10:47am Nov 30 2015
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It had been a couple days and Asher had stayed in his dorm, napping most of the time. He woke up and checked his phone, surprised to see some texts. Nothing important but he replied quickly to them. He checked his calendar, the end of term was coming up soon. It was actually on Friday, not too long as today is Monday.
After showering and changing into old clothes and gumboots, he brushed his teeth and walked down to the stables. He smiled as he watched Mr Green work on Toto on some jumps. Asher hurried over to the railings to watch and as Mr Green turned, Toto nickered and Asher smiled.
Mr Green smiled and slowed Toto from his canter and pulled up next to Asher. "How you feeling?" Mr Green asked, patting Toto. "I'm feeling good today, Mr Green. How's Toto? What do you think?" Asher asked.
Mr Green smiled, "He's a good horse. I see you need a good relationship to really get him to work." he said. Asher nodded, "I hope he's behaving." Mr Green smiled. "There's a show this weekend. Do you mind if I ride him?" Mr Green asked Asher.
"Sure! What type?" Asher asked. "There's dressage and working hunter on Saturday and show jumping on Sunday at Moonview." he said. Asher nodded, "Send me the information, I'd love to come watch." Asher said, Mr Green nodded before exercising Toto again.
Asher headed home and emailed his dad with school dates and that he would only come on Tuesday afternoon. After sending the email, he read the email from Mr Green.
He would help Mr Green plait on Friday, then go with him to the show on Saturday to watch. Asher started catching up on his homework that he missed, he would start classes again tomorrow.
10:42am Dec 13 2015
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12:31am Dec 19 2015
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4:02pm Dec 21 2015
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[Everyone, I apologize for my unannounced hiatus!! I'll be trying to get back into the swing of things. ^^][This was the previous night, btw. <3]
Xavier sat patiently as fifteen minutes went by - once they had, he realized he wouldn't be getting any reply soon, so pondered over to his bed.
An exasperated sigh left his lips as he gazed at the ceiling. Everything here seemed so... Odd, yet satisfactory at the same time. It was nice of him to actually talk to people for once, he realized. Giving in to the tempting waves of sleep that lapped enticingly at him, he drifted off.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
4:24pm Dec 25 2015
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Posts: 111
(( sorry i've been gone for weeks )) Ichi was sitting in the chair across from the superintendent. With the help of a translator, he told her that today was her first day of class with all the other students. She'd have all the normal classes from now on. The superintendent also informed her that if she encountered any teasing or other negative behavior towards her, that she was to inform him immediately. She nodded, but felt apprehensive. Was something like this really going to happen?
(( okay, so what's the deal with classes? are they divided by age, or level? we haven't had much story going on in the actual learning part of the school. ))
I really live up to my username\r\n
11:27pm Dec 25 2015
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[Normal school - grade 8, grade 9 ect. Asher is 17 so he's in grade 11 - next year would be his final year for him.]
Asher finished is homework, today was Wednesday and holidays start tomorrow. Asher grabbed some sweats and showered and brushed his teeth, he wasn't hungry. "What you doing for the (half year) holidays?" Asher asked.
7:27am Dec 31 2015
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8:20am Dec 31 2015
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Posts: 111
((okay, so Ichi would be in 8th grade, since she's about 13))
The classroom was filled with kids, and every single one had stared at her at some point. She hated sticking out like this! And it was nigh impossible for her to hold a pencil. so good luck with writing. Luckily, the first week was just to get used to her environment. She'd begin classes next week. The superintendent explained that this was so she wouldn't be nervous, and so her "animalistic tendencies," whatever those were, wouldn't make her aggressive. Well, she wasn't aggressive, but exhausted was one word that would currently describe Ichi perfectly. Exhausted and strange.
I really live up to my username\r\n
9:49am Mar 28 2016
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The few days left of the term flew by. Asher crammed his last pair of clothes into his bag and picked his laptop bag up and pulled his wheelie bag behind him. He left, without saying goodbye.
He jumped in his car and started the engine, letting the car warm up while he packed his suitcases into his car. The dorms are going to be locked so he was going to stay at a hotel for the night, then going to a different hotel near the show for Saturday and Sunday and then he'll drive home which is near by, kind of.
He waved at the security guard as he roared out the black iron gates and bounced along the road before hitting the smooth tarmac.
After a couple minutes of driving, Asher pulled into the hotel and hopped out. He grabbed his bags and checked in, walking into the elevator and pressed the 3 button. After some annoying elevator music, he quickly found his room and inserted the room key. Swiping it with a green light he kicked the door open and dropped his bags.
This cast was annoying. He checked his watch, he had an hour before he had to leave. He powered up his laptop and started an essay. He hated holiday homework.
As his time ran out, he got up from his chair and locked the laptop. He pulled on some boots and grabbed his keys, room key and phone and hurried to his car to plait Toto's mane.
3:19pm Mar 28 2016
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Posts: 111
((if you didn't just revive this post from the dead!))
The weeks had passed quickly, and soon, it was time for the term to end. During the time Ichi had spent in the school, she had learned to read and understand English, though her limited Japanese had faded. Speaking and writing were still an issue, however, and she hadn't made any progress on being able to shift at will.
Since the dormitories would be closed during the break, everyone had to go home, or find a place to stay until the start of next term. Being abandoned, however, Ichi had no place to stay, and it was unlikely that a hotel would take her, looking as she did.
The principal said that they would make an announcement asking if anyone at the school was willing to take her in as a foster child for the break.
((is that last part okay, with the foster thing? it can just be an npc that does it))
I really live up to my username\r\n
1:12am Mar 29 2016
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[It's fine. Wolfie's inactive, but I'm sure we can just go on as long as we don't go to far ahead.]
Once he arrive at the stables, plaiting Toto wasn't going to go well with his arm. "Why don't you pack his trunk?" Mr Green said, sighing as Asher messed up another plait.
Asher nodded, and pulled the trunk towards the tack room. He had cleared the trunk yesterday and started to fill the trunk. His grooming kit, saddle, bridle, martingale, a couple clean white numnahs, boots and some elastics. He pulled the trunk back and placed Toto's halter and loading boots on top.
The plaits were finished quickly and Mr Green smiled, "What time shall we meet?" Asher asked. "I'll see you at five." Mr Green smiled. Asher nodded and headed to his car.
As the sun started to set, Asher showered and changed into pajamas. He ordered some pizza and switched on the tv while he waited. A knock on the door interrupted him from the tv. He quickly ate the pizza, threw away the box and brushed his teeth.
He climbed into bed and fell asleep after some tossing and turning.
His alarm beeped at him at half past four. He grumbled something and changed into dark blue jersey with some white stripes, jeans and some brown boots. It would be chilly this weekend. He brushed his hair and teeth and packed.
He walked downstairs and checked out and dumped his cases into the trunk of his car. He checked his phone, seeing an announcement on the school communicator about a girl needing a place to stay.
There was something familiar about her.
He roared to school and sharply turned into the school gates and rove to the stables. A horsebox with it's door open and hay and a full water bucket sat inside. He walked inside to Mr Green fixing some plait.s "Great, you can put his halter and boots on and put him in the horsebox. I need to pack a few things still." Mr Green finished the plait and hurried to his house on the campus.
Asher put on the boots and clipped the lead on his halter and walked outside. He walked Toto up the ramp and tied him in. He closed the trailer ramp and went to his car.
Mr Green came running and put his bags in the car and waved to Asher. Asher would follow Mr Green to the show.
6:03am Mar 29 2016 (last edited on 10:20am Mar 29 2016)
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Posts: 111
((oops, never mind that))
I really live up to my username\r\n
9:05am Mar 29 2016
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[Um, sorry but Asher never said he would take her in. He just looked at the alert.]
10:20am Mar 29 2016
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Posts: 111
((OH SHOOT SORRY i'll delete that post sorryyyyy))
I really live up to my username\r\n
11:30am Mar 29 2016
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[No worries. Carry on. :)]
6:31pm Mar 29 2016
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Posts: 111
As she sat in the office, kicking her feet, Ichi grew increasingly bored. So far, nobody had accepted the alert, and she was actually contemplating returning to the forest. She'd survived her whole life there, a couple of months would be easy. However, it was doubtful that she'd be allowed.
Trying to kill time, she opened up a book. With her early reading level, the teachers had decided that the short stories about two siblings with a time-traveling treehouse would be just right for her. Ichi loved them, and would re-read them often. But even the best books get boring eventually...
I really live up to my username\r\n
12:33am Mar 30 2016
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Posts: 1,324
[Oh! I loved those - if we're talking about the Magic Treehouse.]
Mr Green turned into the bustling show grounds and Asher hooted as he drove past, eager to get to the hotel. He checked in and dumped his bags in the room. He quickly showered and changed, he had messed food on himself.
He pulled on a new pair of jeans and a slightly tight black t-shirt. He put on some socks and pulled on his boots. He brushed his teeth, ran a comb through his hair and grabbed a jacket.
He collected his things and drove back to the show grounds.
Mr Green was re-doing some plaits. He had tacked Toto up, who was delighted to see Asher again. He was beautifully groomed and tacked up. His bridle and saddle gleaming.
"Anything I can do?" Asher asked. "Nah, it's okay." Mr Green replied. Mr Green mounted to go warm up for the dressage. Toto walked quickly, Mr Green struggling to walk calmly. Asher jogged and pulled sharply on one rein and growled softly at Toto.
Toto side-stepped nervously and Asher growled again. Toto stood still and calmed down. Asher led Toto forward a few steps before letting go of the reins. "Thank you." Mr Green murmured, embarrassed.
Asher grinned. He watched Mr Green warm up before his name was called. He trotted confidently into the arena. A couple mistakes were obvious and you could see him struggling to control Toto.
Mr Green's mark wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. They placed seventh. "Don't worry," Asher said, "He's just excited. Let me take him for a bit to calm him down for working hunter." Asher said. Mr Green nodded as he ripped of his helmet and walked into the trailer.
Asher sighed and glanced at the helmet, why not? He picked it up and clipped it on. He led Toto further away and mounted on quickly, urging him into a trot and a canter as they entered the forest.
He slowed Toto down to a walk, calming him down. Then a trot. They trotted up and down the path for a bit before he let Toto canter calmly. He cantered out the forest into a pasture where he picked up his two-point position and let Toto gallop.
After a gallop, which was a bit frightening with one arm, he cooled him down and trotted back into the forest and walked him calmly back to the trailer. He unsaddled the panting horse and took of the helmet, placing it in the same spot.
He clipped on Toto's halter and fly mask and took him to the wash bays where he hosed him off and cleaned his boots. He walked back, Toto walking calmly now. He let the boots dry in the sun and tied Toto up who was happy to munch on some hay.
The plaits were coming un-done so Asher went in search for Mr Green. "Mr Green, I suggest you come and do Toto's plaits." Asher said, finding him still in the trailer. He nodded, following him out and starting on the plaits. Asher tacked Toto up, he wasn't tired luckily.
2:32pm Mar 30 2016
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Posts: 111
((yep, those are the books i'm talking about! i used to adore them))
Lying down, more bored than ever, Ichi further contemplated simply staying in a forest somewhere. How hard could it be to stay in the forest for a couple months? She'd managed her whole life. Plus, it was summer, and food would be in ample supply.
Looking up, she saw that none of the adults in the room were looking at her. Scribbling a quick note in her messy handwriting, she darted out the door.
I really live up to my username\r\n
3:02am Mar 31 2016
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Asher placed a clean numnah on Toto's back and lifted the saddle, with one hand, onto Toto's back. He did the girth up and slipped on Toto's bridle after putting an ear net on.
"Good idea. He gets distracted easily with all the noises." Mr Green said. A bucket dropped somewhere and Toto snorted, throwing his head and looking in that direction.
Asher smiled tightly, and hurried to do the boots. They were on quickly and he checked his work. He checked the martingale and tightened Toto's girth. He handed the reins to Mr Green who went in search for a mounting block. Asher hurried over to the warm-up arena to watch Mr Green.
The warm-up was much calmer with Toto showing off. Extended trots and arching his neck. "Mr Green!" Asher shouted, "It's working hunter not dressage." Some riders laughed and a few looked at him with a bit of a glare, Asher threw his hands up.
Toto was getting a bit excited again. "Let him have a wild canter, let him do what he wants for a few minutes. Stay with him, don't slow down. I'll tell you when he should be under control again." Asher told Mr Green.
He looked at him, "Trust me. You either want a perfect pony or this wild horse, and you don't want this wild horse in jumping." Asher said, Mr Green nodded and he trotted off, trying to keep Toto steady.
Around the corner Mr Green let him have his head. Toto set off in a gallop, Mr Green holding on. Toto bucked three times but Mr Green managed to stay on. After three loops of the arena Asher told him to slow down.
Toto listened and calmed to do a relaxed warm up. Mr Green patted him and put him over a few jumps.
The speakers crackled and Toto didn't bl ink an eye. "Give him something to think about. Do an extended canter, collect him, do some flying changes, whatever as long as you keep him thinking. He tends to get bored and will run out." Asher said.
He and Falcon trotted off to the arena where they got a fast clear round, with some flying changes in between.
9:31am Mar 31 2016
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Posts: 111
Running across the field, occasionally leaping and gliding with her half-formed wings, Ichi felt almost as free as she was before coming to the school. To be honest, she wasn't fond of the place. The crowds, noise, harsh lights, and constant pressure wasn't pleasant. With her bag thumping against her back, she slowed down and walked into the forest on campus.
Everything was green, and the woods were so full of life! She could hear the birds chirping, see insects crawling everywhere, and feel the humid warmth of the trees. Eager to return to her old ways, she scrabbled up a tree and began to build a nest.
A few hours passed, and so far, nobody had come looking for her. They either hadn't noticed Ichi was gone, which was slightly disheartening, or decided to leave her be. Hoping it was the latter, she leapt down, now in her ocelot form, and began to hunt in the dim twilight.
I really live up to my username\r\n