8:48pm Feb 12 2011
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Lexi stared at the picture and gaped. "Whoah," she said, examining the picture. "She's good." She put the book in her messenger bag and said to Alaina, "I'll give it back to her when I see her again." She really was amazed by the picture.
Love is all we need~
5:21pm Feb 13 2011
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Angel arrived at her de3stination. It was her favorite spot, and at the perfect time. The sun was at the perfect spot, and she couldn't wait to draw it.She reached in her bag and felt around.. Her eyes widened. She had dropped her sketchpad! Angel panicked. She sighed. She got her bag and headed back to where the people were, hoping they wouldn'[t have found it.She saw Alaina and Lexi's figures. They were holding something. She groaned quietly. Okay, I can fix this... I hope. She thought. She drew herself on a small pad of paper. Then a wolf. She closed her eyes and shifted into the small white wolf. Angel padded up to the people, in a cowardly way. She whimpered and looked at the sketchpad. She gave the feeling of no harm, so they shouldn't be afraid.
6:22pm Feb 13 2011
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Posts: 200
Alaina, looked over her shoulder, and let out a high scream. She backed up quickly, her mouth agape. It was rare that they ever saw animals in the school, and they usually weren't harmful; but this was a wolf. She swore under her breath. "Lexi! What's a wolf doing in here?!" Like Lexi would know. It was a dumb question, but Alaina didn't know what to do. [craaap :p]
6:26pm Feb 13 2011
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Angel whimpered. She pointed to the sketchbook and wagged her tail slowly.Am I not beung clear? I kinda want my sketchpad back.... She thought. It came aloud, in Angel's voice. HEr eyes widened. She shook it off. Angel didn't know she could talk while in a different form.
6:26pm Feb 13 2011
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Lexi turned around and jumped nearly ten feet off of the ground. She dropped the notebook and grabbed Alaina's arm. "How the heck should I know?! It's a friggin' wolf!" She had a feeling that it wasn't going to hurt her, but she just didn't like the idea of a wolf in the school. "Somebody call animal control!"
Love is all we need~
6:38pm Feb 13 2011
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(( I posted...)) Angel shook her head. " Oh, please don't. I'll just go..." she said. Angel raced away. She raced into the girl's bathroom. She sketched herself back by just barely finishing a drawing she had recently made of herself. She locked herself in a stall.Angel quickly got dressed again. She hated shifting, but this was her only choice. I guess I could have dine a cat, or someting.... tame. She thought. Angel walked ut of the stall.She was clear to the group. She sighed, there was no place to hide. Maybe she could go outside.... No, they were blocking the door.
6:57pm Feb 13 2011
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9:41pm Feb 13 2011
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Posts: 567
Ben smiled and took out ten dollars and put it in her hand. "I'm gonna enjoy this." He sighed and looked at the time, "Woah, it's way past the time when the bell is gonna ring. Oh well who cares." He leaned back and stretched out his arms. He felt good, now that he knew Elix was going to be hurt. Austin heard a scream and got up, "That didn't sound much like a normal scream.." He walked up the steps to the door and walked to the gym. When he looked inside he raised a eyebrow, he didn't get why the girls seemed afraid of it. Austin liked animals, no matter how powerful they were. He had his powers, which made him less scared of things. But then he saw the wolf run away. "Darn too late..." He frowned. He walked back to Kaylee, "There was a wolf inside... But it ran away." He looked at his watch and knew it was a late start but he knew what time the bell rang when it was a late start, and it was soon. "The bell is gonna ring soon." He reached out his hand as if asking if she needed help up.
9:51pm Feb 13 2011
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Posts: 200
Kaylee put her hand in his, and blushed. She felt more embarras.sed that she has blushed, and turned an even deeper shade of red. She cleared her throat, trying to get a hold of herself. "So there was really a wolf inside? How odd." She dusted her butt off, and stretched. I wonder why they're starting so late, she thought. Alaina groaned; well, it seemed like it was groan. "Wild animals drive me crazy. They're so gross and dirty." She pursed her lips, and adjusted her bag. "Do you want to get a head start to cl*censored*? Ya know; beat the crowd." She paused, and adjusted her books. "I have English with Gamble first."
5:08pm Feb 14 2011
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"Eh. I have albegra." Lexi made a sick face at the mention of algebra. "Wild animals aren't all that bad. It's just unusual to see one inside the school. Most of the time, wild animals are scared of humans, but that wolf didn't seem scared at all. I wonder if it was sick... Anyway, we should get going." Lexi walked by her locker and grabbed her bag. She headed towards the algebra room, sick at the thought of numbers. "Alright," Sara said, smiling. "It's a deal. Now to wait for her to go to the bathroom..." She smirked and rubbed her hands together. She looked around for Elix and spotted her. She wondered when she would eventually have to go. ((Are you going to play Elix or me?))
Love is all we need~
6:39pm Feb 14 2011
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Angel walked out of the bathroom. She grabbed her bags and looked down. Once again, she bumped into Lexi. She looked up. " Oh! I'm sorry..." she whimpered. She tried to walk away, but was blocked.
6:45pm Feb 15 2011 (last edited on 9:04pm Feb 28 2011)
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Posts: 567
"She always goes before she goes to clas.s... Like right now." He pointed to Elix starting to walk off towards the girls bathroom. He got up, "Now I must meet someone so I'll see you later. Bye and thanks." He walked off jumping over the fence that was on the steps to the doors. (The tree was next to the side of the steps) Austin shrugged, "Yeah, the wolf must've been lost and scared. Although its hard to find wolves here." He said his cheeks a little pink. He was able to not make his cheeks change into embaras.sed colors, but it was hard. He smiled, "What clas.s do you have first?" He hoped he wasn't alone in P.E. (You can be her, just think of a s*censored*y, preppy person who cares about fashion and is very VERY flirty xD This will be the last post of mine (Down) Elix walked quickly to the bathrooms, and once she was there she went over to a mirror and took out a tiny purse, wallet size, and opened it. She took out something in a tiny cup looking thing and rubbed it on her cheeks. "Hmmm... Too much!" She grabbed a paper towel and rubbed it on her cheek. "Better." She then started messing with other stuff in the tiny purse and her face.
8:35pm Feb 28 2011
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Posts: 567
8:58pm Feb 28 2011
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Posts: 200
[Sorry... I've been super busy D: I'll post when I get done painting my nails.]
8:59pm Feb 28 2011
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Posts: 567
((It's okay, I'm glad someone is here :D))
11:54am Mar 1 2011
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Posts: 200
Kaylee turned her head, looking around. "I, um, actually have to stay in here." There was silence. Kaylee fidgeted with her books, which she held close to her chest. She felt insecure. "Which means I have pays. ed. first." It was a dumb slang name that Alaina came up with when they were little, but Kaylee found herself unable let it go. ---- Alaina unconsciously raised her eyebrow. She recognized the girl as the one with the sketch book. Not wanting to seem rude or intimidating, she decided to talk to her. "Hey, where did you learn to draw so well?" It came out sounding bully-ish. She bit her lip. "I was really impressed with it."
5:05pm Mar 1 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Sara got up and said, "Time to work my magic." She pulled out her bottle of 'water' and took a small sip before walking into the bathroom after Elix. Elix was looking in the mirror, checking her hair as most people do before cla.sses. "Hey Elix," Sara said. Elix looked Sara right in the eye. That's exactly what Sara wanted. "Yeah?" Elix said, raising an eyebrow. Sara's eyes dilated and so did Elix's. "You're going to punch yourself," Sara said, just as Elix's face went blank. Elix pulled back her fist and, sure enough, punched herself in the face. Hard. Elix's eyes went back to normal and she fell to the floor, holding her now throbbing head in her hands. "What happened," Elix said, tears collecting in her eyes. "You and I fought. I won," Sara said. And at that, Sara left. She walked to Algebra cla.ss and took a seat. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lexi turned around, finding Angel in front of her. "Oh," she said, "hi! You draw really well." She let go one of her warm smiles and looked at Alaina out of the corner of her eye.
Love is all we need~