For the Best ╰☆╮ Pokémon RP

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11:24am Jun 4 2011

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Posts: 5,998

[[ Shinohara, your characters are accepted :]

They'll have their Pokémon stolen. You could be a new trainer, if you want to be. If that settles it, then how do they gather? Maybe the Sinnoh/Johto region. Only two I'm familiar with ><'' ]] 


4:19pm Jun 4 2011

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Posts: 736
(( Johto! Johto is my favourite, and in my opinion, the best -cough- not biased at all. Now that I know where it is, I think the best place for this gathering is at burned tower, tin tower, lake of rage, Mt. silver or Ilex forest. Most of the places are legendary related, Lake or rage is a large plane with a lake and forest and Everyone knows of Mt silver. M.t mortar would also work, however out problem there is getting there, as it is in the sea. I vote lake of rage.))

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

9:43pm Jun 4 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ So gathering shall take place at Lake of Rage? Shoor o3o The Legendaries shall meet up with the Trainers there, to save posts describing their journey towards the Lake xD ]]


10:33pm Jun 4 2011

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Posts: 411
(Oooh.. okie. XD. Sorry, I'm internetless.)

YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;

10:51pm Jun 4 2011

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Posts: 5,998

[[ Derp. I'll start, experimentally. Dun complain if this post stinks :c I think we can have a few characters recognize/know each other? o3o ]]

Miles alighted in Mahogahny Town on his brother's Pidgeotto. Nodding a thanks and giving the Pokémon food for the flight home, Miles walked off towards the Lake of Rage, not stopping to look at the shops. There, he approached a rather tall male, poking him hard on the shoulder. "Why did you call me here, Natsume?" Miles sounded a bit gruff. His friend looked at Miles over his shoulder, smiling.

"You're here, Miles." Natsume said. Miles let out an exasperated sigh.

"That's all you got? I had to fly from Kanto to get here, now what's the important message?" Miles sounded like he was on the verge of a fit. 

"Oh, I thought I'd just call you out." Natsume replied airily. Miles clenched his fists.

"Look, Natsume, just because I know you doesn't mean I'll punch yo-..." Miles trailed off when something dark floated near Natsume. "Uh... Natsume? Tell me that's a Ditto you recently caught." Miles stared at the shadowy Pokémon.

"Oh, him?" Natsume leaned towards the shape. "Naw, it's Darkrai, alright. Say hi to Miles, Darkrai." The Pokémon didn't do much, but nodded stiffly at Miles.

"Not funny, Natsume." Miles muttered.

"Oh? I think we've got company." Natsume gestured towards the Lake. Miles shot Natsume an irritated glance, walking over to the edge and peering towards the Lake. "Look down." Natsume called. Miles made a tch sound but oblidged, and then nearly fell off. Down the edge, floating near the water's edge, there were Pokémon. Lots of Pokémon. 

"The..." Miles gulped. Natsume nodded, looking quite happy with himself.

"The Legendary Pokémon themselves." Natsume grinned.


Maya trotted out of her home in Mahogahny, annoyed by the fact that the kid that passed her parent's shop hadn't bothered to come in. Business was slow these days, and Maya was basically trapped inside her home, unable to travel anywhere because her Pokémon were now gone. She followed the boy quietly, hiding behind trees and bushes. When Darkrai emerged, Maya gaped, astounded. It seemed real enough, definitely not a Ditto's attempt at mimicking a Legendary. This black-haired boy... Was he powerful? Maya twitched when she saw him stare at the bushes. She sank lower to the ground, only to feel something extremely cold touch her.

"AAAAH!" She screeched, leaping out from the bushes when she came face-to-face with Darkrai.

"Huh. A spy?" Natsume asked nobody in particular. Maya looked annoyed.

"No, I'm not a spy." She replied. "I was just wondering what you two were up to. Looks really shady to me." Darkrai floated back towards Natsume. The brown-haired boy looked up.

"Oh, shut up. There's a hoard of-" He clamped his mouth shut before he could say anything else. Maya narrowed her eyes.

"Hoard of what?" She asked him. Miles shook his head, mumbling something.

"Oh, let her be. Perhaps she's one of the chosen too!" Natsume said merrily. Maya tilted her head to one side.

"Chosen?" She echoed, confused. As if on cue, a blue blur leapt up, startling Miles, and streaked towards Maya, halting inches away from her. Maya's eyes widened. "Sui-Suicune...?" She whispered, awed. The majestic blue Pokémon looked even more impressie in real life.


Sanae had come to Mahogahny Town on foot to purchase a Rage Candybar on her mother's request. With the candy in her pocket, Sanae strolled through the town.

"Hrr... Maybe I should visit the Lake of Rage. Maybe I could see the Red Gyarados!" Sanae was muttering to herself. The sight she saw at the Lake almost threw Sanae off her own feet. "Darkrai? Suicune?" Sanae looked utterly confused. The boy closest to Darkrai noticed Sanae, since she wasn't too hard to find.

"More company." He alerted his friends.

"Uh... Didn't mean to intrude... Sorry." Sanae muttered. She felt like slapping herself. If only her Pokémon were still with her. She would've challenged the Legendary Pokémon without hesitating. But without them... What was Sanae supposed to do? 


6:39am Jun 5 2011

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Posts: 736

Mizu sat outside of the Mahogany Town Gym. She had spent the morning obsering several trainers battle the gym leader, Pryce, only one of them coming away victorious. She was remenicing the training herself and her sneasel went under whilst training with Pryce when she still had her pokemon. Wipping away a bead of sweat as it rolled down her pale complection, she picked herself up off the ground as a farmiliar face ran past through the town. "Is That... Why would he be here?" She muttered to herself, preventing herself from falling forward as she stood with a jolt.

She had encountered this lad on numerous occations throughout kanto, so she knew it was the right lad. pushing a starand of hair from her eyes, she darted for a bush and removed from it a satchel with seven johto badges on the top. Brushing the hair from her face once again, she headed for the lake of rage. Skidding to a halt, she turned around to go to a shop. 

Knocking on the door before entering she walked over to a middle aged man behind the counter. "Afternoon Mr. Cathers, Is Maya in?" She asked, surprised to hear that she wasn't. Maya was always complaing how there was never anything to do, since their pokemon were stolen, so she was normally always at the shop.

Deciding other wise, Mizu continued to head for the lake. As she reach the cliff, there was already a gathering of people there. "Whats going on?" She mumbled, she furrowed her brow when she noted Maya's long black hair and Miles hat. "Do they know each other?" She queried?

Shaking her puzzlement out, she jogged towards the small gathering. "Maya! Miles! Hey there!" She called to them, hoping to gain there attention. "What are you here?" She started to say, seeing for herself why there was a congregation of people.

It was certianly a specticle to see, far more amazing than a red gyrados.


Ichigo had been sleeping out in the forest the night before. His so-called friends had tied him to a tree so he was incapable of escaping. He didn't mind as such, He actually thought it was rather funny, however the fact that they had left no food was bothersome. 

Finally freeing himself from the vines, He rummaged around the leaf litter for his head phones, finding them only after five minuets. Clamping them back onto his head, he started following the streams of light that shone through the tree's. He was awe-struck. Having an mini panic attack he balled his eyes, and clung to a tree. "Why are all these legendaries here!"  He yelped, turning to see a gathering of youngsters around his age 100 yards away.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

7:45am Jun 5 2011

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Posts: 2,158

Fiona laughed at a couple of new trainers who struggled to open their pokedex. Some little kids they are! I bet they will become great trainers! she thought to her self. Glancing at the clock, she realized she was late to meet Ren, who whould have just arrived in Mahogany Town.

She neared the meeting point, Route 45. No Ren. That do-do bird! she screamed in her head. Just like him to get himself lost here! he SAID he would meet me right here on Route 45! Guess what? HE LIED!  she tried to relax. "Calm Down, Fiona!" she said out-loud to herself. "He has to be here someplace! Just look!" She began to waddle down Route 45.

"REN! get your butt over here!" she cried, flailing her arms and running all over the place. Just then, a stream of light grabbed her attention. "Ren?" she asked. Toughen up, it's just light! she said to herself. But it did not help, she was puzzled at the so sudden light stream. But any determined trainer would have to face their fears sooner of later and if she wanted to find Ren, she would have to do the same. Before continuing, Fiona stuck her hands into her bag and pulled out a sharp stick Ren had made for her birthday last year. It was for protection if she was ever stuck or lost. Of course, Fiona had laughed at the idea of being stuck of lost. Now that she was in need of protection, she saw how rude her laughing was.

With a deep breath, she started to follow the light stream to where she knew as the LAke of Rage. Behind all the mist, she expected to find one hundred hungry gyarados but what she found was just as strange. A darkari and a suicune stood where her eyes were drawn to. A bunch of trainers stood there too. "Whats-whats going o-o-on?" she demanded in awe.

Then she saw Ren, who was standing next to Miles. When he saw Fiona looking at him, red with rage he quickly ran over. "I can explain! I saw this, this like light stream and I just was drawn to it! But guess what I found! It's Suicune and Darkari themselves!" Fiona closed her eyes and calmed her rage.

"I guess, I guess it's amazing!" she mumbled. Then she turned to the hoard of trainers. "What in the world has happened to the Lake of Rage?" she demanded even more violently than the last demand. "How did you get these pokemon? What have you done to them! How can I get a legendary for myself!" she pictured meeting her dream pokemon, Entei, and being partners. And Ren, meeting Ho-oh his dream pokemon. 


1:11am Jun 6 2011

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Posts: 5,998

Miles looked up when he heard his name. Groaning at the sight of Mizu, he leaned against a tree, while Natsume just smirked as a whole wave of new kids arrived.

"Mizu, what the heck are you here for." He complained. Natsume shushed him.

"Now now, Miles. I suppose you two," he pointed at the two named Ren and Fiona, "were also attracted to this spot because of your guts?" Natsume nodded. "Hm, I was brought here too because of that."

"Look, this is great and all, but what's it for?" Maya interjected, though her eyes were still on Suicune. 

"I dunno about you guys, but this is great!" Sanae said cheerfully, already patting a humongous Rayquaza. 


2:38am Jun 6 2011

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Posts: 736

Mizu Sared at Miles. His comment was down right rude. She rolled her eyes and looked away holding hin a rant. She bit her lip the jolted her head back over to him failing in her attempt. "Well, I will have you know, I live in Mahogany Town, which I will also tell you, is in Johto I you could beileve it. And, did you know, that the lake of rage is closest to Mahogany town?" She shoved her hands in her pockets Prevent herself from punch the boy. 

"I don't know either Maya." She replied rather mellow, before continuing to snap at Miles. "If this is about me beating you in a battle the last two times we met, buck up, I won't be the first girl who beats you, besides, what comes around, hey?" She remarked sarcastically, Glancing over to the boy hugging the tree.

"Whats wrong with him?" She gestured with a slight head movement, Soon turning her attention to the tall lad dressed rather formally. "You seem to know whats going on, Don'cha." She smirked, looking to him, then behind him at the Darkrai. 

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

7:32am Jun 6 2011

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Posts: 2,158

Fiona rolled her eyes and walked closer to the group of trainers. "Hello!" she said with her snotty attitude. "I don't know what type of dittos you have, but I need one! So, if you can just show me where I can get one, I'll be on my way!" she crossed her arms. 

Ren walked up to his sister. He laughed. "Don't worry, she is not always like this!" he said smiling hopefully at the group. "But, I do have to agree wit her this time, how did you get your dittos to look like legendary pokemon? I did not think it was possible! Unless..." he paused.

"No! they can't be..." Fiona turned to Ren with big eyes. "Not, the real ones..." she shivered.

"I guess anything is possible!" Ren said. "It's just so unlikely!"  



10:48am Jun 6 2011

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Posts: 11,785

Elias sighed softly as he ran hs hand through his dark hair, a large Fearow walking at his side. This bird belonged to his mother, who had let him use him while he was working on getting his own Pokemon back. Noticing trainers starting to gather at the Lake of Rage, he hopped onto the Fearow's back. "Bravery, let's go check out what's going on! Maybe it's that team who stole all my Pokemon!" he called. Seeing asd only his own personal Pokemon knew his sliht hand signals, he had to call out commands to Bravery.

What he saw when he arrived stunned him. He slid off of his mother's Fearow's back and took a small step forward, pale blue eyes focusing onto the ghost-dragon he has claimed as his favorite legendary. "Giratina..." he breathed softly, stepping slowly closer to the gargantuan dragon. Upon reaching it, he slowly, carefully, reached out to place a hand on one of his legs, his eyes rather wide. Then he looked to both sides. "Why are...all the Legends gathered...?" he asked softly, blinking once before looking back up at Giratina.

The dragon bent its head to look at the human male, then gently nudge him. The human he had been waiting for had arrived, so he nudged Elias onto his foot and took a step forwards, causing the ground to shake a bit. He hld himself tall and proud, red eyes scanning the humans down below as a girl in what looked like a military outfit decided to show up.


Aileen crossed her arms as she stepped forward to the Lake of Rage, staring defiantly at the Legends that had been gathered until she spotted Kyurem. A slight smile formed on her face when she spotted the ice-dragon, tilting her head before she looked around. "This is either an awesome trick pulled by everyone here, or we have away to finally get our Pokemon back. I'm gonna vote for getting my Pokemon back, while the rest of you mull it over I'll get accustomed to Kyurem," she stated, stepping forward.

Kyurem stepped forward as well, metting Aileen in the middle. Another Trainer had been chosen by one of the Legends, and she was quickly helped onto the dragon's back by Kyurem itself. The ice-dragon looked around, shifting carefullly so as not to knock Aileen off. These two trainers seeed to be more readily accepting of the Legendaries deciding to help, and Kyurem had to respect them for it.



((Fail. :U))


7:00am Jun 8 2011

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Posts: 2,158


"Oh! Pshh, you just ASK for the pokemon you like?" Fiona looked at Elias. "Ok! I'll give it a try! Entei!"

Ren looked at her in a peculiar face. "Is this serious?" he asked. Fiona shrugged. "Ok! It's worth a shot! Ho-oh! lets go!" Sure enough a entei and Ho-oh can bounding toward them. Fiona closed her eyes tight shut.

"Please don't let this be a dream, this is not a dream!" she said to herself. Apon opening her eyes once more, she saw the entei still looking at her. "Entei? is that... you?" she murmmered.


7:36pm Jun 8 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,158
((so, your just gunna let this die?))


11:00pm Jun 8 2011

Normal User

Posts: 411
(I'm so sorry everyone. My constant lack of internet is keeping me off. I'll get to it as soon as I can..)

YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;

6:36am Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,158
((Well... you were on then. you could have entered your character))


10:10am Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Wish, please don't be rude :/ Bun may have been in a hurry and was maybe only able to type a quick post. ]]


10:17am Jun 9 2011 (last edited on 10:19am Jun 9 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 2,158
((I'm just asking something... how is that rude? So... are we going to just kill this thread? I'm guessing yes since no-one is comited to posting anymore))


10:20am Jun 9 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ Well, to me it seems rather impolite to tell her to do something when perhaps she couldn't have done it. e.g. I'd be rude if I said 'well you were in there, why didn't you grab my wallet on your way out?' after hearing a friend tell me about how she escaped death from a flaming building. Please don't build on this argument like last time, before I bring out dictionary definitions. I have to go to bed now. Night, guys :/ -grumpy because of exams- ]]


10:23am Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,158
((How is it rude to just ask Bun something? Thats all I'm asking! I'm not being rude...))

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