3:16pm Aug 9 2010
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I really have no plot. All the ones I could think of sounded stupid or well boring. So this is an Rp based on well people who are a litte more than extrordinary. Werewolves, Vampires (Please...please bring in the OLD vampires and not the new sparkly 'i love humans' ones), Demons, Angels...anything you can think of. Name: Damien Castiello Gender: Male Age: 23 Personality: Damien may have a light and happy appearance, but he loves to see people suffer. His favorite hobby is to steal souls from chlidren and see how they fair without a hope in the world. He can be sweet and caring when he wants to be or if he feels a certain connection towards the person. Appearance:  History: He has the appearance of an Angel, but deep inside the blood that rusn through his veins is purely demon. He doesn't know his parents, nor does he really care where he came from. The only thing he remembers is being lied to. He remembers older demons looking down on him telling him that he was only here to destroy the world, then remembers others telling him he could save the world. The words seemed to burry into his mind until one day he finially snapped and realized that his powers could save no one. Thus is when his personality turned and he gave up trying to impress and please those who knew he was 'special'. He embraced his powers which only seemed to worsen as the years pas.sed by. Powers: He has the ability to steal souls from the living without killing them. He both needs and enjoys this ability because his victums seem to loose hope. This ability is simular to a vampires need for blood. He needs souls in order to keep him strong and his demon powers under control. He also has the ability to create ice and freeze anything in his touch. This power he can control at his own will unlike the soul stealing. Post your bio to join. I will bring in a female later.

12:56am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 1
ooc:// Sounds entersting. We can join as anything? Plot idea: Maybe the balance between good creatures and evil are starting to cause serious issues with the human race? Like maybe a war is brewing just around the corner. Its really vague I know, but that's all I can think of. tle="Smile" />
10:10am Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 10:11am Aug 10 2010)
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Name: Nyrake Hilet Yiroe Alias: Nyara Age: 20 Gender: Female Looks: She stands a little above 5'6" and weighs almost 100 lbs. She has long blond hair and big blue eyes that seem to pierce through to the soul. Her hands are pale even when she was human. She is usually seen wearing a red t-shirt with orange stripe like things and blue shorts that are very short, only about two hand-widths. Atop her head are orange ears that stick out of her matt of hair. Protruding from her shorts in a long orange and black tail. She seems to resemble some sort of tiger girl. On her back are the markings of one devil wing and one Angelic wings. They glow sometimes. Persona: Rp out Species: Vampire (Human at the beginning of rp.) Power (When vamp): Manipulation of Fire, Shapeshift into Big cats Other: Unlike most Vampires, she has a soul. (Maybe have something going on between her and Damien?))
 <-- Click me
11:27am Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 11:38am Aug 10 2010)
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Posts: 115
((Join?)) Name- Blessing Gender-Female Age- looks 14 (really much older) Species- Witch Appearance-  She also has a pair of wings that look like larger versions of her familiars (exept a darker purple, the same color as her clothes). Her eyes are a glowing silver. Personality- Blessing is very quiet. She always seems very sad. When she is with others who accept her, that sadness almost fades away from her eyes, but it is always still there. She tries to fit in with humans and help them, but always seems to stand out and be rejected. Because of this, she never approaches anyone anymore, and remains alone with only her familiar. History- Blessing was born around the same time as the Salem Witch Trials. She learned magic from an old woman in the woods near her home. However, when the trials began, the old woman was killed. Blessing's own father, a very superstitious man, reported her to the witch hunters, but Blessing ran away before they could capture her. She has been trying to fit in ever since, but is always exciled and persecuted-and anyone who helps her suffers the same fate Powers- Blessing can fly on her wings. She can also conjure up a purple fire. Other- Blessing has a familiar (shown in the picture) named Cyn. He can communicate with her, and is her only friend. She found and rescued him soon after she left her home
11:30am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 1,584
(sounds fun joinage??))

11:39am Aug 10 2010
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name- Kiona Leigh age-21 Gender- Female looks- Personality- Very fun loving and playful. She loves to tell jokes and pull pranks. She isn't one of those deamons that hates the world so much she wants to destroy it. She is a deamon that is different. She loves to play games. and much more that you'll see. History- Honestly you don't want to know Power- she has the power to control shadows. she can surround herself or other people in shadows.

11:58am Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 11:59am Aug 10 2010)
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Name: Lucifer Gender:Male Age: 20 Personality:Lucifer has a mixed personality. he can appear calm and comp*censored*ionate, but hides deep feelings of anger and hatred within his empty soul. Looks:  History: he is the fallen angel of worship. While ministering on the mountain of God, he began to consider his own position of prominence. Lucifer became prideful, believing that he deserved more than what he already had. He ministered so closely to the throne of God that he thought it would be a simple thing to take for himself a throne, and make himself like the Most High. this lead to his downfall. Powers: light, air and persuasion.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

12:15pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 1,805
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

8:17am Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 115
8:37am Aug 11 2010 (last edited on 8:55am Aug 11 2010)
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Posts: 7,620
Name:Hesiko Takimoyu Age:Unknown Gender:Male Species:Chimera(Vampire Shapeshifter werewolf demon) Persoality:For a chimera he is very kind hearted and strong willed.He does have a soul and that makes him an even nicer being.He is also very romantic and has a bit of a temper.He is very persistant and determined he never backs down in anyway.He can always asure trouble comes to find him.He is more like a cat ofr panther then anything.Hes also very stubborn like a cat to not really following orders.Hes very fierce in battle and is aways ready for one.He is very comical and outgoing at times but he mostly keeps to himself.He doesnt have a thing for discovering new people so he may tense up a little. History:He was first a human boy who had a pet Panther snowleopard hybrid name Zero.He lived with his parents happily until the night of a storm and a killer on the loose came into there house and killed his parents right infron of him.Zero was only a cub at the time and couldnt do anything.Hesiko was at first cowaring in the corner when the killer walked over to him slowly holding the gun.He gained courage and threw a knife at the killer right into his heart killing the man.As hesiko went over to him parents with Zero he never cried instead he screamed to the heavens of the pain he felt maybe shedding a few tears unknowingly.He was placed for adoption not letting anyone take his Zero away from him.Two scientists a male and a female adopted him only to make his life a living hell experimenting on him when he was only 6 they put different species DNA in his body seeing that it exepted it.As he grew the progressed into this being that was strange but powerful at the same time.They also experimented on is pet allowing him to shapeshift into a human whenever he wnted and he also gained a few other powers.Hesiko became dangerous and worked to kill the scientists who did this to him.eversence hes been sort of a loaner only with Zero by his side. Powers:Hesiko has the power of power mmicry which allows him to copy another persons power.He also has different stages of his body.He can shapeshift into the big cats and different types of wolves.He has claws made out of adamantium but they are black and allow him to shred through anything.He also has the powers of a werewolf and the powers of a vamire.His eyes can change color with his emotions too.He also has the power of mind control. Zero can turn into a human whenever he wants and he also has the powr of telekinisis and Telepathy and use them whenever.The two can also merge together to become one.He also has the power of mental projection Looks: (This is hesiko without the hole and bruises) (Zero in panther form/Zero in human form)

12:18pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 7,620
(this is the longest bio i have ever done)
12:44pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 776
ooc:// Yay, but holy crap. I thought this thread died a long time ago and to just log on randomly and see it kidn of makes me happy! Okay. I'll have my second bio up in a minute then post my intro under. ^.^
12:48pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 7,620
{[lol sorry got interested when i saw it}}
1:13pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 776
Name: Estelle Valerro Age: 20 Gender: Female Personality: Estelle is sweet and caring. She tends to look after and likes to look after children. She likes the people who are truelly innocent and has never done harm, but that is getting hard to come by these days. She doesn't really respond well to people who have hurt others and can get a little upset. The only one person she has been truely mad with is Damien, but running into him is starting to be a common occurance. Appearance:  History: She refuses to say but the only thing she will let you know is that she is an Angel who was cast down from heaven. Powers: She can guide lost souls to an after life. She has the ability to create animals out of the most simplest things, for example water drops. She also has teh ability to create white light from her hands, but she hardly ever uses it unless she is in a fight. ----- It was currently around midnight and a hodded figure snuck through the alley ways watching humans go in and out of a random night club. A slight hiss admitted from the figure's throat as he spied a younger female heading his way fumbling around looking for her car keys. With a slight smirk he cast off the hood he was wearing, stepping out of the alley to give her some as.sistance. "Hello my dear. Would you like some help?" He questioned letting his blue eyes soften to draw her attention in. "Umm." the girl muttered seeming to be in a sort of trance. "Here. It is not safe for you to be drinking and driving. Let me be the perfect gentleman and guide you home" Damien smiled warmly taking her arm and leading her down the street away from her car. "You look ravishing tonight" He complimented watching pink apear on her cheeks. They stopped when they were out of sight and he spun her around, pressing her back against a brick building. He went to lean forward and kiss her but something hit his shoulder knocking him off balance and loosing the little spell he had on the girl. She screamed and ran off causin Damien to let out a low hiss. "Who the..." He went to curse but layed eyes on Estelle who seemed to be glaring at him. "I swear if you keep stealing young women's souls and childrens you will be known as a molester, Damien. Then goes your perfect little plan" Estelle snapped wanting to strangle him but held herself off. "I don't see you helping me, Estelle. Why don't you guide those little souls my way and I wouldn't be forced to scavenge" he snapped turning his back on her and walking away. "I would never help you" Estelle snapped spreading her wings and flying up till her barefeet hit the edge of the roof top. She stood there watching as Damien walked into the darkness making sure he wasn't going to try anything else.

1:34pm Aug 12 2010
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Hesiko sat in a tree looking out onto the streets being able to shapeshift into the big cats and wolves he could see in the dark.His eyes glowed a ruby blood red color that could leave you to wonder and stare but then you would feel fear.He made a low growl seeing the people enjoying thereselves with there families.Zero who was in panther form looked at him he talked to him using telepathy'whats wrong nya you seem a little tense this night whats on your mind'Zero said nudging at his owners hand.Hesiko looked down at him and pet his head which made zeros tail flicker.Even though he could turn human now he still acted more like a cat.'Its nothing zero just looking over the past thats all'Hesiko said with a sigh.Zero looked at him then at the sky'i know what you mean nya i miss them too'.Hesikos eyes bucked a little then they narrowed.He remebered how loving his parents were to the both of them.They would always be there for him and do whatever they could to make him happy and keep him safe.They lived the perfect life with the perfect company.He remebered when he first got Zero.He was a rescue who was filthy sad an d lonely.His parents were so nice they took him in and gave Hesiko the responsibility of taking care of him which he did happily and perfectly.Those two were the center of hesikos parents attention.He wish they didnt die then he wouldnt be this right now. Hesiko hit the trunk of the tree which made Zero jump a little and look at him confused.Hesiko looked at him then petted his head with a smirk"Sorry".Zero let out a cubs roar in understanding.He knew what Hesiko was going through even though he was going through it himself.They both shared the pain together they were that connected. Zero got up and stretched and hesiko got up as well.They both leaped down from the tree.Hesiko had panther feet so he landed like they did gracefully and alaways on there feet.He sniffed the air smelling the blood of the people"Lets go before i get thirsty"He looked at Zero who nodded in response his tail swaying side to side. They both turned heading back toward a forest preserve.They always hung out there.It only seemed natural that they go there where they can be alone in solitude without having to deal with the humans.It was so irrritating when they got curious and or nosey.Zero just scared them off easily it wasnt hard at all but if they were drunk that was another story.

1:52pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 776
Damien walked away from the little night club seeming to glare at the concrete. If it wasn't concreate his sharp blue eyes would easily burn a hole into it. He would have stopped a few feet away from Estelle and try again, but Estelle wasn't going to give up on him that easy. "If you keep following me you might as well just try give me your soul" Damien growled glancing over his shoulder at the winged female walking the roof tops following him. "Now Damien. If I did that where would the fun be in torturing you and watching you go insnae" She smirked spreading her wings and landing next to Damien gently. "You dont' know the meaning of insane when it comes to me. Do you enjoy watching me slaughter people versus just giving them nothing to live for?" he asked curiously watching a smirk fall upon her face. "Oh Damien. I only do this because there is a balance that must be kept. If I allowed you to feast tonight that order would be off which means you would have to starve yourself later down the road" She sighed. "Order? Ha. Like I care about order. Seriously Estelle? You think I am going to allow you to hold me back?" he growled stopping and placing his hand on her throat. "I will do what I please with the humans. Stay out of my life" He snarled going to throw her aside but her wings managed to make it so she didn't go very far. "When people are hunting you, don't come running to me" she said disapearing into the darkness behind him. "What ever"He growled looking for his next victim.

1:59pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 115
From a nearby alley, Blessing had watched the exchange between Damien and Estelle. As Estelle flew away, Blessing shrank back into the shadows, pressing herself against the brick wall. You know, you could have talked to them, a voice said in her head. Blessing turned to see Cyn, her familiar, flying toward her. Here, Cyn said. He laid a sandwich at her feet. "Cyn! Where did you get those?" she asked. From that house 2 blocks down. Don't look at me like that. Everyone's asleep at this hour. I just flew in through the window. Anyway, what would they say? "I saw a small creature with purple fur and red eyes fly in and steal some food?" No one believes in familars these days, Blessing. And you're avoiding my question." Blessing bit into the sandwich. "What would I have said?"Hi, I'm Blessing. I'm a witch. And since we all look like we're not normal, wanna be friends?" Come on. Anyway, the male didn't look like someone I'd want to know. And the female....did you see how good she looked? She wouldn't want to know a 'witch'. She'd just run away, at least, if not try to destroy me. Like everyone." Blessing looked down, her eyes sad. Cyn nudged her. Come on, don't think like that. Lets go find somewhere to rest, ok?" Blessing nodded. She stretched out her wings, and, looking to make sure no one was there, pushed off into the sky
2:15pm Aug 12 2010
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Hesiko and Zero walked into the forest preserve.Zero enjoyed being here after all it was sort of like his natural habitat and their were dear and all kind of animals he could hunt and Hesiko if he was controlling his thirst for humans and eating animals.Hesiko sighed going to the largest tree in the preserve.They weent tired so they didnt go home yet.Zero followed him and jumped onto the tree but Hesiko was already up there.Astonished,Zero growled turning into human form"How did you get up here so fast".Hesiko smirked"Getting slow are you".Zero growled but before he could say anything Hesiko spoke"And dont say you like you dont know me".Zero huffed his panther tail swishing ad he did so"Im hungry im gonna go hunt for a sec".Hesiko smirked"Dont let them out run you" He chuckled.Zero looked at him,his eyes narrowed and he growled. Zero turned back into a panther jumping from the tree and bouncing off a another to get safetly to the ground.He looked around his sickly colored yellow-green eyes looking about to ind that deer he saw earlier.He smirked picking up its scent and started to trotting to it.He crouched down seeing the female deer was with a buck'maiting season already' he joked in his mind.He crept closer then once seeing the bucks head was down.He lashed out at the large buck jumping on his back.The buck started to try to buck him off as the female ran away.Zero slashed at his neck then crawled around the beasts neck to give the fatal attack of biting him at the neck.Success! the buck was down.Zero chuckled picking up the buck and heading back to where Hesiko was. Hesiko looked at the sky sighing and laying down on one of the tree's branches.'No stars tonight there must be other demons out looking for people to feed on'He reverted his eyes to the moon.Being a werewolf also he knew that turning into a wolf when the moon struck was natural but he didnt feel like it.Being an overgrown furball didnt really fit his style.

2:31pm Aug 12 2010
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Kiona stood in an alley. The shadows that she controled surrounded her so she could hide from the others that were around. She watched as Damien talked to a beautiful girl. She smirked. When she flew off Kiona made the shadows fall away from her. She sat down a large crate in the alley and started to play with some darkness in her fingers. She smiled as she tossed the dark ball in her hands. Her nimble fingers could control all darkness in this world. the music in side boomed through the brick walls. She soon gave up playing with the shadows and just sat there with her long legs crossed and her fingers intertwined on her lap. ((thats all ive got..))

3:05pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 776
Damien seemed to slow is walk as he glanced behind him feeling another presence. He took a deep breath and seemed give off a smirk spinning around narrowing his eyes to notice a girl sitting on a crate. "Hello there miss. Spying were you?" He asked as his sharp blue eyes softened. He made his way to the alley entrance stopping and leaned against one of the buildings just watching her with curiosity. Estelle had flown away, but she didn't go very far. In fact she had watched Blessing fly off. With a soft smile she spread her wings watching where the little witch was going debating or not to follow. She wanted to, the girl looks and seemed so young. Glancing back at the direction Damien went she gave out a large sigh before shaking her head. "I don't trust you Damien, but this is not my battle it is yours" she said flying off to follow Blessing.