11:02am Feb 25 2011
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(( Just the northern hemosphere for you XD )) Standing up straight at the sound of pain, Ichigo jolted upwards. "Kaori!" He ran towards her in an attempt to 'rescue' her from the pain in her leg. The young man slowed his pace is he approached the silver haired teen and Kaori making shifty eyes between her and him. "What did you do?" ((fail -.- ))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

12:00pm Feb 25 2011
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Ciaran idly fiddled with a piece of bone, gazing at the moon caught in the brances of an old tree. A stray strand of his red-tinted hair fell on his face as he momentarily glanced down. It didn't disrupt the view, and he ignored it. When you had hundreds if years to live, that is of course, if you manage to survive, time didn't mean much. Dropping his playtoy, Ciaran lazily rose to his feet. Now what, he wondered to himself as he stuck his hands in his pockets. A sudden breeze alerted him; he could smell human blood in it. Taking a quick whiff, he knew someone else was there too. Another vampire. Curiosity got the best of him and he started out in the direction of the blood. He didn't mean to interrupt a fellow vampire's hunt, he just wanted to see who the victim was. Watch the fun. He could see them as he ambled quietly forward; the girl, and Cain. His brows furrowed slightly, but he knew Cain was especially bloodthirsty. Not that he himself wasn't. It was the basic trait of a vampire, anyway. Suddenly, the smell of blood thickened. Ciaran flinched. It would be hard to keep away now. Taking an involuntary step foward, he saw another human race toward her. If he didn't leave now, he never would. But the aura transfixed him, froze him to the spot. His instincts were taking over. ~ Raquel stretched as she let the moonrays fall straight on her back. Her jet black pelt glimmered in the silver light as she lay on her side. Being a werewolf wasn't something she had expected. In fact, she didn't give it any thought at all. Raquel was never the one to suppose anything would happen; she prefered living in the moment. You didn't have a lot of time to live. That was a long time ago. Now it didn't seem to matter. In a way, she liked being a werewolf. It isn't everyone who gets to turn into an animal every night. All the same, she did miss her old life, though she wasn't sure what part of it. Maybe it was the knowledge that you couldn't live forever, which makes you love every second of your life. Or maybe it was the fact that you were in many ways more free; the smell of humans don't intoxicate you wherever you go.
4:41pm Feb 25 2011
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Maksis gazed up at the silver hue the moon cast on the land below. He inhaled sharply, wanting the scents of the forest to drown his thoughts, but the sharp tang of blood filled his head. He froze, his emerald green eyes unblinking in the moonlight. He grunted as he swung himself down from his perch on the tree and landed nimbly on the ground below. He jogged through the forest, staying on the fringe of the trees. Other vampires came to his senses as he neared. He stayed behind the shade of a tree and ducked down just as a human girl pierced her foot on a sharp thorn on the ground below. His acute eyesight allowed him to see the small trickle of blood that welled up from the thorn. He held his breath, waiting to see what the others would do. -- Taylor stood out in the moonlight, gray eyes closed as she basked in the light. The silver essence of the moon had caused her to change skins. She sat down, the copper flecks in her gray coat highlighted in the light. She snorted as she sniffed the air and her eyes cracked open at the scent of blood. No doubt the vampires were already there, what with a human girl so close to the forest. She could tell by the scent that it was a girl. A thought struck her then. She may catch a glimpse of Maksis just to see if he was okay. She let out a soft whine at the heartache before she pushed her feelings away. With only slight hesitation, she loped her way to the fringe of the forest. The smell of many vampires hit her nose and her snout crinkled in disstaste. She tried to spot her brother in the clearing, but her hopes fell. He sure hadn't appeared yet.
hello my name is elder price
8:01pm Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx slid out of her bedroom window, hissing. Again, her parents were in one of their fights. She was a teenager and still her parents saw her as a child. 'We'te not fighting, honey. wWe're just discussing. Just go to your room and I'll be there to tuck you in. thats my big girl.' She remembered her mother saying. 'And stay away from the forest!' That was it! She would prove that she was responsible. She would venture out into the forest....and, well....Somehow, she'd be deemed responsible. It was fool-proof! She straightened her shirt and quickly, but quietly, crept out of the yard and away from the town. Soon enough, she found herself just on the outside of the forest. She took a deep breath, released, and stomped into the wilderness. Kohaku, meanwhile, was chewing on a particarly chewy bone. His tail swished around, his paws holding down the bone as he devoured the rest of it. He stood up, stretching, and padded out of his den. He immedietlyt started hacking up the bone. Ugh. -fail-
9:06pm Feb 25 2011
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Cain shrugged. "If you want. Get out of the forest as soon as possible, but don't make too much noise; the creatures of the night tend to be extremely ferocious." As if he didn't know what were 'the creatures of the night', he turned around, and in a bl ink of an eye, he was gone. He sat on the topmost branch of a sturdy oak tree and watched the girl walk away, the moonlight drenching the color out of her skin, bleaching it white. Cain sighed; he had missed his chance of getting the blood, and yet again, he wasn't that hungry anyway.
9:25pm Feb 25 2011
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[[Suddenly, Kaori and Cain are attracting a lot of people xD]] Miles jumped when he heard the disgusting sound of someone retching. He poked his head out of the window, seeing Kohaku. "Dude, gross." He called. Miles wondered if the moon was altering Kohaku's thought pattern tonight. His own mind was naturally weaker to the moon, but every werewolf had a different resistance. --- Kaori shook her head, instantly recognizing the voice. "I didn't do anything, Ichigo." She replied. "Hey, where'd he go? First that weird guy comes and scares me, forcing me to step on this wretched thorn. And now he's gone." Kaori crossed her arms and sat on the gra-ss. "How rude." She mumbled, and then started to work on the thorn in her foot, clumsily running her hand up and down the foot in an attempt to find the thorn. --- [[...Hrm. What shall I do with Lucretia and Natsume.]]
9:33pm Feb 25 2011
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Kohaku just shrugged it off, licking the barf off all of his teeth. He winced. This stuff tasted disgusting. He twitched slightly, turning to Miles. The Moon did seem to make him have the sudden urge to chew on something. And that urge then changed to him wanting to feel the nice crunch of a skull in his skull.....he shook his head, hissing. He looked up at Miles again. "Its not my fault!" He snapepd in a child-like manner. "It. Was. Sharp."
9:36pm Feb 25 2011 (last edited on 9:37pm Feb 25 2011)
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________________________ |-----l---------------------------| |-----l-o------------------------| |-----l-----We're pas.sing-----| |-----l-------this note all------| |-----l-o--through Rescreatu-| |-----l--------------------------| |-----l-------so copy and------| |-----l-o----paste it into------| |-----l-------your SR----------| |_______________________| (( ;D ))
9:41pm Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[... That doesn't look like a note/piece of paper at all xD]] [[We should wait for East o.o]] Miles rolled his eyes. "Uh-huh." He said in a disbelieving tone. "Get back in your hut." Miles retorted. "And where's Seeley, anyway? Out searching for more humans to turn into us, no doubt." Miles leaned back and sighed. The only werewolf juvenile they had was Raquel, and who knew where she was tonight. The vampires, Miles was no so sure of. He was pretty confident about the fact that they would also be searching the new town to recruit new fledgling. [[And Wolfwinx? Human blood doesn't um... Intoxicate werewolves. It only bothers vampires. Since. You know. Vampires drink blood and werewolves don't.]]
9:48pm Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( It does too. xDD ))
10:03pm Feb 25 2011 (last edited on 9:23am Feb 27 2011)
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Ooc; Yus, we should wait for East. Ic; At the disappointing thought of not seeing her brother, Taylor slipped back into the shadows. The vampires that had crowded there had become too close for her to feel comfortable. She turned back, tail dragging lightly across the ground and head bowed. A soft rustling in the bushes behind her caused her to freeze. She dropped to the ground and faced her attacker, lips curled up in a snarl. She sniffed the air and an achingly familiar scent that was clouded by an even sweeter stench stung her nose. She straightened. "Maks," she breathed and he melted from the shadows. -- Maksis fled from the scene, his bloodlust kicking in when the girl stabbed herself on the thorn. He wasn't going to do that tonight. He had caught a glimpse of a lithe, gray wolf slinking along the edge of the scene and followed her. When he stepped out from behind the shadows of a tree, the gray wolf's hackles lay flat and he smiled. The smile wiped off of his face as reality set in. "I..." he began, but he realized the danger of them being together. The war between the vampires and the wolves was too much and Maksis couldn't risk either of them being punished for seeing each other. He stumbled back into the forest and fled from his sister.
hello my name is elder price
3:07am Feb 26 2011
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[ Wasn't the thorn - stepping incident an accident? o3o ]
3:26am Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Yush, it is. Kaori just wants to blame it on him xD ]]
5:11am Feb 26 2011
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Paniking slightly, Ichigo blinked where the boy had been. "Theres something not right about him." He continued to stare at the empty space, his hand shaking. He clenched his fist to stop its vigourus movement and sat down beside Kaori who was intently trying to find whatever had pricked her. "What where you even doing out here? You missed Rita's party. " he told her, wondering why she was out here, trying not to dig too deep a hole for himself. He shouldn't have been following her in the first place. ---- Silently, having regained some sense of conciousnes, Ivory ended up at the base on an oak tree. the same tree Cain happened to be sitting in. "You let her go? Why did you do that? You could of taken out the lad aswell , so why faulter?" She speed stepped up the tree and sat beside her companion with silver hair.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

10:23am Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; East is reaaally sorry for not posting but my computer keeps trying to crash while I'm on here... http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs30/f/2008/113/2/a/Brown_Wolf_by_Adoptable_Central.jpg Thats Seeley as a wolf :3 BiC; Seeley was standing on all fours, still uncomfortable to him, despite how long he'd beeen a werewolf. The thoughts of his newfound ranking as Alpha still rang through his head, 'You said you wanted to grow up. Here's your chance' He snorted at his thoughts, 'Now why the hell did I want to grow up?' Trying to scent out members of his 'pack' he lifted his nose. Nothing but the gra.ss on the wind. OoC; Fail but I don't fee lgood and have homework :/
10:35am Feb 26 2011
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[[Yay, East posted 8D I can't see it. I don't think it's working :c Ah well, we can just imagine it. After all, I didn't post a deion of Miles' wolf form either. HE'S A BLACK WOLF END OF STORY D< What happened to Maks, Shad? o.o]] Kaori rolled her eyes. "You think?" She asked semi-sarcastically. She didn't turn to face Ichigo, instead focusing on the thorn, wherever it was. "Couldn't go." She mumbled back. "Parents are attempting to ground me for that D I got in Math." She made a small 'pft' sound. "Grounding me sure is effective, isn't it? I know I won't come around here now." --- [[Someone go bother Miles and Lucretia xD]]
10:36am Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Taylor backed up, her paws scrabbling on the gra.ssy ground. She turned and sprinted back where she came, wanting only to feel the wind in her fur and the drum of the forest beneath her paws. She cleared a fallen log and continued to run into a clearing where the moonlight hit her fur. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth and her eyes were dull as she ran. She forced herself to slow and as she took in a tight breath, she scented their pack leader nearby. She shook her head and sat down heavily before curling up and sticking her nose into her fur.
hello my name is elder price
1:04pm Feb 26 2011 (last edited on 1:04pm Feb 26 2011)
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OoC: Oops. Guess I dunno much about werewolves O_O Raquel rolled over, feeling the soft gr*censored* on her skin. To another werewolf, that sight would have looked perfectly pathetic and immature. It was what she was sometimes. Rolling onto her stomach, she got up and shook her fur. Trying to act more responsible, Raquel decided to look for the other werewolves. There was nothing else that captured her attention at the moment anyway. Her quick ears caught Miles's and Kohaku's voice as she padded at a slow pace through the territory. "Hi," she greeted them in one of her chirpiest voices. "Were you looking for me?" she turned to Miles, putting on an innocent ex pression. She swished her tail in an attempt to lighten his mood, though she wasn't sure how far she would get, especially with Miles. ~ Ciaran shook his dark head sadly. He considered what Cain did a little awkward, especially when there were two humans instead of one, and vampires all around. The scent of her blood was dominating his senses, and he didn't know how long he could control himself. He was never very good at that. Spotting Ivory and Cain, he walked up to them, though his eyes were still on the duo. "Precisely what I have to ask." he remarked, almost accusingly. Ciaran's upper lip twitched as he heard the girl speak. He shook his head vigorously in an attempt to keep from going crazy.
9:13pm Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[xD Nobody does. We've never caught a live werewolf o_o]] Miles gave Raquel a skeptical look. "You're awfully cheerful today." He said in his usual cynical tone. He crossed his arms and leaned against the window. "And we were just wondering where Seeley was. But having a Juvenile disappear now is dangerous." Miles stuck a hand out to point towards the moon. "Can't be too cautious." [[...Someone go bother Natsume too xD ]]
9:24pm Feb 26 2011
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(( I have nothing to post. >.> ))