2:51am Aug 16 2015
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Posts: 2,403
{We could pause for a while if you want. }
3:17am Aug 16 2015
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Posts: 1,324
[Don't want Wolf to get tons of alerts!]
2:19pm Aug 16 2015
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Posts: 1,667
[:3 well, I'm at a WiFi hut. It's kinda crap but it'll do xD blow up my alerts all you want c; ]
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
11:58pm Aug 26 2015
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1:26pm Sep 7 2015 (last edited on 1:26pm Sep 7 2015)
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Posts: 1,667
[Another bump, I guess ^-^]
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
11:19pm Sep 7 2015
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Posts: 1,324
[Either Wolfie or Lilie. Look a page back and i was the last RP post.]
10:32am Sep 8 2015 (last edited on 10:34am Sep 8 2015)
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Posts: 1,667
[Oh might as well... ]
"Sure." Xavier replied eagerly, grinning as he rushed down with his car-keys in hand, too late realizing Asher. There he followed Asher, got in and his friend drove off for the tack shop. "So, what did you have in mind?" He questioned. In no time they were at the town - they pulled up, getting out of the car and heading for the tack shop.
Once they were in, Xavier allowed Asher to do whatever he pleased. Meanwhile he just stood in the bridle section, keeping a keen eye on a bridle that stood out for him.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
2:38pm Sep 8 2015 (last edited on 2:18pm Sep 13 2015)
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Posts: 2,403
Un-able to stop reading the book, my fingers start twitching, as I grab some fruit salad, with the book under my arm. "Hey! Ginger!" "What?!" I snap, not knowing how crabby I sound from hunger. Teresa stops. "Oh, um..." She looks and me, then the book, then to the floor. "Uh.... Nothing." She then quickly turns around like nothing ever happened. I felt like yelling an apology, but I just wasn't bothered. I find a nice cozy place under a big shady tree. With my nose in the book, I start reading again.
"Species Weaknesses"
I learn about the weaknesses of animals that even school hadn't taught us. Some were just plain weird, but some were very interesting.
10:51am Sep 13 2015
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Posts: 1,324
[Sorry. I've been sick and today has been the only day I could only really get up.]
Asher grabbed a saddle, bridle, earnet, halter, boots and bandages. He grimaced at the price but paid it. "Saved for awhile?" the man asked. He nodded and smiled, frowing as he realized how much money he actually had left.
The man helped him pack and he waited for Xavier before driving them to the stables. He parked and unpacked all his tack before heading over to Xavier. "Xavier, I'm going to town to do some stuff. I'll see us later." he said.
Asher hopped into his car quickly and drove into town and walked into the pizza shop. He smiled at the 'help wanted' sign in the window. He asked for a job and got that done and over with quickly.
He drove back quickly and parked.
12:26pm Sep 13 2015
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Posts: 1,667
[Aww it's okay :c Hope you get better soon! ]
After a while, Xavier had bought a deep chestnut bridle and saddle set, a black earnet, and some baby-blue boots. The price wasn't too bad for him, considering the fact he hadn't bought too much. Well, compared to Asher, really.
Before long he was with Asher, and back at the stables. "Bye, I guess." Xavier grumbled to his friend, striding back into the riding place and setting his stuff in Amethyst's section. With a stiff yawn, he stumbled away to his dorm and sat down on his bed, tired. Without even any realization he just fell back, into a blissful sleep.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
2:34pm Sep 13 2015
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Posts: 2,403
Looking at the book, then looking outside, I realized that in the past few days, I haven't actually had some quality time in the fresh air. Even though my mind urges to read the book, I push forward anyway. I decide to go swimming. I whip on my plain blue one-piece swim suit, then hop into the cool water. I see Teresa and her friends going horse riding in the distance. They probably tried to ask if I wanted do join earlier. I scrunch up my face. Why did I have to snap at Teresa? She's basically my only friend.... I shrug it off, and promise myself that I'd make a new friend by the end of this week. I turn into an octopus, and power swim around the pool, splashing every where. After two minuets of hysterical fun, I notice a figure above the surface, hiding the sun with it's body. I come out of the water, and change back into a human. "Uh.... Hi?" I awkwardly look around. The figure just turns around, and scribbles something on a piece of paper, lying on a clip board. What was his problem?
3:52am Sep 15 2015 (last edited on 3:53am Sep 15 2015)
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{Going away for 4 days with no wifi :/}
10:24am Sep 15 2015
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Posts: 1,667
[Aww okay /).( See you when you get back! We won't skip ahead :3]
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
11:19pm Sep 15 2015
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Posts: 1,324
[Sorry, I haven't been up to logging in. We put my cat down yesterday. Tinkytasha is now based on two dead pets.]
1:33am Sep 16 2015
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Posts: 1,667
[Oh... both of them... :( take your time. Stay off for however long you want. It's not a problem in the slightest!]]
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
11:25am Sep 16 2015
Normal User 
Posts: 71
[Hello. I'm posting on behalf of my sister. She's not going to log in for awhile. Thank you for understanding. Carry on without her if you like, she'll catch up.]
9:17pm Sep 19 2015 (last edited on 9:08am Nov 8 2015)
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Posts: 111
ooh, this looks fun! can i join?
Name ≡ ŀ Ichi Hanbun Gender ≡ŀ female Species ≡ ŀ Human Animal Forms ≡ ŀ Perigrine falcon, Ocelot, and a Devil ray (edit: I removed the dragon. That would make her very Mary Sue-ey) Base Form ≡ ŀ Somewhere in between human and one of her other forms (usually the ocelot) Appearance ≡ ŀ Short, rugged black hair. Unusual bright green eyes. 4'10" Personality ≡ ŀ Kind, but fearful. Impulsive, selfless, tends to make decisions without thinking of possible danger. Shy and careful around strangers, fairly skittish. History ≡ ŀ Japanese origin. She figured out she could shapeshift when she was five. She showed her parents and they were terrified, so she ran away. Family ≡ ŀ Mother, father, possibly younger siblings since she left. Other ≡ ŀ She cannot properly use her powers, so she can't fully turn into an animal. She'll get stuck in between for anywhere from minutes to months, and she hasn't figured out how to become fully human again. She has forgotten most of her Japanese, and has never known English. Due to her always being half-animal, it's extremely difficult for her to speak or write.
I really live up to my username\r\n
4:00am Sep 20 2015
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Posts: 2,403
{I'm back!}
4:34pm Sep 21 2015
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Posts: 111
(heyo lilie! i hope tinky's okay, what with putting down her cat and all... :( )
I really live up to my username\r\n
2:42am Sep 22 2015
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Posts: 2,403
{:o I didn't see that post! Ohno Tinky!! </3}