2:02am Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 10:15pm Jul 22 2011)
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Name: Draco Gender: Male Physical deion: Draco has long black hair that ends roughly at his hips. The tips of his hair are a burnt orange colour. The colour of his eyes are the same burnt orange colour as the tips of his hair. But the colours get closer to crimson the closer its gets to his slitted pupils. He stands roughly six feet tall and has dark coloured skin. But not black; more of a really dark olive. His clothes are similar to this X. Personality: Draco is a hothead. Enough said. He will jump to all the wrong conculsions and then some. He is also a little snippy and will backtalk whenever he gets the chance. Abilities: Draco can control the element of Fire. All "Burn, baby, burn!" and no actual control to go with it. He can bend it to his will, but sometimes when he gets really mad, it will just spew out of his mouth [think Natsu from Fairy Tails]. Name: Scorpio Gender: Male Physical deion: Scorpio has short, dark brown hair that is cropped close to his skull and spiked upwards. His eyes are a golden-brown and swirl around his pupils. He stands at five feet eleven inches and his skin tone is a coppery-tan; like he spent some time under the sun. Scorpio has his symbol -- ♏ -- branded onto the back of his neck. He is dressed roughly like a skaterboy and has a mechanical scorpian tail fitted onto his nervous system. The tip of it is very poisonous. Personality: Despite his appearance, Scorpio is actually very quiet. In fact, he rarely talks unless he has something he absolutely must say, or is spoke to. But he does have a more aggressive side; as does everybody. This side of him is brought on when the other Zodiac members are in danger. He'll do anything to protect them. Abilities: Scorpio can control the element of Water, since it is his elemental sign. But instead of having it like small little ribbons and small stuff like that, his is more noticable and forceful. Sort of like a waterfall or a tsunami. He can do all the small stuff; but only when he is concentrating on it. A few places on Scorpio's anatomy are poisonous -- fingernails and teeth mostly. -- I will finish this later today. It is just past 2 in the morning and I need sleep.
Done! :D
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:14am Jul 22 2011
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Name: Aquarius (Called Aqua)
Gender: Female
Physical deion: She is a very beautiful young woman with white hair that flows chest length. Her eyes are a stormy blue that lap against her pupils like waves against the sands. However, not even stars are without their flaws. Her skin is a bit blotchy and her body is not curvy, even for a human, where it should be. She wears a blue, silk halter top and a long skirt that seems to be made out of the ocean itself, though it isn't. Her hair is normally tied up with a ribbon of turqoise hue, while around her wrists are a few small bracelets.
Personality: She always is just a tad confused, but tries to hide this by being overly confident with herself. She comoff as a bit rude, but this is because she tends to say whatever is on her mind at the time. She has major claustraphobia, the fear of tight spaces, because of being in space for so long. When is not facing a challenge, she will kind of retreat inside of herself and become a shy woman, which leads some to believe that she has MPD.
Abilities: She will, in water, become a mermaid, whether she wants to or not. She can control water and breath underwater.
((Ursa cming later))
 <-- Click me
2:15am Jul 22 2011
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((Sorry for double post, but Aquarius has that power because well, she is water. Hey, anybody know why it says her element is air? That is wierd since she is oriented towards water everywhere I read.))
 <-- Click me
2:31am Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 2:32am Jul 22 2011)
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Posts: 583
[[hmm, strange. I thought she would be water-based too. But from what I've read (a bit) it's because of the qualities of an aquarius are more of air than of water? Since water is negative while air is positive if I'm not wrong in my opinion, I try to lean more towards the constellation than the actual astrological sign though, they're more based on human qualities and don't reflect the origins of the constellations. (up to people though) I'm sure many people would agree that's it would have more water-based abilities however.]]
3:37am Jul 22 2011
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[[hurr, sorry for spamming my own thread but if there's any other info you need for setting or plot, pease tell me!]]
7:18am Jul 22 2011
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((Thinking about joining as Aries...:/ Undecided yet. Someone make up my mind, please? XD))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
8:23am Jul 22 2011
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[[hee, go ahead! I always thought Aries would be pretty nifty!]]
9:03am Jul 22 2011
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[Updated my first post with Leo's bio! :D ]
9:26am Jul 22 2011
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[[ Be Aries, Rosie. ]] [[I'm seeing that Aquarius simply means 'Water Bearer' in Latin, and her element is air]] Name: Pollux Gender: Male Physical Deion: Pollux appears as a young boy, about seventeen in age. He is short at 5"4, so he tends to avoid standing right beside someone. He has smooth, unwrinkled skin and a very child-like complexion. He has golden hair that just reaches his shoulders, but he yanks it up into a ponytail whenever there is someone near. Pollux has light silver blue eyes with a sapphire outline. He will pretty much wear anything but woman's clothes. Personality: Pollux is very childish and he loves playing tricks on people. He is curious and is always wanting to learn. He would rather play a game or solve something than fight. Pollux is wonderful at solving things, but he will quickly lose interest and start working on something else. He has a terrible time a concentrating on just one thing, weather it be a relationship or a job. He also has trouble sticking to a commitment. Because of this, Pollux doesn't see a point in love and will only go after someone for the chase. If the person is 'caught', then Pollux will get bored and will probably wander off to find someone else to go after. Abilities: Pollux has the air ability, but instead of being able to control wind, he can instead summon his brother Castor, who now happens to be a wind sprite. Castor, even if he is now the wind, can minuplate his being to become somewhat human - the only thing is that his being, like air, can be easily torn apart and made new. [[Yeah, Castor's part makes no since, I understand. I'm still working on it. In Greek mythology, Castor died and Pollux begs their father to bring him back. Their father puts them into the heavens as a constellation.]]
10:35am Jul 22 2011
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Posts: 583
[[hee, these are sounding great! Now I think we'll wait for the remaining bios and makybe a few others who'd join c: I'll keep Aries open for you, Bloodrose should you be interested!]]
8:41pm Jul 22 2011
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8:30am Jul 23 2011
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2:29am Jul 24 2011
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[[What constellations are missing to start? I may take them up since I want it to start ASAP xDD ]]
3:18am Jul 24 2011 (last edited on 3:32am Jul 24 2011)
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[[we're missing six of the zodiacs xD Aries, Tauros, Pisces, Saggitarius, Cancer, Capricorn. I think I'll take on Cancer myself. I think we'll start first then, I don't think we necessarily need to begin with all twelve, they could come from time to time (like new constellations fall or something xD) so when you're ready! c:]]
4:03am Jul 24 2011
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ooc:|| Lulz, I may introduce Aries and/or Capricorn later in the Roleplay then! :U I'm ready for the RP to start~
9:05pm Jul 24 2011 (last edited on 11:01am Jul 25 2011)
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Posts: 583
Virgo awoke to a black, empty night. She sat up with a start only to wince and freeze in a position halfway between lying down and sitting. Her body was sore and she could feel multiple bruises across he thighs and back. She froze at the unfamiliar feeling of damp dew and grass beneath her fingers. Where was she? She was alarmed by her lack of recollection and looked around, noticing strange structures erected, they seem brightly coloured once long ago but were now faded with age. There was a sinking feeling she knew where she was but this place...it was, strange, eerie and almost macabre. She has seen this world from above. Only it was a lot colder. [[gwah I can't write a lot at the moment, have stuff to do and my internet is the poopiest right now because of my brother's excessive playing, dunno how lucky I may be to get onto the res site for the next few days xD]]
7:47am Jul 25 2011
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Pollux once had a dream about coming back to Earth again. Sure, it was wonderful to be half of Gemini and of Thiassi's Eyes, but he yearned for the grass under his bare feet and the wind rushing through his annoyingly long hair. And what he wanted even more was to be with his twin again. In the sky, the knowledge that he wasn't alone was Castor's grip on his hand. As the dream continued, it would turn into a nightmare; Castor wouldn't be with him. No, his brother had died long ago. Earth was not his place to reside. Pollux woke from the day-mare and felt his twin's hand on his. He realized that he would be unable to be with Castor down in Earth, so it was better being in the heavens. ~ The young man's head hurt. The pain was like something new to him, almost as if he had never experienced it before, and he layed still in shock. Above him was the night sky, where he had been only seconds before. What was happening? Pollux tried to sit up slowly, but it took a few tries before he was able to use his muscles. He hadn't used them in... Oh Gods, how long had it been? Pollux could feel a strange sensation that tickled down his cheeks. He move his hand to his face to wipe it away. It was then he realized he was crying. Where was Castor?
7:38am Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 1,576
[Raru left out 'personality' in the bios! :u Ah well.] Strange, thought Leo. Where were the others? The sky? He felt strange - he something hard was pressing against him. He sat up, gasped. He was a constellation! If he moved too much, he would be out of proportion. He quickly examined himself to check if anything was destroyed in his haste. He looked at himself in fear. He had seen humans stargazing before, and he enjoyed being envied by them . Where were the humans? Clearly it was night, but where were they? He looked down, and realized something. This was the ground humans stepped on to transport themselves. He wasn't in the sky anymore. He was on Earth. His golden eyes were filled with curiosity, fear and uncertainty. How would a constellation fare on Earth? In the sky they didn't have to search much for their needs - which wasn't much , he realized. He just needed to shine across the sky, and that was all a constellation needed. He wasn't sure , he knew, that on Earth, a human had to have much more things. He was flustered, he was worried. He stood up with difficulty, looked at the sky. Were all the constellations gone? If they were, would the hobby of stargazing fade, everyone thinking that it was all just a fraud?

11:34pm Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 155
Libra woke up on a pile of leaves, even though she could only see darkness she could hear and feel the crunch and crinkle of the leaves. It was quite a bizarre place to find herself but she had always found herself in unusual places when she did not have people around her yet she felt something was different, she felt misplaced. She stood up and walked around for a while until she walked into a building. she searched around the walls for a door; She opened it and walked in, she heard rustling turned around and swung her scales accidentally hitting somebody, she heard the person's voice recognising the voice to be her friend Virgo. [[ bleh I'm not good with writing, I hope it isn't very bad.]]
11:59pm Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 583
[[Ah! I thought I put it in! I'm sorry, Twintkitty! Oh I also hope I'm not moving to quickly xD I sort of want to find the others soon! But if I am, tell me!]] "Ow! I - Libra?" Virgo's heart heaved with relief at the sight of her companion's face. "Thank the stars! I am so glad to see you!" She reached out and hugged her before slowly realising that they were not out of danger just yet. She released her friend, "If you are here...do you think there are others as well?" She stared out in the darkness hesitantly, eyeing towering and worn down structures. Beneath her feet, the grass felt chilledand moist. She could hear sounds in the murky darkness but none distinguishable or reassuring. She had only ever seen Earth from the comforting stretch of sky which she accomodated and her knowledge, especially of humans, was little. She seen something vaguely similar, but there was life and colour in it. This... This had no life left. Virgo looked back up in the sky, a shiver ran down her spine at the sight. Tonight was a cloudless night, but half the sky was bare.
