X- Name -X Cask Bedwyr
X- Age -X Unknown
X- Gender -X Male
X- Species -X Dragon Demon
X- Appearance -X Cask's eyes are bright yellow with cat-like pupils, but they turn blood-red when he gets into a rage or a blood-lust. His hair is a light crimson in colour. And his canines are longer and sharper than most. He also stands a six foot four.
X- Demon Form -X While he is in this form, his eyes stay that bright yellow and his scales are a deep, blood red. When he needs to fly, the wings on his back become bigger with the use of shadows and darkness.

X- History -X Ask and he won't hesitate to kill you.
X- Personality -X Cask is evil, cold, distant, and everything else somebody suspects him to be. He doesn't have much mercy and will kill without hesitation. He thinks things through, yet sometimes charges full-on without thinking about anything.
X- Why a Demon -X Cask doesn't like to talk about this.
X- Other -X He is chasing after Ace Card for being born and threatening every aspect of life.