7:41am Feb 26 2010 (last edited on 7:45am Feb 26 2010)
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Name: Marcus Fenix Age: thirties Appearance:
Personallity and other details: Fenix was devestated after what he found out about his father, working to sink Jacinto? but now he understood it all, it was all in an attempt to wipe out the Grubb force that was threatening the human race as a species. Now however, now it is up to Fenix to wipe out what was left of the Grubbs, there was a few small towns spread around the sinkhole where Jacinto used to be, him and what was left of Delta squad, Cole dead and Baird left, it was down to him, Dom, and any other gears that decided to join them, this was the force that will save the human race.
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7:45am Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 274
what? I don't get it what am I supposed to do?
11:57am Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 117
Name - Zem Age - 22 Apperance - Personality and other details - Zem always feels great about himself and looks forward to his future. He will do anything to win this fight and is hoping to get some great training while doing missions!
12:02pm Feb 26 2010
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Fenix was stood on the edge of a locust nest, surveying the area when Zem came up behind him, he then put his finger on his comm radio, "Control, Fenix here, you sent me a Rook? honestly? after what happened to Ben Carmine?" "I'm sorry Marcus, but he is the only one who wants to go with you on this mission, thenagain, Dom is coming to your position now, you should have known he wasn't going to leave you alone on this mission." "Yeah Anya, well we should be okay with Dom, look, be careful, yeah?" "Yeah Marcus, don't worry, and good luck."
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8:04am Feb 28 2010
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Fenix turned to see Dom walk up to them, "Hey Marcus man, we ready to shred some grubbs, I still wanna get that damn queen bitc.h for what she did to my Maria." "Yeah I know man, don't worry, we wipe out this nest and the queen'll have absolutely no choice but to try and take us out herself, she aint gonna trust anymore drones with the job, let's go delta! Move out!
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8:11am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 117
Zem runs up to Fenix. " Im so sorry for being late! lets go get those Grubbs!. Zem prepares himself for whats to come. Its pay back time!
8:14am Feb 28 2010
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Fenix and Dom shared a look of irritation, "Rook, your last name aint by any chance Carmine is it?" "No Fenix, that can't happen to us can it, are we really that danger prone?" "Don't know Dom, But I don't wanna have to explain to momma Carmine again, I mean yous aw what happened to Ben, you really wanna have to live through something like that again?"
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8:19am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 117
Zem had no idea what Fenix was talking about so he desided to get ready for when the time comes to take down the remainder of the Grubbs. It was the only think he could do after what happened to his brother!
8:24am Feb 28 2010
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Fenix looked at the rook, "Have you just ignored an answer from a senior officer rook? was your brother's name Ben Carmine?!?" Fenix hated it when new gears ignored him, it was the lack of training, they had started out churning out half trained gears, he was getting sick of it.
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8:30am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 117
Zem was getting a bit freacked out. " Sorry Sir, yes sir Ben Carmine is my brother, is that bad?" Zem didnt mean to make Fenix angry he was just wondering how he knew his brother
8:33am Feb 28 2010
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Fenix felt sorry for losing his temper now, he knew the Rook's brother, both of them, "I'm sorry Carmine, I knew Ben, and Aaron, they died the death's of soldiers, in battle, in protection of their world, you do have active reloads down don't you? only I think that was Ben's main flaw."
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8:38am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 117
Zem thought that Fenix looked and sounded like a good leader so he desided to take his brother place no matter what. " Yes sir i know i feel for there pain, err i dont think so, it was just Ben that had them i was just his younger brother to him" Zem thought that if he can stay alive and win over the world from the Grubbs then he wouldnt just be his younger brother.
8:47am Feb 28 2010
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Fenix looked over the edge, not sure which direction was his best point of attack, he loaded his lancer and revved the saw, making sure he was ready, "MOVE OUT! LET'S WIPE OUT THESE SHI.T EATING BUGS!" Fenix then jumped and slid down the side of the cavern, Dom nodding at Carmine followed suit, they then landed at the edge and starting shredding grubbs, using cover when necessary. Once the main part of the fighting had been done Fenix drew his COG pistol and blasted a hole through one of the hands of the last remaining grubb, causing his to drop his weapin, he then took his lancer into his hands and sawed the grubb in half, "NOW LET'S FIND THAT DAMNED QUEEN!"
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8:54am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 117
Fenix was one good fighter! Zem new that as a fact. " Fenix? i think ive found the Queen we are after!" Zem Looked up at that bast.erd of a queen. " yep we found it alright!" Zem jumped back to stand next to Dom, Zem took aim and started shooting at the queen.
8:58am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 2,378
The queen jumped behind cover, she wasn't used to fighting, and since Skorge had failed her she had no strong warriors left, she leapt on a reaver and flew out of the cavern, moving onto the next nest. Fenix slapped Carmine over the back of the head, "You never engage an enemy like that! You need to get a good angle first! You had no chance of hitting her from there!"
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9:02am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 117
Zem deserved that slap, what was i thinking he said to himself. ill never make a good fighter at this rate. Zem well behind the rest of them waiting to be told what to do as he didnt want to mess things up even more.
9:07am Feb 28 2010
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A brumak was wondering around the cavern, it was huge as usual, at first sight Dom panicked, but once he saw that it had no pilot he lowered his weapon, without even looking he could tell that Carmine was thinking of firing, "Cool it Rook." Fenix looked at Dom, "You thinkin what I'm thinkin Dom?" "You're one crazy bastar.d Marcus, but yeah, unfortunately I am." "Rook, that's our ticket to the next hollow, DELTA, GET ON THAT BRUMAK NOW!" Dom and Fenix both broke off running, picking up ammo on their way, both of them leaping up the Brumak, both getting in two of the three seats available, "C'MON ROOK! GET A SHIFT ON!"
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9:11am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 117
Zem thought they were mad but followed sprinting into a full pelted run to catch up with them. Zem jumped into the last avalible seat. Zem was never any good at running ...
9:15am Feb 28 2010 (last edited on 9:16am Feb 28 2010)
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Posts: 2,378
Fenix looked at the controls, "Same as ever Dom, You got that gun's controls figured?" "Yeah marcus, you sure you ready to ride another one of these, we went rhough hell because of Hoffman last time remember? that whole speech about us being 'too ruthless'?" "Ah well Dom, we gotta keep this reputation goin!" Fenix then started the Brumak off running, it was truly a beast of epic proportions. BRUMAK:
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9:22am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 117
Zem looked at the Brumak - what had he got himself into? some how Zem needed to win over Fenixs and Doms trust again. he desided to try and take on as many enimies as possible!