1:07pm Apr 8 2010
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OOC: I'd say somehow get to the place where Scratch and Goldilocks currently are; the capitol city of Minae. Oohh how bout' your character runs into Sleeping Beauty! (my other character :) That's just a suggestion though. ^^
1:13pm Apr 8 2010
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((Okay!XD)) Little Red Riding Hood ran through the forest until she came to a feild. The forest thinned out and a large stream appeared. Little Red Riding Hood sat down in the tall gr*censored*. She looked over and saw another person(Sleeping Beauty) not far away. ((SOrry for the short post. I couldn't think of much to write.))
8:23am Apr 9 2010
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The big bad wolf raced through the froest, braches whipping at his thick fur. A large tear rolled down the glossy hair next to the collosal yellow eye. He broke through the last few braches, his paw catching on an risen root. He looked about wildly at the three other people as.sembled in front of him. His amber eyes were wide he scrabled away from the feirce looking girl, and what seemed to be two demons. He whined loudly, his night black fur heaving. He looked back at the dark forest behind him, and shivered. Finally, the wolf came to a stop, shivering in a terrified crouch in front of the blonde girl.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
10:12am Apr 9 2010
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OOC: Omigosh did I type sleeping beauty? x.x I meant Snow White. 3: Brain cramp there. My character is snow white, not sleeping beauty. They both start with S. D: Ferret~ I'm *censored*uming your character is meeting up with Snow White and Little Red Riding Hood considering that Goldilocks is currently in the abandoned capitol city of Minae? ;3 BiC: Snow White was sitting down in the forest. It was the forest right next to the capitol city of Minae. She had planned on traveling there but for now was taking a rest. She had to do something important before walking in to the city anyway. Around her neck was a necklace with a leather pouch attacthed. Snow White took the pouch and opened it up, taking out what looked to be some... pill or something... And popped it into her mouth. Nobody had ever known why she did that or had them, but she took one every day... She was about to get up when she heard a twig snap and whirled around to see a girl in a tattered red cloak. "Yes?" she questioned the newcomer in a hollow, dreamy sort of voice. It made one wonder if Snow White was really 'all there'.
3:45pm Apr 9 2010
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Little Red Riding Hood smiled. She pulled her hood from her face and smiled, "I am sorry. I didn't mean to interupt...What ever it is you are doing." She said. She tapped one of her long finger nails on her hip and brushed off the dust on the red hood with her other hand. Her curly blond hair reached down to her hips and made a frame around her pale face.
7:19pm Apr 11 2010
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OOC: -waits for Scarlet to post- BiC: "Ah... Yes..." Snow White smiled back sweetly. She looked at Little Red Riding Hood with some jealosy [spelling phail Dx]. She had gorgeous blonde hair... Everybody seemed to have the most beautiful blonde hair. Snow White sighed. She knew that her hair was much, much different. But she knew how dangerous it was to stay on this particular subject... Yes... She quickly brushed all thoughts aside. "I as.sume you're heading to the capitol city of Minae?" she said. It was then that she realized the presence of another person- or- thing. She turned around slowly, her black victorian styled dress shimmering as she did so, and turned to face the other newcomer. It was a wolf. A very large wolf at that... Snow White knew not to scream... Things were never as they seemed here.
10:59pm Apr 11 2010
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The wolf got to it's large paws, its large ears pinned to its head. The wold lifted a lip and a voluminous growl rose from it's throat, ivory teeth standing out against the nightmare-black fur. It took a step towards Snow White, the tail out like a flag, proclaiming the canine's nervous hostility. The black wolf turned toawrds the girl in the hood and snapped a few inches from her face before whirling back to the girl seated on the gras.s. The wolf was in bad shape, and the ribs of the beast protruded from the thick, matted fur. The wolf, despite it's size, judging from the ruff of poofy fur along it's spine, was in it's teenaged stage of it's life. It lowred it's lip and tail, and semed unsure what to do, backing away from both girls with an unsure whine.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
9:04pm Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: -pokes Scarlet- Filler post~ BiC: Snow White stared curious at the wolf. It was huge...Beautiful, in a strange creepy way. Maybe magnificent was a better word. Or... Noble. Gracefull, maybe. She walked closer to it as it whined, keeping its distance and staring at them in caution. "You," she murmured, "are not a normal wolf are you?" OOC: short post x3
11:33am Apr 13 2010
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Little Red Riding Hood narrowed her eyes. She remembered this wolf from when she was just a child. She was now a few years older. She grinned showing her pointy teeth. They had always been this way and almost made her look like a vampire, even though she didn't drink blood. She looked over at the wolf, "I remember you." She said. She let out a small snort remembering how helpless she had been a few years ago. She would never let her guard down enough to be tricked by a wolf again. Little Red Riding Hood opened her small basket and took out another muffin.
12:36pm Apr 13 2010
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OOC: Hmm.. Aren't there two Big Bad Wolves? One in Little Red Riding Hood and one in the Three Little Pigs? -is being random-
2:50pm Apr 13 2010
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((Huh. -Thinks-)) The wolf stepped colser to Red, pinning it ears bk and letting out a thunderous growl. It opened its huuge mouth and said, in a slightly german accent, "How is your Grandmother?" The best licked its chops, and turned away from the girl, shaking its head. He turned towards Snow White and shook his head, the black fur that was matted with blood making tiny clicks. It sat, scratching behind one ear with a hind leg. It turned back toards Red and said with sneer, "Did she like the flowers?"
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
11:43am Apr 14 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Bump~
11:57am Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 3
Scratch glanced at Goldilocks. He grinned. "Immortality as a human? At your request... but first..." He snapped his fingers. Kat snatched the floating legal contract from mid-air, scribbled something on it, and handed it to the gunslinger, along with a pen she produced. "Just sign here," she explained. "The pen'll draw your blood for you, don't worry about pricking your finger. Once you've signed, remember that the contract is legal and binding." Scratch reached into his back pocket and removed a red ribbon. "This... is the key to granting your request. Only after you sign the contract will I give it to you. Do we have a deal?"
By hook or by crook, we will.
12:23pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Little Red Riding Hood sighed. She didn't answer the wolf's question but stood there giving the wolf a hard glare. She set her muffin down and opened her basket. She smiled looking inside and grabbed a small jewel that had been in a pocket of the basket, "So what brings you here, Wolfy?" She asked.
10:58pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Will post tomorrow. :3
2:50pm Apr 18 2010
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Goldilocks felt like laughing; really. Making a deal with the devil... Or Scratch. Or whatever he wanted to be called. She nodded. "We have a deal." She took the pen (thank goodness she didn't have to prick her own finger; she was secretely scared of needles) and signed her name on the dotted line at the bottom of the page. She glanced at the whole thing. It looked like there was fine print everywhere. She sighed. Oh well. So long as the whole thing gave her what she wanted in the end. She looked at her name, written in red. She saw that on her hand was a fine line of crimson that she was sure hadn't been there before. She waited expectantly for Scratch to give her the red ribbon.
9:36pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Bump~ Ssather I like your new signature xD
2:52pm Apr 23 2010
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OOC: -pokes Scarlet and Ferret-