8:36am Feb 23 2011
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[[-sniffle- Twint... I just found out that I got a 65 on my Math Test. PHAIL :c ihu Geometry D< Cain is accepted. Awh, Kaori has a crush x3 ]]
7:26pm Feb 23 2011
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Seeley needs somebbody to love, he's a sweetie <3 Do you still want me to make my male vamp, or are gender ratios good now?
7:51pm Feb 23 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; -pokes tld- Could Taylor be a member and then crush on Seeley and eventually become Alphess? If that's okay with you, too, East. c:
hello my name is elder price
8:22pm Feb 23 2011
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OoC; As I said, Seeley wants/needs somebody. He's such a sweetheart, gets rejected all the time cause he's kind of nerdy :3
8:22pm Feb 23 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Neeeh. My characters are too awesome for a crush. So there. >:D ))
8:26pm Feb 23 2011
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Ooc; I take that as an okay, East? Taylor's kind of fierce and has a bite if you piss her off, but she's usually happy-go-lucky. She'll be kindofadowner for this rp cause of her bro, though.
hello my name is elder price
8:32pm Feb 23 2011
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Taylor sounds like win to me. Seeley will be like, -puppy dog eye- Please just love me? -crooked smile-
8:46pm Feb 23 2011
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Ooc; Ooh, I can't wait to get started. This will be a first when it's the guy kind of edging towards the relationship instead of Taylor. <3
hello my name is elder price
11:26pm Feb 23 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[I dun care, Shadow. But I would prefer it if it was unplanned for Taylor to become an Alphess. If it's planned, it takes the fun out of it and its practically an insta-mating.]]
3:09am Feb 24 2011
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[Nya ~ ! Monday onwards, I may not be too active in the RPs ;o; ]
4:59am Feb 24 2011 (last edited on 10:06am Feb 25 2011)
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ollieollieyardenblanken Name Ciaran Gender Male Age 98 (Eighteen) Species Vampire Appearance Ciaran isn't very bubbly, though he does like to chat when he's in the mood for it. His protectiveness and quick temparment can make him hard to get along, but he tries his best to stay calm. Ciaran can be compas.sonate and kind, but for the most part, he prefers not to show his softer side. Name Raquel (prefers being called Rocky) Gender Female Age 28 (Sixteen) Species Werewolf Appearance Normal (She has bright purple eyes and dark hazel hair with light brown streaks, which falls over her left eye. Which has thick eyeliner around them.) Werewolf Despite her emo looks, Raquel is forever happy-go-lucky, adventurous and loves to run. She is reckless and straightforward, however harsh the remark may seem. She stands up for herself and the things she believes in, but prefers to stay out of serious trouble, unless provoked. Not exactly open minded, a part of Raquel would rather stick with things she is used to rather than try something new, which is a kind of contradiction to her adventurous half. She is stubborn, strong willed and quick tempered, which can create problems for her at times. Juvenile
4:31pm Feb 24 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Tld, we'll just say that Taylor can crush on Seeley. The relationship, if there is one, may not work out anyway. xD May we start? -anxious- c:
hello my name is elder price
4:33pm Feb 24 2011
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Posts: 1,805
(( -waits- ))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:47pm Feb 24 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[Yush, you guys can start. I'll post my intros later, if I can get on in school.]]
7:17am Feb 25 2011
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[[This post serves as a bump and for mai intros ;w; I set the time and weather Hurr... I think I'll switch Lucretia back to Fledgling vampires xD I'll rMail you guys. Since. Nobody's posting.  ]] Natsume had climbed a tree and was surveying the territory of the vampires. It had been a few weeks since their previous leader, Sahoru, had pa-ssed. True to his nature, he was struck by the werewolves. Natsume leaned against the tree trunk and stared at the moon. With each white ray the moon had casted, the werewolves were sure to grow stronger. --- Lucretia poked her head out of her cave. The moon was out. She slowly inched out of the cave. The only one out seemed to be Natsume, but Lucretia didn't want to bother her leader. She sighed. The Coven of Dark Stars had not received a Shaman yet. Their last one had also been taken by the werewolves, along with Sahoru. --- Miles growled. The moon was already starting to affect his thought pattern, and it wasn't even the full moon tonight. He sat on his make-shift bed, transforming his arm into a wolf's, with sharp black claws, and then back into a human's. --- Kaori was taking a stroll at night. Her parents had warned her that it was dangerous, but she didn't care. SunnSide was safer than anyone could imagine, and not a single crime had been committed ever since its 5 years of initial construction. She stopped at the edges of the city, where the cement seemed to somehow disappear and turn into gra-ss. She tried to look into the dark forests. "Hmph. Where am I?" She asked herself. Then it struck her. She was probably near the 'danger zone', where many thrill-seekers had entered and returned with bruises and cuts. It was the dark forest. [[ Pft. Out of ideas. ]]

7:35am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 1,576
[Okfein , Cain's Crappy Intro.] Noting the scent of blood, Cain carefully strode out the cave, trying not to stir the air around him. He skipped over the corpses of dead animals , and scented the human. "North." He told himself, and strode towards the sweet scent. His eyes rested on a small figure, getting bigger as he hopped over the rooftops like river rocks. He crouched low as his victim had advanced towards the forest, where he started off. Not at all disappointed, he continued stalking his victim. Appearing out from behind a tree, he whispered, trying to hide his fangs as he casually spoke. "Hello, young lady." he said in his husky voice. "What are you doing out here, so late at night?"
7:48am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ okay -posts back- ono ]] Kaori jumped and squeaked a little when she saw someone pop out from behind a tree. "I could ask you the same question too." She said, recovering from the initial shock. "Besides, it's only 7. Late would be 10. And don't treat me like a child." She added. She disliked it when people acted formally around her, or talked to her in a patronizing way. She took a step back away from the weird dood [ono out of ideaz]
7:54am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 1,576
-- You :U
"What's wrong?" Cain asked, in an almost-innocent tone. "Danger lurks out here. And I suppose that your parents have told you of the danger in the dark forest, when the sun's almost set. But..." He looked at the sky. "I'm rather lonely here. There's nothing to do at home; and even if there was, it's always something lame." He was trying to hold himself back; the scent of blood was really too strong, and , to make things worse, a sharp thorn was just at the back of Kaori's heel. If she moved any further back, her foot would have been pricked.
10:02am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 1,805
(( -.- Ghost... if its summer, it wouldn't be dark at only 7pm.)) Ichigo stubbed out his cigarette before entering the grave yard. He had seen a familiar red head pas.s through, and wasn't going to let her wild personality get the best of her. Things lived out here, he knew it, and had told her several times, but as always she brushed it off, arguing back. Creeping past the mausoleum and into the wild gras.s, Ichigo placed his gloved hand on the holster that held his gun. It was unsettling seeing Kaori talking to a stranger. "Where did he come from?" He whispered to him self. His heart started beating from adrenalin. the sight of this stranger was almost unreal. He winced, as a twig cracked under his heel. "Oh hell." ---- Ivory stummbled amongst the trees gripping her pounding head. There where humans about. two, she just wanted a bite, but cain had gotten there first. Despite being 85, she still had urges to go on a blood curdling rampage. She had done well for herself. Two and a half months since her last feed, now it was becoming rather unbearable. Whenever she had visited the city, she could hide that she was a vampire. Her dark skin aided that, and because she was not one to brake out into general conversation, she could hide her fangs.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

10:34am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[... o.o Sorry, Tosh xD I've only been to the US once in my life, and I don't remember half the stuff there. And it's winter-ish now, so usually in my area, I'm used to it getting dark at 5.]] Kaori twitched at the sound of something snapping, her foot already raised to take another step back from the strange guy. "Another person! Eek!" She cried out, startled, and stamped her foot down on the ground, hard. The thorn, previously unknown to her, had pierced her foot. "Ouch. Ouch, ouch ouch!" Kaori hopped on one leg, trying to look over her shoulder to see who it was behind her.