into the ground. And if that wasn't enough, The angry squirrel came with her. It attached itself onto her face. "Waaaa!" Calyx screamed, running around incircles. By the time Calyx had found running around in circles was meaningless, and after runnign into five trees, Calyx eventually got to Arden, Katie, and Adriana. "get it off of meeee!" She wailed helplessly.
10:28am Mar 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 204
( Lol. xD Should I go next, or are you going next, Reu? Or Koga? Or Larg? o.o )
12:58pm Mar 1 2011
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Posts: 2,378
Abadon, Abigor and Sumnor all walked back into the camp, happy to be off their patrols at long last. Abigor walked slowly and quietly up behind Katie before hugging her around the waist and hoisting her up in the air and spinning her, "Hello there, little sister, but shouldn't you be on your patrols?" Abadon and Sumnor approached less stealthily, not particularly caring about entrances. Sumnor scratched his head, "I'm going to need to go into town tomorrow, I need to get a new iPod.... my one seems to be busted." He reached into his pocket, before pulling out an ipod with a crack right down the screen. Abadon's mouth dropped wide, "How in hell did you do that?!" Before Sumnor could answer, Abadon saw Katie, crouching low and grinning widely, he ahd always been fond of the girl that was wise beyond her years, "Hey there, kiddo, how's your night going so far?" He pulled out a tooth from one of the many jackets on his leather jacket, it was from a wolf most likely, lost in a fight. "From a wolf I do believe, means courage, let it guide you, and shine all it's wolfy goodness onto you." he said, half sarcastically, before chuckling softly.
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6:02pm Mar 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 17,364
(( I was thinking about evil squirrels at the time when I wrote that. o.o ))
6:35am Mar 2 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 204
( Lol. x) Who's supposed to write now? It's Larg or Koga, I believe. )
8:23am Mar 2 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,378
(Wait, there's an order now? lol)
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8:41am Mar 2 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 582
"Come on Lisbeth! You have to push yourself! Now do it again!"Axel said, watching his cousin Lisbeth Goodwin practice controling her power. Libeth closed her eyes and focused on moving the rock over towards Axel. She lifted the rock and moved it half way towards Axel. "You almost have it,Lis. Okay try this. Go to your happy place. Maybe that'll help you move the rock" Axel said.After a while, Lisbeth fell to her knees. She was tired and sick of trying to move the rock. "Come. Let's try it again." AXel said. "No! I"m done with trying to move the rock!" Lisbeth yelled as she lifted the rock and threw it at Axel, who quickly dodged it and fell to the ground. "That was perfect!" Axel said.
I here voices and they always boss me around XD
10:17am Mar 2 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 204
Whilst the others chatted with Abadon, Abigor and Sumnor; Ariana pricked her ears at the sound coming from afar. She was the only one who noticed Calyx run frantically about with a squirrel on her face, and her eyes widened. '' Holy...'' muttered Ariana, and she ran towards Calyx. '' Stay still, Cal.'' warned Ariana as a flame appeared on her hand. She held Calyx tightly by the other hand, and carefully brought up her hand to Calyx's face. Calyx whimpered as Ariana singed the squirrel's tail, and shrieked as the squirrel yelped, and jumped off her head. Ariana shot a fireball at the squirrel as it scampered into the woods, yelling,'' There you go, you stupid brute!'' -x-x-x-
5:44pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx hated fire. Oh how much she wanted to crawl away to a small hole in the ground. Or mabye uce a gust of wind to force her upwards, away from the licking flames. But she knew that air only feeds to fire. She had learned that the hard way. Without noticing, she shrieked. Once the squirrel was gone, she immedietly covered her mouth. How embaras.sing. She removed her hand and straightened her throut. "T-Thanks.." She said quietly to the fire-elementor. Her face was covered in scratches. She grunted. "Stupid squirrel......Stupid fire." She said the last part quietly so no one could hear her.
8:09am Mar 3 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,378
(There's nothing for Reu to go on... >.<)
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10:30am Mar 3 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 204
( There is, Reu. xD You can interact with Koga's characters, yes? )
7:57am Mar 4 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 582
(Yeah ReuReu^_^)
I here voices and they always boss me around XD
8:28am Mar 4 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 17,364
(( Yuss. ))
11:04am Mar 4 2011
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Posts: 2,378
Sumnor and Abadon looked up and saw Axel attempting to train Lisbeth, they walked over to Axel, smiles on both their faces. Abadon was the first to speak. "Want to come get a drink? You look like you could do withg etting some ale in you." Sumnor nodded, "Aye, training's thirsty work, I know 'cause I taught Abadon here everything he knows." Abadon jabbed him in the arm playfully, "Ther other way around more like it." Sumnor shrugged, not wanting to enter into a needless arguement, "You coming for that drink then?" Abigor walked over to Lisbeth, swaying her hips as she did so, she was never one to have a fixed sexuality, but this time it was more to see the reaction she could get. "You done being trained by the neanderthal? want to come with me somewhere and drink something before dancing to something else?"
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