12:37am Jul 25 2015
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[I will be your roommate!]
Asher Kyle Austin was fast asleep until heard shuffling in the dark, he groaned and when he heard the door close did he jump out of bed and stretch. He headed to the bathroom and took a shower before pulling on some blue shorts and a red t-shirt. It was chilly this morning so he took his duvet and pulled it around himself. He flicked on the light and sat down at his desk doing some reading of the letter he received. He pulled on running shoes and hopped out the door and slammed it close.
He heard a chorus of groans and shouts and he laughed himself. Once he was outside he shifted into his falcon form and flew high before diving into the jogging trail. He shifted back into a human and jogged before going past the pool. He reversed and pulled off his shoes and shirt before diving in and standing in the shallow end.
3:22am Jul 25 2015
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I sit alone in the room, blankly starring at the creamy-colored carpet, while picking viciously at my stubby nails. My room mate, Teresa, had already gone out. Dull, grey walls trapped me in, while a small crack of sun poured through the open window. I quite like being alone, it makes me feel relaxed. I start to remember now-fading memories, from my old house. I remember being sprawled on a red velvet arm chair, my mind in a complete different world, reading my favorite book, lost. It was about a boy who gets separated with his family, and lost somewhere in the desert for a week with nothing. Things were perfect back then. I hear the long shrill sound of a bell. "Huh" It must be the end of break.
4:14am Jul 25 2015
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[Aww thx!]
Xavier was still enjoying himself. He had calmed just enough to swim slowly, but then he heard it - what sounded like a whip whistling through the air. He froze in his spot, the awful memories coming back to haunt him.
Xavier sat on a couch, watching the other children play. He was bored as it was, but small children tugging at his hands wasn't helping. He always flicked his wrist away and scowled at them. "Xavier! May I have a word?" The honey-like voice of his care-worker rang. Xavier just stood - the worst she could do was give him another small slap, right? But he was wrong.
Xavier's care-worker took him into the soundsound-proof room he knew all too well. She turned and fumbled with something before hiding it behind her back. Odd. She glared at him, her eyes alive with flames. "I hate you... " She seemed to mumble. It was Xavier's turn to flare. "WHAT?! HOW DARE YOU!! YOU CAN'T TALK ABOUT ANYONE LIKE THAT!! " "I CAN, FILTH!! YOU'RE THE ONE WITH NO RIGHTS TO TALK TO YOUR CARER LIKE THAT!!" "IS THAT SO?! YOU PIECE OF SCUM!!!"
That was enough. She lifted up the ob ject behind her back, and brought it down on him. A blaring, white-hot pain flooded from the wound on his back, spreading agonizingly through him. She didn't stop there. Again and again she brought it down, so much until he thought he couldn't handle it anymore. That was when he blacked out.
Alarmed, he gathered his stuff and left the swimming pool; after shifting back, of course. But this wasn't the end of his forms. In a fueled panic, he slung his bag over his shoulder and sprinted for his dormitory in his wolf form. Swiftly, he locked it and huddled, breathing heavily, in the corner by his bed.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
11:01am Jul 25 2015
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Asher jumped back in front and watched his roommate flee. He too jumped out the pool and ran back after he had grabbed his stuff. He cursed as he ran over the stones before shifting into his falcon form and flying into the dorm. People screamed but he flapped his wings and shifted in front of his door. He pulled out his key and un-locked the door running in, slamming the door and locking it. He threw his things on his bed and screamed as he saw his roommate.
"Sorry mate. It was me that jumped in the pool, I ran after you and lost you. Didn't realise you were here." he whispered, sitting on the bed beside his roommate. He rubbed his back, "I'm Asher. Your name is?" Asher said, when he didn't respond. "Right, I'm calling you mate!" he said.
12:59pm Jul 25 2015
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By now Xavier had shifted back - too late did he realize that the scar on his back was for show. But right now, he didn't care; the world seemed blurred around him, the sound muffled. All he could hear was the lashes od a whip repeating itself. He was in hell.
Eventually be gathered his senses, whizzing around. "What do you think you're doing, running in here like that and SCREAMING?! How was that jumping in water?! That was a darn lash!" Xavier screeched, slamming his room-mate against the wall. For his slender figure, he was rather strong. "I don't want any sypmathy. Now, leave whoever you were whipping alone! They don't deserve it. You don't deserve life!" He spat. Tears were streaming down his cheeks - he took the form of his majestic black stallion. Ramming through the hall-way, he made a run for it. Why, oh why did he have to go to this institute?
((Dont be offended! XD Xavier's mind was playing tricks on him, he mistook everything like an idiot.))
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
3:14pm Jul 25 2015 (last edited on 9:22pm Jul 25 2015)
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I open the door with a 'whoosh', then I turn into a fox, (for I haven't mastered the horse yet, and I don't want to look like an idiot). As I run through the echoing hallways, I pass Teresa. Little does she know that I can shape-shift into a fox, so I don't say hi. After a few sharp corners, I reach class 9B. The class I have been assigned. A white stallion waits behind me, to enter the room as well. I quickly change back into my human form, then pull the door open. My care-taker, Andrew leans on a large wooden desk, next to the gaping window. Outside, clear crisp sky covers the stars. Andrew waves, and signals me over to him. I wonder what we're going to do today.
2:14am Jul 26 2015
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Asher battled against his roommate before pushing him off. "What the hell, mate? I wasn't whipping anyone!" he shouted at him. He watched his roommate flee, "Good riddance!" he shouted. He stomped into the bathroom to take a shower and changed into some clothes. He locked the door behind him and stepped into the hallway.
He knocked on the door to enter Mr John's room. He looked after these dormitorys. "Mr John?" Asher asked, a young man looked up with glasses on. "Mr Austin?" he asked. Asher sat down on the chair, "I'm here. I want to change dorms." he asked. Mr John sat up quickly, "Howcome?" he asked. "He's insane!" Asher shouted, standing up and watching the chair reel back. "He attacked me and accused me for whipping someone." he shouted.
Mr John looked wide eyed at him, "Give him sometime." he said, before going back to reading his newspaper. "What?" Asher asked, annoyed. Mr John waved his hand and Asher stomped out. He ran to his room and raced in, taking some duck tape and measuring the room. He took a piece of duck tape and placed it halfway through the room.
It was late now and Asher had been reading all day. He placed a note on the door and on his roommate's pillow. Stay on your side! He jumped into bed and fell asleep quickly.
4:30am Jul 26 2015 (last edited on 4:39am Jul 26 2015)
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Xavier didn't know where he was running - he just wanted to get away; away, away. He galloped furiously forward, his hooves pounding on the ground in no attempt to keep quiet. On the way he noticed a sleek fox - quite a beautiful one, I may add - but he didn't slow to get a better look as to who it was. He just couldn't stand it any more.
Breaking through a couple of doors that lead to a forest, he stumbled down a few steps, quickly composing himself. Somewhere in the forest, he heard a 'damsel in distress'. Xavier just ran in that direction, before shifting. There infront of him was a young man, pounding a younger woman with his fists. Anger bubbled inside od Xavier, so he ran at the man.
Swiftly, Xavier through a hard punch at the man's jaw, then as he wasn't looking, in his back. He fell over in surprise. "Leave the poor woman alone!" Xavier hissed, transforming into a wolf chasing the man off. No doubt he was a shape-shifter, but he wanted to make himself look as vicious as possible, despite him not being so.
Calming down and shifting back, Xavier walked over to the woman. "Hey, let me help." He insisted, picking her up bridal-style and running through the maze he'd come through, into an empty dorm. He couldn't stand to see Asher after earlker.
Xavier placed the woman on a bed and ran to his dorm. He just sighed as he saw the line and note. Grabbing a few medical things to clear up her wounds and settle her bruises, he strode out the room. With one piercing glance back at Asher, he ran back to the woman and helped her up, before he took her out of the room. "There. You should go and see Mr. John to sort you properly." Xavier stated, not saying goodbye. He just walked over to his dorm, lay on his bed and ignored Asher for the first few minutes.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
9:48am Jul 27 2015
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Asher groaned as he hit his alarm. It was 6:30, on a Sunday morning. He got up and made his bed in the dark, "Sorry 'bout that mate. I need to go jog. I don't even know if you are awake." he whispered into the dark. He grabbed a sweatshirt and shorts and changes and slipped out the door. "See ya later, mate." he whispered.
He jogged out the door and let the chilly air hit his face. He shivered before picking up a jog and jogging around the jogging track. He set his stopwatch and jogged.
After half an hour of this he stopped at his dorm's door and entered. He wasn't sure if his roommate was inside but he grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom. He showered and pulled on some jeans, sneakers and a three-quarter top. He pulled on a jersey and headed out the bathroom, after brushing her teeth and hair, and headed down to breakfast.
He grabbed a smoothie and threw it into the trash, he then went to grab his phone and wallet and placed a sticky note on the door. Here's my number if you need it. He hurried out the door, he wanted to meet some friends. He shivered in the cold and went to the stables. He grabbed a horse, after asking the instructor, and cantered to the town.
11:00am Jul 27 2015
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Xavier realised he must have fallen asleep, considering the fact he woke to his room-mate talking. All that was audible, in his drowsiness, was 'sorry mate' and 'see later'. In truth, he was surprised - nobody had ever been this kind to him, let alone after him attacking them. A few minutes later, Xavier mumbled his thanks, still not fully awake. He wasn't a 'get-up-early-and-be-ready-straight-away' person...
Stretching, he wandered over to a pile of clothes before changing; into which he did not know, because he'd set it out before he'd slept, and was too shrouded in fatigue in the present. Once dressed, he stood. What now? Xavier wondered, sighing. Stumbling over to the door, he spotted a note:
Here's my number if you need it. (Phone number)
Snatching the note and placing it in one of his jean pockets, he replied.
Thx. Here's mine (phone number). Anyway... Sorry about me yesterday... It really was inappropriate. I didn't want to draw attention to myself: I just snapped. Just, please - if I seem antisocial, give me some space. It might just stop me throttling you next time. /:
- Xavier
Making sure his name was at the end so Asher knew his name, he left the room to go to the stables. After a brief talk with the instructor, he grabbed a palamino horse. Today was wonderful riding weather. Tacking the horse up and mounting it, he started off at rising trot. His core muscles, by now, would be weak. After a small excersise, he decided to canter on a horse trail.
Heels down, thrust your hips in time with the horse, sit up straight, sit deep into the saddle, reins short but not too tight, hands forward and let it flow.
Xavier recited in his head, allowing his body to instinctively pick up the rhythm. Breaking the canter, he trotted around once more. At this moment in time, anything further than extended canter might give him aches and pains.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
2:18pm Jul 27 2015
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My 7:00 alarm bleeps continuously, forcing myself to lift an arm, and slap it off. I groan. I must have been lying on my arm for a while. Numbness awakens my senses, so I get up for a shower. Class starts at 9:00 today, and finishes at 12. I decided after class, I would go somewhere private, to practice my horse shape shifting abilities. I'm out of the shower, and now I can feel my arm again. With painful pins and needles. I finish blow-drying my hair, the walk out of the bathroom. My room mate, Teresa is still asleep. Although we started in the same level together, she's now more advanced than me. Her class starts at 11:00, so I let her sleep, and I grab some breakfast.
1:04pm Jul 28 2015
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After no luck of meeting anyone, Asher saddled up and headed the long journey back. He trotted and cantered and jumped over a couple of logs. He stretched his horse while walking back and let the horse graze in the paddock. He sighed and walked to his dorm and slammed the door shut, he watched a note flutter off the door.
He placed Xavier's number in his phone and sent a text to him. Thanks. Will give you some space. -Asher He wondered around a bit before heading into his dorm. He showered off the sweat from his body once again and changed into some comfortable clothes. He grabbed some lunch from the cafeteria and ate alone. He watched all the other boys joke and laugh with each other, he watched the girls talk. He sighed and watched as a small group of boys walked over to him.
"I'm Andrew." the 'leader' said, smiling. "This is Josh, Jayce and Caleb." he said, pointing his finger to each boy. "I'm Asher." Asher replied. They smiled, "We saw you sitting alone and thought we could invite you to our group." Caleb said. I smiled, "Thanks. I have to go though, I need to meet someone." They nodded and walked away. Asher dumped his tray into the bin and hurried off.
He didn't need to meet anyone, he just didn't feel like they were the right ones. Caleb was nice, but he could see Andrew controlled them. Jayce would do anything for Andrew. He rushed into his dorm and face planted onto his bed. "I am never leaving my dorm." he said. He grabbed a book and started to read. He saw the door open, "Hiya Mate-Xavier. Whatever you prefer." he said simply and tossed his book onto his desk and missed. He left it on the floor.
"What time do you want to go and eat? I ate recently but if you are hungry I will go done with ya. I'm blabbing aren't I?" he muttered. "Don't answer that." he said.
1:37pm Jul 28 2015
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~ previously
Xavier had already gotten off his horse and put it away, and on his way back he got the text from Asher. With no time to reply, he headed to the cafeteria to eat. He sat alone in the back-drop - a few people were muttering snide things about him. On the other hand, he spotted Asher talking to a group of dodgy looking people. Xavier didn't exactly know Asher yet, or the people he was talking to, so avoided any more commotion. After walking outside and watching the nature for a few minutes, he decided to head back to the dorm.
~ in the present
Xavier walked into the room, smiling as he was greeted by Asher. His first impression of Asher was positive; he seemed a polite and friendly guy. Again he smiled inwardly to himself. "Hey. Again, sorry... I'm just a bit of a psycho. Anyway, call me whatever you'd like! You seem to have gotten into a habit of calling me mate..." He raised his eyebrows at Asher, before chuckling - the part about him being a psycho was only half a joke.
"I just ate, too, so I'm fine, thanks." Xavier continued, making sure to stay on his side of the line. His first impressions must have been awful. "Hey, do you know who that she-fox is? I'm always first-impressioning people... She seemed quite timid." He wandered aloud.
[[Lily, he doesn't have a crush on you or anything :P He's just interested into who you are ^^]
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
2:07pm Jul 28 2015
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"Hey Ginger!" Andrew calls me over. "Hey". "So, let's get straight into it!" Andrew reveals a medium- sized board with scribbles all over it, from behind the desk. I wrote- Fox-[x] rabbit [] octopus [x] horse [] mouse [x] giraffe [x]
Andrew starts talking again. So, we're nearly there 1 Since we did rabbit last time, let's focus on horse.
9:59am Jul 29 2015
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Asher laughed as he watched Xavier stay on his side of the room. He groaned as he got up and peeled the tape off the room. He crumpled it into a ball and sat down on his bed. When Xavier wasn't looking he tossed the ball at his head. He laughed to himself before getting up.
He opened the curtains and looked out, the sun was setting extremely slowly. "I think I will got have a swim and then go out for some pizza. Do you want to come with?" he asked. It was a Sunday evening and tomorrow morning school would start. He pulled on his swimming trunks in the meantime and headed off to the pool, after he had packed some clothes in a backpack. He started jogging to the pool.
After swimming he went to wash the chlorine off himself in the showers. After that he tossed his swimming trunks into a plastic packet. He pulled on some black skinny jeans and a red three quarter top. He combed and dried his hair quickly.
10:17am Jul 29 2015
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Xavier smiled shyly, looking at the wall. He was embarrassed for keeping on his side, now. Suddenly, he felt something bounce on the back of his head - he shot around, only to see that Asher had thrown the ball of tape at his head. He laughed alongside his new-found friend.
Once the question had been asked, Xavier agreed to come. He did the same as Asher: pulled on his swimming trunks, went swimming and got out after a little. Showering in freezing water wasn't the best...
Dressing into a Rammstein shirt and black jeans, the shy shape-shifter couldn't help but snort in laughter. "Hey, ready to stuff our faces with pizza? You know, we already ate, but there's always room for junk... " He questioned, now feeling shy and embarrassed due to him acting so out-going. Little did he know that he had forgotten to comb his slick, black hair.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
10:54am Jul 29 2015
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Asher smiled at his friend, "I'm ready. Is your hair ready?" he asked and laughed. He patted Xavier on his back and headed out. He hurried to his dorm and tossed his bag onto his bed and grabbed his phone and wallet and jumped out the door. He slid down the stair's railing. "Oi! Mr Austin?" Mr John shouted out his office, Asher cursed under his breath. "Come on mate, hurry up!" he called up the stairs. Once Xavier was beside him he pushed him out the door and made him run, steering him towards the stables.
"Asher Kyle Austin?" Mr John shouted into the darkness. Asher grabbed his mighty black stallion, his horse had arrived today. He waited outside for Xavier. "This is my horse, his name Falcon. We call him Toto though. Don't ask." he told Xavier. "Toto, this is Xavier and his horse is-" he paused waiting for Xavier. Once he had answered he kicked his horse into a gallop, after warming up and led Xavier to the town.
"I'm taking the cross country course if you want to follow." he shouted over his shoulder. He kicked his horse on and jumped over the jumps and slowed down as he saw the town. He placed his horse in the stable in the town. He waited for Xavier outside, "Do you want pizza, or Chinese or some other stuff?" he asked. Honestly, Asher could eat everything.
1:20pm Jul 29 2015 (last edited on 3:04pm Jul 29 2015)
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"Oh, gosh!" Xavier groaned, combing his hair back. After grabbing his own phone and wallet - with a few complaints about Asher causing him to chuckle - he ran after Asher. He was delighted to see they were heading to the stables, considering his horse had arrived last night. Well, he'd only had her for a few months, but it was good to see her again. Xavier rushed up to his horse.
"Hey, babe." He cooed, running a hand over her shoulder. She rubbed her head lovingly on his shoulder. He loved his horse dearly. She was a stunning dappled-grey, long-legged and tall horse. "Her name's Amethyst. Her fur makes me think of the snow spotting the Amethyst Mountain. As cheesy as it is... " He mumbled. Amethyst was the only creature, and thing, he ever showed affection to. "Beautiful stallion, by the way." He stated, yet was still glaring lovingly at his own horse.
After getting ready, he followed the cross-country trail at a steady gallop, most of his attention into the jumps. Perfecting the jumps was his main aim today - even his steering wasn't attention paid the most. He put his horse away in the town once it was over- he didn't forget to give her a kiss on the forehead - and followed Asher. He was still lost in though about his majestic, elegant horse...
Xavier snapped back to reality, though, as soon as Asher began to talk. "Pizza. Definitely pizza." He exclaimed, waggling his eye-brows and blushing. Hopefully he didn't see him day-dreaming, or showing so much affection to his horse.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
1:55pm Jul 29 2015
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Andrew and I walk through the long strands of grass, until we reach the empty meadow, hidden for school. "Show me what you've got." Andrew folds his arms, then smiles. I focus. I imagine my body growing, I imagine fine hair sprouting from every inch of my body, I imagine- A fiery spark buzzes within me, until- I'm looming over Andrew. He gaps in surprise. I'm.... A unicorn? As I fall back into my original body, Andrew runs over to me. "Ginger!! Did you- You know what you just did?? Oh my gosh," I leave him out of words. "What's so special about it, anyway? It's just a type of horse..." "Just a type of horse? Ginger, only the shape shifters of the highest rank and turn into a unicorn! Gosh, I have to tell the head mistress immediately!" Andrew turns and runs towards the school, not even waiting for me to follow. "Highest rank? I doubt I'm that" I think, as I follow Andrew.
7:27am Jul 30 2015
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Asher laughed, "I feel like Chinese. As well as Pizza. How about we get some pizza and I will get some Chinese as well?" he asked, leading him to the Pizza Shop. "One Bacon, Avo, Feta and Olive pizza please." he asked the cashier. She smiled, "Four pounds please." Asher grunted at the price, before handing the four pounds over.
"Thank you sir." she said. He waited for Xavier and once there pizza was done he hurried off to the Chinese restaurant. "Could I have some noodles, chicken and cashew nuts please?" he asked. The bored cashier nodded and Asher handed the money over before waiting and grabbing his bag and ran to find Xavier. He sat down on a bench and began to stuff his face with pizza before starting on his Chinese.