2:18pm Jun 3 2010
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2:21pm Jun 3 2010
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Cask roared his frusterations as he pulled back the paw that had been injured. His blood splattered on the forest floor. Hissing as Ace took off again, he lunged at her, his maw open to reveal sharp, pointed teeth. When she leapt into the river, he glowered and sharply turned his head in another direction. Pretending he heard something, he took off. But not before changing back to his human form from behind a dense clump of tall bushes. His sweater was unzipped, revealing ripped abs and a tattoo high on his chest. The sleeves were pushed up pas-sed his elbows, showing another set of tattoos that came up from his wrists. With his hood up, it was impossible to tell what colour his eyes were though his hair is a light crimson. "Hello?" he called, feigning weariness. "Is some one there?"
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:23pm Jun 3 2010 (last edited on 2:24pm Jun 3 2010)
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Ace rose her head above the water and coughed out the dirty muck that had found its way into her throut"Hello?," She croaked exasperatedly.she could only keep up for so long...After all dragons had an allmost endless supply of energy and she had a very limited one...
2:31pm Jun 3 2010
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Hearing somebody, his head turned in the direction of the voice and let out a fake sign of releif. "Thank the known and unknown gods, your alright. I saw that big... dragon demon give chase after you. Are you alright?" he asked, his tone full of sarcastic concern.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:34pm Jun 3 2010 (last edited on 2:44pm Jun 3 2010)
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Ace's eyes narrowed although her mind said OMG.She was a sucker for guys with abs."Who are you? and i'm fine" she said raiseing an eyebrow she seen hadn't another human in ages.But there were plenty of vamps and demons who attempted at a visit on her oh so busy scheduale.
2:48pm Jun 3 2010
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Posts: 5,310
"Bedwyr," Cask lied, using his last name that nobody actually knew. "Why was that beast after you anyways?"
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:52pm Jun 3 2010 (last edited on 2:52pm Jun 3 2010)
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"lets just say i risk the upbringing of redominion for mankind over this world and also risk of vamps going back into hiding or demons being forced into the bowels of where they're supposed to be...Hell," Ace said with firey and deadly pas.sion.She flipped her hair"i must go so if i were you i'd get out of here before you're disscovered as well."
3:35pm Jun 3 2010
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Cask narrowed his eyes, which was hidden by his light crimson hair. "Wait! Before you go, do you know the name of you as.sailant?" he asked, mocking curiousity.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:53pm Jun 3 2010
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Posts: 4,310
"*censored*ailant?yeah ofcourse its Cask." Ace said bluntly.She had an odd ability to tell the names of her enemy without even being told.Ace growled"your hiding something from me..."
3:58pm Jun 3 2010
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Cask took small step back and when he spoke, he sounded insulted; "Me? Hiding something? Why would I do that?"
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:00pm Jun 3 2010
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"Because you could be an accomplice...now Cask are you going to tell me how i would end if i were to surrender?," Ace said her small talent worked wonders at good moments.
4:04pm Jun 3 2010
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Scowling, Cask pushed back his hood to reveal his bright yellow eyes that were now swirling with crimson. His anger was mounting. "I'd violate you in more ways than one and watch you beg for death before the end," he replied in a very deadpan, emotionless tone that was very different than his previous words.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:48pm Jun 3 2010
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"Death doesn't scare me and neither does violation besides darlin i ain't that easy." She said as she dissapeared back into the murky water and began swimming semi-fast down stream.
5:57pm Jun 3 2010
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Cask snorted and crouched down just as a shiver rolld down his spine before he transformed into his demon form. A large crimson dragon-like creature. "We'll see about that, little girl," he growled through a deep, demonic tone.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:06pm Jun 3 2010
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Posts: 4,310
ace eventually stopped and ended up being floated by the current over a waterfall she screamed so loud it could be heard a mile away and all you last her was a clunk and splat.She managed to pull herself to land and hoped it seemed like she died.
6:10pm Jun 3 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Sorry for not posting my bio sooner... -_-; I feel weird joining this far into the RP XD ----- Name: Tray Knight Age: 16 Gender: Male Species: Vampire S.O: Bi History: Nothing Important... Persona: RP out? Looks:
Other: None
6:11pm Jun 3 2010
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Hearing her scream, Cask's head perked at the sound and he took off. When he got to the waterfall, he curled his talons around the edge of the cliff face. A low growl escaped his throat as he spotted the human girl's motionless body on one of the banks. Great. He half-turned away, but stopped when the sour scent of death did not reach his nose. Smiling evilly, Cask leapted down from the cliff and dived into the water before climbing up into the s*censored*. "I know your not dead, girl," he said, his voice still demonic.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:54pm Jun 3 2010
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Posts: 4,310
Ace had no reponce as she was unconcious.The waterfall roared with brilliance.
2:14pm Jun 4 2010
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Cask noticed that she had not waken yet. Smiling to himself, he slid up to her and wrapped his foretalons around her slimp body. Shadow-like wings materialized on his back before he jumped up into the air. Circling once, he flew back towards his palace. [[ It would be a palace... right? ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:47am Jun 5 2010
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Posts: 4,310
((Yep)) Ace awoke in a room that was locked all except for the window.She had claw marks all up her arms and hurt in places that shouldn't.She felt her stomache jerk and she noticed that she'd gained some weight...although unnaturally fast.