7:58pm May 25 2010
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Posts: 507
7:59pm May 25 2010
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Posts: 265
This isnt looking very good... Lila told herself. but she wasnt strong enough yet. she slowly backed off in the bushes and started to run toward her own village.
"An asteriod is a fiery ball of fire." Carol R, my sis XDD My cousins coming over for a few days so I might not be on as much. Early in the morning, most likely (cause she's a late sleeper) :D
Offline ]< for nao...
8:03pm May 25 2010
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Posts: 507
For the first time since Thunder emerged from the bush, Razukai took her eyes off the wolf for just a second. It was at the sound of leaves moving in a nearby bush. Her ears twitched and instantaneously, Razukai jerked her head in the direction of the noise. However, she saw nothing. "....Is anyone there?" she cautiously asked. Without waiting for a response, she turned back to Thunder and asked frantically, "Did you hear that?!"
8:09pm May 25 2010
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Posts: 265
Lila froze with fear. Oh Great!!! I gotta get out of here! She panicked and ran as fast as she could. Silvirs ears percked up. "Did you hear something?" She asked.
"An asteriod is a fiery ball of fire." Carol R, my sis XDD My cousins coming over for a few days so I might not be on as much. Early in the morning, most likely (cause she's a late sleeper) :D
Offline ]< for nao...
8:31pm May 25 2010
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Posts: 694
"Yes, I did" Thunder replied. He looked towards the bushes. "Maybe a wolf that can go undected as a skill?" he suggested.
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
8:35pm May 25 2010
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Posts: 507
"I suppose..." Razukai said quietly, focusing near the bush. "But... What was it doing here?"
8:38pm May 25 2010
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Posts: 265
Silvir approached a nearby bush. She saw 3 other wolfs. I wonder what there all doing here? maybe they're fighting. thats not good. but its not like I could stop it. It would be best to avoid contact all together.
"An asteriod is a fiery ball of fire." Carol R, my sis XDD My cousins coming over for a few days so I might not be on as much. Early in the morning, most likely (cause she's a late sleeper) :D
Offline ]< for nao...
9:25pm May 25 2010
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"i have the power to bend air it also makes me fly ,see"leah said as she jumped up and started to fly but when she looked down she could see a wolf watching them "HEY!"she yelled
12:36pm May 26 2010
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Posts: 694
"Spying?" Thunder's fur bristled. "Come out and let us see who you are!" Uurg, if only I had a skill. My gift - no my curse- is so unhelpful.
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
12:45pm May 26 2010
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Posts: 2,264
Katara flew down and landed "there "she pointed to where she had saw the wolf.
1:57pm May 26 2010
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6:53pm May 26 2010
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Posts: 507
Razukai ran after Katara. "Stop, whoever you are!" she yelled into the blank forest. All of a sudden, flames emerged from Razukai's paws as she stood looking around in the distance. Fire was her power, so she could control it, even to the point where it wouldn't hurt her. "You are an intruder! Show your face or I will attack!" she barked, lowering her head and squinting her eyes in the direction of fast footsteps.
6:59pm May 26 2010
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katara amerged wind around all three of the wolves making a shield and then her boddy turned misty and a force of wind wintin the direction she was scared and when she is scared she canot controle her body and what it does so she gets firece without knowing it then wind formed around her feet kinda like the fire on razukais feet but its wind and then her eyes turned a mist blue and she sowed her teeth.
7:07pm May 26 2010
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Posts: 694
Thunder bounded ahead and put himself directly between teh two wolves, one with fire in her paws, the other misty wind.
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
7:10pm May 26 2010
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Posts: 507
(( While we wait for Bluestarr to reply... About what Res time are you guys most likely to be on? I have school until 1 PM Res time, so I'm usually on and off after 1:30 PM. ))
7:16pm May 26 2010
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Posts: 2,264
((im out of school its summer break for me))
7:21pm May 26 2010 (last edited on 7:24pm May 26 2010)
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((you should look at my new rp )) http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/i-hear-it-horse-the-beat-of-the-hooves-rp-and-the-runing-in-the-wind/~page/1/ ((it called:i hear it {horse}the beat of the hooves{rp}and the running wind)) ((and this one)) http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-will-fight-ninja-for-our-rights-to-rp-be-ninja/~page/1/ ((its called:we will fight [ninja] for our rights to [rp] be ninja ))
3:04pm May 27 2010
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Posts: 507
11:48pm May 27 2010
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((bump im back))
8:04pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 694
((Lets re-start!))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D