4:05pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: I'm posting the intro for Snow White... I'm going to post it here. :3 We're waiting for Ssather and Ferret... Intro: Hair as black as a raven's wing. Fair, soft skin. Sparkling blue eyes. Lips redder than fresh, crimson blood. Snow White, the perfect picture of beauty. Probably the only female besides the more "evil" characters who had black hair. Or maybe she was evil... Snow White's hair was long and went a little ways past her back. She wore a long black dress with flares and white ruffles everywhere... It gave off a definite victorian feel. She didn't appear to have any weapons with her, despite the fact that Nightmares were always running everywhere these days... She was, however, eating an apple that looked too good to be true. Very ironic, indeed... Snow White walked slowly down the middle of the deserted street in a trance-like sort of a way. Her eyes looked empty and creepy. It was a bit unnerving when one first met her.
5:33pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Intro: A shadow flitted through the forest, slipping through the trees and darting around the ocasional patch of light. The shape, which was large as life, and a deeper black than the shadows it lurked in, skidded to a stop. It was canine in origin, although the shape of the wolf had been enlarged to two or three times the norm. It twisted it's head around, searching for something, and rearing up onto it''s hind legs, the shape twisted and shrunk, paws separating and elongating to form long, pale fingers. The fure receded, leaving a mop of spiky black hai atop a teenaged boy's angular face. The boy looked around, lip curled in a snarl, then sighed and sat down, leaning against the trunk of a collosal tree. He placed his face in his hands, his angular, almost asian eyes glowing through the slits in his fingers. The eys themselves were a haunting yellow, even as a human. He leaned back even farther, looking above to the canopy of evergreens and other plants. He snarled and jumped up, his form ballooning into that of a night black wolf, a bullet hole through its' left ear, and an oozing scar above the right eye, slashing across the orange-yellow eyes. The big bad wolf growled, then threw his head to the sky and howled, a sound that reverberated through the trees and into the night sky. The wolf tossed its' huge head and took off, racing through the dark forest. ((Fail. -Headdesk-))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
5:45pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 5,835
The sound of foot steps raced through the forest as Little Red Riding Hood ran through the forest carrying her small basket. She sat down and pulled a muffin out of her basket. She took a bite and listened as a howl echoed through the trees. She pulled off her red hood and ran a finger through her curly blond hair. Getting up she started to run through the forest again,"Great, I am going to be late." She thought annoyed. She didn't like to be late for special appointments like this. She saw a black wolf race by and pulled her red hood back on so that you could only see a small outline of her face through the shadows cats by the hood.
6:02pm Mar 28 2010 (last edited on 8:50pm Mar 28 2010)
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: It wasn't fail, Ferret :3 Not as fail as some of the other things I've written, anyway... :/ Nicely written intro, Ssather ^^
2:34pm Mar 30 2010
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OOC: Just waiting for Kia to post her intro now...
2:44pm Mar 30 2010
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((Sorry, it isn't nearly as long as yours but, I was in a hurry.))
2:58pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: It's okay ^^ I've had to do that before... And usually my posts start out big but they gradually shrink... o.O
3:02pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((That sometimes happens to me...Usually they don't have a real patter because it all depends how much I can think of to post.))
3:25pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Yeah.. Usually I can find more things to write about when I give it some thought... Or I'll make my character think something or do something... I don't know really xD
3:31pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 3:32pm Mar 30 2010)
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Posts: 5,835
((I can find something to write as long as the person I am posting with helps a little and does something so my character can react...But if they post a few words saying something like 'Then she coughed' then I will have no idea what to post.XD))
3:36pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Yeah xD I know the feeling :3 I'll have to make up a load of random things in my post ;D
8:52pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Oh yeah... We're starting tomorrow ^^ Kia can randomly join in whenever in this rp.
12:59pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: -starts- BiC: Goldilocks narrowed her eyes. She thought she felt something. It was the feeling of being watched. Goldy had gotten used to this feeling. Most people just thought it was nerves. No, Goldy learned that this feeling could be quite real. The sixth sense she thought, a bit amused. Still, she did not smile. She had learned to use this sense to feel if there were any Nightmares or any other old enemies around. You never knew who was trustworthy these days. The only person you could trust was yourself. Goldilocks felt the feeling suddenly grow stronger; the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She whirled around, her finger on the trigger, ready to shoot. What she saw she didn't expect at all. There wasn't a contorted humanoid shape made of shadow behind her like she had expected (or maybe even hoped...). Instead there was... The devil, it so appeared. And maybe one of his helpers which stood nearby him. Not that Goldy had ever crossed paths with him before, but she had heard the stories. Goldilocks sighed and relaxed herself. She lowered her gun only a fraction. The devil, after all, was a likely suspect to be the person controling all the Nightmares. If this turned out to the the case, Goldy would most definately pull the trigger and fight him to the death. "What do you want?" Goldy asked him. OOC: I'm going to leave Snow White on the back burner for a little while :3
1:07pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Guys, I am really really sorry, I did want to join this RP, but I have too much on my plate, and need to quit some RP's. :/ I can't join this one, maybe in the future, sorry for making a huge hold-up.)
Isn't this fun?
4:36pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: It's okay, Kia ^^ I know the feeling. D; Bump~
1:21pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Sorry, I was taken from the computer for a few days...I am still thinking of what to post so I will post in a little bit.XD))
5:39pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 3
Scratch raised an eyebrow in response to the golden-haired girl's question. "What do I want? What do I want?" He chuckled. "Well, I suppose ownership of heaven as well as earth would be nice. However... for now I'll settle for your immortal soul." Kat suddenly vanished from her spo, leaving behind only a clipboard filled with paper. Her hand caught the gunslinger's wrist, and she wrapped her fingers around it tightly- her grip was like iron. "Mr. Scratch doesn't appreciate armed negotiations. I suggest you lower your gun." Scratch chuckled. "Ah yes. Miss Goldilocks, my asistant, the late Mrs. Katrina Ursa. Kat, dear, you may release her. After all... no matter how bullets you hit me with, I doubt they'd do any good, would they?" Kat humphed and released her grip. She melted into a blur of motion and stood at her employer's side once again, the discarded clipboard now back in her possession. Scratch clapped his hands merrily. "So! What are to be the terms for our bargain? *censored*uming, of course, we have a bargain." He waved his cane in the air, producing what appeared to be a floating legal contract written in red ink- not in flowing gothic font, but neatly typed and double-spaced in proper format. "I will grant any desire conceivable on earth- true love, long life, fortune, power, you name it. In return, I ask only your immortal soul once your earthly years have elapsed. Of course... you can always make a bet." Scratch chuckled and rubbed his hands together. "I do so enjoy bets." "Just sell your soul straight up. He cheats." Scratch whirled towards his asistant angrily. "Kat, I'm surprised at you! I've told you not to talk out of turn!" "You also asked me to ensure your dealings with mortals were managed as smoothly as possible. Making a contract for a bet is far more difficult than a simple faustian deal. Too many potential loopholes." Kat adjusted her sunglases. Scratch laughed out loud. "...I suppose so."
By hook or by crook, we will.
7:58am Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Okay, Ssather ^^ My immortal soul? Really, now? Goldilocks thought to herself, almost... amused, in a way. That was new. Nobody had ever asked that of her before. Then again, this was the Devil she was negotiating with, not some other creature. Goldilock's thoughts were cut off abruptly when the *censored*istant vanished from where she was standing and appeared right next to Goldilocks, gripping her wrist. Goldilocks cursed under her breath. She should have been watching the girl too, not just the devil... She couldn't free herself from the ironlike grip. The *censored*istant was too strong. "Mr. Scratch doesn't appreciate armed negotiations. I suggest you lower your gun." Scratch? Despite her situation, Goldilocks was surprised to find that the Devil had a name. Thankfully, Scratch told "Kat" to release her. Still, Goldilocks lowered her gun with a sigh. She listened to what Scratch had to say (and Kat's suggestion which she took to heart). Goldilocks thought about the offer for a moment or two. For giving Scratch her immortal soul, she could gain anything. Goldilocks came to a decision. What the heck. She might as well go for it... "I only wish for immortality," she answered finally. "...As a human." She added the last bit quickly. Kat did say he cheats...
12:18pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Bump~
12:36pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((I have no idea how to add in my character. Should I just do another random post or something?))