5:05am Oct 1 2015
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Posts: 111
(me too, i guess)
I really live up to my username\r\n
3:37pm Oct 1 2015
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Posts: 2,403
{I had rhythmic gymnastics nationals :)}
I hear rattling, bumpy noises happening out side. I merely peek through the window, to see an emergency truck. "Huh". I wonder what happened. I flop back onto my bed, and continue the research about the Basilisk.
It's said to be long ago, that this mythical creature once roamed the empty deserts of Africa. The antique Romans called him "regulus" or little king, not only because of his crown, but because he terrorized all other creatures with his deadly look and poison. His color was yellow, sometimes with a kind of blackish hue. Plinius mentioned a white spot on his head, which could be misinterpreted as a diadem or a crown. Others speak of three spikes on his forehead. Regarding his dangerousness rural legends distinguishes three main types. All three had a deadly breath, which could even make rocks crumble. - The golden basilisk poisoned everything by his mere look.
- The evil-eye basilisk terrorized and killed every creature by his third eye on the top of a golden head.
- The sanguineness basilisk sting made the flesh fall off the bones of his victim
4:58am Oct 10 2015
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Posts: 111
(woohoo! im back and throwing myself into the rp!)
English was a high priority, but for now, she needed to find that weird creature that the boy had been riding on. Still in her ocelot form, she'd be able to smell it. She caught a whiff of something quite pungent, but it was hard to trace because of the rain. Still, she tried to track it. After a good hour, Ichi was soaking wet, covered in mud, and exhausted, but she had found the beast. It looked stuck in a bramble of thorns. Quietly and carefully, she approached it, but it was still evidently spooked. For all her attempts to calm it, her smelling a bit of a carnivore certainly didn't calm the animal and she received a relatively weak, but still painful, kick to the stomach. After a while, Ichi decided she'd just wait until she turned into a falcon, the thing calmed down, or someone else found them. That, and after she stopped feeling unbelievably nauseous from the kick. It probably took another half-hour, but the horse eventually calmed down enough for Ichi to claw it free of the thorns. It was a bit scratched up, though, and so was she. The rain helped stop the stinging. She managed to find the place where she had found the injured boy, and she heard the truck leaving. She looked around, holding the reins of the creature in her teeth (as paws weren't practical for that sort of thing), and she heard footsteps leaving the forest. She ran towards the footsteps, well, more like limped quickly, and found that it was the boy who had found the injured boy in the mud. She made a sound that was between a yell and a meow, and he turned around. She just stood there, holding the reins of the creature which she was now leaning heavily against.
I really live up to my username\r\n
12:20pm Oct 11 2015
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Posts: 1,324
[Sorry, was away the weekend.]
Asher opened his eyes to see him in the emergency room. He pushed a button for help and a Doctor stumbled in. "Good, your awake." he said. He asked Asher some question before explaining what was wrong. "Well, you have a broken left arm. Your broken nose healed quickly, so that bandage is off." the doctor told him.
Asher nodded and thanked him. The doctor told him he could leave, Asher changed and jogged out the hospital. He ran after a bus before jumping into the open door and sitting down.
The closet bus stop to the school was quite far away, but Asher paid the kind bus driver and jogged off into the rain. He walked into his dorm hot and sweaty and peeled off his clothes and hopped into the shower.
He washed quickly, not getting his cast wet, and hopped out. He got his wallet and phone and headed out to drive to the grocery store that had a pharmacy there.
He walked in to buy some pain killers and grabbed a bag of chips on the way to pay. He bought the things and drove back to school. He walked into his dorm and put his pills in his bathroom cupboard and lay on his bed.
He put on his headphones and pulled a blanket over himself to watch a movie on his laptop.
12:44pm Oct 11 2015
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Posts: 1,667
[It's fine!!]
Xavier had been kneeling in the mud the whole time, waiting for the girl to return. She returned quickly with Toto. Why wouldn't she speak? Nevermind. But her leg looked injured, and he had a feeling she couldn't speak English.
Xavier gave the girl his thanks, taking the horse. He beckoned for her to follow him as he set walked through the stinging rain with the me girl. They were back at the stables, and he walked in there
Hurriedly, he managed a sponge and a bucket of warm water: cold water wouldn't be so good for Toto at that moment. Dipping the sponge in and stroking it gently over the horse, Toto whinnied slightly as it touched his scratches. Good he hadn't used any substances - that would have really hurt him. Next was to cleaning the wounds properly, so he gathered all the equipment - such as cream and gloves - to sort him out.
Xavier put on the gloves, picked up the sponge again and began cleaning out the mud from the horse's nasty wounds. Once that was done, he washed off the gloves and began applying the cream. Poor guy; this should help him, though.
He decided it wouldn't be right if Toto was outside for the night. It was raining too, and he wanted to keep the horse as cozy as possible, sadly without a blanket. Hours had gone by; Asher would probably be back by now. Abandoning the girl - whether she was with him or not - he ran back to his dorm. Xavier was relieved to see Asher in bed, on his laptop and with headphones in.
"Asher!" He exclaimed, even though he wouldn't hear. Rushing over to his friend, he made careful not to nudge the bed. Yet he'd left the girl with a wounded leg... Guilt began nibbling at his heart.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
4:44pm Oct 11 2015
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Posts: 111
Ichi had watched the boy clean the creature's scratches from a distance, sitting in a corner with her paws in her lap. He kept referring to the creature as "Toto." Was that its name? It seemed like it. He had thrown a glance at her a few times, but she hadn't been able to read his ex pression. Eventually, he had left somewhere with Toto and she saw him going towards the school. He didn't return. Eventually, she decided to go back to her room as well. She didn't want to go in through the door, as her muddy, scratched up, half shifted self would attract more attention than she was comfortable with. She climbed up the tree to gain access to her window, which was still open, and clambered into her room after a very difficult climb, what with her sprained ankle and the rain. Exhausted, soaked and with her ankle and all of her scratches hurting like mad, she flopped onto her bed and fell asleep. She woke up to knocking on her door the next day.
I really live up to my username\r\n
6:54am Oct 12 2015
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Posts: 42
(May I join :3)
1:38pm Oct 12 2015
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Posts: 2,403
(Will post soon! Possibly tonight or tomorrow :) I've got s much on!)
2:27am Oct 13 2015
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Posts: 2,403
{Hey guys, just post without me, I'll pop in when I can, but a lot is happening at the moment :).]
9:51am Oct 13 2015
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Posts: 1,667
[Aww, okay. Hope it's better soon!]
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
4:32pm Oct 13 2015
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Posts: 111
[i'll post once tinky or wolfie posts]
I really live up to my username\r\n
11:24pm Oct 14 2015
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Posts: 1,324
[Rip, you can join. I'm taking hiatus, I put a blog up for more info. Carry on without me. I'll be popping in sometimes.]
1:25am Oct 15 2015
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Posts: 1,667
[Oh, okay. Don't worry about it. I'll post after school]
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
11:22am Oct 31 2015
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Posts: 111
I really live up to my username\r\n
12:07pm Oct 31 2015
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Posts: 1,667
[Ohmigosh sorry... completely forgot]
Xavier couldn't get the words out fast enough. "Are you okay? Is your arm fine? What happened? Why were you in those trees?" He gasped out after he'd rushed the sentence. When he received the reply he flopped on his bed, sighing in content. Slowly, he fell asleep.
**next morning**
Yawning and stretching, Xavier realized he hadn't changed his clothes. Well, clever him. Not checking if Asher was there, he managed to get out of bed, go into the bathroom and brush his teeth. He looked in the mirror quickly: he looked awful. Mud splattered his face and hands. Oh dear.
[Sorry, short]
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
8:17pm Oct 31 2015 (last edited on 8:19pm Oct 31 2015)
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Posts: 2,403
A long bell rings in my ears. Doors slam, and feet shuffled on the grass. The bed groans as I stand up. What's happening? I quickly peek through the window, before exiting the room. The head of the institute stands on a small stage just next to the breakfast bar. He clears his voice, before opening his mouth. "As some of you may know already, there has been a slight incident" I dig my hands into my pockets, wondering what could've happened. "We'd just like everyone to please try limit your 'outside time' and please do not enter the forest. Once we have figured out the situation enough, we'll let you know." The head master climbs down, with a cough. 'What happened in the forest?' The question itched in my mind, as I stare blankly at the forest in the distance. People start to break off in crowds, back to their dorms. Teresa is by my side. "I guess no P.E. today" She shrugs at me.
5:35am Nov 1 2015
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Posts: 111
There are the people in suits at Ichi's door. They motion for her to follow them, and she does. She and the men in suits head down to the school hospital, where the doctor, after a very surprised look at Ichi, started bandaging her scratches and sprained ankle. It was rather difficult for the doctor, as Ichi's skeleton was differently shaped. Eventually, though, she managed to get it clean and fixed.
I really live up to my username\r\n
6:35am Nov 1 2015
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Posts: 1,667
Doctors came knocking on the door and asking to come in. "Sir Xavier? We need to examine your wounds." They called at him. Xavier scoffed and waved his hand. "I don't have any wounds. Now leave me be." He spat. "But Sir--" "I said leave me be!" With that, they left his room and went to wherever they needed to go. Xavier just continued to splash water on his face and arms, the mud slowly beginning too loosen and slip off.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
6:49am Nov 1 2015
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Posts: 111
As Ichi was on her way back to her dormitory, she encountered doctors knocking on a door, and she heard irate yelling coming from inside. That was a voice she recognized. It was the boy with the phone! Since she didn't know his name, she referred to him as that. Although it would be rude to do that... She sighed. If she wanted to fit in, she'd have to at least try and act like a human. She went to her dormitory and sat at her desk. Already that was a difficult task. She put her tail to the side and pulled a piece of paper towards her, and then (with a lot of effort) managed to pick up a pencil. It was specially made for her and was easier to grip than a normal pencil, but writing was still a chore. However, after a while, she managed to scrawl out a legible sentence: WHAT IS YOUR NAME? She had it written in all capital letters. They were much easier for her to write than the tiny lowercase letters. Then, she signed her name. Ichi silently walked to the boy's dormitory (she was good at being quiet, that was for sure) and slipped the note under the door. She then dashed back to her room like nothing had happened.
I really live up to my username\r\n
6:54am Nov 1 2015
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Posts: 1,667
A few minutes later, when he was completely cleared up, he walked out to find a note under the door. How had it gotten there? Whoever had placed it had been quite quiet. They seemed to be foreign, too... Ah! The girl who hadn't spoken to him or understood him!
Xavier quickly scrawled on the back: Xavier. Are you the girl who helped my friend in the forest? He highly doubted that Ichi would understand what he'd written. Although he'd done it as neat and clearly as he could. Hang on... Xavier had no idea where her dorm was. Instead, he slipped it back under the door and strode back up to his bed, lying on it. He really couldn't be bothered to get changed at the moment.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (: