7:31pm Jan 18 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Duh, I can use my talent! He lifted his hands up, and moved them away. All the twigs, leaves, and access bits in his path were lifted away and put in a pile. He headed towards the cabin that he had heard noise in, and he peeked in through a window, making sure he would not be seen.
9:30pm Jan 18 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Mlle snapped her fingers and her hands became engulfed in flames. She looked around and tried to see what that broken stick was about. Grace rolled over grumpily and yelled at her. "Go to sleep!" She was mad now. Mlle had lit up the room and Grace was like a hibernating bear. Mlle finally put the light out and laid down. She sighed and closed her eyes, gently falling asleep.
Love is all we need~
7:23pm Jan 19 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Friendly bump.))
Love is all we need~
7:58pm Jan 19 2011
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((Somewhat friendly bump.))
Love is all we need~
10:04pm Jan 19 2011
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((Not very friendly bump.))
Love is all we need~
10:10pm Jan 19 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Sorreh Wolfie, I'll try and post faster! )) Sam stayed and watched for another twenty minutes, then slunk away back to his dorm. Back in his room, he pondered what to do. I guess I'll just wait. He thought, and he leaned against the wall, and waited.. A beeping alarm jolted Sam out of his nap. He read the time, which said 5:40, and said, "Oh damn! I have to get ready!" He bumped his head on the wall, cursing. He got ready quickly then headed off to the first cl@ss he was enrolled in, which was just a not-as-regular-as-usual history cl@ss. ((I'll make a list of cl@sses and teachers soon.))
9:15pm Jan 20 2011
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Grace got up from her bed and got ready. She was in an unusually good mood. She didn't bother to wake Mlle. She would be too much trouble. Especially if she was in a bad mood. She finished getting ready and headed to her first cl*censored*. Her first cla.ss was history, but after that, it was cla.sses that tought you how to control your abilities. ((Failness.))
Love is all we need~
9:17pm Jan 21 2011
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Love is all we need~
9:27pm Jan 21 2011
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Sam slipped into the cl@ssroom just as the warning bell for late people went off. Usually, he didn't come into cl@ss this early, but today felt special. He started flicking crumpled bits of paper with his finger, and soon became occupied in a game of soccer, his pinkie on his left hand against hi right index. A ruler landed on sam's desk, right between his eyes. "That'll do, Samson." Sam bristled. Miss Minerva Quill (Otherwise known as Miss Q.) was the only person who actually got off with calling him his full first name. She was, after all, a teacher. "Today, we are going to study the Great War. Who knows which elements fought, and on which sides? Grace?" Sam looked at Grace, and with a jolt, realised she was the girl he'd seen in the cabin the other night.
9:31pm Jan 21 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Grace snapped away from her dreamland. "Umm..." She looked around nervously. "Weren't the elements Shadow and Light in the Great War? And I have no clue what side they fought on." At least she was being honest. She looked at Sam and thought that he had a funny look on his face. It looked kinda suspicious. She would interrogate him later, being as curious as she was.
Love is all we need~
10:10pm Jan 21 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"No, but you're close," Miss Q. said, and she started writing things down "The Great war was a clash between..." Sam must have dozed off, because everyone was getting ready to leave, what seemed to him, a second later. He groggily grabbed his books and stuff and hurried off. It was his free period, now, so he could do whatever he wanted. "That's what I get for getting up early," He muttered under his breath. ((Remember, they don't have exactly the same timetables.))
10:53am Jan 22 2011
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((I know.)) Now it was time for Grace to go to control cl*censored*es. The first cl*censored*, she would learn how to use her element as a weapon. In the cl*censored* after that, she would learn how to use her element to heal herself. Grace grabbed her books and brushed past Sam on the way out. She looked at him out of the corner of her eye and debated on whether she should interrogate him now or after school. She decided to do it after school and moved on. She put all of her books into her locker, due to the teacher giving all of the instructions in the control cl*censored*es. She walked to her cl*censored* and sat down, looking out of the window at the people on break. "Why do we have to go to school?" She muttered to herself.
Love is all we need~
2:01pm Jan 22 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Professor Halting smiled as people filed into his cl@sdroom. "Good morning!" He yelled over the clamour. "Today we're going to learn how t control our elements to make weapons." A lot of people became excited about this, and one boy yelled, "Like, form swords from our elements?" "Exactly right, Thomas." the professor said, beaming at him with his weather-beaten face. Thomas looked bewildered. He didn't know how the Professor knew his name. "Now, we need an example pairing.... Thomas, Grace, come up here, would you please?" Thomas went to the front of the cl@ss, staring around sheepishly. "Now, in your mind, I want you to think clearly that you hae a weapon forged of your element in your hand," The professor said, "only think of that... nothing else."
5:26pm Jan 22 2011
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Grace walked up to the front silently, wondering why she was getting called on so much today. She did as he said. Sword. Light Sword, she thought to herself. She felt a warming sensation and opened her eyes. Sure enough, there was a sword there. The sword gleamed purple at the tip, but the further you got to the handle, the color gradually changed into a pale yellow. She looked at the sword, mesmerized.
Love is all we need~
8:27pm Jan 22 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Keep focusing!" yelled Professor Halting, as Thomas's wind sword almost flickered away. Thomas squinted with concentration, and his wind sword became stronger. "now, duel." "What??!" yelled Thomas, staring at the professor. "Aren't you going to teach us how?" "No," the Professor smiled. "your element scenses will take over."
8:32pm Jan 22 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Grace smirked, swiping her weapon quickly towards Thomas. She hit him with the side of it to make sure that she didn't severely injure him or anything. "Awesome," she said laughing, looking at her sword to make sure that it was still strong.
Love is all we need~
9:06pm Jan 22 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Professor Halting smiled as Thomas started blocking Grace's attacks. "Good! Good!" He yelled over the applause. "Now, everyone choose a partner and duel." He placed earth shields around everyone so that they wouldn't hurt eachother while dueling. Thomas smiled and started hacking at Grace's feet, imparing her speed. "fun, innit?" He asked with a huge grin.
9:11pm Jan 22 2011
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Grace jumped over his sword and hit near his head with her sword. "Loads of fun," she said happily, landing on the ground and swiping near his neck, only to get her sword bounced off by the shield. Everything started sounding like the clanging of metal and people shouting at their partner before striking them. Grace surrounded herself in a small veil of light in an attempt to distract Thomas. Then, she hacked at his feet.
Love is all we need~
11:29pm Jan 22 2011
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Posts: 6,296
The dueling went on for around half an hour, then Professor Halting called it to a stop. "We'll now work on elemental defense for the next half hour," he said, staring at the pupils. "with your partner, choose the one who will attack, and who'll defend. " "I'll defend," Thomas said quickly to Grace.
12:06am Jan 23 2011
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"You sure?" Grace said playfully. "I wouldn't want to hurt you," she said with a slight smirk on her face. "Alright. I guess I'll attack then." ((Fail.))
Love is all we need~