10:37pm Feb 11 2011
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It begins with an accident. You dont survive, and now you're speeding down a tunnle, towards a light. But something bumps you, pushes you off course, and now you soul is stuck halfway between life and death in a sort of limbo called Everlost. It's a strange and dangerous place, where bands of lost souls run wild and anyone who stands in the same spot too long begins to sink to the center of the Earth. You aren't ready to rest in peace just yet You want your lives back, want to go home. The journy will take you through uncharted areas of Everlost. You will not grow tired, nor want for food or drink. You are dead. But the longer you stay in Everlost, the more you forget about your past...and if all memory of home is lost, you may never escape this strange, terrible world. The secret is in the coins. --------------------------------------------------- All righty then. I pretty much ripped that right off the back of Neal Shustermans book, 'Everlost'. Sone of it's my own though...to add more detail...however vague it is. In case you didnt get it, Everlost is the new home for the dead until they find peace and a nickle. What the nickle does, no one knows. Afterlights can be in Everlost for hundreds, thousands of, years, doing the same things over and over again... Some people are determined not to let themselves fall into a rut. Roolz -It takes 9 months to be born, so in all logic, it takes 9 months to enter Everlost -You enter Everlost in the clothes you died in..whatever they may be. -Items and food can cross into Everlost, but they are rare. -Animals even rarer. They have to be a very, very strongly remembered. -Swearing to a mimimal. I dont care how frustrating it is to move a Living ob ject -No cannons (Nick, Allie, Mary, and Leif do not exist) -Please either have some knowlede of the book or follow the flow. Im nitty that way. -No OOC fighting -I require not a bio, just a short deion of how your characters came to die and their looks. Pictures are okay as well, but dont rely soley on them. -Boy girl ratio even, if you will. -10 posts max if another player does not reply.
Resident mounted archer
2:29am Feb 12 2011
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((Fahn. Ah'll staht.)) The girl didnt know how long she sat there, nor did she care. The gr*censored* was soft and she had no immediate need to get up..for food, drink, or to relieve herself. She simply sat in the emerald gr*censored* of a slightly rolling hill, knees drawn up to her chest, bow held loosely, as she gazed across the fields. She was small, hardly larger than a child, with long light brown hair that reached her waist in tight braids. Her eyes were a blue-green color. Tall trees stood like sentinels on her back, branches lifted as if to embrace the sky as it faded from light blue to violet. Day one-thousand, eight-hundred, twenty-five was coming to a close. Or at least, that's what she guessed. She had stopped counting long ago, but knew that roughly five years had p*censored*ed since she opened her eyes to Everlost...what that boy had called it. She remembered being nudged roughly awake by some...ruffian, who called himself Bran. Some sort of Irish name she could never pronounce right, much to his amusement. Her horse had taken about two months longer until she woke up. Eleven total. A horses gestation period. "Jai." She muttered. "My name is Jai. He is Bran. She is...." Her memory failed her on the name of the horse that had learned to keep moving or sink into the ground. It's tail swished, coarse, flame colored, nearly touching the ground. Her muscles rippled under her dark copper hair, sleek with summer health. The way it always looked now. Jai stood up and brushed her trousers off, straightening her bracers, green tunic and braided hair needlessly before adjusting her bow to a comfortable position on her back and the quiver on her hip. Bran had been surprised at her Mounted Archery get up when she had woken up from her nine month slumber; said she looked 'mad as a wet cat 'n' itchin' for a fight'. Well, duh. Her horse had surprised him even more, as animals almost never enter into Everlost. The occasional cat or dog...like Rin-Tin-Tin or that Sputnik dog. But never a horse that he had seen...obviously she valued her animal companion enough not to go to where she was going and bring it to Everlost with her.....Blank looks. "Was it Penny?" Bran asked from behind here in a thick Irish brogue. She sighed. "No Braaaaaaan," the a was stretched out exaggeratedly. "It started with an S. I remember that much. Three letters." "Well that narrows it down!" He said with an obnoxious grin. He was taller, much taller than Jai, though they were both sixteen-figuratively, with ravens feather hair to the middle of his neck No matter how hard she tried, his eyes always intrigued her; they were amber, almost gold. Not natural. Maybe he had forgotten what color they really were... "It's Sin!" She covered her face with her hands and groaned. ((Yay! I have no life! :D))
Resident mounted archer
12:38am Feb 14 2011
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Resident mounted archer
1:10pm Feb 20 2011
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Resident mounted archer
1:14pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 108
OOC: I honestly can't write a whole huge intro (Or in any of my posts) like you did, would you mind if I still joined? It's not like I write one little line... LOL.
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
I'm...Online, finally! :D
3:20pm Feb 20 2011
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((You dont have to. I just have no life. An a huge imagination. Maybe I should spen more time in reality...))
Resident mounted archer
4:26pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 108
OOC: Yes...Maybe you should.... Just kidding haha :) It's good to write alot. Makes things interesting. :) And I never heard of this book, so I'll just go with the flow :). But I'll join. Haha. Your plots are very interesting by the way. Haha. I've joined 2 of them already. HAHA. :)
Its EarthRabbit with a different account! :) Rmail me if you want to roleplay! :)
I'm...Online, finally! :D
7:51pm Feb 20 2011
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((Ffft. I got the plot from tasting the book....the short thingy on the back.))
Resident mounted archer
7:53pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 239
Omg I read that book!))
♥your the PEANUT to my BUTTER ,♥
♥your the STAR to my BURST,♥
♥your the M to my M,♥
♥your the POP to my TART,♥
♥your the MILKY to my WAY,♥
♥your the MILK to my DUDS,♥
♥your the ICE to my CREAM,♥
♥your the SWEET to my TART,♥
2:52am Feb 21 2011
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Posts: 2,963
((Iz awesome, no? Im readin Everwild now))
Resident mounted archer
3:24am Feb 23 2011
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Resident mounted archer
9:34pm Feb 24 2011
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Posts: 239
((Everwild the second book??))
♥your the PEANUT to my BUTTER ,♥
♥your the STAR to my BURST,♥
♥your the M to my M,♥
♥your the POP to my TART,♥
♥your the MILKY to my WAY,♥
♥your the MILK to my DUDS,♥
♥your the ICE to my CREAM,♥
♥your the SWEET to my TART,♥
9:32pm Feb 25 2011
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Resident mounted archer
4:56pm Apr 9 2011
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((Ahem. Im alive))
Resident mounted archer
8:39pm Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((I love all the nooks, though I haven't finished the last few chapters of the third books. anyway, I can't promise my bio will be as long as yours, but my I join as a greenlight?))
 <-- Click me
12:44pm Apr 11 2011
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((My intro was just basically a rant. >> LOL Sure!))
Resident mounted archer
9:28pm Apr 11 2011
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I can remember how it happened, the accident that took my twin's and my life, the one that has forced me into everlost, the place where souls are lost. I am only a greenlight, or so I have been told by others, meaning that I am a newbie. I have only been here for a day, but already, I am restless. I miss my family and, although I can't remember her name, I miss my older sister who was not in the car with us on that fateful day. My name is Feyth, I was killed in a care crash. I am 15 years old. My twin brother is Quin. I don't remember my last name, or my middle name, or what my dad and mom look like. I know that my cat, who I am holding, is 11, though, now we are all dead and don't really have ages. My hair is long and blonde and I have light blue eyes wityh silver flecks. I am starting to forget my clothes and now, though I have desperatly tried to remember, I feel fur spreading over my body because, at the time of the crash, dragon (that was my cat's name), was sitting on my lap. I love her so much. And now, because of the cat fur that attached itself to me at the time of my death, I have become a walking cat. It is a very strange feeling, this fuzzy feeling. I have ears and a tail too. I remember that if I was writing a story, I would have called myself a gijinka. I used to play some sort of game with monster creatures. I used to play it. You would catch them in... boxes? balls? Oh, I don't remember. "Quin?" My brother seems to be back from exploring the area we woke up in. "Yes Feyth?" He says, looking at my strangely with his dark brown eyes, which seem to be shifting color to a golden hue and back again. I ignore him, there is no need to talk to him now. We have eternity. Anyway, the crach, as I said, I remember it well. It was warm, sunny day, the type of day where you feel as if nothing bad can ever happen to you. There were clouds in the sky, white and fluffy like marshmellows. The sun was like a golden ball in the calm blue waters of the sky. I was sitting in the front seet, with Quin in the back. I was petting Dragon and listening to my ipod. I remember that right before the crash, I took them out when my dad was speaking to me. I looked at my brother and said "We're almost there" and then we crashed. I remember that while my brother crashed headfirst into the windowpane, not having had his seatbelt on, it took me much longer to die. I flew through the gl*censored* and rolled onto the road. I slipped into a painful unconsciousness. I remember that a medic came and checked on me when I tried to wake up. He said that my twin was dead and maybe there was hope for me, but I died anyway, with Dragon dying peacefully on my lap...
 <-- Click me
7:50pm Apr 12 2011
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 <-- Click me
9:08pm Apr 15 2011
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"Alright. Jai. Get up and stop trying to take your shoes off!" Bran grabbed the girl under her arms and picked her up roughly. She struggled, still pulling on the leather riding boot. "I want to feel the gr*censored*! Bran, put me down!" "You know as well as I do that you cant take off what you died wearing. You'll fall into an endless rut if you dont stop. You can't feel, anyway." His voice was calm, soothing. Jai loved to listen to it...unless it was actually making sense. The petite girl snarled at him, dropping her foot and twisting out of his grip, hitting the ground, and springing back up, where she stood, glaring at him with her blue eyes. The gray stripe around her pupil had turned yellow, just like it had in life when she was frustrated. Bran actually backed up, though he knew that she wouldnt really hurt him...even if she was able to.
Resident mounted archer
10:23pm Apr 16 2011
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Resident mounted archer