10:23pm Jun 1 2010
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Hexus was in his throne room.
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10:28pm Jun 1 2010
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Not bad... she seemed to say to the shadow dragon. She breathed a m*censored* of fire at him, making a blazing unavoidable inferno of flame.
10:33pm Jun 1 2010
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The shadow dragon sent a similar m*censored* of shadows at the m*censored* of fire, glowing red eyes carrying a hint of amusement. Nyx appeared in Hexus's throne room, chains in hand. She quickly set to chaining him to his throne, growling the whole time. "Hexuuuusssss~ You of all people should know better than to toy with meeee~" she sang, grinning wildly.
10:34pm Jun 1 2010
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"What did I do!?"Hexus snarled.
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10:44pm Jun 1 2010
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"You kissed that princess, Hexus, after you kissed me twice so you could make sure I found her four you~" Nyx sang, grinning evilly as she placed her face near Hexus's. "If that's how you show your gratitude towards me, then you've made the worst enemy of your life, love. You do not want to go around pissing off a dark mage~" She placed a kiss on Hexus's cheek and skipped back, moving her hands as she danced back and forth, moving very gracefully, the very shadows in the room following her movements. "You used my love for you to get what you want, then shattered the false hope you gave me!"
10:46pm Jun 1 2010
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"Fine.I love you Nyx!"Hexus shouted,struggling to get free.
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10:49pm Jun 1 2010
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"But you don't mean that, Heeeexussssss~ You don't love meeeee~ You never diiiiid~ You love that little Princess, don't yoooouuuu?~" Nyx sang, grinning viciously as she continued her dance, a mad little giggle working its way out into the world, shadows dancing around her as she strted chanting in a language known only to mages.
10:54pm Jun 1 2010
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"Let me go and I'll show that I don't care for Sarina anymore"Hexus said.
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10:57pm Jun 1 2010
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"Liiiiessss~ You've lied to me already~ Why should Nyx believe Hexus now?" she asked, in her spell-casting state where nothing she said really made sense outside of the mage language. She cackled, bouncing back and forth. "Lord Hexus fears his punishment!"
10:59pm Jun 1 2010
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"I love you Nyx and I always have!I want you to rule the world with me!Not Sarina!"Hexus shouted.
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11:05pm Jun 1 2010
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"Can Lord Hexus prove what he says is truth and not more lies?" Nyx purred as she slipped closer, putting her face close to the King's with an evil little giggle.
11:06pm Jun 1 2010
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"let me go then I will prove it"He said.
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11:16pm Jun 1 2010
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"Prove it or Nyx will never let LordHexus go.Lord Hexus will be Nyx's forever and ever," Nyx said, bouncing lightly on the tips of her toes.
11:18pm Jun 1 2010
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Hexus grabbed her and kissed her pas.sionately.
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11:20pm Jun 1 2010
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Nyx instantly slung her arms around Hexus and returned the kiss, her dark hair cascading over her shoulder like a waterfall under the moonlight, dark eyes slowly fluttering closed.
11:20pm Jun 1 2010
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He kept kissing her.
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11:37pm Jun 1 2010
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After a bit, Nyx snapped and the chains vanished while the dark mage continued to kiss her lord, smiling victoriously.
11:38pm Jun 1 2010
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Hexus pulled her onto his lap,smiling."i love you Nyx"he murmured.
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11:40pm Jun 1 2010
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Nyx happily plopped right on down, slipping hr arms around Hexus's neck. "It's about time..." she muttered back, opening one dark eye to stare at Hexus.
11:41pm Jun 1 2010
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Hexus nuzzled her and smiled.
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