1:04am May 29 2010
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Riku looked at Kyle and Kylie. "Tch.. Twins.. Another pair of twins.. But this is one of each. Kyin and I are both males. He looked at Fiona. "Really? You know where he is?! Finally I can find that dumbas.s of a brother who goes off when I fall asleep.. Then he drapes me over a tree." He sighed and grabbed his bag. It was filled with food from the super markets that were closes around town. "I hoep he got more food. He usually ends up wandering farther than I do. You wana come and lead the way. we will take good care of you. we have shelter as well." He looked at Kyle and Kylie. He knew he might regret this, however.. "You two want to come with me to my shlelter? we have so much room and we have stored food, plus, we find much of the food before thee animals. We can take good care of you guys and we also have noce blankets and matresses."
11:00am May 29 2010
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Fiona sighed. "Very well. My name is Fiona." She said forgetting if she had ever said her name. She shifted back into a wolf and sniffed the air again. She started to trot off towards Kyin and Vinegar.
1:19pm May 29 2010
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Kylie strapped her bag higher on her shoulder, pondering Riku's option. Kyle and her had shelter and everything, but it wasn't exactly the safest. Plus, if more people were in a place, they might not be attacked as much. "Well... If you don't mind..." Kylie paused, wondering if she would regret doing this. "could we? We had a place before but it's not the safest. Plus, we can get food and other things for you..." Kylie opened her bag to reveal all the non-perishable food she had gathered that day. Looking at Kyle, she said, "Kyle over there has all the blankets and clothes... We thought it would be good to have some spares if it came to the fact we couldn't go outside..." Kylie paused and started walking after Fiona. "Kyle's not the brightest, but he's a good scavenger... We both are." Kylie pushed her bag to her other shoulder. "I'm Kylie by the way," She added after a moment or so. ((Woah... o-o Long post on my part. xD))
1:27pm May 29 2010
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((I don't know what to post. I will wait for the other people to post and see if that gives me any ideas.XD))
1:52am May 30 2010
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Riku nodded. "Why not. We can use more people.. It's pretty difficult to survie now that everything has happened.... Stupid Kyin.. He better hae a ton of food for how long he was gone." He looked at Kylie. "By the way, I'm Riku.. Kyin looks exactly like me, but he had shorter hair and a different eye color.." He began to follow Fiona and he walked with a steady pace. "Being attacked isn't a problem in our shelter. Jake, our older brother, was always searching for a good place... He had a very good sense of safety for us.. We hope to find him one day. After what happen, we have no idea where he went, or what he is doing.." He sighed and looke down at a star shaped locket he had around his wrist. Jake.. Where are you.. He ran after Fiona. "Hurry up you two!"
1:57am May 30 2010
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Kylie took in all of Riku's words. So, there were three brothers, another girl in front of her, Kyle, and herself. That made six people so far. Were there others she didn't know about yet? Were they all going to be as hospitible as Riku and Fiona? Or were they going to be like the past people they had encountered in the past? Kylie's mind swam with possible questions, making her head hurt. She pushed these thoughts out of her mind and jogged to catch up with the two in front of her, grabbing Kyle and dragging him along. She knew he hated the idea of staying with others, but frankly, at the moment, she didn't give a d.amn of what he thought. "Thanks, Riku," Kylie said as she matched his pace. It felt weird on her tounge, saying a name that was 'Kyle'. She shrugged off the weird feeling, searching for another human somewhere.
2:40am May 30 2010
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(I'll add Jake's bio.. I'm going to bring him in soon...) Riku looked at her and nodded. "Of course. I always tried to follow in Jake's footsteps. He's always so nice and hospitable." He smiled and began to walk. He had such a strange feeling now. He felt like someone, or something was following him. Or at least, stalking him. He turned around and looked behind those following him, Kylie and Kyle. "Hm.." He turned back around and looked around. Something is definetly following us... He sighed and looked around. He heard the bushes rustle. He grabbed Fiona by the scuff and stopped. "Hold on.. Somethind doesn't feel right.. It feels like.. a pack of animals.. No.. more than one pack."
2:49am May 30 2010
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((M'kay. ^-^)) Kylie nodded, remembering her old friends who were like that: nice, welcoming, friendly. But now they were all dead. Dead and soon to be forgotten in the tragic world of what was left behind. She noticed how Riku was turning, glancing at her; no, glancing around her. As if he was searching for something. Kylie knew what he was thinking before he said it. Of course she did. That was her gift.. "Pack of what?" She asked, her voice as casual as possible. Kylie wasn't scared, not now. She hadn't been scared except that first day she found the streets empty, ridden of the world she once knew. From behind her, Kylie heard her brother say, "Hah... I can take 'em." Of course he would think that.. Kyle's so hot headed and stubborn he wouldn't believe you if you said the sun setted in the East.
3:10am May 30 2010
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Riku looked around and looked at the bushes. He sniffed the air. "Not much of a dog, or a shifter, but my brother and I got hightened senses.." He sniffed teh air. "Bear.. No.. wolf? Dog... It's a bunch of animals.. I can't smell just one certain scent.. There has to be something.." Riku turned quickly and snapped his fingers. Lightning shot out and a wild dog fell to the floor. "We have to figh tso early on.. This is just great. this is exactly what I planned on doing my first day out of that tree. I have no freakin' idea where Kyin is.. And now.. There are some animals after us.. This so isn't my day." He sighed. He jumped back, Fiona in his arm, as another wild dog attacked him. He looked at Kylie adn Kyle. "Help me kill them.. At least injure them so they can't chase us." He put Fiona down on a large rock. "Sorry, but be a good doggy and sit there.." He turned around and snaped his fingers.
7:21am May 30 2010
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Posts: 41
7:22am May 30 2010
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12:52pm May 30 2010
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((BlackDuck... What are you doing in my Rp? o3o))
2:16pm May 30 2010
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Fiona sat down on the rock. She shapeshifted back into a human. She looked at the wild dog. She hated seeing animals being hurt or killed.
12:12am May 31 2010
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Riku snapped and watched as the dogs ran. He felt a sharp pain in his back. A bear had swiped him. He flew a few feet and slid to a stop. "Ow.." He looked up and saw the bear had jumped to attaclk him. He braced himself. Riku heard a snap and the bear suddenly froze. Hi sbody frozen in a block of ice. A man, a little older and taller than him stepped out into teh street. "What did I tell you about playing with animals?" He smiled and snapped his fingers. The ice cracked and broke into hundreds of pieces.
12:17am May 31 2010
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Kylie stared in disbelief. How in the holy heck did he do that? Wait... That wasn't Riku, it was some one behind him. Kylie coughed slightly and felt slightly embara.ssed that she didn't do much to effect the animal attack. She was more brains than brawns, and so was her powers. She didn't really think much of physical strength much anymore, though she probably should have since her world had changed. Finally, Kylie took in what the new person had said. How was he smiling? Jesus! I mean... Jeesh! "Uhh.. Kyin?" Kylie asked, wondering if she looked as stupid as she sounded.
12:41am May 31 2010
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The new boy looked at Kylie. He shook his head. "Anyways, the name's not Kyin. That's my little brother's name." He smiled and looked at Riku. "Don't tell me you don't remember your own brother... Come on.. The name starts with a 'j'" He smiled adn looked at Kylie. "The name's Jake. Kyin is off somewhere. I really have no idea where." He took her hand and kissed it lightly. "pleased to meet you." He walked over to his brother and picked him up. "don't be scared of what you fear. Face it, and defeat it." He smiled adn looked at the bear chunks. "Ew... Take care of these.. Or I will.." He raised his hand and the pieces melted into blood and water. He threw his hand to the side and the bloody water quickly rushed into the sewer. "The crocs will liek that." Riku looked at Jake. "Y-Your here..."
12:49am May 31 2010
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(this is their half-brother.. New boy. ^^) Name: Jake Kurosaki Gender: male Age: 17
Power: Jake can use water and ice. He can freeze the water adn melt the ice. He is very skilled with his power Personality: Jake is pretty tough and looks the part. His scars are pretty much what makes him look it. Howeer, he is just a big teddy bear. His has a soft spot for those he gets close to. His little brothers are his first priority and has a very big soft spot for each of them. He is also pretty much quiet abou thow he got his scars. History: not really saying
Other: nothing
Looks: Jake has slightly short silver hair and deep red eyes. He has a medium build, but you can clearly see his abs when he doesn't and does flex. He has mutiple scars and scratches from beign beat by his father. He is lightly tanned but not much. He likes to wear shorts. He likes to wear tank tops and a jacket, but on hot days, he wears his tank top. He also has a dragon tattoo on his shoulder that his father forced him to get. Nobody, not even Jake, knows why his father did that.

12:50am May 31 2010
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Kylie glanced at Jake, now knowing it was him. He somewhat looked like Riku, but he definantly wasn't a twin. She raised an eyebrow as he kissed her hand, sliding her hand in her pocket after he did so. It was a weird, awefully weird, feeling and sight. That was pretty much her first kiss other than family. The thought of this made Kylie blush red. She turned to look at the chunks, and away from everyone else. She kicked away a piece that Jake missed, getting a bit of blood on her Nike shoe. She 'tsk'ed and quickly wiped it off. She knew it wasn't the best time to worry about looks and everything, but her shoes were a different matter..
1:25am May 31 2010
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Jake looked at her. "And you blushed? Was that your first kiss on teh hand? I'd expect that to bea t least the hundreth.. Your such a beautiful woman." He smiled and turned to the chunk he missed. He quickly made it rise and solidify into an ice- crystal typed thing. Blood swirlin gin teh middle. He smiled and looked at the crystal he made. "Anyways, let's get to teh house. Kyin shouldn't be too far behind us. He is pretty strong now, Riku." He smiled adn carried hs younger brother over his shoulder. "You can't seem to to realize that it's really me.." He turned to Kylie adn Kyle. "come on."
1:55am May 31 2010
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Kylie glanced at the hand Jake kissed, laughing lightly. "Hah... Well, my past... people were never..." Kylie paused, looking for a good word to use. "well, nice like that." She laughed again, this time at the thoughts of the past. She blew off his compliment, taking it as a joke like she usually did. Kylie couldn't help but chuckle when she saw Jake throw Riku over his shoulder. She vaguely remembered Riku saying that Jake was nice and hospitable, but he never mentioned on what a charmer he was. Kylie bent down, still thinking about the stuff that just happened, and grabbed her bag. It seemed lighter than before, though it wasn't. Kylie grabbed Kyle's arm and they jogged to catch up with the two brothers. "That's Kyle, and I'm Kylie. Just incase you were wondering," She said after a moment or so.