2:47am Aug 5 2015
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{I'm skipping to morning. There is also no uniform!}
Asher groaned as his alarm went off, school only started at 8:00 but he still had to go and get his schedule. H went to shower and slipped on some jeans that fitted him nicely and a red hoodie. He pulled on some white converse and grabbed his back pack with all his books. "I am off to get some breakfast mate." he said and locked the door behind him. He has his phone, wallet and books in his back pack. He grabbed his phone and sent a message to Sophia, See you down at breakfast? She replied, Yes!
Asher went down to breakfast, ate and talked with Sophia and got his class schedule. He hurried up to his dorm and brushed his teeth before muttering a "See you later." and headed to his first class, English. He sat next to Sophia as they waited for the bell to ring.
12:08pm Aug 6 2015
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1:55pm Aug 6 2015
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[Hehe I was thinking upon maybe waiting on Lilie, but I'll post now ^-^]
Again, when the alarm went off, Xavier just groaned and stuffed his face further into his pillow. Why, when he wanted to sleep, did his bed feel so uncomfortable, yet when he wanted to wake up his bed felt like a luxurious millon-pound/dollar jacuzzi? Things could be so unfair sometimes. Although, something else was on his mind. What if he'd gotten himself suspended on his second day here? He'd always self-taught himself, so he didn't have full control over one if his animals yet. That's why he was new and, oh boy, had he messed up.
Whipping his phone out, Xavier texted Asher:
Hey. I think I got myself suspended... Don't ask. - Xavier
Groaning with fatigue again, he closed his eyes again, cringing. Out of all people, the head-master? What on Earth was he thinking? Finally sitting up, he debated with himself on whether to get changed; he was probably in for a big one.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
10:52pm Aug 6 2015
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I lie face down. Hair trapped in my mouth, my blanket sprawled on the floor. What time is it...? I look at my alarm clock. "10:00?!?" I swear I set up an alarm! I shoot up from my position, and trip over my blanket, trying to get to my closet. Even though my class starts at ten, it takes me at least 30 minuets to get ready. I hear Teresa in the shower, as I attempt to do everything at once. I whip on some jeans, and old t-shirt from my mum, a denim jacket and some sneakers. I eat my breakfast on the toilet, brush my teeth, and then I'm out the door, before Teresa comes out of the shower. I burst through the door, just as the time hits 10:15. All the people stare at me, like I'm crazy. I give a nervous laugh, and shuffle over to an empty desk. The teacher, Ms. Gardener looks at me like I've interrupted her talking.
7:27am Aug 7 2015
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Our Englsih teacher was very cool. He allowed us to go to the library to pick out a book and then go and lie in the field and read. Asher flopped down on the field and Sophia lay down next to her. They sat in a comfortable silence and Asher turned on his side to watch Sopnia read her book. He grinned and picked up his book, 'Chicken Soup for the Horse Lover's Soul' and flipped through the pages. "What's you next class?" he asked, not looking up from his book.
"Math." she said. He nodded and took out his phone as it vibrated in his pocket. He read Xavier's text and grimaced, Mate! :/ Seeing the headmaster? I hear he can be a bit harsh. He sent it and checked his time. "I should get to my next class, I got Spanish." Sopnia nodded, she had a break before her next class. Asher packed his stuff and jogged to Spanish.
11:41am Aug 7 2015
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Xavier grimaced as he received the text message.
I'll have to, won't I? o-o
He replied sombrely, switching off his phone. Well, nevermind! He was going to see the head-master. Standing, he made his way towards the door, too late realizing that the head-master was already there waiting for him. Great.
"Mr Xavier. I understand that yesterday, you attacked me. Why?" He snapped, glaring at Xavier. "I'm sorry sir... I don't know why I did." "Well, I advise you go to one of our nurses." Xavier was fuming at his answer, yet he bottled it up and nodded. He sprinted down the the halls until he was outside.
The head-master just told me to go to the school nurse... I could murder the foul man! Literally.
Xavier texted Asher again, throwing stones at birds and other creatures who, fortunately, flew away in time.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
12:49pm Aug 7 2015
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Asher sneaked his phone out of his pocket during Spanish class. Easy tiger! My lunch is in half an hour, meet you in the cafeteria? Unless you wanna get me some pizza from the town and I will pay you back and we can go sit outside or somewhere? I'm in class, see us later? Asher texted and sent it quickly. He quickly read through his Spanish work and did the homework in class as his teacher wrote some things on the board.
Asher had finished his work and homework and saw he still had twenty minutes. He sighed and sunk into his chair and poked his tongue out as he saw Sophia walk past the door. "Asher?" the teacher called out. "Yes sir?" he asked. "You done with your work?" the teacher asked looking over his glasses. "Yes sir." Asher replied. "Homework?" the teacher asked. "Finished." Asher said and shrugged his shoulders. The teacher nodded his head towards the door and Asher grabbed his books and shoved them in his bag. He placed the worksheets on the teacher's desk and headed out the door. He turned his cell on to see if Xavier had replied.
3:12pm Aug 7 2015 (last edited on 3:14pm Aug 7 2015)
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We go out for P.E. in our animal forms. We have to run around the outline of the meadow, swim three laps pf the pool, then run back to class. I start off in my fox form, around middle in the group. I'm not a very good short distance runner, but long distance, I'm quite good at. Soon enough, I pass most people in the group. Most of the grass was out grown, where we were running. Probably needs mowing sometime soon, if lots of people use the path... I reach the pool in no time. I jump, and.... Change into an octopus in mid air! How cool is that? I never noticed I could do that. Another boy, Jake is behind me. I'm currently coming first. I decide to swim under everyone, so we don't end up in a cluster. And then I'm out of the water, and I'ma horse, panting heavily, water still running down me. Wait.... I'm a horse?? I stop to look at myself. I've shape-shifted into a beautiful black stallion. I must have stopped for a while, because Jake soon catches up, and is in front. I realize we're still in P.E., and carry on, ending second to Jake.
"Hey, you're a pretty fast runner, and let me just say, your horse form is amazing." Jake says, almost out of breath, then gives me a quick smile.
"Thanks...." I don't know what to say, as I push the door to the classroom.
5:48pm Aug 7 2015
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Just the cafeteria. I can't be bothered in this mood to go out. Explain everything when I'm there.
Xavier replied, deciding that he'd go, even if, in his mood, he really did not want to. Well, he did, yet in some ways, he didn't. He was odd like that. Striding back into the school, he remember the rout back to the cafeteria, so took it easily. Would word have spread my now? Maybe not... It didn't seem like Asher knew. Never-mind.
Eventually, Xavier reached the cafeteria, so hung against a wall with his eyes scanning the area for Asher. When he found him, he gave a tender smile and walked to meet him.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
8:40pm Aug 7 2015
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The class was dismissed for the rest of the day, so I was getting bored, and fast. I decided to go on the site called 'rescreatu', and play around. I log in with my username lilie, and wait for it to load. A small orange bar pops up at the top. "Alerts?" I mumble, as I click on it and it takes me to an new page. I find a small book in my inventory with all the rules, and how to get around the site. "Rancher shop, Relcore (home planet).... Ooh! You can hatch pets!" I click on a small icon with a hatching egg, and it takes me to my hatchery. "Three hatches per day," before I could find eggs, or even hatch any, an older teenage girl with long strawberry blonde hair bursts into my room. I remember seeing her in the halls of the school. "FIRE! FIRE! GET OUT SIDE!" The girl yells, panicked. My heart skips a beat. Attackers killed my family in a fire. I look down, before inhaling a bold thick substance called smoke. I then throw my computer on my bed, and crawl out the room.
12:57am Aug 8 2015
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Asher read the text and jogged to the cafeteria. He sat down and waved Sophia over. She smiled and sat down and began to eat. Asher smiled as Xavier came over and he sat down. "Hi mate. This is Sophia, Sophia this is Xavier." Asher introduced them, Sophia smiled. "What's up mate?" he asked.
He crunched on his taco and smiled at the taste, "We can talk about it later? Or you don't have to say a thing." Asher said, zipping his lips and throwing away the key. Sophia giggled and Asher laughed with her and punched her softly in her arm.
2:16am Aug 8 2015
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Xavier gave a shy smile to Sophia as he sat down by Asher - he was probably looking a right idiot. Once he'd greeted the two, he raised his eyebrows at Asher. He'd found a girl.
"Um... Later? If that's okay?" Xavier grumbled, hastily eating his own taco he'd picked up during his wait. Hopefully this new Sophia wouldn't ask why he hadn't been in any of their classes... Considering the fact he knew that he was in at least one of Asher's. Watching the two play around, he couldn't help but see how fit they looked for each-other. Either that, or his mind was playing with him.
Rather abruptly, the strong reek of smoke filled the cafeteria. Wait... smoke? Black smoke? This wouldn't be good. What if it had spread around the institute? Great way to start his year! Attacking people and then there's a fire. Oops, bad luck.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
3:15am Aug 8 2015
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Asher glanced at Sophia as she coughed, "Mate. Let's go." Asher told Xavier, panicking arriving. Asher shoved Sophia out the cafeteria and he stood on a table while people panicked. "Listen up!" Asher shouted, people stopped to listen and Ashe remade it quick. "Go to the fields, we should be safe there!" Asher shouted before running to the fire alarm. He sirended it and spoke into the microphone, "Go to the sport fields." he shouted into microphone.
He watched people run out and he watched black smoke fill the cafeteria. He spotted Xavier and Sophia and he jumped off the table and ran to them. He grabbed Sophia's hand and shoved Xavier and Sophia towards the door.
'Go to the sport fields!' Kept bouncing off the school's walls and he watched people gather to the fields. Asher walked to the front of the group and grabbed his phone before calling the emergency number and stating their emergency. Asher shouted, "Okay you lot. Why don't you just sit down in the sun and relax. We have the fireman coming and they shall sort out the problem quickly." Most people laughed and sat down in the sun. Asher wondered in the group and found Xavier and Sophia.
3:34am Aug 8 2015
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Even though I get submerged into a sandwich of people, I still some how bump into Teresa. "Hey!" I yell over the noise. "Do you know what happened?" "Uh... I think something happened in the science lab." Teresa quickly mumbled, with a guilty look on her face. I absent minded push past her, to get a full view of the building. Smoke rose from every corner of the school. No part of the building was see-able. I see the head master talking to some student, the walks over to the front of the group.
"Students! Students, please everyone calm down. Now, there has been an incident, and we know exactly what happened, because we got the spy camera footage, just as the power went down."
I look back at all the people, and see Teresa starring blankly at the floor.
"Don't worry, everything will soon be sorted, as the fire brigades are on their way."
4:03am Aug 8 2015 (last edited on 4:05am Aug 8 2015)
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Through the smoke and wracking coughs, Xavier managed to be lead out by Asher, whilst he held tightly onto Sophia's arm when Asher pushed him forward. Asher was sensible; he was not. Asher would find a way to them, but if it was him in Asher's place, no way would he keep a cool head. He'd probably go and do something irrational.
Eventually Xavier managed to get into a group, his hand still in Sophia's arm rather tightly. He mumbled his apology as soon and let go as the headmaster's voice rang out - that tone he somewhat hated. Asher running towards them settled his nerves, yet Xavier was thoroughly concerned. He'd been in the smoke more than anyone! Was Asher okay?
"Are you okay? How much smoke did you breathe in? Do you need more oxygen?" Where the words that tumbled out of his mouth as he eyed Asher. Well, no physical damage, but maybe internal. How was his voice sounding? If it was raspy, he definitely needed oxygen. Especially if he kept coughing...
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
5:03am Aug 8 2015
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Asher waved his hand, "I'm fine." he said, his voice wasn't raspy and he wasn't coughing. He grabbed Sophia's hand and looked into her eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked. She nodded her head, "Just a bit shocked." she said. He pulled her in for a hug and he could feel her shaking, crying maybe. "Mate, you okay?" Asher asked. Worry was in Asher's eyes, sure they had a rough start but Asher really cared for his best mate.
He felt Sophia push away and Asher kissed the top of her forehead, "I'm going to my other friends." she said and Asher nodded wiped the tears away and kissed her forehead before letting her leave. Asher went to stand by Xavier and smiled nudging him, "Well that was exciting!" Asher said. "The fire-fighters said there isn't too much damage. Dorms and classes are fine. Only the science lab and cafeteria are damaged, they will need to be re-built. No science classes until it is re-built and let's say school is cancelled for a couple days." the headmaster said.
Many students whooped but many just left the fields. Asher laughed as a group of boy started playing soccer on the field. "I'm gonna go find my bag in the cafeteria and then check our dorm." Asher said and jogged off. He entered the cafeteria, "May I find my bag?" Asher asked one of the fireman. He nodded and Asher looked around the cafeteria. He found his bag half burnt and the other half wet. He picked it up and went to his dorm. He un-locked the dorm and saw Xavier there. "Hey mate. This is what happened to my bag." he said and dumped it on his desk. He went through it and chucked everything away except his wallet and his keys, the only things that survived. "I got to go the shopping centre to get a messenger bag, wanna come for the ride?" Asher asked. He grabbed his wallet and his cell was still and his pocket.
6:00am Aug 8 2015
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There was a whole load of worry in Xavier's eyes, too. Luckily for him, Asher nor any one of his friends were hurt, but something he couldn't pick out was snagging at the back of his mind. As soon as Asher kissed Sophia on the forehead, he just stood dumb-founded. Since when did they become official? Or was it just out of the blue?
"I-I'm okay... " Xavier replied shakily, putting on a half-hearted smile. He was pensive for a moment, but a nudge in the ribs brought him back. He was quite a day-dreamer.
"Yeah! Quite exciting, I guess. Well, good that there wasn't too much damage. That fire seemed extreme." He stated blankly. Don't forget that he'd pretty much missed all his days at school so far. Following Asher into the cafeteria and then to the dorm, he grabbed his bag, sombrely helping Asher with his stuff. In the end they decided to help Asher get a new messenger bag, so he just followed Asher's lead as they walked.
"I've never seen a fire before." Xavier blurted out. As soon as it escaped his lips, he smacked his hand over his mouth. That must have sounded odd, but it was true...
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
6:16am Aug 8 2015
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Asher laughed at Xavier's motions. "Neither have I, to be honest." Asher said and ran towards his horse's stable. It was empty. "Mate? My horse is out in the field, I think yours is too! He saw Toto's halter was gone so the lead rope would probably be lying on the gate or on the wall. He waited for Xavier before walking towards the fields. He ran to the field and hopped over the fence. "Toto?" he shouted and he watched his horse gallop up to him. He laughed and tied the lead rope to his halter and went to the gate and waited outside for Xavier. He hopped on his horse, he was going to ride up like that.
Once Xavier had joined him he asked, "Seen any girls?" he asked curiously.
2:02am Aug 9 2015 (last edited on 4:09am Aug 9 2015)
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I reach my new 9- person cabin, with Teresa and a few others. "Geez, this is going to be squishy" I mumble to Teresa, as we enter the small shelter. "This is where we sleep, there are bathroom blocks out side, and an 'outside picnic bar' up and running." Teresa informs me, as I choose my bunk. I instantly miss all the items that I would've lost. I'm sure we've got insurance.
5:02am Aug 9 2015
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Xavier was surprised that Asher had never seen a fire before, but did he know much about Asher in the first place? Not really. Not at all. Although, it was unlikely... He didn't go around throwing fits. Then again, Asher was just silly at controlling himself...
Clicking to gert her over and placing a head collar/halter on her head, Xavier lead Amethyst close to Asher, but in a stable. Instead, he wanted to ride with a saddle and bridle, yet without stirrups. Xavier tacked her up, mounted her and crossed the irons/stirrups. Asher's next question surprised him: "Seen any girls?"
"No!" Xavier snapped, fuming up.He was too odd, and hadn't even had a crush before. His trust issues were hay-wire, his temper even more, but he bottled up whatever he would have said with pursed lips.
"Um... Another question... Where are we sleeping?" Xavier questioned whilst blushing.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (: