10:16am Feb 12 2011
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Kaylee watched Austin run off to his brother, only to be shunned away. Her eyes stayed glued to him. "Do you want me to see if I can talk to him?" she asked quietly. Ben really seemed to be bothered. She considered hacking into his mind, but that would seem wrong. She respected Ben for an odd reason; or maybe she was afraid of him. ---- Alaina's eyes opened wide. "Oh my gosh, what happened?" she asked in hushed tones. She had always heard about suicide happening to other people, but never to anyone she new personally.
11:03am Feb 12 2011
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"Well, Sara got so drunk that she forgot where she was and what she was doing." Lexi looked down some more. "She got in the bathtub and used a kitchen knife to cut her leg. Luckily, I stopped her before she hit the artery," she said, fighting back tears. "There was so much blood..." Sara looked around at the people. Ben seemed to have something wrong. She walked over to him, having nothing better to do. "What's the matter? Not feeling well?"
Love is all we need~
3:50pm Feb 12 2011
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Posts: 567
Austin moved his frown to the side, "No... He usually likes being alone until he gets over things. I bet it was Elix... If it was Ima kill her." Austin didn't like his brother that much but if someone that was a knife in the back he would hate it. Ben looked up at her and tried to smile but couldn't. "No..." He said and rubbed his eyes with the palm on his hand. "Just some idiot girl saying dumb things..." He felt bad for saying that, not all girls were bad, just Elix was.
3:57pm Feb 12 2011
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"Don't worry about them. Some people just bring others down." Sara wasn't one to bring others down, but she did start conflicts. But when people were sad or needed help, she had an urge to help. "Any way I can help?" She looked at the ground and drew patterns in the dirt with a stick.
Love is all we need~
4:06pm Feb 12 2011
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Posts: 567
Ben shook his head, "No... Atleast I don't know how you can." He said sighing. Elix was known for putting people down, manily boys. "What would you do if you just got trashed by a girl that you loved? I mean if you were a boy." He knew a girl wouldn't know what it was like, but he knew she must of had something similar to it.
4:17pm Feb 12 2011
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"Punch them," she said honestly. "I've gotten to the point to where I don't cry like most girls." Sara looked at Ben and sat down next to him. "Seriously, if she hates you, let her hate you. Most of the time, when you stop liking someone, they fall all over you." She rolled her eyes, remembering one of her situations where that happened. She had more in common with guys than she did with girls, so this was a common conversation with her.
Love is all we need~
4:26pm Feb 12 2011
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Posts: 567
"For some reason it makes me feel weak when I punch someone..." He said raising his eyebrows. It was true, he had punched people but what came back was stronger. Although Elix was the weak and pale type. He thought for a while. "Honestly I would love to punch her." He said letting his head plop against the tree and he looked up at the fresh green leaves.
4:29pm Feb 12 2011
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(( I guess it would be to late to join. Oh well. Good luck!))
4:30pm Feb 12 2011
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"If you need me to do it, I will. It doesn't make me feel weak when I punch people. If you don't punch her, I'll punch her for a small sum of money," Sara said, smirking. She really did need to tak out her anger on something, and this would be the perfect excuse to do it. And punching bags didn't work for her, so real people would have to do.
Love is all we need~
4:41pm Feb 12 2011
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Posts: 567
Ben smiled. "Mkay I'll be fine with that. Although I'll give you some advice, do it when she's alone. My old friend Alex and the others will protect her, except for when she is in the bathroom or something." He bit his bottom lip which had a small red spot on it, like he had gotten punched in the p*censored* week. Which he had, his friends Alex and such were just plain mean. They treated him like a slave, but around other people they treated him like a king. "So.. How much?"
4:44pm Feb 12 2011
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"Ten bucks." Sara held out her hand, ready for the money. But, she wasn't actually going to punch Elix. She was going to make Elix punch herself. "Pay up," she said. She smirked of the thought of Elix punching herself. Man that would be funny. She would follow her into the bathroom and do her job.
Love is all we need~
5:11pm Feb 12 2011 (last edited on 5:25pm Feb 12 2011)
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Posts: 200
[@Mercyme:: Absolutely not! It's never too late to join ;D We're not really doing anything. Just hop it. It's before school, and every one is socializing.] "Whatever you say, babe." Kaylee leaned against the wall, diverting her attention to Ben and Sara, picking at their minds. It was more fun that one would think; or maybe not. Being able to know everything another was feeling would be someone's dream; it was, once. "Eugh, some people make me sick," she murmured after picking at Sara's mind. She wasn't really talking to anyone, just speaking aloud. Then she glanced to Austin. "Elix; I know her. She has self-esteem issues, so she tears people apart to make them feel as worse as she does. However, it doesn't make herself feel any better. I guess it's true when people say misery loves its company." She twirled a strand of hair in one finger, looking at the ground, thinking intently. ---- Alaina didn't know what to say. Kaylee had her down times, but she was all bark and no bite. "Did you have to take her to the hospital?" she asked quietly.

5:52pm Feb 12 2011 (last edited on 5:59pm Feb 12 2011)
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Name::Angel Bluerose Grade::Freshman Gender:: Female Personality::Angel is rather shy and quiet. She doesn't talk much, but if she does, its important. She'd like a relationship, though. Deal:: Angel can draw something, and it comes to life. She can draw features on a certain person and it happens. It only works with some people though. Crush:: Open... Other::She's not twin A. And, she's almost scared of anything. Appearance:: tle="White haired boy by ~Kurenaida, Jun 5, 2009 in Traditional Art > Drawings > People"> Name:: Alex Bluerose Grade:: Freshman Gender:: Male Personality:: Alex is really nice when yopu get to know him. He's usually got a calm and collected attitude. But, its kinda funny when he gets panciky. Deal:: Immortaltiy? or nothing.. Crush:: Open. Other::His eyes are blood red. Appearance:: up
5:55pm Feb 12 2011
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Posts: 200
[@Mercyme:: only one twin can have a power.]
5:58pm Feb 12 2011 (last edited on 6:01pm Feb 12 2011)
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Angel sighed as she watched the other people socialize from afar. She turned her back to them and walked alone.She sat at the stump of a tree and sketched around. She sketched the people, glancing up every once in a while to see what they looked like. Alex leaned against the wall, near the people. He just stood there, listening to their conversations. He smiled at himself, for no reason. The conversation made him think of something.
6:05pm Feb 12 2011
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Lexi looked up. "No, if we did, then it would cause a huge scene and then people would bug her for the rest of her life," she said, purposefully lying. If they went to a hospital, the nurses would ask about parents, then they would figure out that their parents had died. When Sara partook in that deal, it ruined everything.
Love is all we need~
6:13pm Feb 12 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Angel focused on two girls. Sara and Lily. She smiled as she focused on every detail of them. It was perfect, almost like a portrait. She shook off her emotions, and kept drawing. She finished their hair, then looked at it. She held it up, and looked at them. Identical. She smiled. She would have to start a new comic, or romance. She could use other charachters, too. She got up and started to go near the group. It was quite scary. She didn't want to talk to them, but that direction was the publishing building. She tried her best to seem unnoticed, but accidently bumped into Lexi. She looked up. " Oh, I'm sorry...." she said. Her voice was like a whisper. It wasn't silent, but was really quiet. It was the way she always talked. ((Try to think of her voice like... Fluttershy on MLP:FIM.))
6:21pm Feb 12 2011
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"It's okay," Lexi said, smiling. "Angel, right?" Lexi peered at Alaina over her shoulder. She hoped that Angel didn't hear what they were talking about. If she did, then it would ruin what little of a life that Sara did have. ((Fail. And who in the world is Lily?))
Love is all we need~
6:23pm Feb 12 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( I meant Lexi, lol.)) Angel nodded.She looked down. " Oh, uh... Sorry again... bye." she said. She sarted to walk away, and dropped her sketchpad, accidently.She didn't realize it, and continued walking.
8:44pm Feb 12 2011
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Posts: 200
Alaina raised an eyebrow. What a weird little girl, she thought. As Angel walked away, she dropped her book. Alaina bent to pick it up. "Huh. Look at this Lexi." She flipped to the page of Lexi and Sara, and then handed it to Lexi. "It's amazing. I didn't think people could actually draw this way." She put her hands on her hips, a natural thing, and waited for Lexi's reaction.