10:10am Jul 27 2011
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Pollux managed to stand, and he was quickly walking after a few stumbles. "Hello? Is anyone here? Someone, please?" He called out, but his voice was weak and didn't carry far. He never had to speak when he was in the sky, the only person near him was Castor... Castor... Pollux almost fell over in grief. He looked towards the sky to see if maybe his brother was there, watching him. The teen remembered what it was like when he looked upon the stars before he was turned into one himself. It was beautiful, with all of the twinkling lights providing guidance. Many of the constellation that he remembered were gone, leaving a large, black void that stretched on and on until eternity. His brother wasn't in the sky, and neither was Libra, Virgo, Leo, and a few others. Pollux called out the names of his fellow constellations. "Leo? Libra? Virgo?" His voice became louder and more confident with every name he said.
10:45am Jul 27 2011
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Scorpio came awake when he felt his back being pressed rather uncomfortably to something cold and rather hard. His golden-brown eyes blinked slightly as a few questions rushed to the forefront of his mind. And it was then that he saw that half the night sky was void of any stars and constellations. "What?" he asked to nobody in particular as he stuggled to get up into a sitting position. Cocking his hesd to one side, he let his confusion roll through him in waves as he attempted to figure out how he left the sky. But wait... If he wasn't in the sky; then where was he? Glancing around, Scorpio saw ancient machines that were rusted and covered in plants. The machines looked human-made. As did almost everything else around here. Humans were on the Earth-plane. Does this mean, so was he? He must be since he wasn't in the heavenly realm he called his home. Pushing himself to his feet, he heard the faint hiss of hydraulics and gears coming from right behind him. Glancing behind him, he saw a machanical tail. Was it attached to him? Of course it was. He could feel it. Feel it like he could feel the rest of his human body. "Wierd," he muttered as he slowly moved off to see if he could find any other of his fellow constellations. [[ I'll introduce Draco later since I can't think of anything for him. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:40am Jul 29 2011 (last edited on 10:48am Jul 29 2011)
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Posts: 155
There was a very faint sound; Libra lifted up her hand and made a 'pap' sound as she slapped Virgo on the head. "Shh... there is someone nearby" It was someone calling out her name. "We should go there." she pointed in the direction to the moon "There is probably one of the others over there, oh and virgo could you please tell me why we are human and not in the sky?"
8:54pm Jul 29 2011
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[[I'm not going to be able to reply until Monday. Sorry]]
10:57pm Jul 29 2011
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"T-that hurted, Libra!" whimpered Virgo. But the constellation took no notice. Instead she shrugged and moved closer to Libra, "As for your questions, I do not know their answers. Perhaps we may seek someone for answers?" She held onto her friend, slowly guiding her towards the machines. Even if it was not necessary as Libra seem to know where she was going, Virgo held on mainly to comfort herself. Libra always seemed much stronger han her, bolder too, and she hoped she was right in following the sources of the voices. The grass rustled as they approached what looked like a broken cage for strange wheeled vehicles. Most of them were broken and the paints on them were scratched and faded, leaving large strips of silver carapce exposed. Despite her unease, Virgo couldn't help glancing at the objects and wondered how humans have made them able to move on their own. She heard Libra call her and looked forward, her blue eyes blinked and she was surprised to see the figure in front of you. She had never seen him before but there was something about him that bore a strong resemblance of a constellation. "Oh, is that really you...?" [[it's okay, Rabbitwings. Take care! c: lol, who did Virgo see?]]

2:05am Jul 31 2011
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Aquarius stood, rubbing her head with a strangely solid hand. "Wha-" Her mouthmoved to form words as she looked around where she had fallen. Silver carcases of machinery were strewn about near a long, rusted track. Strange mythical creatures, the hypocampus, had fallen and crumbled away from long metal poles. Aqua shuddered at the state that the area had become. It was dirty and ugly, looking more like the scene of a murder, than an abandoned park.
"Where am I?" She wondered aloud, staring about. She took a pale, almost transluscent hand, and put it to her forehead, peering through the fog. "Hello?" She called to a man inthe distance who seemed to have a large mechanical tail...
((Fail intro is fail...))
 <-- Click me
10:08am Aug 1 2011
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[[Virgo sees Pullox or whatever his name is, kay~?]] "Virgo? Is that you? Pollux called out to the female constellation. He leaned against a metal pole, then quickly moved away. "Ouch!" Glancing at his hand, blood was starting to trickle down a newly-formed gash that came from the pole. The cut stung, and Pollux could only stare at it. He hadn't remembered what pain was, but now that he did, he didn't like it. He looked back up at the person who he thought was Virgo. "I think I just just myself.." he told her.
11:58pm Aug 1 2011
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Virgo didn't quite catch his words and immediately ran up to him, "this is such a relief! You look so...so different in this form!" She then noticed his hand and jerked back slightly, "oh my! Are you alright, Pollux?" She took his hand, "perhaps we can fix this up...somehow." But though she said that, she had no idea how to fix him. Still holding his hand carefully, she led him over to Libra. She was sure her friend would know more than her. "Libra, I have found Pollux! But he is broken!"
12:20am Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 12:22am Aug 2 2011)
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Posts: 155
She slapped Virgo "Be quiet Virgo I'm busy!" she started weighing frogs she had found but when she had finished she stood up straight away. "What? Pollux is broken?" and walked over and yanked his hair "I don't see anything wrong with him. Anyway we should something more important now" she turned "I want to know where we are, this is a very strange place." [[I don't know what I am writing ;o; aaah!]]
2:23am Aug 2 2011
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((someone find aquarius))
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3:55am Aug 2 2011
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[[er, would you want someone else besides Scorpio to find her? xD because then I'll step in]]
9:09am Aug 2 2011
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OoC:// I'll post something later 'cause I am at work right now and these keyboards are rather loud.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:59pm Aug 2 2011
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((Sure, someone else is fine XD))
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5:25am Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 583
[[haha, maybe we'll wait for Dragonstar first?]]
7:58am Aug 5 2011
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[[I'm not probably going to be able to get back on and reply until Sunday, possibly Monday, sorry. ]]
11:15am Aug 8 2011
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[[[I'm back]] "I'm just bleeding, Virgo..." Pollux reassured the girl. "It happens all the time for humans." He turned to look at Libra. "I think we're on Earth." The teen stated the obvious. "This looks like one of the festival things the humans would go to."
8:08am Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[last bump I'm giving this]]