11:27pm Feb 1 2011
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3:51pm Feb 2 2011
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((That's fine emerald. c:))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
10:02pm Feb 3 2011
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((Kewl! Thanks.))
6:17pm Feb 4 2011
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Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
2:04pm Feb 6 2011
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((bump. Ithink we should start.))
5:17pm Feb 6 2011
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Posts: 200
[I agree. We should start :3]
7:44pm Feb 6 2011
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((Same here.))
4:03pm Feb 7 2011
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((Sorry, I can't get on during the weekends. I'll start in a bit.))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
10:01am Feb 8 2011
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11:01pm Feb 9 2011
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((can i start? if so give me the setting.))
3:39pm Feb 10 2011
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((You can, if you want. Setting is the first day at the new school, everyone is getting to know each other. That's all I have for now.))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
11:15pm Feb 10 2011
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"Nari?" A complaining Natsu said. "Hey Nari. Don't ignore me." He went over to Nari and prodded her shoulder. She looked at him annoyed. "Nari, why do we have to go to school?" Natsu said once again complaining. Nari groaned and continued walking. She shouted behind her, "I already told you!" Natsu hung his head depressed. "I don't want to go to school." He grumbled. Nari looked up at the school and smiled. "Come on Natsu!" She said running up the steps. When she reached the top she looked down at Natsu who hadn't gone up a single step. "Natsu." She said quietly. He looked up. There was a large frown on his face. Nari frowned and said, "Not falling for it!" She turned around and headed to the doors of the school. Nari had been walking around for about an hour now. "I'm glad I came early. This place is huge." Nari heard foot steps behind her. She recognized the dragging of the feet and the moan coming from the person and turned around to face Natsu. "Took you long enough." She said with a smile. "Now come on. Let's explore the library." Natsu smiled a little and followed Nari to the library. ((Hmm I think I wrote to much.... I kinda want to write more but.... Oh well. Hope this is good and sorry if I misspelled anything.))

3:47pm Feb 11 2011
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Nox slowly walked up the steps, her backpack slung over one shoulder. Her dark blue eyes slowly scanned the schoolgrounds. Her face expressionless, she watches a boy and girl, most likely brother and sister, walk into the school. She checked her map. It appeared to her that they were going to the library. The vampire sighed and checked her schedule. All around her were throngs of people. The pounding of their human hearts was beginning to drive her crazy. In an attempt to divert her attention, she checked her homeroom. History. Nox sighed. She'd been alive for half of the history; why did she have to learn about it? Shaking her head slowly, she turned and walked towards the cl*censored*room.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
3:14pm Feb 13 2011
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Natsu was reeding a very interesting book when Nari proded his shoulder. He looked up at her, frowning. "What?" He grumbled. Nari smiled and said, "Sorry I have to pryu that book from you but cl*censored* is going to start soon." Nari grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the chair. Natsu dropped his book on the table and followed Nari. They stopped in front of a room that read, "Mr.Goforth, 20th Century History". "This is your cl*censored*." She said and smiled to Natsu. Natsu grimaced and said, "I was alive for that. Why do I have to learn it again?" Nari smiled and said, "Well then I geuss you'll p*censored* this cl*censored* with flying colors. Speaking of colors I have to get to Studio Art 1." She quickly hugged Natsu and said, "If you need me you know what to do." She turned around and ran down the hall to her cl*censored*. Natsu walked into the cl*censored*room and looked around. He spotted an empty desk in the corner by the window. He groaned and went over to the desk and sat down. There were still some open desks near him and he was glad about that. He really didn't want any humans sitting next to him. He groaned and rested his head on his arms and fell asleep.

4:07pm Feb 14 2011
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Nox walked into her history clas.s, her backpack slung over her shoulder. Her dark blue eyes narrowed as she scanned the room. Her nostrils flared at the scent of all the humans, and she had to close her eyes to prevent a wave of vertigo from overcoming her. Opening her eyes, she caught sight of a lone boy sitting by the window. "Hello," she said quietly, putting her backpack on the seat next to him.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
4:21pm Feb 14 2011
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((Unfortunately I must drop this roleplay. I am so sorry 8C Please forgive me.))
8:09pm Feb 14 2011 (last edited on 11:28pm Feb 18 2011)
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Natsu woke as he heard a voice. He sat up and looked at the girl who'd spoken to him. "Hi." He mumbled. Not sure what to say. My mind is still fuzzy from my nap and I'm not much of the social type. That would be Nari's job. Well I shouldn't be rude.... "You can sit there if you like." Nari just made it to clas.s when the bell rung. "Now that was close." Nari said to herself. She looked around the clas.sroom and spotted the teacher. She walked over to her and said, "Um... Mrs.Appel?" The teacher turned and said, "Yes that's me. Now go find a seat." Nari nodded her head and sat down at the table farthest from the door. Nari watched the teacher go up to the front of clas.s and adress them. "Now clas.s I'm Mrs.Appel. This is Studio Art 1 and we'll be doing many different projects over the semester." Nari started space out as she thought of all the different things she's be learning. She giggled.
4:35pm Feb 15 2011
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Nox raised an eyebrow it him, smiling. "I'd planned on it." She slid her backpack onto the floor and sat in the seat just as the bell rang. She looked up as the teacher, Mr. Goforth, began to speak. "Hello, clas.s, and welcome to 20th Century History..." She tuned him out almost immediately and began to fiddle with her pencil. ((Sorry for the fail post, I'm sick.))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
11:27pm Feb 18 2011 (last edited on 11:30pm Feb 18 2011)
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Natsu glanced at the girl who appeared to be spacing off. Weird. I thought having a human close to me would be a bother. This is really weird... Wait! Maybe she's not human. It would make sense. Natsu let his senses concentrate on the girl and noticed something. I was right. She isn't human. But what is she? My senses aren't very good at picking those details up. That would also be Nari's job. Natsu watched the girl. I haven't met a nother non-human for a very long time. Probably the last one I met was little Nari. Nari sneezed. I geuss Natsu's thinking about me. Well he has to deal with being seperated for a little while. We'll see each other at lunch. We also have the clas.ses after lunch together. Nari rested her head on her hand and let out a yawn. The teacher looked at her. "I'm sorry. Nari was it? But am I boring you?" Mrs.Appel said. Nari looked at the teacher and said, "Oh no! Not at all. I'm just thinking that's all. My brain tends to wander sometimes." The teacher frowned and said, "Well try to refraim from doing so." Nari looked down and said, "Sorry." When the teacher looked away she mumbled to herself, "You didn't have to be so rude." Luckily Mrs.Appel didn't hear.

3:14pm Feb 19 2011
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