9:36pm May 26 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((I can join as a kid who has past magic as aher power? o3o))
10:38pm May 26 2010
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Posts: 1,361
((i think the immature n00b spam is funny,and illl start))
1:03am May 27 2010
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(Rocca starts ^^ )
2:38am May 27 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Vinegar slowly opened her eyes blinding light hit her, stinging pain jutted through the back of her head.She listened,silence,nothing but the sound of nothing.She gulped and slowly sat up.The once bustling city she lived in was now a hollow shell of once life.Way too empty even in the latest of nights there were atleast a couple homeless people out.”hello?”Vinegar yelled out her voice shaking with fear.”hello? Anyone….”SHe stood up and looked around,completey alone.
10:06am May 27 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Fiona looked around the quiet city. She looked up at the light above her flickered on and off. It was a dark, cool night but not as cold as it usually got. She looked up and saw a large bird circling her. It let out several pitchy calls before shooting off towards the forest just behind the small city. Fiona turned around, her aqua blue hair flowing gracefully behind her. She shifted into a cheetah and started to run faster. The looked behind her and saw a few different animals flying and running after her. She slid to a stop as she saw red eyes glaring at her a few feet ahead. She turned around and saw that the animals had trapped her. She took in a deep breath and shrunk down into a rock. ((Wow. That was more exiting then I thought it was going to bo.O_O))
2:33pm May 27 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Kyin slowly opened his eyes andfelt a jarring pain in his chest. He saw a blinding light above him. He looked up. He saw a street lamp, flickering on and off. He stood up slowly and looked around. The town was nothing now. There were few cars around him and he felt like something was watching him. He heard the roll of thunder and he jumped. He heard someone call out. The lamp flickered off and he gasped, breathing fire. “Oh yeah…” He held his hand out and snapped. A spark flew off and into his other hand. It burst into a small flame and he walked down the darkening street. He saw a girl in the road. “Hey! You, you alright?!” He walked over to her. “I’m Kyin… Do you know if there are more people?” He looked at Vinegar. ~~~ Riku opened his eyes and yawned. He looked around and he was draped over a tree. He moved around and fell off the tree. He looked around. The street was dark, but he could make a blur of yellow fur. “Wha… A cheetah?” He followed the cheetah and saw that another animal was chasing after it. He raised up his hand and looked at the animals. He stopped behind them when they cornered the cheetah. He saw it shift into a rock. “Wha?!” He snapped and lgithning flared from his hand and struck the animal in the back. He snapped again and hit the animal with more force. It collapsed. “Yo, rock person… Who are you? Have you seen others like us? Actually, have you seen people who are alive?”

2:43pm May 27 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Fiona shifted into a human. "Others are alive?" She asked. This was the first living human she had seen in days and she found it hard to believe that he was actually there and that others might be alive. She looked at the animal that had been hit by the lightning. She looked back up at Riku curious of how he had done that.
2:52pm May 27 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Riku looked at her and smiled. “Yes, others are alive and we will find them. My twin brother, Kyin, is around here somewhere. We split up to find others that were alive. Somehow, I got thunder control and he got fire. We don’t know how. But anyways, do you want to come with me? Or you can stay there and get attacked again. I can help you. Lightning and a shifter will would be a great match. You can turn into a weapon, right?” He smiled and held his hand out to her. “I won’t bite.”
3:06pm May 27 2010
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Fiona looked at his hand. "I never have tried turning into a weapon but I probably can." She said. She smiled. "So, do you know how many more living humans there might be?" She asked.
7:10pm May 27 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Kylie glanced left and right. She thought she was hearing voices, maybe she was just paranoid some one was coming... Coming to kill her, or wose, steal all her stuff. Kylie's eyes shifted, looking all around her. A rather large hiking back pack was at her side, a roll in her mouth, and a distessed girl's feet hitting the ground as she ran. Kylie could hear voices in the distance, skidding to a halt, silently as possible. She cursed herself for being so careless again. Oh, where's Kyle?!?!
7:13pm May 27 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((What is that, Ribunbun? xD))
7:32pm May 27 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((I think she said that she wants to join as a character that can go into the past...Or something like that. IDK. Hm...What to post.))
7:39pm May 27 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((xD Alrighty then! Got it, kind of? haha.... :P So... o-o I should probably post for Kyle now..))
12:41am May 28 2010
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Riku shurgged. "Your guess is as good as mine. I've explored countless times, but htis little town appears to be quite big once you reach the underground. All I know is that Kyin is out there somewhere. He said he'd send off a flare of fire once he found somebody, guess I can't see it, or he hasn't found anybody." He picked her up and looked around. "Come on. Let's go."
5:53am May 28 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Vinegar looked at the boy she slowly turned her head and cracked her neck 'm'yea i think soo and boy i know as much as you do"SHe looked around the dark city empty city even though she grew up on the streets no one here somewhat scared her but this boy gave her some what relief even though vinegar's trust level was low she knew to take precautions."maybe we should go look around to see it there are other? oh! im Vinegar by the way..."
11:30am May 28 2010
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"Do you have anything of his? I bet I could find him if I got a good sniff of his scent." Fiona said.
1:46pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 2,927
"Scent?" A gruff voice popped off in the distance. A somewhat short, but buff, guy appeared out of no where, intruding on the pair's conversation. "Do you always sniff people out?" He asked curiously. "I'm Kyle.... And no need to fear me... I wouldn't dare hurt a survivor." Kyle felt rather odd for just jumping in on a conversation; it was weird talking to another live human other than his sister actually. ((Sorry for just like intruding on the conversation. xD Kyle's like that.... o-o))
2:46pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Kyin looked at her. “Anyways, you want to get out of here or something? My brother, Riku, should be around here somewhere…” He smiled made his flame bigger. “This light should help us along the way. We really have no way of getting electricity. Plus, Riku could be the one guzzling up the electricity.” He sighed and looked around. “Come on. We should go now.” He walked pas.sed her and walked toward the street where he last left Riku. “Come on, if you don’t, the animals will get you.. I can roast them, but if I get too far, you’re defenseless.” He smiled and looked at her. He held his gloved hand out. “Come on, we should find the others and some shelter. Riku is a good cook and I can keep us warm.” ~~~ Riku looked at the boy and his hand crackled with electricity. “Anyways, I do have something of my brothers, but it’s kind of small. Plus, what are you doing here, boy? You have no business with us.” He took out a small locket and opened it up. Inside, there was a piece of cloth. He took it out and unwrapped the cloth. He held out a necklace with a sword on the tip. “This is his necklace, but I kept it.”

6:22pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Kyle couldn't help but sneer. "Boy? I'm probably older than you and definantly faced things that you can't even imagine." Kyle didn't like this guy, he could tell already. He shook his head, raising his hands to say he wasn't going to attack or anything. "I guess I'll go then," Kyle's face was emotionless, like usual. He turned his back, never the safest thing to do around strangers, and walked quickly away. "Kyle," A voice came from behind him. "Dumb-a.ss. I told you not to go looking for other people, yet you still need to go off?" Kylie shuffled out of the shadows. "Now, if you go out alone again I hope you die." Kylie had no hint of sarcasm or remorse in her voice. Even her face looked like it was carved of stone. "Now, let's go before anything else comes..." Kylie grabbed her backpack and threw it at her twin brother, then grabbed another bag and shoved it on her own shoulder. ((Wow... I'm so anti social. xD00
7:44pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Fiona gently picked up the necklace. She shifted into a blood hound and sniffed the necklace. She shifted back. "It smells like he is far away. I know that he is in that dirrection though." She said pointing South.