8:13pm Jan 24 2011
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((The teacher said the word 'retarded' OwO )) Sam looked at the bird and made an odd guesture. The bird seemed to understand, and hopped off. Reluctantly, though. -fail-
8:44pm Jan 24 2011
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((Miss Alex is actually in her twenties, so she's not ancient or anything.)) "Good," she said. "Now, for the rest of the cla.ss to get their animal." When she mentioned that, the rest of the cla.ss came up to the cage, one by one to get their animal. Jake chose a fox that had cunning green eyes instead of the more common amber color. "Alright," she paused, "when taming an animal, the first thing to remember is to remind them that you are stronger, faster, smarter, and of higher rank than them. Don't let your animal control you. You control the animal," she said. "Now, I suggest that you use the rest of your cla.sstime to get to know your a.ssigned animal. Maybe even give it a name," Miss Alex said, smiling. Her bird said loudly. "MISO HUNGRY!" He also followed that sentence with a few cusswords. Miss Alex gaped as a few of the kids laughed. "Miso! Naughty bird!" She scolded him. "I'm sorry. He learned a few cusswords from t.v." She put Miso into his cage for his punishment. "Well, what are you waiting for? Interact with your animal!" She said that with plenty enthusiasm.
Love is all we need~
8:50pm Jan 24 2011
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Sam was happy that his bird did what he asked without complaining. He discovered her as a female, and it's favourite word was yellow, so he decided to name it that. Even though he liked Yellow, he stil wished they were working on bigger animals, like tigers and raccoons and bears.
9:30pm Jan 24 2011
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A bell rang and Miss Alex called, "Cla.ss dismissed. No homework tonight!" The students moved from their seats and slipped into the hallway. Grace went from break to the lunchroom. Mlle was already at a table and was sitting beside Jake. Mlle waved and motioned for Grace to sit at their table. Grace held her lunchbox in her hand. "So," Mlle said, taking a bite of her chicken sandwich, "you still gonna interrogate someone after school?" Mlle raised an eyebrow. "Yep. I don't say stuff and then don't do it," Grace said, sitting down on the opposite side of the table. She pulled an apple out of her lunchbox and took a large bite of it.
Love is all we need~
9:32pm Jan 24 2011
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Sam sat down not far from Grace. He felt like he was stalking her, but he wasn't. He quickl ate his food then started to walk around.
6:15pm Jan 25 2011
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Grace finished her food and got up from her seat. There were only two more cla.sses and then the school day would be done. She would have the rest of the day to do whatever she wanted. She walked to Sam and looked at him. "Um, we need to talk," she said while twirling some of her brown hair around her finger.
Love is all we need~
6:16pm Jan 25 2011
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"Why?" Sam stared at grace curiously. "I'm not stalking you or anything." Maybe a little bit, Sam thought to himself.
6:18pm Jan 25 2011
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"I need to know why you looked so shocked this morning. Not everyone has that look on their face when they see me. You did something. I can tell." Grace smirked and said, "What'd you do?"
Love is all we need~
6:21pm Jan 25 2011
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"I was just.... looking at your drawings. You're an amazing artist, you know," Sam told her. I'm not lying, am I? Glancing at the huge old-fashioned clack with numbers as roman numerals, he discovered his next lesson (Music and arts) would be starting in around ten minutes.
6:28pm Jan 25 2011
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((Could she have last hour with him?)) "Sure," she said, unconvinced. "If you don't tell me now, I'll eventually pry it out of you. But thanks for telling me I'm good at drawing," Grace said truthfully, fighting back a blush.
Love is all we need~
6:33pm Jan 25 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Okay, they can be in that cl@ss together, maybe if you want more time for them to talk.))
"Do you like drawing a lot?" Sam asked. "I'm into acting more than I am in art. I always love pretending to be someone I'm not, who is usually better than I am."
6:35pm Jan 25 2011
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"Tsk tsk." Grace said shaking her finger. "Trying to change the subject, are we?" Just then, the bell rang. Grace glared at Sam and said, "We'll continue this conversation later." At that, she walked off to her next cla.ss, Music and Arts. She took a seat in one of the back desks and looked at the teacher who was in the front.
Love is all we need~
6:44pm Jan 25 2011
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Sam sat at the back. He wasn't there because of Grace, but he always was at th back of cl@sses, so he wouldn't be noticed by the teacher if he messes around. The teacher, Miss Zarate(Zah-rah-tee) rapped her desk with her nuckles to get attention. Heads spun to look at her. "Today, we are focusing on art, not music. No, not art, as in drawings, but art, as in acting."
6:50pm Jan 25 2011
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Grace sighed. She didn't like this cl*censored* too much unless they were focusing on music. Grace had a beautiful singing voice, that's why she liked to sing so much. She looked at Miss Zarate and frowned. Flashes of what happened that morning flew through her head. Then, it hit her. She knew why Sam gave her that funny look this morning. He had to have looked in her cabin or something. That's why Mlle was freaking out that morning. She smirked and looked at Sam.
Love is all we need~
6:55pm Jan 25 2011 (last edited on 6:55pm Jan 25 2011)
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Sam caught Grace's eye and smiled back, although he wasn't exactly sure why. Then, Miss Zarate spoke. "Don't complain if you like music more," She started, "You may find you have talent in art as well, or the other way around. Choose a partner, anyone, preferably a boy with a girl for this skit we're going to do." Sam stood up, as everyone did, but didn't walk around to grab a partner. He knew all the pretty girls would be gone, and he would probably be stuck with another boy, but he decided that the girls would possibly choose him, instead of him choosing them. He half-glanced at Grace, hoping she'd come his way.
7:00pm Jan 25 2011
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Grace grabbed Sam by the arm and said, "Hello, partner." She picked him because he said he was good at acting earlier. She looked around. One guy was looking at her with a disappointed look on his face. "Darn," he said under his breath. Grace looked at the boy sympathetically and mouthed the word, Sorry. "So, I never caught your name. I might want to know that before we do the skit. Wouldn't want me going around calling you Bob, would ya?"
Love is all we need~
7:02pm Jan 25 2011
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"Oh, my name's Sam. Don't ask what that's short for," Sam said. "Take your partner, and I want you to dance," Miss Zarate said, smiling. "This is just a warm-up. I will change the style when I feel like it. Right now, I want you to square dance." Sam groaned. He hated dancing.
7:05pm Jan 25 2011
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"Sh!t, not dancing," Grace said madly. She covered her mouth when she noticed what she had said. "How the heck do you square dance. And I'm warning you Sam, I suck at dancing." She looked at the ground. I thought we were focusing on art today, not dancing, she thought to herself, rubbing the bridge of her nose.
Love is all we need~
7:08pm Jan 25 2011
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"I don't think it'll last long," Sam whispered. "She did say it was just a warm-up." At that moment, Miss Zarate yelled out, "Swing dancing!" Sam smiled a little. He loved swing. "Just, c'mon, okay? I'll lead you." He grabbed Grace and twirled her around.
7:10pm Jan 25 2011
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Grace almost fell, but she caught herself. She looked at him, a bit angry. "Warn me when you're about to do that," she said laughing. She couldn't help but laugh at her own clumsiness.
Love is all we need~