6:36pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 507
(( Does Lila see Razukai? ))
6:38pm May 24 2010 (last edited on 6:53pm May 24 2010)
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Posts: 265
OoC: this post has been erased XD
"An asteriod is a fiery ball of fire." Carol R, my sis XDD My cousins coming over for a few days so I might not be on as much. Early in the morning, most likely (cause she's a late sleeper) :D
Offline ]< for nao...
6:39pm May 24 2010
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"h-h-hi"katara said softly and scared "i-im katara wh-who are y-you"
6:50pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 507
(( Lol Blue, I mean, does the wolf Lila finds making the noises, is that Razukai? XD )) Razukai could tell the new wolf was scared. She had nothing to fear. Since she knew she was safe, she gently sat down and smiled at Katara. "I'm Razukai, from the fire clan," she said, looking around the trees. "although I don't have a clan right now... I'm all alone. Don't worry, I won't hurt you." she said sweetly to Katara.
6:52pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 265
"An asteriod is a fiery ball of fire." Carol R, my sis XDD My cousins coming over for a few days so I might not be on as much. Early in the morning, most likely (cause she's a late sleeper) :D
Offline ]< for nao...
6:55pm May 24 2010
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7:06pm May 24 2010
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"hi im katara from the wind clan i have not had much training thats why i was scared" katara said confidently"im also very shy"
7:40pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 694
Thunder could hear voices not too far away. He peered through some bushes, knowing that his dark face would be visible, should anyone care to look his way... Star ran through the woods, oblivious to the fact thta there was a wolf looking for herbs right in front of her. They collided with a crash.
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
8:00pm May 24 2010
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katara looked toward thunder and darted out of the bushes for his face scared her
8:02pm May 24 2010
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8:05pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 265
Silvir fell back and her herbs spilled. "oww,,, im so sorry! are you ok?" she asked the stranger.
"An asteriod is a fiery ball of fire." Carol R, my sis XDD My cousins coming over for a few days so I might not be on as much. Early in the morning, most likely (cause she's a late sleeper) :D
Offline ]< for nao...
8:19pm May 24 2010
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When Katara ran out of the bushes, Razukai quickly sped forward in front of her, protecting her from whatever scared her in the first place. "Who's there?" Razukai said in a firm, stiff voice. "Why are you here?!" she barked. She wanted to protect her new friend as best she could, even if the other wolf was no match for her. Even though she had anger in her face, her eyes still shimmered and her fur still shined. Razukai looked like a beautiful, torn uo, angry princess. (( Ok, Razukai has a lot of self confidence. XP She has really good looks. ))
8:22pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 265
Lila stayed invisible and ran to the side. I should report this to the cheif. but what if they notice me? She started to turn visible again. Oh no!! not now!! She said and tried to hide the best she could until she could summon the energy to turn invisible again.
"An asteriod is a fiery ball of fire." Carol R, my sis XDD My cousins coming over for a few days so I might not be on as much. Early in the morning, most likely (cause she's a late sleeper) :D
Offline ]< for nao...
8:37pm May 24 2010
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katara started to wimper then all of a suden noticed that she was being protected she did not want the thing that scared her to think she was a scaredy wolf so she went to the side of razukai and stood strong although she was very frightend one of the wolfs from the wind clan told her she looked very brave but she wasnt so she new she could trick the thing that scared her
3:26pm May 25 2010
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Posts: 694
Thunder stepped out of the bushes. "I do not mean you harm" he said in a calm. Than he noticed Razukai fully for the first time. She is so beautiful, he thought, and gave his head a little shake. I can't be thinking about things like that. But...... he looked at the smaller wolf. "Who are you?" he asked them both. Star jumped back, startled. "Oh, I'm sorry" she said, and broke off. A distant memory stirred in the back of her mind. She had seen this wolf before, she was sure of it. But she was much smaller back then.....
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
3:33pm May 25 2010
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"i'm katara"katara thought to herself he is so cute but i can't think about that he could be lieing when he says he will not harm maybe he will.
3:40pm May 25 2010
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Posts: 265
Silvir started to gather the rest of her herbs. when her basket was full again she turned to the other wolf. "Sorry to bother you, ma'am."
"An asteriod is a fiery ball of fire." Carol R, my sis XDD My cousins coming over for a few days so I might not be on as much. Early in the morning, most likely (cause she's a late sleeper) :D
Offline ]< for nao...
4:58pm May 25 2010
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Thunder looked at the younger wolf. "I've been told that many wolves here have special talents", he said cautiously, to both wolves. "Is this true?"
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
7:00pm May 25 2010
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Posts: 507
When the wolf emerged from the bush from the first time, something, just something about him caught Razukai's eye. She smiled for a second, and when reality came back to her, she hid her smile under the blankness of a pokerface. When Thunder claimed he meant no harm, Razukai backed off and sat down calmly. Usually she does not trust strangers, but she could feel a strange connection of trust and desire with this one wolf. "Yes... That is true," Razukai said. "I'm Razukai, and I have the power of fire and magma. Hot things." she claimed proudly.
7:56pm May 25 2010
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Posts: 694
Thunder narrowed his eyes. Fire. Heat. Interesting. She certianly is hot. (couldnt resist :P) Dangerous, in a fight too. But not to me. He smirked, and tried to cover it up by taking another step forward, but knew she had seen. I hope she doesn't get TOO curious... "Whats yours?" he asked teh smaller wolf behind her. ((Join my Hunger Games RP? Called THe Hunger Games :P))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D