2:14pm Aug 15 2010
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"the test of annoyance." Taelin grinned,"and ofcourse aniexty, i like to push people to see exactly how far they'll go." She then turned to Lexi,"Okay, but if my clothes rip i'm not going to be happy.", she said. Taelin said then to josh,"And you might want to consider getting me a bigger cage." She got on all fours and concentrated after a moment her skin texture changed and she exploded into sleek black feathers. She now was in her gryffin form. The cage was now too small for ehr and she was a little too heavy.
2:16pm Aug 15 2010
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((Well, the last scientist and specimen? >u> PLease?))
2:19pm Aug 15 2010
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Lexi smiled."They have to give you new clothes.Its the rules"Lexi said.Josh then got annoyed."I hope your not planning to stay like that forever"Greg snickered."Greg just shut up and find then both a bigger cage"Josh said.Grumbling,Greg went to go find some bigger cages.
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2:42pm Aug 15 2010
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{{Sure Rika.}} "Nope. An i won't give you the chance to test me in this form." Taelin squawked. She stuck ehr claw out of the bar for a brief second to grab a lab coat on one of the nearby hooks and changed to her humane form and draped it around herself,"No looking." she laughed and winked sitting in a criss cross formation.
2:44pm Aug 15 2010
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Lexi laughed and smiled.Josh was too shocked and surpried to say anything.Grag came back,wheeling in two big cages.
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2:47pm Aug 15 2010
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Taelin laughed with Lexi and said,"They didn't see taht comin did they?" Seh then began to hysterically sing,"La la la la la!" out of pure amusement of the look on Josh's face.
3:16pm Aug 15 2010
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Name: Michael Stevens Age: 19 Gender: Male Species: Specimen, winged lion Looks: Human

Hist.: Unknown. >O Persona: He's usually quiet and can have his good and bad moments, depending on what's going on and what kind of a mood he's in. If you get him too mad, he might just eat yer fais. Other: ...None. ouo Name: Laeli Evi
Age: 23 Gender: Female Species: Scientist Looks:
 Hist.: Nah. Don't think I'll tell you. Persona: Laeli is very calculating and is usually the one left in charge of the mathematical parts of an experiment. She is also very calm and patient. Other: ...Nope. c: ((That good? P: Yup. A girl scientist and a boy specimen. Mixed up the genders. :D))
11:13pm Aug 15 2010
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{{Perfect. XD}}
9:06am Aug 16 2010
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(Nice Rika XD Now I can have Josh and Greg get into a fight over her XD)
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5:43pm Aug 16 2010
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{{Aw, but Taelin likes Josh. *pouts* XD}}
5:44pm Aug 16 2010
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(Even better!Lexi hates Greg tho XD)
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5:52pm Aug 16 2010
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{{Lawl. XD}}
6:13pm Aug 16 2010
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Bio: Name: Kyla Warrith Age: 21 Gender: Female Species: Undetermined{Meaning, the scientists haven't decided what to do with her. XD} Looks: 
Hist.: Why would she tell you? Persona: Roleplaying out Other: She has a degree(All masters) in every possible science scholarship. So, when she was brought in to be used as a specimen, they thought twice because of her stats.(which are oddly suprising for her short attention span). Though, rumors say she did expiriments on herself and can go through walls,though no one ever catches her at it and it's a rumor...
6:22pm Aug 16 2010
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((...Nice. ouo ... And lawl. -goes to practice moar because she really really needs it-))
6:27pm Aug 16 2010
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{{Lol. We need to get back to Roleplaying guys. XD}}
6:30pm Aug 16 2010
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Josh opened Lexi cage and yanked her out,getting a hiss and a bite on the wrist.Josh shoved her into the new cage and smirked.Greg closed the cage and locked it.Josh then opened Taelin's cage and held his hand out for her.
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6:35pm Aug 16 2010
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((I have a sectional tomorrow...so I'ma practice until I can' practice no more. Beth/Detroit Rock City is HARD. But...so...pretty...))
6:41pm Aug 16 2010
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Taelin took his hand and stepped out. She was coming quite accustomed to beng let in and out of cages because she was cooperative. Taelin listend a moment, she heard another being brought in. Kyla was soon brought into the same room as everyone else. She was closely followed by four men, she snarled,"You bozoes better put me back,i still have a half a semester at Harvard!" One they let go of her handcuffed wrists, she stuck her hand in her back pocket(that she could thankfully reach) and produced a bobby pin and undid the lock herself. They already told her they lost the key,she mumbled things to her self like,"They are such idiots... losing that key."
6:44pm Aug 16 2010
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Lexi rattled her cage until greg snapped and tried to grabbed. (Braindeadedness)
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6:46pm Aug 16 2010
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{{Lol. That should'a given you something to do, such as ahve Josh perhaps speak to Kyla. Now i'm brain dead. XD}}