3:38pm May 22 2010
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"they are comming whe have to move." sarina said running

3:40pm May 22 2010
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Drake smiled and hauled butt after Sarina.
Anzu is-Online^^
3:41pm May 22 2010
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Sarina can hear them getting closer and saw a dead end. "what do We do?" she asked stopping at the wall

3:42pm May 22 2010
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"Wait for me!"
 (Banner made by Kina)
3:43pm May 22 2010
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Anzu is-Online^^
3:44pm May 22 2010
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"Darn it i thought we would get away." sarina joked

3:45pm May 22 2010
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"Me too."
 (Banner made by Kina)
3:45pm May 22 2010
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"well proves im wrong" sarina looked sad

3:48pm May 22 2010
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Drake growled at the guards as they grabbed him.Two guards grabbed Sarina and dragged her to a room.
Anzu is-Online^^
3:49pm May 22 2010
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((And Nyx is gonna torture Aelyxn. ouo))
3:49pm May 22 2010
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That had put her to sleep so they could put her in the wedding dress. ((im gonna go i will be on in bout half an hour))

4:02pm May 22 2010
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((What about me i was there with them))
 (Banner made by Kina)
4:06pm May 22 2010
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She decided to bust back into that castle. It wasnt boring there, at least. She broke through yet another window, and shards of gl*censored* went flying everywhere. She could see people being handled ruffly by guards at the end of the hall. She grumbled and puffed smoke.
4:41pm May 22 2010
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Meanwhile, in Nyx's chamber, Aelyxn was crying out in pain as some demon raked its claws over his abdomen, and another clawed at his back.
4:46pm May 22 2010
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She heard a cry of pain, and followed it to Nyxs xhamber. She busted the door and went inside. she saw demons clawing at Aelyxn, ran over and grabbed one. she threw it in the air and toasted it with flames.
4:58pm May 22 2010
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Nyx growled, turning to the dragon as she connjured up more demons, along with a few undead creatures, her controlled darkness swirling around her. Aelyxn slumped forward as far as he possibly could while being chained. He closed his eyes, panting softly. Evil...woman.
5:02pm May 22 2010
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She didnt even bother to grab them. She just breathed fire on them, and the ones that survived that got clawed, and if they survived that, toasted again. She turned to Aelyxn and melted his chain with fire, but was careful not to hurt him. Then, turned back toward Nyx.
5:17pm May 22 2010
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Aelyxn just kind of....fell to the ground with a thump and a faint 'Ow', bleeding on Nyx's nice black carpet. Nyx shot dark waves at the dragoness, growling. "Get out of my chambers, your gratified lizard!"
5:25pm May 22 2010
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The dark waves stung. She shot Nyx a look that seemed to say, Whatever, weakling. Then, grabbed Aelyxn and flew out the room, Busting through another window.
5:32pm May 22 2010
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((Lol. And Aelyxn is just wearing like...ripped ants now. xD .... HIS HORSE. D:)) By this time, Aelyxn had fallen unconscious. Stupid demons, making this post a fail.