1:18am Apr 19 2011
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1:41am Apr 20 2011
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((...If you want to post somethin more...I might be able to reply to it.))
Resident mounted archer
9:55am Apr 20 2011
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With a sigh, Feyth got up, balancing her self with her long tail. Quin laughed, seeing the image of Feyth and what she looked like. "Good thing you died right here." Quin pointed out, in all seriousness. She looked at where she was standing, it was the hill she had landed on in the car crash. "Yep, I hadn't realized that." When they had come to Everlost, Feyth hadn't really woken up before someone had landed on her stomach, causing her to wake up a bit early. "Hello?" she had said. She still thought she was in heaven, of course, that was until she saw that the boy on top of her looked saddened and not joyful like she was told heaven was. He told her where they were and explained they were dead. At first, Feyth had been grief-stricken, but she usually thought about things before she did them and that was why she was still sitting here...
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10:45am Apr 20 2011
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The wole hill side and field seemed to be littered with dead spots. One could as.sume that there had been a battle fought here where many people had died. Jai had discovered a while back that they could move freely about, only having to pull their feet from the ground occasionally. One became expert on picking out these spots. Bran abd the petite girl were wrestling, no holds barred; no pain was felt, so why not make moves to inflict it? There was no fighting dirty, as Bran drove Jai's head into the dirt, Her words were muffled by the dead ground and he was laughing until her legs caught him in the chest and drove him onto his back. They were laughing breathlessly until they heard other voices. Jai stopped and looked around as Bran helped her to her feet. "C'mon!" She cried "Lets go see who it is!" She whistled to the S horse, who trotted back because that is what she remembered doing, as well as standing still, being vaulted up on, moving forward at a nudge, and bolting into a dead run from there, remembering the leg cues that directed her.
Resident mounted archer
4:33pm Apr 20 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((can you add to that and say they found the others. I am brain dead.))
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4:48pm Apr 20 2011
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((They're heading towards your characters. You could probably put something about hoof beats...but maybe. I'll try if you really cant think of anything.))
Resident mounted archer
6:14pm Apr 20 2011
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Feyth's ears perked, standing straight up on her skull. She heard the sound of hoofbeats and talking. It was a very stange noise to hear in Everlost and animals, like her cat, didn't usually come, but maybe the boy had been wrong, the one who had told her where they were, that is. Feyth told Quin to stop being so loud as he whittled a dead stick into a spear. He looks so primitive while he did it that Feyth couldn't help but break her own silence and laugh...
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10:10pm Apr 20 2011
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"Hold up. Hoo." The horse stopped and Jai sat up on her bare back, running her fingers through her mane. Somewhere, someone had laughed. She turned her head to face the direction it had seemed to be coming from and drew an arrow from the quiver on her hip, nocking it to her bow; that much she was grateful she could still do...and that the quiver never emptied. Once the diretion was decided, she nudged the horse forward. Jai stopped after a few minutes of steady cantering and looked farther away from where she sat astride the S horse; there were people over there....no, not people. Everlights. Like her. And Bran. She grinned and pointed the bow upwards, carefully checking the angle, and letting it go. The arrow arced upwards and levled out, seeming to freeze before it began it's decent and landed between the other Lights. The girl grinned and nodded satisfactory to herself.
Resident mounted archer
10:21pm Apr 20 2011
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"Hey!!!!" Faith yowled, her voice angry like a cat. She growled, showing pristine white teeth. "Just because I can't feel, doesn't mean that wasn't rude!!!" Faith huffed, dislodging the arrow from it's sheath. She looked at it and then threw it down. It had never actually hit her, but it was pretty close, close enough to unnerve her. Plus, she had no use for it, without a bow, it was practically useless. She didn't eve reall know how to use it, she was a horrible shot at adventure camp, which, because it was forever lodged in her mind, she could remember. Quin on the other hand was a very good Archer...
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10:34pm Apr 20 2011
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"Didn't even come close t' hittin' ya!" Jai yelled and trotted forward on the mare. She circled around and stopped wordlessly, sliding off the horse and picking up the arrow from the ground and scrutinizing it carefully, pushing back her long, forever windblown light brown hair. "Though I do 'pologize for start'lin' ya" she shrugged. "Im no good at starting conversations." She kissed at the horse, how pricked her ears and strode forward, skin and shining hair sliding over well conditioned muscles; she had been in her prime at the time of the accident, 9 years old. She would never look any different.
Resident mounted archer
11:47pm Apr 20 2011
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Feyth folded her furry arms, not saying anything more to the kid. "She doesn't talk much. Hi, I'm Quin!" Quin said, looking at the other girl. "We have only been here for.... a day. W died in a car crash. That's Feyth's cat, Dragon." Quin blushed, he sure did talk a lot. He cried out in surprise as Feyth's hand slammed into the back of his head. He didn't feel like, but he remembered that in life it had hurt.
"You talk to much." Feyth said simply, with Dragon mewling on her head. Feyth looked up into the green eyes of the black and white cat. He looked down at her, trying to figure out why she looked like a standing cat...
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1:37am Apr 21 2011
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"Newbies!" Jai laughed slightly and tilted her head. "The cat is Dragon? Like the cat on Secret of Nyhm?" She smiled and shook her head. A voice started calling her name from a ways off. "Sorry. I'm Jai. Been here for a long time. One thousand somethin' days. The one calling me is Bran. He's been here longer." She turned her head to watch the tall boy come over the hill and waved to him.
Resident mounted archer
9:26pm Apr 22 2011
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Resident mounted archer
7:33pm Apr 23 2011
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Resident mounted archer
1:24am Apr 30 2011
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Resident mounted archer
12:58am May 20 2011
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Resident mounted archer