3:51pm Jun 8 2010
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4:17pm Jun 8 2010
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(( Hi peoples! :3 )) Tray walked down a random path going down from the castle. He was glad to be outside, away from all the noise and chaos. His ears would probably still be ringing weeks later after some idiot had shouted right next to his ear when he had been sleeping in bat form. His brilliant hiding place hadn't turned out so brilliant and now he was stuck hunting a woman he didn't want to hunt. He liked Ace better than Cask and hated having to decide between his loyalty to Ace and his fear of Cask. He sighed and stared at the ground as he walked, hoping to all the known and unknown gods that he and no one else would find Ace.
4:28pm Jun 8 2010
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Ace clinged to Serus's back she ahd a deep fear of being to high in the air and said"That's enough!".Serus landed himself in teh Fairies forest.Magin leapt off her brother back as did Ace and she said"this si the forest fo fairies?"Ace nodded"the only others taht can egt in here woudl eb Vampires,although since this palce ahs been purified Demons cannot access it." Magin gasped"So we can't be here!" Ace chuckled"no my dearest since you share my blood you can go anywhere you please as long as you do not give into your fathers demonic side taht seems to rage within you." Serus said bravely"i won't Mama!you can eb sure of that." Magin said"you big show off that means we cannot return to the palace." Ace heard a rustle and an Fairy stood before her"Yee wish us to protect Yee huh?" Ace nodded and Serus and Magin dived behidn Ace as the strange being appeared. "Yee has access now yee must vow to keep all rules followed yee must never pull a fruit from the Ekrie Tree" it said. Ace said"i vow that i Ace Card shall not law one fist upon the Ekrie tree or shall i be exiled from thisplace and unwelcome to return." "Very well it is done," teh fairy said and dissapeared.
4:36pm Jun 8 2010
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Tray felt like he had been walking for some time and finally looked up. He gasped. He had some how ended up in the Fairy Forest. A weird look on his face, he turned around, expecting to still see the castle and for someone to come out and say he was being punked. No one came out and the castle was not in his sight. "Damn Vampire Powers," Tray muttered. He'd only be a vampire for a few months and still wasn't used to how fast he could travel. He considered going back, but it'd be troublesome to face Cask empty-handed before anyone else showed up. He blinked when he thought he heard Ace's voice and spun around. Sure enough she was there with her children. He thought he saw a fairy but it disappeared before he could be sure. He ducked down behind a plant, debating what to do now that he had found Ace.
4:40pm Jun 8 2010
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"Mommy what does that mean?" Serus asked. Ace said calmly"It means if someone were to try and take us out of the forest it'd seem to never end and we'd never end up leaving unless we were to out fo free will although you two cannot leave without me."
4:45pm Jun 8 2010
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Tray sighed. That meant that, even if he actually wanted to bring Ace back to Cask (which he didn't), he wouldn't be able to. "Fairy magic sure is something," he muttered. He stood up and pushed his way out of the plants and into the clearing. "Hey, Miss Ace," he said, holding up one hand in greeting, "nice disappearing trick you pulled. Seemed you had everything planned out." He said, his face showing he was impressed.
4:51pm Jun 8 2010
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"i did acctually since the first day i was in that horrid room.Sholul've had Caks build his own Palace old time humans are not as idiotic as most think i mean really even that castle was older than the times when demons freed themselves from the ranks of hell and every human was staughtered and now are used as cloned cattle." ace said smartly she'd guessed he'd ask how she did escape.
4:59pm Jun 8 2010
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"That's another thing I don't really approve of. Vampires turned to fat and lazy now that their food is just handed to them. Seriously, none of them ever hunt anymore." Tray said with a smirk that showed off his fangs. He'd had such a laugh when his former owner had accidentally turned him into a vampire, that is, until he tried to kill him. Tray scratched his cheek. "Let me guess, secret p*censored*age?" he said, "Human's were known for them way back when."
5:04pm Jun 8 2010
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"Incase someonne royal needed a quick escape form ambush....blah blah blah...you're right, i know the whole story although you bite me and i'll be pist." Ace said sarcastically. Serus and Magin curiously waddled over to Tray."Hello!Who are you?" they asked in unison which seemed a bit creepy sometimes.
5:10pm Jun 8 2010
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Tray smiled down at the twins. "Hi there! I'm you're mommy's friend, well sort of friend, you know what, we'll just go with friend, it's easier." Tray said with an awkward laugh. He wasn't exactly sure how to explain things to the kids. "I came here to protect you and you're mommy and... seriously? No bites?" he said, looking up at Ace. He had been so distracted by Serus and Magin that he hadn't registered the 'no biting' thing until just that moment.
5:14pm Jun 8 2010
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Ace laughed"i'm definately serious mr.Fang,but are you sure about going against Cask?" Serus said"Can i practice fighing skilleds?" he had a had time pernouncing the word Skills. Magin said"i want to learn to use a bow!" Serus said"i want a sword."
5:20pm Jun 8 2010
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Tray shrugged. "The way I figure it is now that I've met you, if I go back, I'm dead. I can't capture you thanks to the fairy magic, but Cask won't take that as an excuse. But believe me, if things turn nasty I'm high tailing it out of there or saying you captured me. I'm not a charity worker." He pet the twins on their heads. He had to admit they were cute. "They can't be that old and already they want to fight!" he said, stunned. "That's demon blood for you."
5:28pm Jun 8 2010
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"not really i'm pure human and i had an inkling of wanting to learn to sword fight,fist fight,and play with bows not to mention past time humans had a thing for war amongst themselves,"Ace said simply. Serus said"we're exactly 1 year old...in demon years that is." Magin only nodded.
5:39pm Jun 8 2010
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Tray frowned, not knowing the difference between demon years and human years. He simply shrugged. "Well I suppose I could help train them at least. I'm decent with both bows and swords." He patted Serus' head lightly before standing up and taking a few steps away. "I'm hungry," he said, "I've been sleeping for weeks and the first thing I wanted to do when I woke up was feed, but nooo, stupid Cask had to send me out to hunt for you!" he glared accusingly at Ace.
5:56pm Jun 8 2010
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Ace stuck ehr tounge out at him"not my fault i escaped i was litterally raving mad having a roof over my head i prefer the sky and secondly i'd end up dead in the end anyway third not my fault i was born." Serus and magin grinned for a moment but then pouted at seeing Ace argue.
6:02pm Jun 8 2010
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Tray growled. "I'm not blaming you for being born. All I'm saying is I'm risking my life out here for you so the least you could do is feed me a little bit. It's not like I'm going to drain you!" Tray crossed his arms over his chest and tried to glare at her but it looked more like a pout.
6:11pm Jun 8 2010
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"But i thought when vamps bite someone and don't finish the job of sucking someone dry they become vamps themselves."ace said only mildly considering what he'd just asked of her.
6:26pm Jun 8 2010
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Tray gave her an amused look, seeing his opportunity. "Humans will only turn to a vampire if one drinks their blood then mixes their own blood in the human. For example, I was turned into a vampire because I punched my owner in the nose and he still stupidly drank from me. A lot of his blood seeped in through the puncture wound." He grinned at the memory.
6:30pm Jun 8 2010
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"Okay then get it over with." Ace said now a little mad she'd been proven wrong. Serus and Magin said"We're going to go play!" and tehy both took off to play in the flower fields.
6:37pm Jun 8 2010
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Tray grinned and walked over to Ace, grabbing her chin to tilt her head to the side. He didn't bother with any of that stupid sexual crap that other male vampires liked and instead just sunk his fangs into her neck without warning. He was careful not to drink too much but when he pulled back he realized he'd probably taken more than necessary and that Ace would probably feel really light-headed. He ignored the blood dribbling down his chin and held onto her arms to keep her steady. "You alright?" he asked.