6:13pm Oct 5 2010
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I snapped my eyes open from my half-napping state and give Horizon and Akilina a small glare. ‘Come on guys,’ I say quietly, not wanting to interrupt whatever argument they’re having. ‘It’s just breakfast. I won’t have any eggs, as usual, Aki, but you’re cooking is fine.’ Eggs disgust me; since I feel so avian it makes me feel as if I’m eating a cousin or something. So I tend to avoid eggs and chicken. Brushing a strand of black hair that is covering my eyes I give the flock a small smile. ‘I’ll see if I can rustle some protein for us. Tofu, legumes or meat?’ Waving my hands gently in the air I remind them of my ability to create things out of nothing. Useful if you’re on the run.
6:21pm Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 6,948
"Tofu is fine, Vegetarian, remember?" Aki smiled slightly, dishing out the berries she had collected. She felt the earing in her pocket and wondered if she could make it into something to sell. As if. she was on the run, if her 17 foot wingspan didn't get her noticed, the fact that she had feathers cirlcing her neck would...
 <-- Click me
6:30pm Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Shrugging I nodded. 'Alright. I'll get you some tofu and whatever you guys want I'll see if I can rustle some up,' I said with a grin, wriggling my fingers with anticipation. Spreading out my 16ft wings to ease the ache that had gathered from sleeping in a tree, I settled on my haunches and closed my eyes in preparation. Tofu, I thought with an air of concentration, imagining the item I was trying to create. Cupping my hands together I brought them up to my lips, blowing into the small hole between my thumbs. A bright silver and white light made my hands glow as the air inside them grew warmer, nearly searing my hands. 'Ouch,' I muttered angrily, though by now I was used to this feeling. Opening my hands inside lay a perfect piece of tofu almost as large as my two hands, sitting on a large dock leaf. 'Sorry it wasn't a better plate, but I'm really tired,' I apologized to Aki.
6:32pm Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((She can't conjur up everything. Right? Causre that could be cl*censored*ified as Marysue.)) "Its alright." Aki said, patting the younger girl on the back. "Its as good as it can get. I mean really, we're in the middle of nowhere, how are you supposed to get anything else?" She smiled and munched on the tofu and eggs. She was happy no one had asked why the heck there was a bulge in ehr pocket and decided against telling everybody...
 <-- Click me
8:29pm Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[No. If you read my Bio it's only things she understands. o3o She studied food personally for the flock.]
10:47pm Oct 5 2010
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 <-- Click me
10:55pm Oct 5 2010
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[I'm waiting for more people.]
8:57am Oct 7 2010
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Posts: 2,963
"Eggs are protein," I say a bit belatedly as I fall from the branch. I open my wings up a bit to slow my descent and land with my knees bent and a good, solid thump on the ground surrounding the tree. As I brush off my grubby white t-shirt, I allow my gaze to roam around, on the lookout for trouble. ((Im so brain dead Pulled a shoulder muscle so I can only type with one hand. XD))
Resident mounted archer
9:02am Oct 7 2010
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'Yeah,' I mutter a bit ungraciously, but brighten a bit when I notice the berries Aki has. 'But you know how uncomfortable eggs and poultry makes me. I guess I feel more connected to our cousins.' This was probably evidence of my upbringing, which was slightly different compared to the other's. I had been studied by being placed in a habitat with many other avian species, so that's why I felt so friendly with birds and such.
9:17am Oct 7 2010
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Posts: 2,963
I glance at Neith and bit my lip to keep from smirking; who knew what that would bring? But I understand her feelings; if I were part cow I wouldnt want to eat hamburgers....okay, no, maybe I would...but thats beside the point. "It would explain vegatarianism..." I muse pointlessly.
Resident mounted archer
9:22am Oct 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
I giggled lightly. 'I'm not vegetarian, you know that!' I exclaim with a grin, slipping into a sitting position on my tree branch. 'I like beef, pork, veal, you name it. Just not poultry. So I suppose I'm like, one-fourth vegetarian...or something.' Tugging a stray strand of hair from my eyes I shoot a look around our campsite. Clean and orderly, luckily. As bird-kids we could be a bit sloppy, but at least we bothered to clean up after dinner. No rat carca.sses lying around at any rate. Slipping a hand around my hair I secured it in a loose bun with the hair tie I always keep on my wrist. Curls of black hair falling out partially covered my left eyes, making me brush it away angrily. 'Anyways, what do you want for breakfast?' I ask Talon conversationally.
9:29am Oct 7 2010
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Posts: 2,963
"Food." I say with a shrug. "I dont care, really, I just want to eat." I watch Neith put her hair up and shakemy head, running fingers through the shaggy hair that peaks my own head. "I dont see how girls can put up with that stuff," Subject change, I berate myself inwardly and sigh. Not even 'awake' for ten minutes and Im so bored out of my skull Im commenting on a girls hair. For Petes sake...
Resident mounted archer
10:01am Oct 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
'Hair?' I ask with a cheerful smile, twirling one strand around my finger just to taunt him. 'Why, to attract men of course.' Giving him a mischeivous smirk I close my hands together and blow on them, creating another halo of light. 'Here,' I say, proferring a leaf of waffles, complete with syrup. Little did he know the surprise I had stuck in the center, just a small prank really.
10:07am Oct 7 2010
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Posts: 2,963
"Why would you want to do tha-" I felt my eyes widen at the sight of the waffles and swallowed so it wouldnt come out my mouth. When Neith held the food out I ordered myself not to snatch it away...but thats what I wanted to do; grab it and fly somewhere with My precioussssss "Uhm, thanks, Neith." I say, taking them civily. I caught her look. "What'd you do to it? You didnt spit on them, did you?"
Resident mounted archer
11:18am Oct 7 2010
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'Did you see me spit on them?' I asked, raising an eyebrow in question. 'No, I didn't. But...' trailing off I tilted my head back lazily to gaze at the sky. 'I did put some raw eggs in there, a bit of ground eggshell, raw veal and a couple of twigs and leaves. Ground it up nicely so you wouldn't notice.' Not really, but it was fun to play around with his mind. The waffles were perfectly edible. But even if I had decided to actually put that in his waffle it wouldn't hurt him. Us mutants are too hardy.
12:19pm Oct 7 2010
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Posts: 2,963
"Great!" I grinned and dug in. Half way through I glanced up, making sure I had a look of disappointment. "Aww. Theres no leaves in here. I was hoping for some mint..." I bent down to pick up some gr*censored* and dirt and deposited it on top of the top waffle with a grin. "Ah! Perfect!"
Resident mounted archer
12:43pm Oct 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Dropping off my branch I crouch by him, giving him a light smirk. `Right,`I said. Opening my hand I scatter a few eggshells on his waffles. `Any better?` I asked cheekily. Sometimes Talon could get on my nerves, and it was easier just to play minor pranks on him than to simply get all blown up and angry. Ruffling my wings so they would sit better in the small hollows of my back I leaned back against a tree and folded my arms behind my head, gazing up at the sky.
1:04pm Oct 7 2010
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Posts: 2,963
"As a matter of fact, yes." I grin, taking a big bite, making sure to get eggshell and my additions to the waffles and chewing thoroughly. I swallowed, thinking. "Maybe this is my skill-Stomach of steel!" I thump my torso and strike a pose. "I could be in the circus!" The thought struck me that I-we-could get in there without the powers the others had and my silly grin fell.
Resident mounted archer
1:19pm Oct 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
`Really,`I said in a desbelieving tone, but heck, that could be his ability for all we knew. Raising an eyebrow at him again I set about making my own breakfast. Doing my customary hand movements and such, I created a pretty simple breakfast of toasted bread and peanutbutter. Possibly the best thing on earth if you asked me. Blowing on it to cool the bread down I bit into it with a grin, happy that it had turned out alright.