6:21pm Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"Sitting by the river," Grace said simply as she sat down. Grace looked at Sam. "Why are you asking me? Ask Sam too. He'll say the same thing," she said. She pushed some of her hair out of her eyes and huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and sinking down further into the chair.
Love is all we need~
6:27pm Feb 2 2011
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Principal Sharp stared at Sam, and he shrugged. "It's true. We were just hanging out by the lake, nothing serious," Sam said, noticing a caterpillar in his hair and tugging it out. "Very well," Miss Sharp said, "but you will still have detentions, as you were up and about after curfew." Sam smiled, but quickly frowned, as if he were upset. The detention would mean more time with Grace. "I expect you to be here at 5:00, is that time god for both of you, not clashing with your cl@sses at all?" Principal Sharp asked. Sam shook his head. He had no cl@sses from 4:00 to 6:00, so the time would be fine.
6:33pm Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Grace shook her head. Detentions weren't all that bad here. All you had to do was clean the cla.ssrooms. She looked down. She was a bit sad. Mlle would be very mad. Definately more mad than Grace was. She looked back up at the Principal with a straight face.
Love is all we need~
6:36pm Feb 2 2011 (last edited on 6:36pm Feb 2 2011)
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"Back to bed now, both of you!" Principal sharp snapped, grabbing a coffee cup off the desk, taking a few seconds to realize it was empty. Sam waved at Grace, and quietly went back to his dorm with a fake smile on his face. Jason was going to have a bloody nose in the morning, Sam was sure of that. ((Time skip?))
6:44pm Feb 2 2011
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((Sure.)) Grace awoke from her sleep to find that her alarm clock read 4:45 A.M. She got up and wrubbed her eyes. She went through her morning routine; shower, brush teeth, comb hair, you get it? She felt like wearing a dress today. She slipped on a knee-length dress that had biker shorts underneath it. The dress was simple: a blue dress with white trim. Her biker shorts were also blue. She put her hair up in a low ponytail and walked out of the door with a muffin in her hand. She walked to where the detention was being held and sat on a desk.
Love is all we need~
6:57pm Feb 2 2011
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Sam woke up groggily and leaned over to look at the alarm clock. It read '5:01' in great big black letters. Sam dragged himself out of bed and headed for detention.
7:01pm Feb 2 2011
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Grace was now walking around the cla.ssroom. She wasn't going to start working until Sam arrived. If she started now, she thought that he would make her do all of the work. She pulled ponytail to the side so that it rested on her shoulder. She looked down at her Toms and ate the last bit of her muffin.
Love is all we need~
7:45pm Feb 2 2011
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Sam rushed to the designated detention room, halting quickly at the door. "Sorry, I forgot to set my alarm to an earlier time," he panted, walking into the room. "where should we start?"
8:29pm Feb 2 2011
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"We should clean off the desks," she said, pointing to the paint-covered desks. They were in the art room, which was the messiest room, so they had to clean up paint off the floor and desks. Then they had to sweep and mop the floors. She grabbed two sponges and wet them under the sink on the far side of the room. She handed Sam one and kept one for herself.
Love is all we need~
9:32pm Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Love is all we need~
9:57pm Feb 2 2011
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Sam grabbed the wet sponge and started scrubbing. -fail-
6:01pm Feb 3 2011
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Grace moved quickly, scrubbing one desk after another. She wanted to get through with this, but she was enjoying alone time with Sam without the Principal breathing down their necks. She finished the last desk and threw the sponge in the sink. "Now that that's done, all we have to do is sweep and mop," she said to Sam. She looked over in the corner and spotted two brooms. "Go get the brooms," she said, gesturing to the corner.
Love is all we need~
8:04pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Sam walked over and grabbed the two brooms. He chose the taller and thicker of the two, and handed Gracer the smaller one. "I'll sweep over by the front," He said, indicating the front of the room, where the main desk was.
8:54pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"So I get a wimpy broom," Grace said jokingly. "I could break this thing... That's sad. The school needs to invest in better brooms," she said while walking over to the back of the room. She began swishing the broom back and forth, collecting dust and dirt in a small pile.
Love is all we need~
9:37pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Well, I'm taller than you," Sam pointed out as he started sweeping around the teahcer's desk. He noticed it seemed a lot messier than the student desks. "Have you ever gotten detention before?" he asked, sweeping harder. He'd been in detention quite a lot of times, from bugging teachers to partying in his cabin.
9:39pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"Eh. A couple times, but it was at a different school. A normal school. At my old school, their version of detention was copying definitions from the dictionary," she said. Grace kept sweeping and managed to find a dust pan. She took the dust pan and swept all of the stuff into the pan and dumped it into the trash. "How about you? You ever had a detention?" She looked up at Sam and sat on one of the desks.
Love is all we need~
9:45pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Oh, well, yes. A lot. " Sam grinned. "I actually quite like cleaning the rooms. It's all quiet, and it reminds me of my Mum. She loved to clean...." Sam trailed off. He didn't want to talk about his mother. That just reminded him of the fact she was dead.
9:48pm Feb 3 2011
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"Loved?" Grace looked at Sam curiously. But then, she didn't ask. She didn't want him crying over someone in front of her. That would make her cry, thus, making the floors all wet, and she would most likely slip and fall and break something. She looked at Sam and said, "Well, I don't like cleaning. I'm more of an organizer. My whole locker is organized. I have a bit of OCD," she said, looking down. She was a bit embara.ssed to admit that.
Love is all we need~
10:02pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Well, that's interesting," Sam said, slowing down his sweeping. "What's your favourite subject here? Not counting extra element cl@sses," Sam leaned his broom against the wall when he was finished sweeping and started searching for the mop.
10:05pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Grace sat on the desk and crossed her legs. "My favorite subject has to be math. Don't call me crazy. It's just kinda easy to me. Because no matter where you go, one plus one is gonna be two. To me, numbers are easy to compute. They're always the same, and they come in the same order every time," she said in a matter-of-fact way. She looked up from her feet to Sam and smiled. She felt like she could tell him stuff. Maybe because he was the only real guy-friend that she'd had before.
Love is all we need~