5:01pm Feb 10 2011
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Love is all we need~
8:51pm Feb 10 2011
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Professor Halting smiled as the cl@ss entered, and waved at them, indicating them to sit down in the desks. "Today," he began, "We are goingto learn to duel with our element. Pick aptrner; preferably one with a different element."
5:03pm Feb 11 2011
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Zane got out of her seat and looked around for a partner. She seemed to be the only light element in the cla.ss, so she could pick anyone. But she preferred not to pick. She preferred to be picked.
Love is all we need~
5:54pm Feb 11 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Who's Zane?)) Thomas walked hopefully up to Grace, and smiled. "Will you be my partner?" he asked.
6:12pm Feb 11 2011
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((Whoops. I meant to put Grace. I have another rp where I have a girl character named Zane. Srry bout that.)) "Sure," Grace said, shrugging her shoulders. "Everybody else has a partner except you and me, so why not." She looked at the ground, considering Sam's words about Thomas.
Love is all we need~
1:10pm Feb 12 2011
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Love is all we need~
1:26pm Feb 12 2011
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"Okay, great," Thomas said, and Professor Halting began to speak. "Duling with elements is dangerous if it is not properly done. Some of you may think that this will be exactly like yesterday's lesson. You're wrong." A few murmer roke out, but the professor put his hand out, and they were silenced. "Grace, how do you use the element light to your advantage in a fight," he asked quickly.
1:28pm Feb 12 2011
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"Blind the enemy?" Grace looked at Professor Halting with a I-don't-know look. That was one of her many strategies.
Love is all we need~
1:34pm Feb 12 2011
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"Good, very good. Light," Professor Halting said, putting out his hand and creating a light ball, "is a very fine element. The sun creates light, so you could use the sun to your advantage as well. Shadow," the light flickered out, and a dark fog started covering the professor's hand. "is weak against light. But light is weak against dark. So thus, if these elements were to fight," he opened his other hand and a ball of light appeared, "then, it would almost always be a tie." He forced his hands together, and a large boom sound came from his now closed hands. "Any questions before I teach you how to duel?"
1:40pm Feb 12 2011
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Grace was silent. She thought of what it would be like to battle a shadow element. It sounded like fun. But for now, she would stick with elements other than Shadow. She looked at Thomas, then back at the Professor.
Love is all we need~
2:59pm Feb 12 2011
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"Good then," Professor Halting said, clapping his hands. By a force of wind, the desks were all pushed gently against the walls, leaving a good dueling area. "Now, who would like to be the demonstrating pair? Anyone?" Thomas looked sideways at Grace. "you want to go up?" He mouthed to her.
3:01pm Feb 12 2011
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Grace walked towards the front, a light sword already in her hand. She looked at Thomas and nodded.
Love is all we need~
3:11pm Feb 12 2011
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"Ah," Professor Halting smiled. "This is not a battle of swords, Grace." Thomas had also made hiselement sword, and was confused. "What do you mean by fight, then?" He blurted, and the professor lanced at him, and Thomas looked down at his shoes. "I want you to throw your element at eachother," when Thomas was about to comment, Professor Halting said, "literally. Gather up your element in your hands," as he said this, he made a ball of crackling electricity in his hands, "and aim it at your opponent," the professor pushed his hands fowards, and the ball of electricity shot through the widow, causing gl@ss to go all over the desks. "Ah, I'll clean it up," the professor said dismissively. "remember, you don't have to just attack! Defend yourself, too! Be creative! Now, stand facing eachother, and shake hands, take five steps backwards, take a bow, and then begin!" Thomas did as he was told and faced Grace, putting his hand out.
3:15pm Feb 12 2011
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Grace shook his hand and took five steps backwards. She bowed, thinking, Oh gosh, this is like Harry Potter remade. She gathered a ball of light in her hand and prepared to fight. She had the perfect strategy in mind.
Love is all we need~
3:20pm Feb 12 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((what element was Thomas again? eh, I'll make him electricity. And i totally wasn't thinking about Harry Potter when i posted it, but nw i just realized it. XD))
Thomas gather electricity and chucked it straight for Grace. He had decided on the basic overwhelm-your-opponent tactic. He threw three more, then put up a shield.
3:24pm Feb 12 2011
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Grace dodged the balls of electricity, one grazing her arm and leaving a burn mark. "It's on," she said, creating a blinding light around her. It wasn't a shield, but it seemed to emanate from her. She shot one ball of light towards Thomas's feet in an attempt to trip him. ((Last time he was wind, but electricity is fine with me.))
Love is all we need~
3:29pm Feb 12 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Oh, okay. ))
The ball bounced off when it hit Thomas's shield. He molded his shield into a bunch of small balls and threw them at her. "The loser is the first to lose their power," The professor said. "or, more properly said, exhaust it."
3:32pm Feb 12 2011
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Grace quickly put up a shield and the balls hit that. A few of them ricoched and went back towards Thomas. She put her hands together and began forming a large ball of light; her ultimate weapon. She finished gathering the nearby light. The lights in the room flickered and then turned off. All that was left as a source of light was her. Then, the lights came back on and she let go a huge beam of light towards Thomas.
Love is all we need~
4:05pm Feb 12 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Okay, ENOUGH!" The professor didn't seem to be yelling at the two teens, but at the light Grace had conjured. It stopped, and it burst apart, going to it's original places. "that was amazing, Grace, Thomas," The professor smiled, then looked at the clock. "I'm sorry, but it appears we've run out of time, we will have to do the rest tomorrow..." as he finished the statement, many students started objecting, but the professor held up his hands. "I'm sorry, but time's up."
4:14pm Feb 12 2011
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Grace bent over, trying to catch her breath. That took up a lot of energy. "That was awesome," she said between deep breaths. She stood up straight and brushed her dress off. "Gosh. I need an energy drink," she said, looking at Thomas and letting out a laugh.
Love is all we need~