10:38am Aug 9 2015
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[The dorms are fine, no need to move from the school.]
Asher sighed, "Sorry." he muttered. "The headmaster said the dorms are fine, no reason to move." he said. "Unless you want to go, I'm staying in the dorm." Asher said. He had just the halter on his horse with a lead rope and he smiled. "I'm going to try some jumps if you wanna come." he said, not waiting for an answer he kicked his horse into a canter.
He jumped over several jumps before kicking his horse into a gallop and went into his 2-point position. He trotted for a cool down and let his horse go in the paddock. Asher walked up the path and looked at the pin board. A show was happening next weekend, he signed himself up and went to speak to the instructor. "Come tomorrow at 3 PM for a lesson and we'll see how you go." the instructor and Asher turned to leave. "Oh and Asher, jodhpurs, boots and helmet please." he said. Asher smiled and nodded. He would need to go to the tack shop in the morning
2:10pm Aug 9 2015
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I decided to crawl onto my uncomfortable bunk, and try to take a nap. I hear a buzzing noise. A fly???? Ugh. I hate flies. I decide to shoo it out the door, even though it took ten minuets. I sigh. Alone at last. I crawl into the bottom bunk, and just as s spring pokes me, some girls walk in. Great. They start chatting about jewelry or something? I stuff my pillow in my ears, and turn over, only to be jabbed viciously by another spring. Aagh! The girls look at me. I blush, not knowing what to do. I then awkwardly face plant into my pillow, hoping they'd just go away. And it worked. Swoosh! They're out the door.
5:23pm Aug 9 2015
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Xavier grumbled his goodbye, starting at a rising trot. As odd as it sounds, stirrup-less canter always seemed easier than the trot, sitting or rising. Following a flat forest trial, Xavier realized he just needed time alone. Something had gotten into him.
He kicked Amethyst into a steady canter, smiling. Her canter was perfect for him - mostly bumpy, but not too hard. All he had to do was get into the rhythm of it. Xavier thought over what he'd say to Asher. Sorry but I hate almost everyone? Sorry but I'm crazy? No. Nothing would work. Except... He could just explain that he'd had a rough past, yet wasn't look in for sypmathy. Maybe thag would figure out well for him.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
11:39pm Aug 9 2015
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Asher felt bad for just leaving Xavier so he waited in their dorm. Asher looked up as Xavier and stood up quickly, "Hey mate. Sorry for ditching you. What your plans for tonight? I'm just staying here and then going down, maybe seeing Sophia." he said.
He sat back down on his bed and put his legs up as well as he stared up at Xavier.
1:48am Aug 10 2015
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It's the late afternoon, and I'm sitting on the wet grass out side the dorm, stuffing my face with a two mini sandwiches. I glance at the scenery around me. Beautiful forestry in the distance, rocks, hills. Then I see a small black rectangular ob ject poking out of the trimmed grass. I angle my head to try get a better look at it. It kind of looks like a rock.... I get up to go see what the ob ject ahead of me is. A small book, covered in leather sits right below me. I read the cover. "Mysteries of shifting" By.... And the author part is smeared with black ink. Picking up the book, it feels quite heavy. I'm not quite fond of books, but I might just try this one out. I think, as I take another bite of my avocado and chicken sandwich.
3:08am Aug 10 2015
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Xavier scratched the back of his head. "It's okay... " He grumbled, trying to think of a way to tell Asher. The problem was, he couldn't do it. What would Asher think of him? "Well... I don't really have any plans." He stated, yawning in the process. Xavier was getting tired, but didn't mind staying up longer. Not in the slightest.
"I don't know how to put this... " He mumbled under his breath - to himself, mostly. His cheeks were now tinted with red as he blushed. Why was he embarrassed? Nevermind that. He just couldn't say it.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
3:16am Aug 10 2015 (last edited on 3:17am Aug 10 2015)
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Asher never heard Xavier mumbling and smiled, "I think I'm going off to bed and read for a bit." he said and changed quickly and dumped his clothes in his laundry basket. "I need to take my washing down soon." he said and smiled as he thought of Sophia.
He climbed into bed and picked up his book and started to read. There were many stories, but he had almost finished the book. He finished the book and put it down on his bedside table. "I need to return this tomorrow and I need to go to the tack shop tomorrow, if you want to come. I need to get some approiate riding clothes for the show this weekend and need to get some things for Toto." he said. "I need to call my dad quickly to ask for some cash." he said and went outside.
He phoned his dad and he put quite a bit in his bank account. He went back inside and slipped into bed and turned towards Xavier, just watching him.
3:27am Aug 10 2015
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"Okay." Xavier mumbled again, pensive. How could h say it? He'd planned it over in his head. Now it had just left him, and he was blushing furiously, but also looking sombre.
"Um... Asher... " Xavier managed to squeak, but didn't say anymore. Come on! He wouldn't have to say anymore than that he'd had a rather rough time. Instead, Xavier just laughed it off and shook his head, before lying down under his covers. Hopefully Asher wouldn't question him further...
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
4:03am Aug 10 2015
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Asher scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion before shrugging his shoulders and turning off his light. "You never answered, about tomorrow morning." he mumbled. He never really heard an answer since he was fast asleep quickly.
[eee, short!]
2:31pm Aug 10 2015 (last edited on 2:31pm Sep 8 2015)
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The light is out, everyone is asleep, and I'm huddled in m blankets reading "Mysteries of Shifting", glowing under a lamp light.
Page Contents~ 1-3 Introduction of Shifting 4-39 Species 40-82 Species Weaknesses 83-115 Myths 116-187 (ripped off) 188-230 (ripped off) 231-284(ripped off)
Most of the book was ripped, so I tell myself to take good care of it.
I start to read the first page.
'Shape shifting has been around for many years. Dated to almost two thousand years ago. Some use it for good, some use it for evil'
My eyes follow the trail of words, absorbing every single one.
2:42pm Aug 10 2015
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Xavier laughed it off. "I'll definitely come. It'll be good to go out." He chirped, shutting his eyes and stretching. It was good that Asher hadn't questioned him, he was lucky in some sorts. Well, except from what he'd been through. Hopefully that'd heal in time.
A yawn caught in his throat as he mumbled his goodnight. Xavier was surprisingly tired.
[Eek!! Short too!! ]
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
10:43am Aug 11 2015
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Asher slept wonderfully and cracked his knuckles as he got out his bed at half past five in the morning. "Hey mate? If you wanna ride with the sunrise we better get going." Asher said and shook his roommate awake. He grabbed some clothes and changed, not bothering about a shower as he would when he got back.
He quickly went to get some toast and jam for the two of them and headed back up and gave the plate to Xavier. He ate his quickly and brushed his hair and grabbed the two plates. When Xavier was ready, he led the way to the cafeteria that wasn't burnt and gave the plates to the ladies who were half asleep.
He headed to the stable and woke up his sleepy horse. Asher didn't have his own tack, he had saved for awhile now for a saddle and bridle with help from his father for the other things that the school didn't give.
Asher tacked his horse up with tack set number fourteen and headed out to wait for Xavier. He mounted as Xavier came out and the sun was just rising. "Let's go." Asher shouted, taking the lead. His horse chomped at the bit and jogged in his excitement to be going out so early.
"I was thinking of asking Mr Green for a lesson later on in the afternoon if you would like to come." Asher shouted over his shoulder and picked up a trot to warm his horse up. He hopped over a small log before going back to a walk and walking next to Xavier as the trail was wide.
2:35pm Aug 11 2015 (last edited on 2:37pm Aug 11 2015)
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I wake up, with Teresa in my face, and bags under my eyes. "Aargh!" I croak, as Teresa withdraws, laughing. "What's the time?" I ask, feeling groggy. "10:00." "What?!?" I look out the windows. Outside was as bright as the lights in the old hall! (They were very bright). I get up, and the book I had been reading, thumps on the floor. I must have fallen a sleep with it. Forgetting almost everything I read last night, I marked page 4, and got up for some breakfast. I grabbed an apple, a mandarin, and a slice of strawberry jam on toast, then sat down with Teresa and her friends. We started off talking about shifting, then it some-how changed to the area, and how there are like no houses around, and most of us have forgotten how we got here in the first place.
"Teresa." The head master's assistant calls for my friend. Teresa looks at him. "The head master wants to see you"
2:47pm Aug 11 2015
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--previously with Asher--
"Okay. If I don't kill you for waking me first." Xavier grumbled, irritated. He only really stood when he was given a plate of toast, of which he ate quickly. Then he swiftly changed.
Tediously. He grabbed Asher's comb and brushed his hair with it, following Asher at a walk. He met with Asher a few minutes after he arrived at the stables, not bothering to warm the bit as it went in Amethyst's mouth whilst he was tacking up. He'd never been told it was a necessity to. Xavier mounted his horse afterwards, kicking her to a walk beside Asher. "Sure. I'll come. Do you mean just to watch?" He shouted to Asher before his friend slowed to meet him.
This time, he just went at a trot, making sure Asher was beside him. Another small log stood in their way, but they leapt over it with ease. "So, is Mr. Green friendly?" Xavier questioned in between yawns. All the while, he was watching sun rise, and listening to the dawn-chorus to begin.
At this, Xavier gathered an idea. He haulted his horse, dismounted, lifted the reins over her head and tied her to a branch. Suddenly, he shifted into his turquoise-browed motmot before flying into the trees, joining in with the twittering of the birds. His call was loud and distinct compared to all the other birds, considering the fact he was rather exotic.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
6:50am Aug 12 2015
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Asher answered, "Join or watch." He smiled, "Yeah, he is very friendly, but strict. Which is nice!" Asher said and jumped off the log in process. He watched Xavier fly into the tress. "I'm going back to the stables." he said before kicking his horse into a canter and jumping over the logs. The lesson was at 12, Asher would want to be at the stables at 11.
He un-tacked his horse and left him in the stables to eat. He went to his dorm and showered and dressed. He sat on his bed and waited for Xavier.
1:51pm Aug 12 2015
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I felt a bit awkward after a while being stranded with Teresa's friends, so I finished off the last bits of my breakfast, then had a shower. I'm sitting on the hard, gray carpet next to my bed, drying my hair. My hair has grown quite a bit longer from when I last used a blow-dryer, so it took longer than usual. I pack the blow dryer back into the cupboard, then swoop up the book "Mysteries of Shifting.", and flop onto my bed.
The horse is a very cunning creature, swift with legs, beautiful features. The horse can be shifted from as young as 9, to 35. If you haven't been able to form this creature from that age group, you will be unable to do so, over 35.
I keep on reading, and reading, and reading.
Page 15 COMMONS Felines.
Felines are quite peculiar, some may say that felines......
I soak in all the information.
Page 32 RARES
Even though this creature might be a myth, it's still possible it could be wandering in the deep forests and jungles.
I stop reading when I finish the first chapter, Species, and get up for some afternoon tea
2:20pm Aug 12 2015
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Realizing Asher had gone, Xavier flew down and landed on Asher. Making a hault to canter transition, he laughed as he whizzed to the stables. There, he untacked and flew to their dormitory window. Somehow, Asher had beaten him there. He thought he'd been fast, as well
"Hey, Asher? Can we do a shifting practise tomorrow? I haven't been able to, and I think my form is a black-faced hawk. I need to practise. Please?" Xavier asked.
[Short!! Anyway, should each of us have a form that can go mythical? Just suggesting ^-^]
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
8:18am Aug 13 2015
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Asher nodded his head, "Sure. I can shift into all my shifts, just need some practice with the Falcon." he said. "Shall we go to the tack shop? I need to be a lot of things so don't get a fright. I've been saving for a very long time. Then I have a lesson at 12, I want to be at the stables at 11. After the lesson we can go practice in that meadow we were rolling if you want." Asher said, "I'm sorry we can't do it sooner." Asher apologized.
He grabbed his keys, phone and wallet. "I'm off to the tack shop, coming?" he asked. He headed down the stairs and sat in his car for a moment.
11:30am Aug 14 2015 (last edited on 11:35am Aug 14 2015)
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| [Hey everyone! As of tomorrow, I will be on holiday (on a vacation) for a time period of eight days. You can carry on without me as I will not have any internet, so will consequently be inactive. *cries* Thank you!] |
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
12:51am Aug 15 2015
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[Oh no! What am I going to do?]