9:31am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 2,378
The Brumak ran up the opposite wall of the cavern and then was running through tall gr*censored* until reaching the edge of another cavern, "Delta squad, I doubt the queen stayed so close to the last hollow, but we have to be thorough." Fenix then put his fingers in his ear again, "Control, please don't inform Hoffman of this Anya, but we've hijacked another Brumak and we are in persuit of the locust queen, now seems like a perfect time for that date we where talking about." "I bet it does Marcus, well if you want that date, or even anything more off me you're gonna have to make it out of there alive, so good luck." "Thanks Anya, to you also, Delta out." ((Italics means Radio chat.))
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9:36am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 117
Zem tryed not to listen to that personal conversation but he couldnt help it. what were the changes of me ending up like my brother, Zem shuddered at that thought. "Fenix, where do you think that Brumak is heading too?"
9:41am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Fenix glanced back at the rook, "That a serious question carmine? I'm controlling this thing, we're gonna stop now and attack those grubbs in the hollow below, oh and by the way, forget everything me and Anya just talked about, better for your life expectation if you do, trust me." "Oh c'mon Marcus, everyone knows that you and Anya are sweet on eachother, you can tell with the tension in the room when you're both there." Fenix smirked at Dom, "yeah well seinial old Hoffman still aint caught on, and it is better for my neck if he doesn't, so Carmine could still do with forgettin, NOW LET'S GO!" Fenix then climbed down the Brumak and into the hollow below, looking around, his lancer in hands.
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9:46am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 117
Zem laughed, he hoped that Fenix didnt hear him. "sure ill forget it" "err sorry about that erm queen thing i didnt think back there." Zem jumped down and positioned himself begin the rest staying out of trouble for the time being.
9:50am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Fenix walked towards a few Grubbs that were sat around a fire, all un-armed, no weapons in sight, he then drew his handgun and dispatched all five of them mercillessly, he had only wounded one of them, and it was crawling towards the Brumak for some reason, "Carmine, show us your Curb-stomp, kick that sorry a.ss grub over and stomp his head into oblivion!"
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9:57am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 117
"err sure Fenix" Zem prayed that he wouldnt make a a.ss of himself. Zem desided to play safe by aiming from the right corner of the Grubb. Zem jumped out behind the Brumak and before you could say well err a word Zem had detatched the Grubbs head off. "That should do it!" Zem dropped the head and thew it. just to be on the safe side.
10:00am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Fenix nodded at the rook, "Almost as good as me and Dom." he then looked around, there was a palace type structure up ahead, "Let's go Delta, watch out for more like Skorge!"
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10:03am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 117
Zem looked at Fenix in shocked,had he just said that?! Zem followed Fenix and the others while staring at the Palace type thing up ahead.
10:14am Feb 28 2010
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Fenix walked through the front entrance and it slammed shut behind him, he looked out at Dom, "Dom, start making an explosive to blow these doors off, I can hear something coming, so give me a few minutes yeah?" "Yeah okay marcus, just be careful, I don't wanna have to drag your body back to Anya, she loves you." "I know Dom, I'll be careful." Fenix then turned to see someone who was identical to Skorge drop with another one of those saw poles, "Uh, I'm sicka you guys." SKORGE: 
Skorge No. 2 then engaged the saw end of his pole and swung for Fenix, Fenix of course started his and blocked it, he then cut the Grubb's arm off at the shoulder, he then pumped an entire Lancer clip into the alien's chest.
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10:12am Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 117
Zem looked at Dom. "Want me to help with the Explosive?" He wondered if he would say yes. Zem looked at Fenix....wish i could have helped.
10:19am Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 2,378
"I don't need help with this explosive, thisis the only explosive that I do myself, I leave the rest of 'em to Baird, he is okay with the thought of gettin his freakin arm blown off, I don't trust the bombs myself." Grubbs then swarmed down the stairs in the palace, Fenix jumped behind cover, "Dom! hurry it up will ya! these Grubbs are tough!" Fenic began blasting at the Grubbs with his lancer, taking a few out each time he let out a burst of fire, "Damn! These things stink! whatta they eat? shi.t?"
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11:02am Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 117
"Sure i dont mind Dom it just looked like you needed help thats all" "blood.y Grubbs!" Zem jumped down the stairs and landed on one the last Grubb still alive, Zem got out his gun and shot the Grubbs arm off while twisting the stinking Grubbs head off. " i think they do eat shi.t Fenix as thats the only thing that can make them stink that bad."
11:06am Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Fenix stayed in cover, blasting every minute or so, not sure how many of these bastar.ds that where going to come, "DOM!" Dom then ran up and planted the explosive and ran away, "GET DOWN ROOK!"
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2:08am Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 2,378
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11:31am Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 117
Zem jumped down just in time as there was a nasty blast of fire. It exploded the doors and 2 Grubbs gaurding the door. "Way to go Dom!" "Now we can finally get going again!" Zem started to re-load his gun and started to move towards the now broken door frame.
12:00pm Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Fenix found a torqu bow lying on the floor by a dead theron guard, he kicked it up and caught it, "Sweet." Fenix looked around for ammo and saw a wounded Grubb attempting to crawl away, "Watch and learn rook." Fenix then put the Torque bow string on the Grubb's neck and used it to lift the grubb's torso up slightly, he then used his right foot to kick the Grubb in the upper back, severing the Grubbs head completely. TORQUE BOW:
The blades open up and a string fastens on to shoot arrow missiles.
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12:37pm Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 117
Zem stared in amazement. "Blood.y hel.l you are good! i wish to be like you some day" Zem thought that that would never happen but it couldnt help to dream. Zem thought that maybe he should look for an upgrade of weapon. Zem will be on the lookout from now on.
12:40pm Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Fenix stared at Dom, "Up seems the wisest option huh Dom?" "Yeah man, probably, I mean she was at the bottom last time so she is probably upstairs now in an attempt to throw us off." "Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. DELTA OUT!"
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12:45pm Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 117
Zem thought that made sense. why was i so stupid? Zem thought. zem climed unto a large leaking pipe and jumped onto the platform. "err i never was any good at heights, just think of winning Zem, whats the worse that can happen? die? great im going mad, talking to myself well thats new!" Zem slowly walked to what looked like a large bashed up pile.
12:53pm Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Fenix and Dom continued to walk up the stairs, they glanced aver at Carmine who had decided to take the other way up, however it was more dangerous, "Good idea Rook! Take both paths to avoid an ambush!" "Huhuh, nice job Carmine!!" The two Gears then continued to jog up the stairs, looking forward to gutting the queen, Dom wanted to do the honours so bad, "Dom, with it being... you know, the day it is today, I'm gonna let you take point on this one, it'll be your job to kill that fuc.kin queen!" "Marcus man, you can talk about it now, it's been two years since maria... died, I've come to terms with it now, and thank you, I'm lookin forward to takin that bitc.h out."
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