11:35pm Jan 26 2011
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"Yah, I guess so," Sam said. "Do you like the school? When I got here, I thought it was horrible, but then I got used to it."
5:03pm Jan 28 2011
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"Yeah. I like it. I love all of the people here. They care so much about us. They put in alot of effort to try and make the school as much like home as possible," Grace said. She glanced around. It was about four o' clock now. She felt sort of like she needed to do something. She pulled her hand out and a bright light erupted from it. The light dissipated into a light, glowing feather in her hand. She held up the feather between her index finger and her thumb. It was beautiful.
Love is all we need~
5:52pm Jan 28 2011
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Sam smiled and looked at the feather. He did the same thing with his earth element, but it took the shape of a fully-bloomed rose. "Isn't it amazing what we can do?" he asked, throwing the rose into the sky, and it floated for a moment, then went to the ground, slowly dissapearing.
4:56pm Jan 30 2011
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10:00pm Jan 30 2011
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"Yes," she said simply. Grace's feather flew out of her hand and blew into the wind, slowly dissipating. She watched it and smiled. She wished that she could fly sometimes. She wished that she could just run away from people. Just forget about facing fears and run.
Love is all we need~
10:52pm Jan 30 2011
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5:29pm Jan 31 2011
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((Yush. Later that night. They are in their cabins. This time, I'm going to make Grace come to Sam's cabin. Oh, who would be his roommate. Just curious.))
Love is all we need~
8:23pm Jan 31 2011
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((He has no roommate. .3. Joking, his cabin-mate is a guy named Jacob. ))
9:27pm Jan 31 2011
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Grace stumbled through the dark forest, the only source of light was her hand. She held a small ball of light. She looked for the guyps cabin and quickly found it. She stepped on a spiky rock and bit back cusswords and only let out a rather large, "Ouch!" She limped on her foot for a few steps before coming to the boy's cabins.
Love is all we need~
9:35pm Jan 31 2011 (last edited on 5:44pm Feb 1 2011)
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Sam wasn't asleep. He was watching. waiting, listening. Sam bolted up with a grin on his face when he heard grace's familiar voice in the night. He slipped outside, but he put on a bath-robe first. He wasn't completely ready for his boxers to be seen by somebody. "Those are some pretty nasty words you ave in your vocabulary," He said, grinning as he got outside. He made sure to close the door as quietly as possible: he didn't want to wake up his mate, Jacob. "how'd you know this was my cabin? luck?" he asked Grace, looking at her face by the light of the ball of light in Grace's hand.
5:32pm Feb 1 2011
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Grace quickly extinguished the light in her hand. "Couldn't you put on a robe?" She whispered loudly. "I didn't know that it was your cabin. I guess it was luck," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "So, Mlle is snoring up a storm and I can't sleep. Can I chill with you? You look wide awake."
Love is all we need~
5:45pm Feb 1 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Sam did put on one. ._. ))
"Yah, well, I thought you might do this, so I stayed awake." Sam smiled. "Want to go for a walk? It's real nice today," He said, looking at the glowing half-moon.
5:51pm Feb 1 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((whooops. Just pretend she didn't say that... I'm too lazy to edit.)) Grace glared at him. "Sure. Let's go for a walk." She looked down at her pajama shorts and her tank top. She wasn't necessarily dressed for a walk in the woods, but she was fine. Who cares what she wears?
Love is all we need~
6:05pm Feb 1 2011
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Sam smiled and and looked at the trees, which moved over with a light 'thud', and made a straight path down to the small river which Sam went to often. "After you," he said, smiling.
5:09pm Feb 2 2011
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"Show off," Grace mumbled jokingly. She walked through the tree-less path to where the river was. She sat down on the river bank and patted the spot next to her.
Love is all we need~
5:48pm Feb 2 2011
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Sam sat down beside Grace and dipped his feet into the water. The half-moon hung high in the sky, casting it's reflection on the water below, as if examining itself in a mirror. Sam grabbed the flattest rock he could find around him and flung it with an expert hand over the water, once, twice, three times, four, and it sunk.
5:53pm Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Grace looked as the stone skipped across the water. She picked a flat rock up too and threw it. It splashed into the water with a thud. "Ah, rocks hate me," she said mildly. "You showed me your trick, now I show you mine," she said, smirking. She put a ball of light in her hand and tossed it out onto the water. Before it dissipated, it made the water light up like a firecracker.
Love is all we need~
6:05pm Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Sam smiled, and stared at the light in awe. "Wow, that's really-" All of a sudden, he was cut off by a woman's voice. "Grace Minkloft, Samson Hale, come here right now!" the voice said, and Sam cringed. The voice was owned by Principal Sharp, who, like her last name, had a killer tongue, wit, and insisted that rules must be followed. Sam stared at Grace, then slowly stood up, wiping dirt off his jeans. The dirt came right off, leaving no stain. "Your cabin mate, Jason, tipped me off that you had left your cabin without permission from a teacher, Mister Hale, and I walked out here, in my nightgown, to find out what you were doing." she guestured to her night-dress, which was billowing in the wind. Sam cursed Jason silently in his head, and put a hand out to help Grace up.
6:12pm Feb 2 2011
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Grace grabbed Sam's hand, got up, and looked at the Principal. Of course when Grace was having fun, she had to get caught. She looked around and wondered what kind of roommate Jason was. She was personally going to kick his butt later. Just thinking about snitches made her clench her fists.
Love is all we need~
6:17pm Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Follow me to my office." Principal Sharp hadn't of had to say this, as Sam was already facing her and waiting to be lead to punishment. They walked silently, the silence only being broken by Principal sharp's occasional tutting. When they got to the main building, they went down the hall and went into the first door on the right. Principal Sharp pursed her lips as if she'd eaten a lemon wedge, and guestured both teens to sit down. "Now," she said slowly, folding her hands. "What were you two doing? Grace?" her ice blue eyes stared at Grace, as if trying to cut the truth out of her.