8:53pm Aug 21 2011
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[[-peeks head in- Laurel Hamilton... My mum reads her vamp/werewolf books. She says they're too old for me. Also, she looks creepily like my mum. -poofs back out-]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:11pm Aug 21 2011
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9:12pm Aug 21 2011
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((She's probably too old for most people on here... I forget that.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:13pm Aug 21 2011
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((And reina is the reigning queen of all things Fae))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:24pm Aug 21 2011
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ooc:// I love Laurel K. Hamilton. :3 The Anita Blake novels... My mom and I like to swap smut novels. XD We're... a really, REALLY weird family. But Fyre is right. Faerielore is my area of expertise. For seriousness.
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9:35pm Aug 21 2011
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((Laurel K. is truly amazing... What are your ideas, great Reinabella?))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:42pm Aug 21 2011
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ooc:// I like my Court Intrigue idea lots, but if it's too complicated outside my head... Well, faeries do like messing with humans. The only scenario I can think is really Tithe-ish, with the queens using humans as pawns in their little game of thrones. Like... Capturing, glamouring them into servitude, and maybe a Nikki-ish twist where one-three of those selected for enslavement have the Sight, making them for the most part untrickable, but more valuable pawns in the game. Then bribery could be employed, and blackmail... Using loved ones as a way of forcing the Gifted to compley to orders...
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9:42pm Aug 21 2011 (last edited on 9:43pm Aug 21 2011)
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Ooc; Reaina, those fae you talked about on the bottom of the other page sound interesting! But again, I've never heard of the series.
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
9:44pm Aug 21 2011
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ooc:// They're not all from the series, which doesn't actually do a lot to explain races. I get my knowledge of the races and class system from my... visitors? The fae I 'see'. Also, I study faerielore in books and more recently on the INTERWEBZ! For intance, did you know that there is a sub-race of Sidhe (they're kind like elves, and are Fae nobility?) that are basically vampires? But not all of them suck blood. Some feed of dreams, some off specific emotions... It's pretty cool.
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9:45pm Aug 21 2011
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Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
9:51pm Aug 21 2011
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ooc:// Yosh. The Leannan Sidhe. And the whole banshee thing? That's just how people have handed down the name of the Bean Sidhe (sidhe=shee) who are actually very peaceful, with plant-based powers.
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10:08pm Aug 21 2011
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((I wish to be a faerie or a memaid or a selkie or anythnig to do with water is fine with me...))
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10:09pm Aug 21 2011
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((You know, it could be interesting to do an Unseelie vs Leannan one. Kind of like a lesser of two evils choice...))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:18pm Aug 21 2011
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ooc:// Anything would be lesser of two evils. XD But I see what you mean, And there could be genuinely good Leannan sidhe who feed off happiness. Like... they absorb it, not steal it, so they benefit from everyone around them being happy.
Benny would be perfect for that.
And Feyth, please be aware that when you say faerie you refer to an entire culture, not a specific race. Fae take that kind of thing seriously. @.@
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10:34pm Aug 21 2011
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((I understand that, any species of faerie is fine with me, is all I am saying. I am pretty sure I am a mermaid, but that's a story for another time and a wierd one.))
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10:56pm Aug 21 2011
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((I like that idea. So maybe the Leannan have gotten stronger and are now threatening to overwhelm the Unseelie, who will at least keep some of their victems alive or something...))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:59pm Aug 21 2011
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((Unseelie- It's been a while since I have read Tithe, can you give me a summary. btw, I have to go...))
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11:12pm Aug 21 2011
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ooc:// Unseelie= Bad. Pure bad. They take a sick pleasure from death, pain, and torture of mind and body. They are seriously twisted mother effers. They don't even try to be sneaky about how totally and completely messed up they are.
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11:14pm Aug 21 2011
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((Thanks. Alright, see ya!))
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11:57pm Aug 21 2011
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((This sounds like so much fun. xD I'm in, if no one minds me joining. =P))