11:00pm Feb 26 2011
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OoC: lol Raquel blinked. "Yeah, yeah," she mumbled. "I thought I saw Seeley somewhere..." she cocked her head to the left, trying to catch his scent, then shrugged. "So," she drawled, regaining her usual restless self. "How about going for a run? Or a walk, if you prefer," she looked expectantly from Kohaku to Miles, hoping they wouldn't turn down her request.
11:03pm Feb 26 2011
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Miles growled at Raquel's suggestion. "Did. You. Just. Hear me?" He asked, voice deadly calm. "You are a juvenile." He made his words slowly as if to mock her. "Juveniles aren't supposed to go outside during the full moon. Unless you want to kill a vampire or vampire and get us in a whole truckload of trouble again!" He snapped. [[I really like Miles' personality. I think I'll be using him in a lot of RPs lD]]
11:13pm Feb 26 2011 (last edited on 11:14pm Feb 26 2011)
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Raquel rolled her voilet eyes in a bored way. This was a concept that never lodged in her head. "Have I got you into trouble?" she cocked her head again, this time out of curiosity. "Aw come on," she whined playfully, not doubting the possibility of Miles lunging at her. "You're really funny when you're angry," she shot back, a smirk playing on her lips.
11:25pm Feb 26 2011
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[[Oooo -has idea- 8D]] Miles this time grew silent. "No, you haven't." He said, slumping, and sighed. "But you do know, right? Two juveniles were responsible for starting the war." He said, cringing when he did so. "And I give up. We've survived one war, I suppose we can survive one." Miles went back and sat on his bed, surrounded by his memories. Raquel was too much like his father, one of the juveniles who started the war. It was a horrible memory for Miles, he was born in the middle of the chaos. The only one who knew who started the war was him, and Seeley. [[...WE NEED A BETA 8C]]
11:42pm Feb 26 2011 (last edited on 11:45pm Feb 26 2011)
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OoC: That's the idea? :P "Hey, I'm sorry," she said, sensing Miles's sorrow. "Yeah, I knew that, just not the juveniles part." She followed him inside. "It must have been really terrible, huh," she mumbled quietly. Raquel was evidently uneasy as she wondered if she should stay or leave him alone. She decided on the former, though she still felt a trifle uncomfortable, more because she wasn't sure what Miles was thinking. "I didn't mean to upset you, Miles," she added earnestly, swishing her tail for emphasis.
11:52pm Feb 26 2011
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[[ Yush. And uh, I mentioned in the post: Only Miles and Seeley know about it. As far as the other werewolves know, it could have been anyone in the pack that killed the vampire.]]
3:46am Feb 27 2011
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"Yea? Well, my parents did the same when I was your age." He lay down on the dry gr*censored*, figiting as her removed a stone that had almost imbeaded itself into his back. "But i don't see them doing that now." He pulled out a tin with the picture of a bat and an stick figurine scrached into the paint. He removed a cigarette and placed it into his mouth, then lighting it. Exhaling the smoke, he sat up once more feeling restless and taking another breath of the intoxicating drug. He curled his lips and shook his head lightly, his shaggy hair being misplaced. "Now, don't do drugs, or smoke, or drink excessive amounts of alcohol." He exhaled one more. "Its bad for you." --- ((Come on twint))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:18am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[Twint said that next week, starting tomorrow, she won't be so active because of the exams :c But it's Sunday, maybe she'll make one more post x3]] Kaori made a face as she smelled the horrible reek of Ichigo's cigarrette. "Yeah, I can see that." She said sarcastically, making a show of pinching her nose and attempting to wave away the fumes. [lolol, I do that sometimes xD] "Can you at least not do it around me? It could infect my foot." She pointed at a random spot on her leg, since she still couldn't find the thorn that pestered her foot. [[I finally got a TP 8D -pokes Kioka- ]]
3:17pm Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 2,842
Catching the scent of more than one werewolf on the air Seeley loped towards them. His fur bristled against the cooless of the night air.Sensing tension and sorrow in the air, he tilted his heavy head ever so lightly and asked, "What's happened?" Turning to lok around quickly he then looked sepecifically at Miles, "Has it happened... again?"
3:20pm Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Still can't post. >.>' ))
5:44pm Feb 27 2011
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[[ Get Calyx/Kohaku invlved in something :p ]]
11:15am Feb 28 2011
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Posts: 1,805
Ichigo chuckled before tilting her head and agreeing with her. "Yea, we don't wan't you getting gangrene and having to amputate you leg off would we?" He stubbed the cigarrete on the sole of his smart black shoes before flicking the stub away. Taking his tin out once again, he removed this time a pair of tweezers. "Well, you'll be glad to know that was the last of my cigarretes." he handed her the tweezers. "Never know when they might come in handy."
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:44pm Feb 28 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Taylor walked like a ghost through the forest, her footsteps silent as she trodded over the pine needles on the ground. She melted from the shadows and approached the pack leader and the others that were around him. He caught the last snippet of what Seeley had asked Miles. "Has what happened again?" she asked as she sat down. -- Ooc; I has no idea where to make Maksie come in. xD
hello my name is elder price
5:41pm Feb 28 2011
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[[Derp. I'll post when I get back from school.]]
6:23am Mar 1 2011 (last edited on 6:23am Mar 1 2011)
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[ I'll post Thursday onwards. Going to a friend's house tomorrow, it's the last exam, but I may be able to rush a quick post. -ish studying-]
6:29pm Mar 1 2011
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Seeley turned to Taylor and snapped, "Nothing you, or anyone else knows. And nothing yoiu need to know of" His tone was harsh although it wasn't meant to be. He sighed, apologizing to everyone, "Sorry. I'm a bit on edge, but Miles, did it?"
7:23pm Mar 1 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Taylor snorted and jumped up to her paws. She stalked away from Seeley and childishly, took a seat next to Miles. She did not need this from the pack leader right now and since she was part of the pack now, she had a right to know why this stupid war had started in the first place. Though she meant to keep her gaze cold, she couldn't help but let a flash of sadness fly across her face. She hoped none of the pack members had seen it in that brief moment.
hello my name is elder price
7:41pm Mar 1 2011
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Miles looked away from Seeley. "Don't know what you're talking about." He mumbled. "I'm getting out of this place. It's getting crowded." Miles rose from his bed and stalked out of his own home. "And you." He paused and whirled around to snap at Taylor. "Should mind your own business. You're as bad as Raquel. Get out of my house." Without another word, Miles ran out of the house and into the moonlight. --- Kaori grudgingly took the tweezers from Ichigo, muttering a 'thank-you'. "Why do you even bring these around?" She asked, examining them and jabbing them at her foot, where the pain had originated from.
8:56pm Mar 1 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Taylor growled at Miles as he snapped at her. "I think it is my business, what with my being in the pack. This war isn't just you and Seeley against the vampires; it involves all of us," she growled, but Miles had already trotted away. Feeling indifferent, but a bit at a loss as to where she belongs, Taylor padded out of the house with her head held high. When she figured she was out of sight, she let her tail droop and her ears flattened against her head.
hello my name is elder price
1:34am Mar 2 2011 (last edited on 1:36am Mar 2 2011)
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Raquel stared after Miles as he ran into the distance. She was rather taken aback by Miles's reaction. Her ears dropped their alert position and drew back against her cranium. Why was Miles so emotionally attached to the war? Of course, all of them naturally knew how devastating and gruesome it was, but Miles had gone way beyond that. And she had triggered it. Was it something I said? She gave Seeley a look which said, What's the matter with you guys? but dared not voice it. She was sure she had created enough problems already. As usual. With a quick dip of he head in Seeley's direction, she exited the room and ran, not looking where she was going. A few metres away from the huts, she slowed her pace. Miles's warning echoed in her head. Juveniles aren't supposed to go outside during the full moon. She didn't think she cared. Shaking off whatever had happened, she decided to see what happened if she did. The prospect of starting a war was a source of worry, but what harm could a short walk do? Anyway, she would keep away from the vampire's territory. Rebelliousness swept through her. She shot a quick look back to make sure no one was watching. If they were, they wouldn't be able to see her anyway; her jet back pelt melted perfectly with the looming shadows of the trees which blocked the silvery light of the moon. She started walking, which was probably not the most sensible decision, but at least, it made her feel satisfied.