5:35pm Jun 5 2010
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Her stomache jerked again and she couldn't control the blood the spewed from her mouth.Ace knew Cask hadn't lied and figured she probly deserved it.Although she through extremely baggy clothes on so no one could tell anything.She'd find a way to escape one way or another...
9:24pm Jun 5 2010
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9:33pm Jun 5 2010
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Suddenly, Cask appeared on the other side of Ace's cell. His yellow eyes were emotionless and he smiled evilly. "Having... problems Ace?" he asked, without any major concern.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:36pm Jun 5 2010
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"No snake i'm just fine." She snapped trying to hide the gurgle of blood taht was trying to force its way up her throut.Ace couldn't hold it off and she had more blood spew from her mouth and she fell to ehr knees"okay i am having problems,"she said weakly.
9:46pm Jun 5 2010
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Cask continued to smile evilly as he watched the spectical. "I can see that," he said, tilting his head. "Maybe I'll send a vampire in later to 'help' you with you blood problem." As the smile changed into a smirk, he left.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:06pm Jun 5 2010
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Ace widend her eyes"No.i already know what my problem is and i'm not likely to tell you."She began fumbleing her fingers out of more shock than boredom.
10:09pm Jun 5 2010
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Cask stopped and glanced back at Ace. His yellow eyes glinted dangerously as he thought of something to say to get Ace to spill what her problem was. So far, none came to mind.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:36am Jun 6 2010 (last edited on 11:00am Jun 6 2010)
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((Hope this is a hint Name:Serus/Magin Age:1month /1month Gender:M/F Species:Half draco demons S.O:straight History:none so far Persona:rping it out later... Looks: / (If demon)How did you die and why are you a demon?Born half. Other:Serus has golden eyes/Magin has silver eyes with golden flecks in them. Demon form: / )) Ace just stared at the floor and she couldn't stand her baggy clothes any onger and removed them.She ended up revealing just her tank top and the weight she'd managed to gain.She knew the word for it too but couldn't bair to even think it...let alone speak it.
11:13am Jun 6 2010
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3:17pm Jun 6 2010
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((Bump XD))
3:34pm Jun 6 2010
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[[ She's pregnant! ]] Cask tilted his head to one side as he heard two other heart beats within Ace. His eyes narrowed and he said suspiciously; "Your pregnant?"
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:37pm Jun 6 2010
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((Yup)) "You weren't kidding when you said you'd violate me deep and quite frankly this usually happens." Ace said hotly she was still pissed and in shock about it."Quite frankly won't be so easy to kill me now will it?"
3:46pm Jun 6 2010
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Cask ground his teeth. She did have a point. "Guards!" he snapped suddenly. Two guards suddenly appeared. Both vampires. "Bring the human to a private room attached to mine. She is not to be harmed or your blood will coat my halls." Both vampires flinched as they looked in the face of Cask's wrath. His eyes were brimming red. Glancing at Ace one last time, he left.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:52pm Jun 6 2010
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Ace has won for once she couldn't be harmed and saved her for once although she would maybe try to escape with the children as tehy were hers anyway...atleast in her view.She wondered what he'd do with her after they acctually were born...Woudl she still end with ehr original sentence of death?
3:58pm Jun 6 2010
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The vampiric guards brought Ace to a spacous room filled with things that royaly would own. Pushing her inside it more, a guard said gruffly; "Here you are mortal. You'll be safe... for now." Closing the door, it made a soft click as a guard locked it, then theif footfalls faded as they walked away.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:05pm Jun 6 2010
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Ace put her ear against a very suspicious wall and slowly moved her palm against it and once finding what she was looking for she smacked a brick and a secret chamber opend.Oddly she found many things...like for one an exit?Strange she rushed out and closed it.Ace's head filled with excitement it was teh secret route that no one ahd obviously found yet...after all millenias ago humans did build this place...why woudln't they make an easy escape in case of ambush?She decided to run through teh closet and found an very rich looking silkly egyptian dress and tried it on.She wrinkled ehr nose and grabbed jeans and a V-neck T-shirt instead she didn't like teh dress twas too...well way to cut up the side shall we say.
4:11pm Jun 6 2010
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:22pm Jun 6 2010
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Ace felt blood rush up her throut again and ran to a toilet which was luckily there.When she finally stopped puking blood she was dizzy her face paled and seem really sickily...she figured by the end of the week she'd probably not have to worry about that anymore. ((So i acctually have soemthing for you to do i'll skip i to 2 weeks later.)) Ace awoke screaming...althoughs she didn't keep track usually it was teh day of her either 20th or 21st b-day.She felt her heart race and muscles tighten.She hoped to teh gods she survived this.Her nerves were freaking out on her making her twitch incontrollubly.
4:35pm Jun 6 2010
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Hearing Ace's screams, Cask growled and pulled a pillow over his head. "I am so going to kill you if you do not let me sleep, woman!" he muttered under his breath.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:50pm Jun 6 2010 (last edited on 5:03pm Jun 6 2010)
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Ace closed her mouth a tear gliding down her face her water had already broke.She'd had an estimate of another month."Why?" she gasped"why me?".Her nerves started to calm but not by much...although Cask was probably pist as she'd woken him up for teh pat five days.