Falconis Shapeshifting Insititute | Shapeshifters |

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4:02am Apr 1 2016

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Posts: 1,324
Asher cooled Toto down and gave him some water and hay. "Are we done?" Asher asked. Mr Green nodded and went off to the judge's tent. Asher sighed and patted Toto on his neck. "He's not riding you again. He doesn't give you a pat." Asher whispered in his ears. 

He unsaddled quickly and slipped off the bridle and ear net to put on his halter. He took the boots off quickly and led the sweaty horse to the wash bays for a quick hose. He rubbed the sweat off with his hand and led him back to the trailer.

Mr Green stood there, leaning against the trailer. He toed Toto up again and busied himself cleaning the tack. "I'm doing quite well." he said, buffing his chest a bit. Asher just grunted and turned away, taking the bridle apart and cleaning it.

Mr Green walked away. Asher finished his cleaning and took Toto to the stables. He would stay in a stable provided for the night. He found the stable and let him be, sliding open the bar to let him go into his own paddock. 

I gave Toto some treats and checked everything before looking over everything and saying goodbye to Mr Green and left for my hotel.


10:03am Jun 12 2016

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Posts: 1,324


4:52pm Jul 24 2016


Posts: 585
(( I just thought I'd post to let you all know that I really enjoyed reading this RP x ))


10:47pm Jul 24 2016

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Posts: 1,324
((Thank you. c: ))


3:05pm Sep 2 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
I guess this is dead. :( Very nice role playing with you all. :)


9:20pm Sep 2 2016

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Posts: 2,403


6:20am Dec 6 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
Hello folks, 

If anyone can reply that would be great! I really enjoyed this role play, so if any of you could post a little something to get it going again that would be great! If not, I shall make this oficially dead. 

I don't think I'll delete it, as I love reading through this every now and again.

-Avo (was Tinky)


5:12pm Dec 9 2016

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Posts: 2,403
Everything is dark. Everything is silent. My body feels extremely hot, and extremely cold at the same time. I groan. Mud makes a squishy noise beneath my limp body. My spine screams with pain each time moved. I open my eyes. I lay in a muddy field of grass. The sky above me is blue, not a single cloud in sight. Is this a dream? I bl
ink a couple of times before attempting to hoist myself up. My elbows click painfully and all my muscles tense, but I'm finally up. I search around the tall grass. How the hell did I get here?!?! I feel a strike of hunger in my chest, but it's not as bad as the burning feeling of scared confusion.


7:53am Dec 10 2016

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Posts: 1,324
Asher groaned as he tossed and turned at 4 am. He cursed, deciding to just go to the show grounds. He made his bed and showered and changed into navy blue jodhpurs, a red and blue rain jacket and pulled on some black gum boots.

He ate some toast and hurried back upstairs, brushing his teeth and packing his bag. He carried his bag down, making sure he had his phone, wallet, keys and room card. He checked himself out and ran out to his car, hurriedly putting his bag on the back seats and climbing in.

It was pouring with rain, luckily Asher packed the studs for Toto. Asher parked his car and hurried to the stables. It was still dark at 5 am, and the show grounds would only start to get busy at around 6 am. Asher cooed at Toto, giving him a quick groom and putting on his bridle.

Asher mounted the tall black stallion, who was becoming wet from the slight drizzle. He clicked his horse on, letting him stretch his neck as they entered the forest. It took him some time to reach the end of the forest at a walk, and he saw the clouds had gone but everything was muddy.

Asher clicked his horse into a trot, sitting because he had no saddle. Asher looked around, and saw a girl. He frowned before clucking his horse into a canter towards the girl.

As they neared, Asher pulled his horse up and jumped off, racing over to help the girl. "Are you okay?" he recognized her, "Hey, you go the shapshifitng school. I'm also there." he smiled, before realizing she was in pain.

He pulled off his rain jacket and pulled it around her to keep her warm. "It's gonna be okay." He lifted her up so she was sitting on Toto. He hoisted himself up, so he was sitting behind her. He wrapped his broken arm around her waist and clicked Toto into a canter. 

"Grab onto his mane if you feel unstable." Asher said. He clicked Toto into a faster, but still smooth, gallop. They headed back towards the show grounds.

Once they had arrived, Asher quickly took off the bridle and placed the poor girl onto the ground. "Stay here." He raced towards his she car, he opened his bag and quickly took out some clothes. A pair of grey sweatpants, a black shirt and a red hoodie.

He led her to the bathroom and gave the clothes to her. "I'll be here once you're done." He hurried around, grabbing warm food and drinks and a packet to put her clothes into. 

Once she had changed, he took he really clothes and out it in the packet and led her to the rider's lounge. He sat her down on one of the couches, gave her the food and drinks and called over a doctor who quickly checked her over. 

Asher left her with the doctor, "If you need anything come find me." he smiled, and headed to go get Toto ready. He groomed him again and Mr Green was soon there, plaiting and then going to look at the course. 

Asher saddled the horse up, put on the boots and placed studs into the horse's shoes and smiled. "Who's a good boy?" He cooed, feeding him a treat.

Mr Green was soon back and took Toto to warm up. Asher shivered in his tshirt and grabbed a jacket from his car before going back to the lounge to check on the girl. He was glad that she was still there.

"Do you need to phone anyone? I could drive you home?" He asked, softly. 


6:11pm Dec 13 2016

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Posts: 2,403
It's six, maybe seven am now. I've been pondering around this overgrown field for maybe two hours, maybe even three. Maybe even half an hour. My sense of time feels a bit off, like the queasy feeling in my stomach. I try to comb out my long, orange hair with my fingers. It should be my birthday in about a weeks time. 16. That was my dad's favorite number. The sick rumbling in my stomach begins to grow. Out of hunger, out of grief. I collapse by a tree, finally reaching the end of the meadow. Where the hell am I. I then notice something oddly familiar; a blue strip of cloth laying right beneath my feet, with peculiar patterns printed on this. I snatch in up, examining it for awhile before stuffing it in my shirt pocket. I push myself off of the old oak. My shape shifting abilities feel weak at this current point, so turning into anything to help me navigate would be extremely dangerous. Rain starts to pour through the leaves with a soft pitter-patter, streaming down my face. I have no doubts that in five minutes time, I'll be scared, hungry, confused and cold.


12:38pm Jul 24 2019 (last edited on 12:38pm Jul 24 2019)

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Posts: 1,667
[Ah, its been so long!
Im sorry I disappeared. Life got in the way and I thought it would be too late to come back, and forgot. And now im back here 3 years later wondering what happened! This thread really was one of the most enjoyable ones.

It was lovely role-playing with you all, if any of you are still active. I might just have to start posting on roleplays again and see what happens.

Love, Wolfie]

I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:

7:58pm Nov 18 2022 (last edited on 7:58pm Nov 18 2022)

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Posts: 127
Locked thread due to inactivity, however the thread can be unlocked if requested by the thread owner! :)

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