3:08am Sep 23 2015
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[Accepted Noob. You can post]
5:26am Sep 23 2015
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[hey!! I might not be on for a while, either. I'm struggling with a few things at the moment. You can carry on without me, don't worry. ^-^]
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
7:10am Sep 23 2015 (last edited on 7:12am Sep 23 2015)
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Posts: 111
(ok thanks, tinky! hope you're feeling better. losing a pet sucks. :( )
Ichi was sleeping in a tree in her half-ocelot form when she heard something: people. She had heard the sound of visitors in the forest often enough to know that she needed to stay hidden. As she climbed higher into the tree, she was surprised to see that the people stopped at the bottom of the tree and looked straight at her. Ichi froze, hoping that they'd go away, but they didn't. They yelled something, but in a language she couldn't understand. Then, someone else stepped forward. "*censored*a made kimasu," the man yelled. Ichi understood some of it, it meant "come down here," but she yelled back. "Do*censored*e?" she wanted to know exactly why they wanted her to come down. "Wata*censored*achi wa anata no tame no jōtaijō o motte imasu." She picked up the word "invitation..." they had an invitation for her? "Doko?" she replied. "Tokubetsu shien gakkō," they told her. A... a special school? What could they possibly mean? "Anata no yōna hitobito to," the man continued. People like her? People who were stuck in between human and animal? For once in her life, Ichi felt hope. She might not be alone anymore.
(i decided to use some japanese in these posts, hope you don't mind. i tried to use context so you can figure out what they mean) edit: rescreatu censored the japanese stuff. i guess putting an approximate translation won't cut it.)
I really live up to my username\r\n
11:56pm Sep 23 2015
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Posts: 1,324
[Noob, you could write in English and put it in Italics or bold for fun. :)]
4:53am Sep 24 2015
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Posts: 111
(good idea)
I really live up to my username\r\n
6:30am Sep 28 2015
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Asher sat in his car for awhile before eventually getting out his car. He frowned as it started to rain and ran to his dorm. He hopped up the stairs and took a sharp right into the common room.
He greeted the people he knew before hopping onto the couch and watching the soccer game that was playing on the one tv. He smiled and took one of the drinks that was being offered around th room.
When the game was over, Asher trudged up the stairs and walked into his dorm. He changed into shorts and a t-shirt and jumped into bed. He fell asleep quickly.
10:16am Sep 28 2015 (last edited on 4:01am Sep 29 2015)
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Posts: 1,667
When Xavier woke up, he just groaned and rolled to the side: annoyingly, he's rolled ofd the bed. With a grunt of effort he pushed himself up, walked to the window and yawned, his mouth creating a large 'o' shape.
"Morning... " Xavier grumbled, not caring if Asher was awake or not, let alone if he was even in the room. It probably wasn't even the morning anymore, anyway!! He got changed and jogged to the riding place, tacking up Amethyst, mounting her and riding off down the flat forest trail.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
12:41am Sep 29 2015 (last edited on 12:42am Sep 29 2015)
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[Now Saturday, from your last post that is Saturday morning.]
4:00am Sep 29 2015
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Posts: 1,667
[oh! sorry! I'll remove the `skip', then? :3]
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
5:10am Sep 29 2015
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Posts: 111
Ichi entered the school after the private plane ride there. Her eyes were continuously wide with wonder and excitement at everything around her, and when she entered the school, her jaw dropped. Never before had she seen this many people! But she wasn't the only one who was staring. Nearly every eye was on her, as she was in her half-falcon form. She looked down nervously, hiding her feathered arms behind her back. Ichi was quite grateful when they took her to her small dormitory.
I really live up to my username\r\n
10:32am Sep 29 2015
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[No, it was a weekday but let's just skip to weekend. Just waiting for Lilie, then I'll post.]
9:53pm Sep 29 2015
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Posts: 2,403
(hi guys, sorry I've bee at nationals)
Ginger woke up, with light streaks dancing through the curtains. Her pink singlet rolled half up, revealing her belly button, and her hair tangled around her head. With the blanket half covering her, and the other half on the floor, she checked her clock. '11:28' Even with the big sleep in, Ginger still felt groggy. No school today, tomorrow, or the day after, but a fair amount of homework. She rubs her eyes, and rolls out of bed.
Task 1: Shift into every capable animal at least three times.
Task 2: Research the history of the Basilisk.
Task 3: Read 'Super Shiftings' up until page 45.
Task 4: Choose an animal you can't shift into, and create a presentation.
1:04am Sep 30 2015
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Posts: 1,324
[Nationals? Sounds exciting! What for?]
Asher woke up to see Xavier leave. He got up and made the beds before cleaning up around the dorm. He pulled in jodhpurs and a rain jacket and slipped on his riding boots. He ran to the stables, as it was raining, and tacked up Toto.
He clipped his helmet on and mounted. He walked onto one of the trails and spent the first twenty minutes schooling. Just practicing leg yielding, outside and inside bends and shoulder ins. He practiced shortening the stride and making it longer.
When that was done, he patted his horse well done and promised carrots. He kicked Toto into a trot which he rised to before going for a canter. The cross country course loomed ahead of him.
He stopped and put his stirrups up two holes, nobody was watching but he needed to gallop and jump. If Toto gets hurt, it's his fault. He shook his head and kicked his horse into a gallop.
They galloped across the field and jumped the course cleanly and quickly, Asher galloped off across the field to not be seen. He pulled his horse to a canter, trot and then a walk. They walked around the trail and Asher took his feet out his stirrups and let his reins slip a little.
A loud truck rambled by and Toto's head sprang up, "Shh." Asher mumbled, patting his horse's neck. It wasn't enough as the truck rumbled again. Toto sprang into a canter, bolting off the trail into the forest.
Branches hit Asher in his face and chest, he tried to duck but a strong branch hit him in the chest making him slide off his horse. He landed on his arm with a loud crunch and a 'oomph' left Asher's trembling lips.
Pain shot up his right arm and he lay down. It was cold and raining and he was lying in a muddy deep ditch, he tried to scramble up but the pain in his arm and the slippery mud made it impossible.
His phone was in the dorm and he would shift, but none of his animals would help. He hoped Toto would get back safely.
3:16am Sep 30 2015 (last edited on 6:25am Sep 30 2015)
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Posts: 111
It was the weekend. All Ichi knew that meant was that she didn't have to take her English classes. The school had to teach her to read, write, and speak before anything else, but it is very hard to write when your hand is a paw or wing. She'd tried many times to fully transform into a human, but with no success.
After a well-deserved nap, Ichi woke up to the sound of pattering rain. She loved the rain, it soothed her and made her feel at peace. She opened the window and since she was in her falcon form, she jumped out the window and glided to a nearby tree before climbing down from it.
For once, there was nobody around to gawk at her unusual appearance. It was liberating to know that nobody would stare, or whisper to a friend, or point. So, with this granted freedom, Ichi decided to explore. She started running towards a big field, her clawed hybrid feet digging into the wet ground and giving her grip. The, she saw something unfamiliar. It appeared to be a bunch of branches stacked on top of each other. After following the fence for a while, seeing what it would lead to, she came to a stable. To Ichi's surprise, someone came out of there riding what appeared to be a very large deer. She jumped into a tree and watched from a distance.
What was this strange creature? Her curiosity, as it so often did, got the better of her and she decided to follow them from the trees. This was a fast, powerful creature, and by the time it had reached top speed, which was after a few minutes, Ichi had to actually put in effort to try and keep up. Then, she stood stock-still and gripped the branch as a loud rumbling sound had startled her. The, again. Evidently, she wasn't the only one scared of the sound, as the creature with the person on it had run off into the forest! Ichi followed it in, careful not to slip on the wet branches.
As she followed the animal, a strange feeling came over her. She knew what was about to happen. She grabbed the trunk of the tree and held on as the sharp burning sensation spread across her. Her feathers became fur, her talons and wings paws. Her beak disappeared and her pupils turned to slits. She opened her eyes and looked at her paws. She was in her half-ocelot form. That'd make things a bit easier. As she prepared herself to pounce to the next tree to catch up with the beast, she heard a thud, then a sickening crack. She then saw the animal run back the way it came. Though she wanted to continue following it, she noticed something missing. Wasn't there a human on it before? She turned back to where she heard the thud and crack and quickly made her way towards a muddy ditch, where to her surprise, she saw a boy of maybe seventeen lying immobile on the ground.
I really live up to my username\r\n
10:15am Sep 30 2015
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Posts: 1,667
[I'm gonna find you :P]
As Xavier was cantering, he saw a half-falcon girl running about. She was acting suspicious herself... Maybe Xavier would follow her?
Setting off at a steady pace in pursuit, he realized she was heading into the forest. He quickly dismounted. "Easy girl... " He cooed, tying Amethyst to aa tree and walking into the forest. Branches and all sorts were cracked and on the floor - something had hit them, with quite an impact. This needed more investigation. Xavier shifted into his wolf - immediately, the scent of blood hit him, and the familiar smell of
"ASHER!!" He howled, yet all that came out -- in his wolf form - was a loud yelp.Immediately he ran to the main source of the mess - on the floor was a crippled Asher, with blood pooling around his chest. The girl - who was now in her different form - was stranding there. "Call an ambulance!!" Xavier shrieked. His fur was on end, and he was snarling at the poor girl.
Realizing his mistake, he shifted back. "CALL AN AMBULANCE!" He shrieked again.
In a panic, he rushed to check Asher's pulse - still strong. Then he pushed Asher into a gentle recovery position, watching to see what the girl did. "You're new here, right? This is a bad start, which is unlucky. But let's just say we're both lucky to be here now." Xavier soothed, taking his shirt off and wrapping it around Asher's most severe wound. His grotesque scar was for show, but right now, he didn't even realize.
He lifted up Asher's shirt. Blood was swimming around on his chest. "Oh, man you've really done it this time... " Xavier grumbled, applying pressure to the wound. t
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
11:22am Sep 30 2015
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[You found me! O.o]
Asher heard voices and movement scramble around him. He opened his eyes to see Xavier and a girl. Asher growled at the ground, maybe a reason Toto spooked. She looked new and not very, human-like. Somebody that was half-shifted.
He craned his head to Xavier and smiled, "Make sure Toto is okay." Asher breathed out. He put his head back down with a bump but the pain in his chest and his arm wouldn't go. "Forget me, make sure Toto is okay." he breathed out before falling into a deep sleep.
2:24pm Sep 30 2015 (last edited on 2:30pm Sep 30 2015)
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Posts: 111
(yay! we all found eachother. Maybe it's not that happy of a situation, though, considering what just happened to Asher... Ouch.)
Ichi had no idea what was going on. In her half-ocelot form, she thought she had smelled an unfamiliar being, but she assumed it was the one laying in the mud, unconscious. Then, just as she was gathering her thoughts on what to do, she heard a loud yelp, and a wolf ran up to them and snarled at her. Startled, she leapt back, and then the wolf transformed into a human and yelled something at her. She had absolutely no idea what he had said, but judging by the urgent and worried tone in his voice, whatever she needed to do, she had to do it now. But, try as she might, her body wouldn't move. She stood stock-still as she watched one of the boys try to stop the bleeding in the hurt one, and she thought she heard the one laying on the ground whisper something. Then, finally, Ichi managed to get her body to move. As her half-ocelot form, she was fast and agile, and immediately took off sprinting through the trees. She quickly found her way back, and she ran to the school, soaking wet an covered with mud.
There was loud, urgent knocking at the door. One of the teachers opened the door to find Ichi, with her slitted pupils, furry face, and hybrid limbs standing there. She urgently motioned for the teacher to follow her, and pointed towards the forest. She then ran off, not waiting to see the teacher's reaction. Fortunately, it was a good one. He immediately transformed into a buck, evidently one of his shifting animals, and followed her into the forest. They slowed down, and Ichi led the teacher to the muddy ditch, where they found the two teenagers: one holding the other, who was unconscious and covered with blood.
I really live up to my username\r\n
3:06pm Sep 30 2015
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Posts: 1,667
[yeah :0 I'll do one more post, then wait on Lile ^-^]
Xavier spat in annoyance when the girl didn't call an ambulance. Instead, he himself fumbled for the phone on his pocket. Blood smeared it - he didn't care.
"911/999, what's your emergency?" The man grumbled. "My friend has fallen off his horse. Location is... " He rushed, a panicked strain to his voice. "Hey, Toto will be fine. But we're not leaving you, big buddy." Xavier chuckled, looking out for any sign of where the horse could have gone. Crushed branches would guide him. First, the new girl would have to go for help so whoever it was could take care of Toto. As much as he wanted to go for the horse... Asher was probably in a much worse state than him.
"Our team should be there in around a minute." The man soothed - sirens shrieked in the distance, until they were finally there. Xavier hadn't realized the two that had come to him, and was still pressing hard on Asher's chest with one hand. The other was supporting his friend's head. The team rushed over, did all of their stuff to get As her safely into the van and it all followed on from there.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
3:56pm Sep 30 2015
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Posts: 111
After bringing the teacher to the site of the incident, Ichi noticed that the other teenager, the one who wasn't hurt, seemed irritated at her. But she couldn't quite figure out why. Was it because she hadn't done what he had asked her to do? It wasn't her fault, she hadn't understood a word of what he said! He had pulled out a small thing and spoke into it, and then, soon, there were a bunch of people dressed in white who carried the hurt boy into a truck. She had seen these before, a long time ago, and at least she thought that was what it was. As for the item that the angry boy had spoken into, Ichi remembered her parents having used something similar, but she couldn't quite remember the name. She looked back at the boy who had the speaky-thingy. He looked worried about the other teen, who apparently was his friend, and Ichi felt guilty that she hadn't been able to help. She just didn't understand what he had said... Looking back at her hybrid paws, she sighed and resolved to work harder. Yes, on her shapeshifting, but mostly on English. She needed to learn the language as fast as she could.
I really live up to my username\r\n
12:49am Oct 1 2015
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[I'll wait for Lilie.]